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This a example of how to Shutdown, Restart, and Log Off Windows XP using code. This uses Shell code. It works very well. I only tested the Shutdown code but the others should work. Note: The shutdown service will obviously need to be running for this to work. It is by default so you shouldn t see to many cases of this code not working.-This is a example of how to Shutdown, Restart, and Log Off Windows XP using code. This uses Shell code. It works very well. I only tested the Shutdown code but the others should work. Note: The shutdown service will obviously need to be running for this to work. It is by default so you shouldn t see to many cases of this code not working.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : Gaby

NoteXpad嗯,一款用于书写源码的程序,可以自己更改-NoteXpad 2.0 is the completely rewritten descendant of the original, award winning NoteXpad program formerly posted on this site. NoteXpad 2.0 is a replacement for Notepad (The default text editor for Windows.) and takes advantage of new API calls only found in Windows 2000 and newer versions of Windows.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 63488 Publisher : zhangyi

DL : 0
使用API函数ShellExecute可以调用外部默认的浏览器和电子邮件工具来打开一个超链接和和发送一个电子邮件。-Can use the API function ShellExecute call external default browser and e-mail tool to open a hyperlink and and send an e-mail.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher :

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1.数据库文件在data目录,已经做了防下载处理。 2.后台登录地址在网站域名/admin,默认管理员账号:admin,密码:admin 3.先进入后台根据提示设置你网站的基本信息,生成全站一次和所有分类. 4.修改的功能有, 点入,点出排行, 今日上榜网站, 增加的描述, 今日加入的网站, 推荐网站 ,未审核网站 竞价商家广告 站内搜索功能 10个广告位 5.自动生成HTM,自动更新,最新点入即时排名是调用ASP的,这样才能无延时,从新排版美化,非常大气 6.也做好优化,搜索引擎收录良好,无任何广告,无垃圾代码 7.后台操作更简单 发出来免费共享,希望也能留个我的友情链接,有问题随时咨询我 或给我留言-1. Database file in the data directory, has been done to deal with anti-download. 2. Back in the website with the domain name registry Address/admin, the default administrator account: admin, password: admin 3. First prompted to enter the background set in accordance with basic information about your site to generate full-time and all classification points. 4. Modified function, point to, point out the ranks today among sites, a description of an increase today to join the site, recommended sites, auction sites unaudited Search business advertising features 10 advertising 5. Automatically generated HTM, automatic updates, the latest point is to immediately call the ASP rankings, so that no delay to the new layout and landscaping, very atmospheric 6. Also do a good optimization, search engine included a good, no ads, no spam code 7. The background is more simple to operate Issued free to share, I hope I can leave a friendship link, there are problems at any time to consu
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9643008 Publisher : 千千

windows驱动程序基本结构:(1)初始化驱动程序,定位和申请硬件资源,创建内核对象(2)添加新设备(3)对PNP IRP进行缺省处理(4)对IRP_MN_REMOVE_DEVICE IRP进行处理(5)对即插即用IRP进行处理-windows driver for the basic structure of: (1) to initialize the driver, positioning and application of hardware resources, create a kernel object (2) add a new device (3) to the default PNP IRP handling (4) to deal with IRP_MN_REMOVE_DEVICE IRP ( 5) Plug and Play IRP processing
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6144 Publisher : 李力

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在VC++6.0环境下实现的一个图片浏览器。 可以打开BMP、PCX、JPEG及GIF图像。不论打开的是上述图像中的哪一种,用户均能以其中的任意一种格式将其保存。 可以进行全屏幕浏览,并在全屏幕浏览时提供“幻灯片播放”的功能。 在查看一幅图片时,可以选择从当前目录中删除该图片,并将其放入系统回收站中。 可以缩放和旋转图片。 在查看一幅图片时,可以直接调用Windows画图程序打开并进行编辑。 在查看一幅图片时,可以使用系统默认关联的程序打开查看或编辑。 -In VC++6.0 environment to achieve a picture browser. Can open BMP, PCX, JPEG and GIF images. Open whether the above-mentioned what kind of image, the user can be any of them in a format to save. Can be full-screen browsing, and full-screen browsing in the " slide show" function. When viewing a picture, you can choose from the current directory to delete the picture, and put the system in the recycle bin. Can zoom and rotate images. When viewing a picture, you can directly call the Windows Paint program to open and edit it. When viewing a picture, you can use the system default program to open the associated viewing or editing.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 953344 Publisher : xichen

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一个简单使用的人才招聘网站 采用asp+access 使用方法 在iis服务器中设置虚拟目录 浏览default文件-The use of a simple job web sites, asp+ access to use the server in the iis virtual directory to set up default file browser
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 194560 Publisher : 张贻凡

General simulated annealing algorithm-anneal Minimizes a function with the method of simulated annealing (Kirkpatrick et al., 1983) ANNEAL takes three input parameters, in this order: LOSS is a function handle (anonymous function or inline) with a loss function, which may be of any type, and needn t be continuous. It does, however, need to return a single value. PARENT is a vector with initial guess parameters. You must input an initial guess. OPTIONS is a structure with settings for the simulated annealing. If no OPTIONS structure is provided, anneal uses a default structure. OPTIONS can contain any or all of the following fields (missing fields are filled with default values): Verbosity: Controls output to the screen. 0 suppresses all output 1 gives final report only [default] 2 gives temperature changes and final report Generator: Generates a new solution from an old one. Any function handle that takes a solution as input and gives a valid solution (i.e.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4096 Publisher : Ping-Feng Xu

增加附件上传及管理功能 增加自定义首页功能 所见即所得编辑器插件化 若干性能提升 后台载入提速 服务器兼容性增强,已经解决各种服务器(包括IIS)的兼容性 默认皮肤修改 0.5 bug修复-Increase in the annex to upload and management features custom features WYSIWYG page editor of a number of plug-performance server compatibility background loading speed increased, and have solved a variety of servers (including IIS) default skin modified compatibility 0.5 bug Repair
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 381952 Publisher : 何金华

本程序实现应用软件通过并口模拟I2C通讯。 使用前将porttalk.sys复制到 System32\Drivers目录下, 再将porttalk.reg导入注册表。 将其它四个代码文件导入VC工程,主要调用 CParallelToI2C类中的函数。 相信大家可以看明白这个类的函数的作用。 另: 1. 本程序中I2C时钟周期默认为2ms,可以适当调整。 2. 电于电路不同,使用并口引脚不同,可以对类进行适当修改。-Applications of this program through the parallel port I2C communications simulation. Before use porttalk.sys copy System32 \ Drivers directory, and then import the registry porttalk.reg. The other four code file into VC projects, the main class to call a function CParallelToI2C. I believe we can see to understand the function of this type of role. Other: 1. The process by default I2C clock cycle 2ms, can be appropriately adjusted. 2. Electricity in the circuit is different from the use of parallel port pins are different categories can be amended as appropriate.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 36864 Publisher :

SW-I中文分词算法,MFC程序,在visual studio 2008中调试通过。默认词库为mdb,由于较大未包含在源文件中,请自行下载mdb格式的词典。-SW-I Chinese word segmentation algorithm, MFC procedures, visual studio 2008 in debug through. Default thesaurus for the mdb, as a result of the larger not included in the source document, please download the mdb format on its own dictionary.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 13929472 Publisher :

在“The build command requires an active project workspace”。“Would you like to create a default project workspace”? 的提示后,选择“是(Y)”。进入“Project”菜单,选择“Setting”项,弹出“Project Setting”-In " The build command requires an active project workspace" . " Would you like to create a default project workspace" ? After the prompt, select " Yes (Y)" . Into the " Project" menu, select " Setting" , the pop-up " Project Setting"
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 汪伟

Color Palette programme is a demo of using user defined Color palette instead of windows default.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : Yugal

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典型的银行家算法,linux下gcc编译通过,默认3进程,3类资源,自己稍作修改可以手动分配资源。-A typical banker' s algorithm, linux under the gcc compiler is passed, the process of the default 3, 3 types of resources, with some slight modifications to their allocation of resources manually.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : Michel

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串口通信端口设置,采用INI文件存储相关参数,在软件运行时读取修改并有默认值设置。在INI文件不存在时会写新的INI文件。在vb2005中调试通过。-Serial communication port settings, the use of INI file storage-related parameters, in the run-time software to read and modify default settings. INI file does not exist in time and write a new INI file. Vb2005 through in debug.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 帽子

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emlog 是一个基于PHP和mysql平台的功能强大的个人博客系统(blog)。致力于为您提供高效、稳定,且在使用上又极其简单、舒适的博客服务。 emlog3.2.0主要更新内容: 1、增加插件功能。 2、大幅度改进后台管理的交互和页面设计,用户体验更好。 3、增加自建页面功能、可以方便的创建导航条、留言板 4、增加多人联合撰写功能 5、更换默认模板,更加美观 6、增加Google Picasa相册插件 7、优化模板结构 -emlog is a platform based on PHP and mysql powerful system of personal blog (blog). Dedicated to providing you with efficient, stable, and also in the use of extremely simple, comfortable services to the blog. emlog3.2.0 major updates: 1, increase the functional plug-ins. 2, significantly improve the management of interactive and background page design, user experience better. 3, to increase self-page feature, you can easily create a navigation bar, message boards 4, increased more than 5 co-write function, the replacement of the default templates, more beautiful 6, increasing 7 plug-in Google Picasa photo album, and optimize the template structure
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 477184 Publisher : power

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一个简单的人事管理系统,包括职工基本信息、人事变动情况、奖惩情况模块 默认管理帐号密码为51aspx-A simple personnel management system, including basic information, personnel changes in the situation of incentive management module default password for the account 51aspx
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 266240 Publisher : sad

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把avi转换为bmp,默认的放置路径是e盘的新建文件夹下,所以转换前最好先在e盘下建一个新建文件夹-Avi convert to bmp, the default path is to place the new e disk folder, it is best to pre-conversion site in the e of the construction of a New Folder
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1475584 Publisher :

The program prg_chk is capable of determining UART s installed on a MS-DOS based computer. The program can be used with, or without parameters. If no parameters are used, the four default addresses for COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4 are searched. Otherwise, parameters at the commandline are interpreted as the hexadecimal baseaddress of the UART to find. It is possible to search for more UART s at once.-The program prg_chk is capable of determining UART s installed on a MS-DOS based computer. The program can be used with, or without parameters. If no parameters are used, the four default addresses for COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4 are searched. Otherwise, parameters at the commandline are interpreted as the hexadecimal baseaddress of the UART to find. It is possible to search for more UART s at once.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : freaX

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首先 感谢您使用 TinaCMS ,对于一个开源软件的开发者来说,软件被广泛的使用是对我工作最大的回报。 本软件不收取任何费用,可以用在任何用途,前提是保留开发者信息 以及到我网站的连接 环境: php+ (php5自带) 安装: 1.将 admin.php 复制到 任何目录下 2.执行 admin.php 备注: 安全起见,您可以给 admin.php 改一个文件名。 版本号 1.2 主要修改内容 1. 增加了演示数据 2. 改进了 bbcode 支持 flash 等文档。 3. 修改个别文字错误 4. 改进了修改模板后直接重生成。 5. 改进了索引方式 6. 改进了插入文件的功能(增加了默认目录)-First of all, Thank you for using TinaCMS, a developer of open source software, the software has been widely used is the largest return on my work. The software does not collect any fees, can be used in any purpose, provided the developer is to retain information, as well as connect to my site environment: php+ (php5 own) Installation: 1. Will be copied to any admin.php directory 2. admin.php implementation Remarks: safety, you can change to a file name admin.php. 1.2 The main changes the version number 1. An increase of presentation of data 2. Bbcode support to improve the document, such as flash. 3. To amend the text of individual error 4. To improve the modified re-generate the template directly. 5. To improve the way the index 6. To improve the function of the inserted document (an increase of the default directory)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9216 Publisher : 杜为
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