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运行本系统时,登录界面要求输入系统的用户名和密码,此系统提供了两种类型的用户,一种是超级用户,具有执行所有功能的权限,另一种是签到用户,只具有签到功能,因此,这里提供了两个默认的用户名和密码,一个是超级用户,用户名为000,密码为000,另外一个是签到用户,用户名为111,密码为111。 -operation of the system, the log entry system interface requirements of a user name and password, this system offers two types of users, is a super user with the implementation of all functions of the authority, another sign is a user only has attendance capabilities, and it provides two default user name and password, one is a super user, the user called 000, 000 passwords, and is a sign users, users called 111, 111 passwords.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 137081 Publisher : qingqing

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一个简单的模拟图书馆系统实现了用户之间的通讯还有概念上的借书还书 默认管理员 ID:Admin Password:1 其他用户自己注册 本系统可供正在学习Swing或套接字的同学学习-a simple simulation system for the Library of communication between users still on the concept of a library book default management member ID : Admin Password : one other user of the system for registration are learning Swing or socket students learning
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 107127 Publisher : junlin

全站生成html,减轻服务器负载,提高访问速度,更容易被搜索引擎收录,是大中型站点的必然选择。 数据库支持方面,目前默认支持mysql数据库,我们在后期会逐步加入其他数据库支持 支持电影/导航分类添加,可以满足各种不同的应用需求. 升级支持,智能化升级提示保证随时了解并升级到最新版本信息。 可在线编辑电影/导航栏目内容。 后台全傻瓜式控制整个网站,一旦安装成功后即可在线管理而无须FTP或者另做网页。 支持电影/导航添加栏目批量生成html页面。 支持电影/导航添加是否通过设置。 在线播放器同时支持realplayer one 和 Windows Media Player两中类型。-station generated html, reduce server load, increase the speed, more easily search engine recorded. large and medium-sized site is a natural choice. Database support, the current default support mysql database, we will gradually later joined other database support for the film / navigation classified add, to meet different application needs. upgrade support Intelligent upgrade at any time suggested to ensure understanding and upgrade to the latest version information. Available online film editor / content navigation column. Background all idiots-control of the entire site, once installed after the success of online management can not do FTP or another website. Support film / navigation add columns volume generated html pages. Support film / navigation whether through adding installed. Onl
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 320114 Publisher : 陈鹏

NET 框架非常强大,这意味着存在创建优秀应用程序的极大可能,但是也同样存在创建劣质程序的可能。FxCop 是有助于创建更好的应用程序的工具之一,它所采用的方法是:使您能够分析程序集,并使用一些不同的规则来检查它是否符合这些规则。FxCop 随附了由 Microsoft 创建的固定数量的规则,但您也可以创建并包括您自己的规则。例如,如果您决定所有的类都应该具有一个不带任何参数的默认构造函数,则可以编写一条规则,以确保程序集的每个类上都具有一个构造函数。这样,无论是谁编写该代码,您都将获得一定程度的一致性。如果您需要有关创建自定义规则的详细信息,请参阅 John Robbins 的有关该主题的 Bugslayer 专栏文章(MSDN ® Magazine 2004 年 6 月刊)。-very powerful, which means there is the creation of outstanding applications are likely. But there also create the possibility of low-grade procedures. FxCop help create better applications one of the tools it is a method : Analysis enables you to set procedures and the use of some different rules to check whether it meets those rules. FxCop attached by Microsoft to create a fixed number of rules, but you can also create and include your own rules. For example, if you decided that all the categories should not have an argument with the default constructor function, they can prepare a rule to ensure that the procedures set on each category have a constructor. So, no matter who the preparation of the code, you will have a degree of consistency. If you need to establish the rules from the def
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3919298 Publisher : 刘军

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学校管理系统,本管理系统与一般管理系统的区别就是:一般管理系统的后台数据库是用Access或sql server进行前台界面设计软件与后台数据库中的数据表的数据相连接。而此管理系统是用Delphi 6.0自身所带的SQL explorer及interbase进行前台与后台的数据链接,interbase 在使用之前必须先设置用户名和密码,用户名为sysdba,缺省密码为masterkey,方便实用,而且在整个过程中贯穿着很严格的面向对象的编程技术和完整正确的数据库构思方法,较之面向过程的编程技术更为科学,使管理系统逐步系统化、有序化。-school management system, management system and the general management system is the distinction : general management system database is the background to use Access or sql server for future software interface design with the background of the data in the database table data link. While this management system is brought its own Delphi 6.0 of SQL explorer and interb Rnase prospects for background information and links interbase before use must first set up a user name and password, user name sysdba. masterkey default passwords to facilitate practical, but the whole process was filled with the very strict object-oriented programming techniques and the integrity of the database idea of the correct way Compared with the process-oriented programming technology more scientific, systematic manage
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1477326 Publisher : 胡文健

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Tiny C Compiler - C Scripting Everywhere - The Smallest ANSI C compiler Installation on a i386 Linux host (for Windows read win32/readme.txt) ./configure make make test make install By default, tcc is installed in /usr/local/bin. ./configure --help shows configuration options.-Tiny C Compiler-C Scripting Everywhere-T he Smallest ANSI C compiler Installation on a i3 86 Linux host (for Windows read win32/readme.t xt). / configure make make test make install By d efault. TCC is installed in / usr / local / bin.. / configu re -- help shows configuration options.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 446401 Publisher : 刘竞楠

一套完整的在线购物系统,用户可以在线选购商品,在线下定单,可以选择送货方式和付款方式等。有强大的后台管理系统,轻松管理商城。 后台管理用户名:admin 密码:admin888 前台用户登陆:admin 密码:admin888 默认数据库:data/evan.asp 为保证数据安全,强烈建议您在下载后修改数据库路径和名称,同时修改conn.asp文件里的数据库连接字符。-a complete online shopping system that allows users to purchase goods online, online placing, delivery can choose ways and modes of payment. The background of a strong management system, making it easy to manage Mall. Background management Username : admin password : admin888 prospects users Landings : admin Password : admin888 default database : data / evan.asp to ensure data security, strongly recommends that you download and modify the database path name, both the conn.asp documents in the database connection characters.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 251242 Publisher : alen

1、下载亿博购物系统 亿博购物系统每次发布最新版本,都会第一时间公布于亿博网站上( 2、解压亿博购物系统压缩包 将下载回的亿博购物系统解压到指定的目录 3、安装亿博购物系统 1) 在本地安装亿博购物系统执行本操作前请确认您拥有程序说明中所需要的环境 在确认您有运行亿博购物系统的环境后,您需要做以下工作: 将解压后的文件拷贝到本地WEB目录中,IIS或者PWS默认Web目录为C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot,比如您可以装到C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\075518目录下 然后敲入本地测试网址访问,默认为:http://localhost/或者http://ip/,比如您装到C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\075518目录下,那么就可以用http://localhost/075518/index.asp进行访问-a download billion Shopping System billion Bo Bo shopping system for the latest version of each, the first time will be published in the website of Bo billion ( 2, Bo extracting 100 million shopping system will be compressed to the 100 million downloaded Bo shopping system to extract specified directory 3. 100 million to install a system Bo shopping) in the local installation billion Bo shopping system for the implementation of the pre-operational Please confirm your description of the procedures have required the environment must confirm that you are running billion Bo shopping system environment, you need to do the following : to extract the files copied to the local Web directory, or PWS default IIS Web directory C : \\ inetpub \\ wwwroot, such as can be loaded to your C :
Update : 2010-06-30 Size : 5051952 Publisher : xtt

LIBSVM是台湾大学林智仁(Lin Chih-Jen)副教授等开发设计的一个简单、易于使用和快速有效的SVM模式识别与回归的软件包,他不但提供了编译好的可在Windows系列系统的执行文件,还提供了源代码,方便改进、修改以及在其它操作系统上应用;该软件还有一个特点,就是对SVM所涉及的参数调节相对比较少,提供了很多的默认参数,利用这些默认参数就可以解决很多问题-LIBSVM Linzhiren Taiwan University (Lin Chih-Jen), associate professor of design development etc. a simple, easy to use and fast and effective SVM pattern recognition and regression package, He not only provided a good compiler for the Windows implementation of the series of documents, but also provided a source code, to facilitate improvement, as well as changes in other operating systems applications; The software also features a, SVM is the right parameters involved in the regulation is relatively small, with a lot of default parameters, use of these default parameters can solve many problems
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 70332 Publisher : 李莉

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调整PID参数主要分以下几步: 1. 确信在驱动器电压对话框中已设定好正确的驱动器电源电压。 2. 调整的次序是:首先是电流控制器(电流环),然后是速度控制器(速度环),最后是位置控制器(位置环) 3. 对于每个控制器,点击\"Tune\"设置参数为默认值,然后再点击\"Test\"核对调整结果,如果对调整结果不满意,既可以返回到调整对话框中调整参数(带宽,阻尼),也可以在测试对话 框直接调整参数,这样即使在进行测试时也能调整速度和位置控制器参数,通过实时波形显示分析结果,重复测试和调整参数,直到满意的效果-tuning PID parameters mainly the following steps : 1. Convinced that the drive voltage dialog has set a good right drive power supply voltage. 2. Adjust the order is : The first is current controller (current loop), then the speed controller (velocity loop), the final location of the controller (the Central position) 3. For each controller, click on the "Tune" set default values for parameters, then click on "Test" matching result, if not satisfied with the results of the adjustment, both could return to the dialog box to adjust to adjust parameters (bandwidth, damping), the test can also directly adjust parameters dialog, Even though the test also can adjust the speed and position parameters of the controller, real-time waveform display analysis results, repeat testing
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10787 Publisher : vert211

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《学生课绩管理系统》的升级版,采用了sertlet+jsp+javabean+sqlserver,并且做了许多修改! 说明: 数据库连接 在classes目录下的 sqlbean.java中 默认的用户名:1 密码: 1-"student class performance management systems," the updated version, used sertlet jsp javabean SQLServer, and made many changes! Description : Database Connection classes in the directory default user name : a Password : 1
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 382026 Publisher : zhangyg

做项目时别人用的一个类,VC默认的工具栏不支持文字,这个类解决了这个问题-a project to others of a category, VC default toolbar does not support text, the type solved the problem
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13470 Publisher : liulixing

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冰山信息发布系统 将软件包解压,在浏览器中运行软件目录下的install.php 按照提示安装即可. 安装过程中需进修改配置文件,一旦出现问题, 可以将default-config.php复制一份并更名为config.php,重装安装即可-tip of the information dissemination system to extract the package. the browser software to run the install.php directory according to the prompt installation can be. the installation process takes into change configuration file, should any problems arise, it will default - config.php a copy and change its name to config.php. heavy equipment can be installed
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 297509 Publisher : gzk

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能特点: 1.采用 PHP + AJAX 的方式构建。客户端采用缓存技术,减轻服务器的负担。 2.可以远程管理服务器上的文件,包括上传,下载,新建,编辑,复制,粘贴,删除,远程下载等文件操作。 3.实现了远程 ZIP文件打包/解压。 4.多用户,权限管理,可以分配用户各自的操作目录和可操作的文件类型。 5.两种浏览方式:列表模式和图标模式。 6.在图标模式下可以预览图片文件的缩略图。 7.编辑器可以显示行号,字符替换等功能。 8.自定义风格模板。默认管理员:admin 密码:admin-can characteristics : 1. Using PHP AJAX Construction of the way. The client uses caching technology to reduce the burden on the server. 2. Remote management of files on the server, including upload, download, the new, edit, copy, paste, delete, Remote download file manipulation. 3. Within a ZIP file packing / decompression. 4. Multi-user, privilege management, users can be assigned their own catalogs, and operational files. 5. View two ways : List Mode and icon mode. 6. The icon mode can preview the thumbnail pictures. 7. Editors can show OK, characters replace capabilities. 8. Since the definition of style template. Default Administrator : admin Password : admin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 103784 Publisher : hua

将所添加的新闻通过FSO生成.html页面、对原有的数据进行批量生成、对原有未命名、未加更新日期的数据进行批量生成,配有新闻一级分类 模版页面:MB.html 是很原始的程序 登陆地址:/admin_login.asp 默认用户名:admin 密码:adminldld -are added to the news generated by FSO. Html pages of the original volume of data generated, the original unnamed, unregulated Update volume of data generated, equipped with a classification template news pages : MB.html is very primitive landing procedures address : / admin_login.asp default user name : admin password : admin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 681264 Publisher : xp

1:将文件的目录上传到空间,打开jqqonline/admin.asp文件进行初始管理,有12套皮肤供你选择,总有1款适合您的网站风格,默认的密码为159753,可编辑源文件修改。 2:调用QQonline 其中的\"jqqonline/jqqonline.js\"对应地址可修改,此JS文件需要打开admin.asp文件后进行生成。-1 : file uploaded to the directory space, open jqqonline / admin.asp initial document management, there are 12 sets of options for your skin, it is a suitable model your website style, the default passwords to 159,753. edit source files. 2 : Call QQonline
Update : 2010-07-01 Size : 946921 Publisher : weihao

个人论坛的一个java程序,jsp + javabean 运行环境 操作系统: windows 2000\\xp 服务器: tomcat 5.018(jdk 1.42) 数据库: mysql ,sqlserver 均可使用. mysql 默认 用户名为root,密码为空. sqlserver 默认 用户名位sa,密码位sa. 可在\\web-inf\\src\\ 中进行修改.-a personal forum java procedures jsp javabean runtime environment operating system : windows 2000 \\ xp server : tomcat 5.018 (jdk 1.42) database : mysql. SQLServer available. mysql default user name root, Password empty. SQLServer default user reputation sa, Password-sa. the \\ web-inf \\ src \\ Feed in amendments.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 86566 Publisher : lornman

菜单的工作原理及编写应用,菜单命令消息在MFC框架程序的几个类中的传递顺序和处理过程。标记菜单、缺省菜单的实现原理、图形菜单的实现及常犯错误的分析,GetSystemMetrics的应用,快捷弹出菜单的实现方式及其命令响应函数有效范围(与弹出菜单时所指定的父窗口有密切的关系,最底层的子窗口具有最优先的处理机会)。动态菜单的编写,如何让程序在运行时产生新的菜单项及如何手工为这些新产生的菜单命令安排处理函数,如何在顶层窗口中截获对菜单命令的处理,更进一步掌握CString类的应用-menu Principle and the work of preparation of applications, menu commands MFC news in the framework of the procedure several categories sequence and the transmission process. Marker menu, the default menu in principle, the realization of graphics menu and often make mistakes, function GetSystemMetrics applications, quick pop-up menu and the way to achieve order response function effective range (with a pop-up menu at the designated window of the father of a close the relationship between the son of the bottom window with the highest priority treatment opportunities). Dynamic menu preparation, how procedures at runtime create new menu items and how these new manual for the menu commands arrangement function, how the top floor window of intercepted menu orders are handled further grasp redee
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 80466 Publisher :

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一个简单的游戏交易系统 默认用户名:admin 默认密码:admin-a simple game Trading System default user name : admin Default Password : admin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1179676 Publisher : yrh

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一个专业的图文馆程序,由小计天空全权开发,其界面整洁,功能强大,易修改,易结合,可升级. 在相同程序中有很大的优势,希望本站能被大家所认可. 主要功能:小说连载,散文发布,图片发布,漫画连载等,有站内搜索功能. 管理路径:gaoji_admin/default.asp 管理员密码是admin -copies of a professional Museum process from the sky Subtotal full development, its clean interface, powerful and easy to change, easy to integrate, scalable. the same procedure had great advantages, we hope that the site be recognized. the main functions : a series of novels, essays, publishing, photo publishing, comic series, a station search functions. management path : gaoji_admin / default.asp administrator password is admin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3040297 Publisher : wch
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