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一个好用的BLOG源码: 使用说明: 1.程序内核:2005年8月2日 Oblog3.0 2.默认管理员:Admin,密码:admin888 3.美化增强说明: (1)使用原创系统模版:清凉一夏 (2)增加用户模版:清凉一夏、两小无猜、欢乐一族 (3)给用户日志底部加上网摘连接 (4)给用户日志底部加上反向连接功能 (5)给用户日志底部加上随机名人名言 4.默认Blog目录是/blog/,如果你需要修改,请修改 (1)conn.asp:const blogdir=\"/blog/\" (2)inc/plus/mrmy/mrmy.js 5.建议生成shtml格式,修改生成的文件格式在conn.asp-a handy source of BLOG : use : 1. Procedures kernel : August 2, 2005 Oblog3.0 2. Default Administrator : Admin, Password : admin888 3. Enhanced landscaping : (1) the use of original template system : a cool summer (2 ) increased user template : a cool summer, pictures and joyful family (3) to the user log removable bottom line connecting Canada (4) to the bottom with users log reverse connectivity (5) to the user log bottom with random celebrity famous four. Blog default directory is / blog /, if you need to revise, amend (1) conn.asp : const blogdir = "/ blog /" (2), inc / plus / mrmy / mrmy.js 5. shtml proposal generation format, modify the file format generation in conn. asp
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1447009 Publisher : 费林

商达讯免费购物系统作为免费源码提供作为购买系统测试和asp爱好者学习研究交流,要求使用者最好留下版权信息,实在感觉影响你的商城美观,请至少留下友情连接。 商达讯购物系统安装注意: 1.空间需要asp空间至少50M,最好是WIN2000以上服务器系统 2.程序用ftp软件上传空间即可. 3.商城默认后台管理员和密码:admin admin-appear to free up as a free shopping system as a source for the purchase of system tests and asp enthusiasts to study the exchange, requires users to the best left copyright information, is feeling the impact of your beautiful place, leaving at least friendship link. Up to appear shopping system installed : 1. Space needs at least 50M asp space, it is best over Windows 2000 server system 2. Procedures used ftp software can upload space. 3. Mall managers and the default background Password : admin admin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1881912 Publisher : 卢万兴

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xlo2版本的功能和上一版本的不同之处在于要密码才能登陆查看像册,其他功能和上面的一样 管理登陆页面:index.asp / login.asp 默认管理员 密码 version of the function and on a version different from the password is to be landing View photo albums, and other functions like management above the landing pages : index.asp / log default administrator : Password :
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 603245 Publisher : hdhdhd

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Cmd Shell(命令行交互)是黑客永恒的话题,它历史悠久并且长盛不衰。本文旨在介绍和总结一些在命令行下控制Windows系统的方法。这些方法都是尽可能地利用系统自带的工具实现的。 文件传输 对于溢出漏洞获得的cmd shell,最大的问题就是如何上传文件。由于蠕虫病毒流行,连接ipc$所需要的139或445端口被路由封锁。再加上WinXP系统加强了对ipc$的保护,通过ipc$及默认共享上传文件的手段基本无效了。ftp和tftp是两种可行的方法,介于其已被大家熟知,本文就不介绍了。还有三种大家熟悉的办法,作为总结我再提一下-Cmd Shell (interactive command line) is the eternal topic of hackers, and it has a long history for all eternity. This paper introduces and summarizes some of the command line control of the Windows system. These methods are used to the extent possible system onboard tools to achieve. File transfer for overflow vulnerability was the shell cmd, the biggest problem is how to upload the file. As the worm epidemic, linking WAFA need $ 139 or 445 port blockade was routing. WinXP system coupled with the strengthening of the IPS $ protection, and by default IPS $ Upload file sharing of the basic means to no avail. Ftp and tftp are two possible methods, ranging from its already well-known, this is not introduced. There are three ways you know, again, I conclude what
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 32767 Publisher : dly

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本站程序加入2分钟自动刷新离开机时间接近的自动刷新排名到第一 加入通宵推荐 精品推荐 固定推荐 私服自动采集功能 解决了 手工添加的烦恼 为您节约了时间~演示地址 购买程序后请别忘了给本站做个友情连接 后台默认管理:admin admin 请拿到程序立即更改,如不修改对此造成的后台自己负责-site procedures to join two minutes left automatically refresh time close to the machine automatically updated ranking of the first to join overnight recommend quality Preferred Preferred 1,500,000 fixed automatically capture capabilities resolved manually add to the anxiety of the time you save to demonstrate the purchasing process addresses Please do not forget to be a friendship site linking default management background : admin admin please get immediate changes in procedures, if not change the background of this for themselves
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 893191 Publisher : bhw

学生课绩管理系统的升级版,采用了sertlet+jsp+javabean+sqlserver,并且做了许多修改! 说明: 数据库连接 在classes目录下的 sqlbean.java中 默认的用户名:1 密码: 1 -courses and scores management system upgrades using the sertlet jsp javabean SQLServer, and made many changes! Description : Database Connection classes in the directory default user name : a password : 1
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 484384 Publisher : 牧羊星

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这是一个给用户编制的应用程序加上注册功能的控件组,使用灵活简单,可 以使用控件默认注册码算法,也可自己编写注册码算法。可以为每台机器生成唯一的注册码-to users on the application procedures and registration of the control group, using a simple flexible, Controls can use the default registry key algorithm, but also to prepare their license algorithm. For each machine can generate only license
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 433771 Publisher : wyx

通过C/s的形式将VC与matlab相连接,就是将matlab作为服务器后台运行,而VC作为前台界面实现了matlab和VC的结合,运行前将tu.bmp拷贝到matlab默认的work文件夹。-through C / s in the form of VC and Matlab link Matlab is to run as a background server. VC outlook as to achieve the Matlab interface and the combination of VC, before running tu.bmp copied to the default Matlab work folders.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 444691 Publisher : lionheart

用MATLAB对一语音信号进行小波分解,分别用强阈值,软阈值,默认阈植进行消噪处理。-MATLAB to a voice signal wavelet decomposition, respectively intensity threshold, soft threshold, the default threshold for planting Denoising.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 910 Publisher : 刘丽丽

我用VC++写的一个用于局域网发送消息的工具.能够将局域网内所有的计算机列出来,选择一个计算机名,就能够向其发送消息,注意:本机和对方机器的Messenger服务必须启动(系统默认是自动启动的)-I used to write to the VC for a LAN messaging tool. LAN can be all the computer list to choose a computer, and it can send messages to : the other side of the machine and the machine must start Messenger service (default system is automatically activated)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 110316 Publisher : 李方

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个人求职管理系统可以让你在找工作的过程中方便地记录你所选中的公司信息、职位信息、发送的简历和公司的回复,支持多用户,是一个多用户系统。默认的用户名: tiandinet 密码:123456 -personal job management system allows you to find work to facilitate the process of recording your selected corporate information, post information, send a resume and the company's response, support multiple users, is a multi-user system. The default user name : tiandinet Password : 123456
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 150147 Publisher : tom

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身份验证系统 您在使用之前应将 include目录下的文件按照您的主机配置。并且要求数据库中有一个名为 user 的表。您可以自己创建,也可以将以下代码直接复制到phpmyadmin执行。 create table user ( id bigint unsigned default 0 not null auto_increment, name varchar (30), password varchar (30), email varchar (30), primary key (id) ) 您想对哪个页面加密,就在页面的头(<html>标签前)加一段语句,请参考yourpage.php 密码在关闭浏览器时失效!-identity verification system before you use directory should include the php files with your mainframe configuration. Ask a database known as the user table. You can create their own, the following code can be copied directly into phpmyadmin implementation. Create table user (id bigint unsigned default 0 not null auto_increment, name varchar (30), password varchar (30), email varchar (30), primary key (id)) for which you want to encrypt pages on the first page (
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9627 Publisher : 南南

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VB启动一个默认的页面链接 VB启动一个默认的页面链接-VB launched a default pages link VB launched a default VB pages link a default start page - Links
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2178 Publisher : boji

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可以将一个数据库或Excel中的数据传输到另一个数据库中,实现了循环执行、定时执行和强制执行,每次打开程序时默认启动上次保存的设置,实现了数据库100条插入执行,进度条动态显示数据插入进度等功能。-can be a database or Excel data to another database, to achieve the implementation of the cycle, the regular implementation and enforcement, whenever they open proceedings initiated last preservation of the default settings, achieving a database insert 100 implementation and the progress of the insert dynamic data showed progress capabilities.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3724 Publisher : 李晓峰

医院管理信息系统,在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。系统默认帐号:admin 密码:-hospital management information system, the operating system, we must first install SQL Server database, attention to set a user name "sa", the password is empty. Default Account : admin Password :
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1181426 Publisher : wangfan

课程管理信息系统,在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。系统默认帐号:admin 密码:-course management information system, the operating system, we must first install SQL Server database, attention to set a user name "sa", the password is empty. Default Account : admin Password :
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 83551 Publisher : wangfan

库存管理信息系统,在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。系统默认帐号:admin 密码:-inventory management information system, the operating system, we must first install SQL Server database, attention to set a user name "sa", the password is empty. Default Account : admin Password :
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1416999 Publisher : wangfan

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这个例子如果运行,将在仿真的PC窗口中的第1,2,3行显示一些信息后,在随机位置显示 1 ~ 5 .由于keil c51默认不支持重入函数,它的重入函数使用仿真的重入栈而不使用系统栈,而Small RTOS 51没有进行重入栈管理,所以在TaskA~TaskE虽然及其相似,但不能合并. 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target \"Target 1\"的output页点击Select Folder for Objects...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. (2)编译时会有5个警告,其中一个是因为没有使用一个系统函数OSSendSignal引起,它可以忽略.另4个是禁止任务间变量覆盖分析引起,必须忽略.感谢网友John X. Liu,在这个例子中我使用了他编写的仿真(dllPc51Emu.dll),这个dll原来是为他移植的Ucos-ii for keil c51的例子编写. (3)Pc51Emu.dll在KEIL C51 V6.23 V7.00工作不正常.-If running this example, the simulation of the PC window of 1,2,3-line display some information, in a random location ~ 5. c51 as the default decoder does not support heavy-function, its emphasis on the use of simulation function to the re-use system without Push stack, Small RTOS 51 and no heavy Push management, in TaskA ~ TaskE and although similar, but not the merger. Note : (1) in KEIL C51 project, I have already output directory in e : \\ temp. You can Project -
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5956 Publisher : 邢兰停

这个是一个服务器端的程序,默认绑定端口号5000,只要有数据从5000端口进入就会马上在对话框中显示出来-this is a server-side procedures, the default bundled with a port number of 5000. as long as data from the 5000 port will be immediately entered in the dialog box displayed
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30673 Publisher : yn

温度传感器18B20汇编程序,采用器件默认的12位转化,最大转化时间750微秒 可以将检测到的温度直接显示到AT89C51开发实验板的两个数码管上 显示温度00到99度,很准确哦~~无需校正!-temperature sensor 18B20 assembler, using the default device into 12, the largest 750 microsecond conversion time can be detected by a direct indication of temperature AT89C51 development of two experimental plate the digital temperature display on the tube from 00 to 99 degrees, very accurate ~ ~ Oh, no correction!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 54853 Publisher : ningbowang
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