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默认管理员:etaodu 密码:etaodu 陶都房市++介绍: 本版本是基于<住易江南>美化,基本美化了所有页面,但程序仍有很多不足及漏洞,希望大家一起帮忙解决. 声明:我不是高手,所以本版本中存在错误是难免的,请不要进行人身攻击。 本站只是做了修改美化,但是修改美化这样一个版本也是付出了很大的劳动的,请尊重我的劳动成果。-default administrator : etaodu Password : Pottery etaodu briefed the City : The version is based on lt; Easy living Jiangnan gt; Landscaping, basic landscaping of all pages, but there are still many deficiencies in procedures and loopholes, we hope to help me solve. Statement : I am not a master, this version there is inevitably wrong, please do not make personal attacks. The site is only landscaping changes, but such an amended version of landscaping is put in a lot of work, I respect the result.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3303312 Publisher :

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在Visual C++中编程,缺省情况下按钮只能是灰色,难道不能是彩色?这在多媒体软件中非常重要。答案是肯定的。本程序引入一个新类CColorButton用于解决这个问题-in Visual C programming, default button will be gray, should not be color? This multimedia software is very important. The answer is yes. This program will introduce a new category CColorButton used to solve this problem
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 21146 Publisher : 比尔

V1.2 更新: * 默认对原OEM信息进行备份; * 修正windows 98下部分品牌无法使用的错误; * 增加windows 98下安装序列号的显示; * 修正选择自定义信息后无法再选择内置信息的错误; * 文件选择对话框去掉预览功能,以支持快捷方式的文件联接。 V1.1 更新: * 增加对windows 98的支持; * 增加显示产品序列号。 V1.0 更新: * 增加新联想OEM信息和11种主流CPU信息; * 改正高级选项里的一个BUG。 V0.99 发布,内置15种品牌OEM信息,可自定义OEM信息。-V1.2 Update : * OEM default on the original information backup; * Amendments to the lower part of windows 98 brands can not use error; * Installation of windows 98 of the sequence shows; * Amendments to select the custom message can no longer choose the wrong message embedded; * Documentation election Optional box removed preview capabilities to support efficient way connected to the paper. V1.1 Update : * increase support for Windows 98; * The increasing product serial number. V1.0 Update : * The new Lenovo OEM information and 11 CPU; * High corrective options's a BUG. V0.99 released, built-in 15 brands OEM information, OEM-defined information.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 324442 Publisher : 李高

5.0B版的游戏人间和心灵港湾、绿色心情三种风格。 增加了首页对最新发表主题、最强人气帖、最多回复帖的调用。 丰富了每日贴士的内容,修正了播放器程序,增加了在线电台栏目。 去掉了许多不必要的调用,缓解了对空间资源的消耗。 虽然功能增加不少,但速度却比5.0B版更快,也更实用。 默认前台管理员的帐号是失却的记忆,密码都是19790414-5.0B version of the game and the human soul Harbor, green heart of three styles. A Home for the latest theme, the most popular proposal, most reply brief call. The daily tips rich content, amended the players procedures, increased online radio programs. Removed a lot of unnecessary calls, mitigation of space resources consumption. Although the functional increase, but the rate faster than the version 5.0B, but also more practical. Default Account Manager outlook is the loss of memory, the password is 19790414
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6021836 Publisher : zc

支持不要注册就可下订单,版面美观大方,强大的后台功能,订单、会员管理非常方便,有会员购买报表,缺货报表等,会员系统人性化,跟踪订单处理,留言功能、收藏功能、历史记录等,支持IPAY在线支付、支付宝、NPS、网银 默认用户名密码:admin -registration could not support orders, layout stylish, powerful features of the background, orders, the Member Management very convenient, with a membership of the purchase statements shortage statements, Member humanized system to track orders, voice, collection function, the historical record, and support IPAY online payment, payment treasures, the NPS, net Silver default user name Password : admin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2956048 Publisher : mxd

源程序说明: 1。图片按钮的实现(工具栏) 2。程序启动后检查命令行参数以打开文件 3。支持拖放*.HTXT文件到窗口直接打开 4。一种实现多线程处理的替代方法 5。程序始终位于顶层切换的API实现 6。设置图片为桌布的API实现 7。实现“撤销、重复”的数据结构 8。获取和设置图片的数据API实现 9。图像数据的RGB调整 10。调用默认网络浏览程序访问网页,调用默认邮件处理程序编辑、发送邮件 11。在分形绘图方面可以很方便的加入 新的方程、颜色方案和特效处理方式 -source Notes : 1. Photo button achieve (toolbar) 2. After commencement inspection command line parameters to open the three documents. *. HTXT support drag and drop files to the open window directly 4. A multi-threaded processing of the five alternatives. Procedures always at the top of the switching API 6. Photo tablecloths set for the API 7. Achieving "removed, repeat" the data structure 8. Photo access and set up the data API 9. The RGB image data adjusted 10. Call the default Web browser to access the website, called the default mail handling procedures editor, send e-mail 11. The fractal graphics can be very easy to add a new equation, color and special effects program approach
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 230861 Publisher : 王晶

EDIT控件设置只读属性后就不允许用户进行输入和编辑删除等基本操作了,控件只可以用来信息的浏览,但是,如果使用默认的设置函数的话,EDIT控件的背景色将变成灰色,如果你的主题程序的颜色背景进行一致的处理的话,这样可能会与你的整体风格不和,所以需要一个具有背景颜色但是又具有只读属性的EDIT控件刻不容缓了. 实现的方法其实很简单,派生一个CEDIT类,我们这里命名为CColReadOnlyEdit,再这个类中我们首先触发PreTranslateMessage,这个函数可以用来截获消息编程。-EDIT controls installed after the read-only attribute does not allow users to input and edit delete basic operation of the control information can be used only browser, but if the use of the default settings, it is highly EDIT control the background color to gray, but if your theme procedure for a background color made a deal with the case, it may be with your overall style and not, so it is necessary to have a background color but also with the read-only attribute the delay EDIT Controls. realizing the fact is very simple, derived a CEDIT category, we named CColReadOnlyEdit here, and the first category trigger PreTranslateMessage, this function can be used to intercepted news programming.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 33342 Publisher : 屠理峰

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《学生课绩管理系统》的升级版,采用了sertlet+jsp+Javabean+sqlserver,并且做了许多修改! 说明: 数据库连接 在classes目录下的 sqlbean.java中 默认的用户名:1 密码: 1 -"student class performance management systems," an updated version using the sertlet jsp Javabean SQLServer, and made many changes! Description : Database Connection classes in the directory default user name : a password : 1
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 382568 Publisher : 杜飞

jbuilder的网络浏览器程序,很简单,没有记忆和默认匹配功能,初学抄自一本书的,所以我改了一点,不过还可以-JBuilder Web browser procedure is quite simple and not default memory and matching functions, beginner copied from a book, so I changed it just a little, but can also
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 86393 Publisher : 彭宇

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其实是一个exe补丁, 不好归类。所以放到这里 ff7汉化版本的键盘补丁程序,由于有些笔记本没有小键盘, 所以制作该程序能修改默认的按键, 详细可见天幻网 ff7论坛的置顶帖, 这个是原代码。-exe is a patch, not classified. So here put the episode was about finished version of the keyboard patches, some no small notebook keyboard, making the procedure to amend the default button detail can be seen day magic network forum set-top episode was about security, this is the original code.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 623061 Publisher : 胡俊杰

一个将文件随机填充到以指定单位长度对齐的代码,每次填充的内容都会变化。默认对齐长度为512字节-a random filling of documents to a designated unit length alignment of code, each filled with the contents will change. Alignment length of the default 512 bytes
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1742409 Publisher : 阿龙

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服务器与客户间通过套接口Socket(TCP)连接。在java中使用套接口相当简单,Java API为处理套接口的通信提供了一个类,使得编写网络应用程序相对容易.服务器采用多线程以满足多用户的请求,通过JDBC与后台数据库连接,并通过创建一个ServerSocket对象来监听来自客户的连接请求,默认端口为8080,然后无限循环调用accept()方法接受客户程序的连接-server and client presentation by Socket Interface (TCP) connections. Java use in presentation interface is quite simple, Java API sets to address the communications interface provides a type , Making the preparation of network applications relatively easily. Multi-threaded servers to meet the multi-user request, through JDBC and background database connections, and through the creation of a ServerSocket object from the client to monitor the connection request, the default port of 8080, then infinite loops call accept () method to accept client connections
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 902994 Publisher : 周海波

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完成一个小的游戏,你输入的颜色和号码 必须与默认的一样,而且可以循环,当读者不要时自动退出-completion of a small game, you enter the colors and numbers with the default, but can cycle, when the reader must not voluntarily quit
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 232166 Publisher : 杨惠

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本书作者根据自己学习C++的亲身体会及多年教学经验,用简单的例子和简练的叙述讲解C++编程,别具特色。 全书共分十八章,内容涉及对象的演化、数据抽象、隐藏实现、初始化与清除、函数重载与缺省参数、输入输出流介绍、常量、内联函数、命名控制、引用和拷贝构造函数、运算符重载、动态对象创建、继承和组合、多态和虚函数、模板和包容器类、多重继承、异常处理和运行时类型识别。 本书作为正式教材和自学用书均非常优秀,作为程序设计者的参考用书亦极为合适。 -author of this book learning C according to their personal experience and years of teaching experience, in a simple and concise example of the narrative on the C programming, unique. The book is divided into 18 chapters, covering the evolution of object, data abstraction, hiding realized, and the removal of initialization, function overloading and default parameters, input and output streams, constants, associated functions, naming control, the application and copy constructor function, Operator, dynamic object creation , inheritance and mix polymorphism and virtual functions, templates and pack containers, multiple inheritance, exception handling and operation types of identification. The book as an official self-learning materials and books are excellent, as a procedural designers refere
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14502650 Publisher : 沈郑燕

本程序可加到用户的源程序之前,起到加锁的作用。本程序的特点是: 口令保密性强(保存于文件KLK.CFG中,此文件名也可由用户重新命名),而 且用户可随时修改口令。在程序中当用户输入口令后,系统首先测试口令文 件KLK.CFG是否存在(只有用户运行了修改口令子函数后才会生成口令文件, 否则系统只认默认口令88888888),若存在则从中取出口令字,否则系统用 默认口令与用户输入的口令进行较验。另外,修改口令子函数changkl(), 可在用户程序中调用,以修改口令文件中的口令字。 -procedures can be added to the user's source, the role played locked. This process is characterized by : Password confidentiality strong (KLK.CFG preserved in documents, file name may also be re-named users), and user passwords can be modified at any time. The procedure when a user enter a password, the password system, in the first test document KLK.CFG existence (only users running modified only after Functions password generated password, or the system default passwords but only 88888888), and if there were removed from the words password, or the system using default passwords and users input the password for more testing. In addition, the revised password Functions changkl (), the user can call procedures, to change the password file passwords.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4163 Publisher : 小倪

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适用于个人和中小型企业站点的数据量不大的情况下使用,保留一套免费网站模板 管理员地址:admin/index.jsp 用默认超级管理用户名:admin 密码:admin-apply to individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises site of the data of little use. reservations a free website template administrators address : admin / index.jsp with Super default management Username : admin Password : admin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7456600 Publisher : 辜国强

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ergydfhgdfhggfhg 一.实验目的 二.实验内容 三、程序简要说明 原 文 : C语言词法分析器的设计与实现 一.实验目的: 1.强化对系统软件综合工程实现能力、规划能力的训练; 2.加强对词法分析原理、方法和基本实现技术的理解; 二.实验内容: 用C语言(或 C++ )作为宿主语言完成: C语言(ANSI C或turbo C 2.0)词法分析器的设计和实现。 三、程序简要说明: 1、属性字说明: 共9种 KEYWORD: 关键字 \"auto\",\"break\",\"case\",\"char\",\"const\",\"continue\", \"default\",\"do\",\"double\",\"else\",\"enum\",\"extern\", \"float\",\"for\",\"goto\",\"if\",\"int\",\"long\",\"register\", \"return\",\"short\",\"signed\",\"sizeof\",\"static\",\"struct\", \"switch\",\"typedef\",\"union\",\"unsigned\",\"void\", \"volatile\",\"while\",\"include\",\"define\" 共34个 详见IsKeyWord()函数 NUMBER: 数字 包括十进制整数,八进制整数,二进制整数,十六进制整数 还可返回几种错误 详见IsNumber()函数 CONSTANT: 常量 宏定义标识符,不识别C++关键字const,简单处理一层宏定义。 详见IsDefined()函数 ...... 关键词 : 计算机 编译原理 c语言 词法分析器-ergydfhg gfhg one. Experiment 2. Experiment 3, procedures brief description of the original : C language lexical analyzer Design and Implementation of a. The experiment : 1. To strengthen the integrated system software engineering, planning capacity of training; 2. Lexical analysis on principle, and basic understanding of the technology; 2. Experiment : C (or C) as the host language completed : C language (ANSI C or Turbo C 2.0) lexical analyzer design and implementation. 3, brief description of procedures : 1, the word attribute : a total of nine species KEYWORD : keyword "auto" "break" and "case", "char", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "enum" "ext
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1214 Publisher : 天空

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一.实验目的 二.实验内容 三、程序简要说明 原 文 : C语言词法分析器的设计与实现 一.实验目的: 1.强化对系统软件综合工程实现能力、规划能力的训练; 2.加强对词法分析原理、方法和基本实现技术的理解; 二.实验内容: 用C语言(或 C++ )作为宿主语言完成: C语言(ANSI C或turbo C 2.0)词法分析器的设计和实现。 三、程序简要说明: 1、属性字说明: 共9种 KEYWORD: 关键字 \"auto\",\"break\",\"case\",\"char\",\"const\",\"continue\", \"default\",\"do\",\"double\",\"else\",\"enum\",\"extern\", \"float\",\"for\",\"goto\",\"if\",\"int\",\"long\",\"register\", \"return\",\"short\",\"signed\",\"sizeof\",\"static\",\"struct\", \"switch\",\"typedef\",\"union\",\"unsigned\",\"void\", \"volatile\",\"while\",\"include\",\"define\" 共34个 详见IsKeyWord()函数 NUMBER: 数字 包括十进制整数,八进制整数,二进制整数,十六进制整数 还可返回几种错误 详见IsNumber()函数 CONSTANT: 常量 宏定义标识符,不识别C++关键字const,简单处理一层宏定义。 详见IsDefined()函数 ...... 关键词 : 计算机 编译原理 c语言 词法分析器-one. Experiment 2. Experiment 3, procedures brief description of the original : C language lexical analyzer Design and Implementation of a. The experiment : 1. To strengthen the integrated system software engineering, planning capacity of training; 2. Lexical analysis on principle, and basic understanding of the technology; 2. Experiment : C (or C) as the host language completed : C language (ANSI C or Turbo C 2.0) lexical analyzer design and implementation. 3, brief description of procedures : 1, the word attribute : a total of nine species KEYWORD : keyword "auto" "break" and "case", "char", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "enum" "extern", "
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1214 Publisher : 天空

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IE填表软件 功能:不运行该软件也能填表,就是有对话框时能在IE右键菜单中加入相就条目。 原理: HEKY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\SOFTWARE\\MICROSOFT\\INTERNET EXPLORER\\NEMUEXT中加入相应键值,并在该键下建立3个值。一个为默认(点击该菜单选项时运行相应的JAVA脚本,另一个为CONTEXTS(就是在EDIT对象中单击右键出现该选项),最后一个为DESCRIBE(点击菜单右键相应的KEY所出现的值的注释,真正有用的点击是在JAVA脚本中).-IE guidance software : not running the software also can fill in a form. when there is dialog in IE right menu inclusion on the entry. Principle : HEKY_USERS \\. DEFAULT \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ I NTERNET Expedition \\ NEMUEXT adding corresponding keys and in the bond established three values. One of default (click the menu option to run when the corresponding Java script, Another of CONTEXTS (EDIT is the object to which the right-click option), the last one to DESCRIBE (right-click menu corresponding KEY by the value of the Notes, it really is useful in Java script).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 48050 Publisher : li

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  原来一些32位版发表在   因暂停。更新的版本改上传于你处。    在原来的基础上。 增加了简单的宏指令. 增加了链接分散的汇编文本能力. 增加了完全的32位寻址格式. 例如: MOV EAX,[9*EDX] 也即MOV EAX,[EDX+8*EDX] 又如 ADD [ESI+ECX+某单或四字节数],另某数 其中: 某单或四字节数,默认为单字节偏移.(有些会另外,如PUSH类默认为32位的四字节.) 可以用DW等指定为字节长如 ADD [ESI+ECX+DW 某数],WO 另某数或者 ADD WO [ESI+ECX+DW 某数],另某数   目前还属于简陋版的中文汇编编译器-some 32 original version published in http : / / result of the suspension. The updated version upload change in you. In the original foundation. A simple macros. A compilation of links scattered text capabilities. A total of 32 addressable format. Cases such as : MOV EAX, [EDX * 9] that is MOV EAX, [EDX EDX * 8] Also ADD [ESI scanning of a single - or four bytes], and the other a few of which : a single - or four bytes, the default single-byte offset. (Some will Moreover, if PUSH default category for the 32 four-byte.) DW can be used as specified in bytes long as ADD [ESI EC DW certain X], WO a certain number or another WO ADD [ESI IR DW certain] a few others also belong to the Chinese version of the simple compilation compiler
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 33273 Publisher : 兰根顺
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