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此源码描述它是 DirectMusic实例,显示如何在一个缺省的音频路径上播放一个片段-this source described it DirectMusic example, show how a default audio broadcast on a path fragment
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22699 Publisher : 281014778

可能很多人都曾经想过要实现一些比较大的数的阶乘,但是C++中提供的标准数据类型其存储空间太小,根本无法实现。我们可以通过其他方法来实现,本程序用一个很简单的算法实现数的阶乘,程序很短,也很简单,各处都有注释,相信大家很容易就可以看懂,下载源码后在VC6.0中打开编译后即可运行,程序经少许改动可以实现更大的数的阶乘,有兴趣的读者在看完本程序后可一动手试试,其乐无穷!!希望这个程序能给大家一点帮助。程序可能还有许多不足之出,热烈欢迎各位前来指导。解压密码 本站默认解压密码 -many people may have thought about the need to achieve some of the relatively large number of factorial. But C is the standard data types of its storage space is too small, it is impossible to achieve. We can through other methods to achieve this procedure with a very simple algorithm for the factorial, the procedures are short, is also very simple, and Notes everywhere, I believe we can easily understand them Download source VC6.0 after the open and then compile it to run. After some procedural changes can achieve greater number of factorial, interested readers at the end of the procedure after a try hands, Fun for all at! ! Hope this process will give us some help. There may be many procedural deficiencies that warm welcome to you all to the guide. Archives default passwords extract extr
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 33989 Publisher : lq

DL : 0
文件类型关联到某个应用程序中,这样生成的文件就可以默认用你的程序打开了-documents linked to a certain type of application, the production of such documents can use the default procedure opened the
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2724 Publisher : 田永海

如果你用 MFC 编写过多文档界面(MDI)Windows 程序,那么肯定知道:如果父窗口标题为“PCaption”,子窗口标题为“CCaption”,那么每当子窗口最大化并处于激活状态时,子窗口标题一般都会与父窗口标题合二为一,变成“PCaption-[CCaption]”。 这是一种 MDI 的默认行为。用 C# 编写多文档界面程序也不例外。很多用户都不喜欢这种缺省特性,往往想用定制的窗口标题取而代之。该例子示范如何在C#程序中定制和修改MDI应用的窗口标题。-If you use MFC prepared excessive document interface (MDI) Windows procedures, Well know for sure : If the father window entitled "PCaption" Subwindow entitled "CCaption," then maximize the window whenever son was in a state of activation, Subwindow heading generally patriarchal heading into one window, become "PCaption-[CCaption]." This is a MDI default behavior. C# prepared multi-document interface procedures are no exception. Many users do not like this default characteristics are often customized to use the title of the window replaced. The examples demonstrate how C# procedures customization and modification of MDI application's window title.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 27212 Publisher :

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自己编的俄罗斯方块游戏,使用键盘上的方向键进行游戏:左键左移,右键右移,下键快速下落,上键改变形状。菜单项中帮助有按键说明。菜单中可以选择游戏难度,游戏分为困难、普通和容易三个默认级别。 -own addendum to the Russian box game, the use of keyboard keys for the game : Left-left, right-shifted to the right. Quick keys whereabouts on the key change shape. Help menu item shows a button. Menu can be difficult to choose the game, the game is difficult, the ordinary and easy three-level default.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 43021 Publisher : 张琦

本书详细介绍CCNA考试的内容,主要有:互连网络的模型、Cisco路由器、交换机和集线器的特点;Cisco IOS软件的初步知识;TCP/IP协议套件的综合概括;管理广域网,配置ISDN、帧中继和ATM;学习IP配置;Novell IPX协议栈、IPX封装类型和SAP及RIP的配置;使用访问表进行基本的通信量管理;默认的局域网连网,跨域配置VLAN。 在每一章中,均有针对认证目标的详细说明、有关认证的总结信息、2分钟练习和自我测试题,可帮助读者更好地理解认证的内容。 -book CCNA detailed examination of the contents, including : network interconnection model, Cisco routers, switches and hubs characteristics; Cisco IOS software preliminary knowledge; TCP / IP protocol suite summarize; WAN management, configuration ISDN, Frame Relay and ATM; Learning IP configuration; Novell IPX protocol stack, IPX Packaging type and SAP and RIP configuration; Use Form visit the basic traffic management; the default LAN networking, cross-border VLAN configuration. In each chapter, there is the goal against certification details, a summary of the authentication information, 2-minute exercises and self-tests that will help readers gain a better understanding of the contents of certification.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8618040 Publisher : spx

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本章程序只支持Access后台数据库,不支持SQL Server后台数据库。在ie中输入http://就可以看到首页了。 登录用户可以使用默认账号1,1登录进入 -procedures of this chapter only background Access database support, and will not support SQL Server database background. Ie the input can see the homepage. Login users can use a default account, enter a login
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 107380 Publisher : king

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网愿科技--个人主页系统V1.0 默认用户名:gohgd 密码均为admin888 无需安装,解压即可使用。 使用及升级说明:此系统需要FSO支持,如果你的服务器不支持FSO,将不能使用此系统. 如果你的系统不支持FSO,建议您与管理员联系,寻求解决方法。 如果你已使用此系统的之前的版本,但系统不支持FSO,请勿升级到此版本. -network is willing to technology -- Personal Home System V1.0 default user name : gohgd admin888 passwords are no installation, can be extracted using. Use and escalation : This system needs to support the FSO, if your server does not support FSO, will not use this system. If your system does not support FSO, it is recommended that you contact with the administrators to seek a solution. If you are using this system earlier versions, but do not support the FSO system, do not upgrade version here.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2290136 Publisher : woshixinshou

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一、www.easyjf.com全站源码是EasyJF开源团队站务组及核心成员共同开发及维护的系统,该全部源码不是一个开源项目,仅供EasyJF团队正式成员使用,为庆祝2006年德国世界杯开幕,EasyJF管理团队讨论于6月9日对外开放源码,EasyJF没有打算对该下载包进行后期更新,该源码仅供广大的国内java开源爱好者学习及交流EasyJWeb及EasyDBO等开源目使用。 二、www.easyjf.com全站源码中使用的各开源项目(如EasyJWeb、EasyDBO、EasyJSite等)可以按照这些项目的使用许可协议应用。 三、该下载系统中默认使用MS SQL Server作为数据库。通过使用EasyDBO_0.5.0,只需要把EasyDBO配置文件稍作修改即可支持Oracle、MySQL、Access等几种数据库。 四、Ms_sql_database是MS SQL的数据库备份文件,还原即可。 五、源码打包于2006年5月,部分功能还不完善,EasyJF官网系统当前仍在不断更新中,因此本下载包,有部分功能跟现在EasyJF官网上的有一定差异。 六、源码中主要包括一个新闻发布系统、EasyJF官网论坛系统(已经单独开源)、EasyJF团队项目管理系统、EasyJWeb(开源项目)源码等几部分综合集成。-one, station EasyJF revenue source is the team and come to the core group members come together hair and maintaining the system, which is not a source of all revenue items, EasyJF team is for the use of full membership, To celebrate the 2006 World Cup in Germany opened EasyJF management team to discuss the June 9 opening up the source code, EasyJF not intend to download packages for the late update, The source code is for the majority of the domestic revenue java lovers learning and the exchange of EasyJWeb and EasyDBO Head use such revenue. 2. the station's source of the use of open source projects (such as EasyJWeb. EasyDBO, EasyJSite, etc.) in accordance with these projects can use the application license agreements. 3, the download system default is to
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6109184 Publisher : liquan

在首次运行时,自动生成INI配置文件,网页文件夹和一个测试网页。 默认端口:8080 WebServer.jar为已经编译好的java文件,在Dos下可以(注意要在WebServer.jar所在路径)执行java -jar WebServer.jar,在Dos窗口中会有大量的提示信息。不建议用无Dos窗口的方式使用。 包含三个Class: 还含有大量注释。-the first operation, automatic generation INI configuration files, folders and web testing a website. Default port : 8080 WebServer.jar already compiled java documents, In Dos under (note to the path where WebServer.jar) implementation of java-jar WebServer.jar, Dos window there will be a lot of reminders. Does not recommend using non - Dos window use. Class 3 includes : (main) Reques also contains large amounts of the Notes.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10180 Publisher : 阿木

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vnc本地口令破解C源代码 默认情况下VNC服务端的密码是放在注册表中的,本工具只针对这种情况。首先用ASP读出注册表中的加密密码,然后用破解工具破解。我给出大家一个读取VNC密码的ASP脚本,默认情况下VNC密码存放在HKCU\\Software\\ORL\\WinVNC3\\Password Set WshShell = server.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\") bkey=WSHShell.RegRead(\"HKCU\\Software\\ORL\\WinVNC3\\Password\") for each str in bkey response.write hex(str) next 读取出来后结果类似 49 40 15 F9 A3 5E 8B 22这种十六进制,这是VNC加密的密码。我们可以用vncx4 破解它,vncx4使用很简单,只要在命令行下输入 c:\\>vncx4 -W 然后顺序输入上面的每一个十六进制数据,每输完一个回车一次就行了。-vnc local crack password C source code default under VNC server password is placed on the registry. The tools only address this situation. First ASP registry read out the encryption password, and then use the tool to break the resolve. I have given you a password to read VNC ASP script, By default under the VNC password stored in HKCU \\ Software \\ ORL \\ WinVNC3 \\ P assword Set WshShell = server.CreateObject ( " WScript.Shell ") bkey = WSHShell.RegRead (" HK CU \\ Software \\ ORL \\ WinVNC3 \\ Password ") for eac h str in bkey response.write hex (str) next read out After similar results F9 49 40 15 22 A3 5E 8B this hexadecimal, it is encrypted VNC password. Vncx4 we can resolve it, vncx4 simple to use, as long as the command line input c : \\
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4104 Publisher : 小李

c编写的游戏郑成功 小键盘1-9控制主船方向 其中5是开炮 或鼠标控制 F1背景音乐开关(默认开) 如果运行出错,请将显示器分辨率调到1024*768,色深调为32位真彩,并启用硬件加速-c prepared by Zheng Chenggong game 1-9 small keyboard to control the direction of the main vessel which is fired five or mouse control F1 background Music Switches (default open) If you are running a mistake, I would be grateful if the redeployment Display resolution 1024 * 768. Deep color transferred to a sleekly 32, and the opening of hardware acceleration
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3385304 Publisher : hk

移植到MCS51的uCOS_II。 1。在文件OS_CORE.C中OSMapTbl和OSUnMapTbl数组用于查表,所以应该放在code里。 增加code关键字。UCOS_II.H和OS_CORE.C。 2。OS_CFG.H堆栈大小MaxStkSize改为900。 3。OS_CPU_C.C的InitTimer0函数增加了关于开T0中断的解释。 允许T0中断,此时EA=0(51上电缺省值),中断还不会发生,满足在OSStart()前不产生中断的要求。 4。修改中断处理流程,以便严密监视中断嵌套情况。每个中断进入后立即进行OSIntNesting+1原语操作。 5。增加printf函数的移植,支持灵活的数据显示。支持标准或长二进制/八进制/十进制/十六进制/无符号整数, 支持字符、字符串、浮点数、百分号%。其中,浮点数在整个范围内被完全支持,统一采用科学记数法显示。 -transplanted to the MCS51 uCOS_II. 1. In the document which OSMapTbl OS_CORE.C and OSUnMapTbl array for Lookup, Therefore, it should be placed on code Lane. Increased code keyword. UCOS_II.H and OS_CORE.C. 2. OS_CFG.H MaxStkSize stack size to 900. 3. OS_CPU_C.C InitTimer0 function of the increase on the open T0 interrupted explained. Allow T0 interruption, this time EA = 0 (51 electricity default value), also will not be interrupted. meet the OSStart () do not have interrupted the former requirements. 4. Changes interrupt handling procedures, in order to closely monitor the situation interrupt nesting. Each interruption immediately after entering OSIntNesting a primitive operation. 5. Printf function to increase the transplant, support flexible data show. Support for standard or long binar
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 157834 Publisher : zhangk

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joekoe cms 1.2官方版为核心的热线版本,包括新闻、信阳、女性、母婴、 生活、房产、 服装、学习、 文学、 笑林、 解梦、 动画、 图片、 酷站、人才、 二手、 商城、 下载、 黄页、 房源、音乐、 电影、 娱乐、 游戏、推荐、聊天、日记、留言、论坛等29个栏目。 默认的管理员用户名是:admin ,密码和验证码都是cn0376-joekoe 1.2 cms official version of the core version of the hotline, including news, Xinyang, women, maternal and child. living, real estate, clothing, learning, literature, Jokes, explain it, animation, photographs, Kuzhan, talent, and the secondary, a mall, download, Yellow Pages, the housing stock, music, film, entertainment, games and recommendation, chat, diary, voice mail, Forum 29 columns. The default administrator user name is : admin, password and authentication code are cn0376
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6170487 Publisher : 傲天

his project was built and tested with WinAVR-20060125. Make sure the MCU target define in the Makefiles corresponds to the AVR you are using!! To build the code, just install WinAVR and run \"make\" from the console in echomaster and echoslave subdirs. \"make program\" will program the device if you have a AVRISP attached. Remember to set the AVR device to at least 8MHz. The AVR may use the programmable clock from MC1319x, just remember to check if the MC1319x and SPI communication is working FIRST! Otherwise you wont get any clock signal to the AVR and then you can t program it or reset the fuses! The MC1319x has default clock output of 32kHz so you will have to set your programmer to a very low frequency (<=32kHz/4) to be able to program it while it is running on that!-his project was built and tested with WinAV R-20060125. Make sure the MCU target define in t he Makefiles corresponds to the AVR you are usin g! ! To build the code, WinAVR just install and run "make" from the cons Morning in echomaster and echoslave subdirs. "make program "will program the device if you have a AV RISP attached. Remember to set the device to AVR at least 8MHz. The AVR may use the programmable c lock from MC1319x. just remember to check if the MC1319x and SPI com munication is working FIRST! Otherwise you will t get any clock signal to the AVR and then you can not program it or reset the fuses! The MC1319x has de fault clock output of 32kHz so you will have to se not your programmer to a very low frequency (
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25207 Publisher : chezhen

追踪方法代码时,Eclipse默认是转到方法的接口类,而接口中是只有方法名称没有具体的实现代码,此插件提供了追踪到具体实现类的实现代码的功能。经过修改,更为好用-tracing code, Eclipse is the default method to the interface type, and the interface is the only method names no specific codes, This plug-in provides a specific track to achieve category codes function. The revised, more user friendly
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 124538 Publisher : 刘刚

AJAX Date Picker is a free ASP.NET 2.0 calendar control that utilizes AJAX techniques to get data from the server without an entire page postback. You can specify the clickable dates on a given month as well as other days like holidays, etc. A great application for this control is for those sites that use some reservation system to select valid dates. For example, a travel site can use this control to render only valid dates. This control limits the user on what dates to click. As a result, you have a hybrid client/server validation. This control is free along with the source code. Feel free to modify the code to suit your needs. If you want to change the look, all you have to do is modify the Default.css file or create your own. Make sure you use the same class names. There is a property called ImageDirectory where you can specify the image directory (the default is images).-AJAX Date Picker is a free ASP.NET 2.0 calen dar control that utilizes AJAX techniques to ge t data from the server without an entire page pos tback. You can specify the dates on a clickable g iven month as well as on other days like holidays. etc.. A great application for this control is for those sites that use some reservation system to select valid dates. For example, a travel site can use this control to render only valid dates. This control limits the user on wha t dates to click. As a result, you have a hybrid client / server validation. Th is control is free along with the source code. Fe el free to modify the code to suit your needs. If y ou want to change the look, all you have to do is modify the file Default.css or create your own. Make sure you use the same 10:48 ss names. The
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 81260 Publisher : zhangli

DL : 0
绘制一图形时钟,并在下面显示电子时间,可以通过电子时间栏修改时间,默认时间与系统时间一样。-graphics rendering a clock, and below, electronic time, the electronic time modified column, the default time to time with the same system.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2663 Publisher : rerainer

DL : 0
1. 仍然使用MyDatabase数据库,用SYSDBA用户登录。 2. 在ISQL中,依次输入第4章的数据表创建SQL语句;或者根据表4-1至4-8自行创建数据表。(可以直接使用光盘提供的MyDatabase.GDB数据库。) 3. 使用MyDB数据库连接,在SQL Explorer中输入原始数据。除了表4-9和表4-10的内容,还需要在USER_PASS表中设置一个权限为’3’的JWC用户名,用于课程的调度;设置若干个教师的账号(需要在TEACHER数据表中设置相应信息),权限为’2’;若干学生的账号。 4. 修改源代码中数据库连接组件Database的参数,包括服务器地址、登录用户名和默认密码。 -1. Still used MyDatabase database, with SYSDBA user login. 2. In ISQL, followed importation of Chapter 4 of the data table creation SQL; Or, according to Table 4 -1 4-8 to set up a data table. (CD can be used directly for the MyDatabase.GDB database.) 3. Use a few MyDB According to the Link, SQL Explorer in the original input data. In addition to Table 4 -9 and table of contents 4-10. USER_PASS also need a table set up the authority of the'3 'JWC user name, for course scheduling; Several teachers set up the account (in TEACHER data tables set up corresponding information), the authority of'2 '; Several student's account. 4. Modifying the source code, database connectivity components Database parameters, including server, Login default user name and password.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 81778 Publisher : bansom

DL : 0
关于VC6.0的菜单界面设计的源代码,菜单的工作原理及编写应用,菜单命令消息在MFC框架程序的几个类中的传递顺序和处理过程。标记菜单、缺省菜单的实现原理、图形菜单的实现及常犯错误的分析,GetSystemMetrics的应用,快捷弹出菜单的实现方式及其命令响应函数有效范围(与弹出菜单时所指定的父窗口有密切的关系,最底层的子窗口具有最优先的处理机会)。动态菜单的编写,如何让程序在运行时产生新的菜单项及如何手工为这些新产生的菜单命令安排处理函数,如何在顶层窗口中截获对菜单命令的处理,更进一步掌握CString类的应用。-VC6.0 on the menu interface design, source code, menu and the working principle of the preparation of applications, Menu information in order MFC framework of the procedure several categories sequence and the transfer process. Marker menu, the default menu in principle, the realization of graphics menu and often make mistakes, function GetSystemMetrics application, quick pop-up menu of ways and order response function effective range (with a pop-up menu at the specified window of a close father the relationship between the bottom of the sub-window is the top priority processing opportunities). Dynamic menu preparation, how procedures at runtime create new menu items and how these new manual for the menu command arrangements for dealing with the function, How window in the top right menu in
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 78411 Publisher : 常攀峰
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