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This component has the same functionality of the default Timer component, but it provides a higher resolution, until a maximum of 1 milisecond.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6983 Publisher :

This sample creates a button that displays itself with one of three different bitmaps, depending on its state. The button has a bitmap for: the unpushed state; the hover state (when the mouse moves over the button); and the pushed state. Default bitmaps are included with the sample, but you can override these properties to use your own bitmaps.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 44496 Publisher :

软件名称 锐通大型电子购物系统 运行环境 ASP环境 软件语言 国产软件 整理时间 2004-8-15 15:07:33 软件类型 ASP源码 程序主页 授权方式 免费软件 联系作者 软件大小 663 KB 界面预览 没有预览图片 软件等级 解压密码 本站默认解压密码 下载统计 本日下载:3 本周下载:4 本月下载:11 总共下载:170 ∷软件简介∷ 完全仿照8848网站设计的网上购物系统,功能真够强大,不必做太多的说明,如果你去过8848,便会对此有比较深刻的了解。-software title creaton large electronic shopping system operating environment ASP software languages domestic software collation time 2004-8-15 15:07:33 ASP source software types procedures Home free software license, contact the author http : / / size 663 KB software interface preview images without preview decompression software grade default password site decompression Password : download the Download : Download 3 this week : 4 Download this month : a total of 11 downloads : 170 software brief entirely modeled on the 8848 web design online shopping system, functions were very powerful, not to do too much, if you went to 8848, it will have a more profound understanding.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 623669 Publisher : 红叶

本安全评估系统通过对网络设备进行自动的安全漏洞检测和分析,模拟漏洞分析专家及安全专家的技术,提供基于策略的安全风险管理过程。网络漏洞扫描可执行预定的或事件驱动的网络探测,去识别可能被入侵者利用的网络安全漏洞。网络漏洞扫描提供了多种缺省的扫描策略配置,同时允许用户自己订做符合特定要求的策略。通过确认正确的配置,保证用户不会忽略正式的安全策略,使所有的系统都保持合理的安全性来抵御外部的攻击。-assessment of the security system of network equipment for the automatic detection and vulnerability analysis, vulnerability analysis simulation experts and the technical experts, policy-based security risk management process. Network Vulnerability scanning executable scheduled or event-driven network detection, to identify possible intruders use network security loopholes. Network Vulnerability Scanning providing a wide variety of scanning default policy configuration, and allows the user to build with their own specific requirements of the strategy. By identifying the correct configuration ensures that the users will not overlook the formal security policy, so that all the systems are to maintain a reasonable security to withstand external attack.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 165763 Publisher : 石林

客户管理是CRM的基础核心部分,我们对客户管理包括 客户的基本资料,每个客户可以设置多个关键联系人,从而把客户的管理落实到对其关键人物管理的管理细节上。 除了传统的客户分类:普通客户、代理客户、竞争对手而外,我们更是提供客户的类别自定义,从而实现想怎么分就怎么分。 把客户管理和公司的客户代表(业务员、客户专员)相结合,每个客户都有属于自己的业务负责人,确保“一致对外”,对客户永远只出现一种声音。 通过对客户的授信额度管理,规避不必要的风险,追踪潜在坏帐风险。-CRM customer management is the core part of our clients, including customer management of basic information, each customer can set up a number of key contacts, thereby implementing customer management to the management of its key management on the details. In addition to the traditional customer classification : ordinary customers, Acting customers, competitors beyond, we are providing customer-defined categories, thereby realizing how-to on how points. Client management and the company's customer representatives (clerks, customer Commissioner) combination, each customer has its own business leaders, "unanimously" to the client will always have only one voice. Through customer credit line management, avoid unnecessary risks, tracking potential default risk.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 61221 Publisher : jan

默认一个机器手的存在,并对其进行操作,有左右移动,上下移动,抓住物体和松开物体等几个状态。用谓词逻辑语言对其进行操作。-The default a machine hand of existence, and the operation, of moving around, move, seize the objects and loosen objects and so on several state. Use predicate logic operate on the language
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 24576 Publisher : 江纪蓉

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一个用织梦做的统计局网站源码,供大家分享共用,做的简单,请大家理解,后台用户admin 密码123456-Bureau of Statistics Web site source code, a woven dream for everyone to share share, simple to do, please understand that the background user admin password is 123456
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 13902848 Publisher : 聂黎明

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通过windows提供的wlan一系列api函数实现对默认的当前第一个wifi的连接-The wlan via windows, a series of api function to achieve default a wifi connection
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张陈磊

1、php+flash制作的图像上传&编辑代码,默认生成一大一小两个图片,可方便在论坛、博客、评论等地方使用。 2、自带上传/拍摄代码,具备本地图片和摄像头拍摄两种上传模式。 3、本插件无需更改KingCMS代码,适用于不熟悉PHP代码的人群使用。 4、本版本仅限于kingcms php+mysql,目前仅在IE7下测试。 5、详细使用方法见压缩包里的说明文件。-1, php+flash crafted image upload & edit the code generated by default a small two pictures, can be easily in the forum, blog, comments, and other places. 2, comes upload/shooting code, with local images and camera shooting two kinds upload mode. 3, the plug-in code without changing KingCMS for people not familiar with PHP code. 4, this version is limited to kingcms php+mysql, currently only tested in IE7. 5 See detailed use of compressed bundle' s documentation.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 51200 Publisher : Kevin

DL : 0
php织梦CMS的一个模板,该模板是完全免费的-php CMS weaving dreams of a template, which is completely free
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 295936 Publisher : tank

qq空间点赞机,一赞全都赞(default),一赞赞5页(default),一秒成为狂赞士不是梦-qq space point like machine, a praise all praise (default), a compliment 5 (default), one second became mad praise who is not a dream
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 966656 Publisher : 刘晨

這是一個適用於1.8V轉1.3V必迴路 在1Mhz頻率下 RLC各為 25m 4.7u 10u 給有需要的同學作為參考-This is one for 1.8V 1.3V will turn 1Mhz frequency RLC circuit at each 25m 4.7u 10u to needy students as a reference
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 王宇揚

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基于thinkphp的手机商城,这个商城主要是用于各种手机的出售。-Based on ThinkPHP s mobile phone mall, the mall is mainly used for the sale of a variety of mobile phones.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1422336 Publisher : 余琪-

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Disclaimer: You will see a compile error if you use this macro against a variable-length array.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5120 Publisher : zrjnzai

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brief Provides a layer of compatibility for C. @ingroup io.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : kkrfgou

BLK-MD-SPP-A蓝牙模块AT命令集。用户可以通过串口和BLK-MD-SPP-A芯片进行通信,串口使用Tx, Rx两根信号线,波特率支持1200,2400,4800,9600,14400,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400,460800和921600bps。串口缺省波特率为38400bps.-BLK-MD-SPP-A Bluetooth module AT command set. Users can communicate through the serial port and BLK-MD-SPP-A chip, serial port TX, RX two signal lines, the baud rate support and 120024004800960014400192003840057600115200230400460800 921600bps. The default serial baud rate is 38400bps.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 114688 Publisher : yy

DL : 0
BUI后台管理系统前端框架是基于良无限后台系统使用BUI搭建的后台后台管理系统前端框架。-BUI background management system is to use a front-end frame background background front frame BUI management system built on good unlimited back-office systems.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5518336 Publisher : 鲁浩

Webem是一个Web服务器,您可以嵌入在您的C + +应用程序,-Webem is a Web server, you can embed in your C++ applications,
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4096 Publisher : Mamie

一个网游的ASP主页框架,非常的好看,可以看一下(A ASP online home frame, very good, you can look at)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 8192 Publisher : hirochan

Create a class rectangle with data members length and width. Create three constructors(default, parameterized and copy) for initialising the data members. Create a function area that prints the area of rectangle. WAp to print the area of a rectangle.
Update : 2022-09-16 Size : 661 Publisher : mehros20
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