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本源码是对Hill算法的简单实现,压缩包内包含crypt和decrypt两个目录,分别为加密和解密。-the source of Hill simple algorithm to achieve, Compression packet contains crypt and decrypt two catalogs, respectively encryption and decryption.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5017 Publisher : 张华

DL : 0
内含希尔排序、分治法、归并排序和求公共子串的C代码实现-Hill intron sequence and divided France, merging and sorting for public substring of C code to achieve
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1974 Publisher : hujingpaper

1)实现以下常用的内部排序算法并对它们的时间效率进行比较: 必做(6种):起泡排序、直接插入排序、简单选择排序、快速排序、希尔排序、堆排序; 选做:折半插入、二路归并、基数排序等等; 2)函数首部要求:void XXXXSort(char **list, int len, int n, int *c, int *s) 其中: a) XXXXSort为排序函数名,具体如下: 起泡排序BubbleSort 直接插入排序InsertSort 简单选择排序SelectSort 快速排序QuickSort 希尔排序ShellSort 堆排序HeapSort 折半插入BInsertSort 二路归并Merge2Sort 基数排序RadixSort b) list为二维字符数组的头指针,该二维数组的规格为:char list[n][len] 每行用于存放一个字符串(最大长度为len-1),共n行; c) c用于返回关键字比较次数; d) s用于返回移动次数; 3)要求把各种排序函数做成函数库(文件名统一为:sort.c),用统一提供的主程序进行调用和测评。 -a) achieve the following commonly used internal sorting algorithm as well as their time efficiency comparison : regimen (6) : bubble sort, direct insertion sequence and simple choice sorting, quick sort, Hill, ranked Heap Sort; elected to do : half of insertion, two-way merge. Sort base, and so on; 2) function first requirement : void XXXXSort (char ** list, int len, int n, int * c, int * s) which : a) XXXXSort sort of a function name, as follows : bubble sort BubbleSort direct insertion sort InsertSort simple choice ranking Sele ctSort Quick Sort QuickSort Hill Sorting ShellSort Heap Sort HeapS ort half insert BInsertSort two-way merge Merge2Sort radix sort Radi xSort b) list for the two-dimensional array of characters in the first indicator, the two-dimensional array specifications : cha
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10289 Publisher : 战天

gprs dtu 数传应用基础知识 成都众山科技-gprs dtu few knowledge-based application Hill Chengdu Public Technology
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 924982 Publisher : wangzekui

*一个简单的能够形象演示各种排序算法的applet小程序 *类似于Sun公司的示例程序,但比它复杂 *因为这个程序支持简单选择排序,冒泡排序,双向冒泡, *快速排序,希尔排序,堆排序,归并排序共七种排序算法 *每次80个整数随机生成,七种算法同时运行,之间的对比非常明显-* a simple image can be demonstrated by various sort algorithm small applet procedures similar to the Sun Public * Secretary of the sample program, but complex than it is because of this procedure * support a simple choice of sequencing, bubble sort, and two-way Bubble, * Quick Sort, Hill sequencing, heap sort, merging a total of seven Sorting Algorithm * 80 each integer random generation, Seven algorithm running, the contrast between the very obvious
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 43663 Publisher : 徐阳

用C语言编写的搬山小游戏。 游戏说明: 设有n座山,计算机与人为比赛的双方,轮流搬山。规定每次搬山的数止不能超 过k座,谁搬最后一座谁输。游戏开始时。计算机请人输入山的总数(n)和每次允许搬山的最大数止(k)。然后请人开始,等人输入了需要搬走的山的数目后,计算机马上打印出它搬多少座山,并提示尚余多少座山。双方轮流搬山直到最后一座山搬完为止。计算机会显示谁是赢家,并问人是否要继续比赛。若人不想玩了,计算机便会统计出共玩了几局,双方胜负如何。-C language prepared by the removal of small hills game. Game Note : There n mountains, computer and the two competitions were staged to move mountains. Stipulated to move mountains just a few blocks of not more than k, who moved last one who lost. At the beginning of the game. Please computer importing Hill, the number (n) and allow each to move mountains for the largest number (k). Then begin importing such as the need to move the mountains of numbers, the computer print out immediately how much it moved mountains. and prompts the remaining number of mountains. The two sides take turns moving mountains until the last load up a hill. The computer will show who is a winner, and asked whether to continue with the race. If the people do not want to play, the computer will play with the statis
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10528 Publisher : 王超

最近对排序算法的复习,包括直接插入排序,冒泡排序,选择排序,快速排序,归并排序,希尔排序。在VC6.0中测试通过并有简单原理说明-recent review of the sorting algorithms, including direct insertion sort, bubble sort, select Sort, quick sort, merge sort, Sort Hill. VC6.0 test in the adoption and simple Rationale
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 53381 Publisher : 谢树扬

该程序用于控制键盘操作与识别,在按键时候伴有声音,可以作为在Cygnal山开发类似程序的参考-procedures for the control of the keyboard operation and the identification, the button when accompanied by voices can be used as the Cygnal Hill to develop similar procedures reference
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1703 Publisher : guoqiang

DL : 0
格式化时间和日期. 爪哇2v5.0(虎)的新特点 by Herbert Schildt由herbertschildt ISBN: 0072258543书号:0072258543 Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2004出版社:mcgraw-hill/osborne,2004 -time and date formatting. Java 2v5.0 (Tiger) of the new features by Herbert Schistosoma ldt by herbertschildt ISBN : 0072258543 ISBN : 0072258543 Publisher : McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2004 Press : mcgraw-hill/osborne, 2004
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3894 Publisher : 张华威

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数据结构中的/希尔排序法(类方法)xierfa1.c-data structure / sorting Hill (methodology) xierfa1.c
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 935 Publisher : fan

DL : 0
可以生成山、火焰、树与草等自然景物的实例-can generate Hill, flame trees and grass and other natural features examples
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 124052 Publisher : 方亚华

问题描述: 虽然离开浦口了,但在浦口校区后山大家还都有印象吧,可你知道有一座小山在冬天下大雪的时候是可以滑雪的,SEU很喜欢滑雪,这并不奇怪, 因为滑雪的确很刺激,可是为了获得速度,滑雪区域必须向下倾斜,而且当你到底时不得不重新走到上面重滑。SEU想知道在这个区域中最长的滑坡。区域由一个二维数组给出。数组的每一个数字表示山坡上一个点的高度。 下面是一个例子: 一个人可以从一个点滑向上下左右相邻的四个点之一,当且仅当高度减小。在上面的例子中,一条可行的滑坡为24-17-16-1(从24开始,在1结束)。当然25-24-23-…-3-2-1更长。事实上,这是最长的一条。 输入要求: 从文件输入,输入的第一行为表示区域的二维数组的R行数和C列数(都在1到100之间)。下面是R行,每行有C个数,代表高度。 输出要求: 输出数据到文件,输出区域中最长滑坡的长度。 输入样例: 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 16 17 18 19 6 15 24 25 20 7 14 23 22 21 8 13 12 11 10 9 输出样例: -Problem Description : Although left Pukou, but in Pukou Campus of the mountain we also have the impression it. You know a hill under the snow in winter is the time to ski, ski SEU like, it is not surprising, because skiing is very stimulating, but in order to obtain the speed, skiing region must downward slopping. but in the end when you had to re-entering the sliding weight above. SEU would like to know the longest in the region of landslide. From the region is a two-dimensional array. Every one of the array of figures on the hillside a high point. Here is an example : a person can be slid from a point adjacent to the next around one of the four points, and only if highly reduced. In the example above, a possible landslide as 24 -17-16-1 (from 24, in a conclusion). Of course 25 -24-23
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 780 Publisher : laochao

HP在马钢山钢铁厂实施的MES系统框架-HP Magang Hill in the implementation of the steel plant MES framework .................
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 45841 Publisher : lijia2000boy

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阳历转农历 /*************************************************************************** 致看到这些源代码的兄弟: 你好! 这本来是我为一个商业PDA产品开发的日历程序,最近移植于PC机上, 所以算法 和数据部分是用纯C++写的,不涉及MFC,所有的代码都是以短节省存储空间为主要目 的. 很高兴你对这些代码有兴趣,你可以随意复制和使用些代码,唯一有一点小小的 愿望:在你使用和复制给别人时,别忘注明这些代码作者:-)。程序代码也就罢了,后 面的数据可是我辛辛苦苦从万年历上找出来输进去的。 如果你有什么好的意见不妨Mail给我。 或 2000年3月 ****************************************************************************/-to the Lunar calendar /*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***** to see the source code of these brothers : Hello! I used to do this as a commercial product development PDA calendar procedures in recent transplant PC, So part of the algorithm and the data is written in pure C and do not involve the MFC, All the code is to save storage space short for the main objective. I am very glad that you have these codes right interest, You are free to copy and use some code, only one small wish : you use and copy to others, do not forget to specify these codes author :-). Code people, but behind the data from the calendar I have worked hard to find out losers on Capitol Hill. If you have any good ideas might Mail to me. or w
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 51605 Publisher : shu

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高斯回代算法源代码 蚁群算法的matlab源码 蚁群算法TSP(旅行商问题)通用matlab程序 Java实现几种常见的排序算法 用pascal语言实现希尔排序算法-Gaussian back to the source code generation algorithm Ant Algorithm Matlab source Ant Algorithm TSP (TSP) General Matlab procedures Java Several ranking algorithm used pascal language ranking Hill Algorithm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6323 Publisher : asegwaeg

在一个图像中检测目标是图像分割的一个例子。为分割连通目标,时常用Watershed变换。如果把一幅图像看做一个具有山(高亮度)和低谷(低亮度)的表面,那么这个变换在一幅图像中找亮度低谷。-in an image detection of image segmentation is a case in point. Segmentation of connectivity, often used Watershed transform. If an image is seen as a Hill (high-brightness) and the bottom (low brightness) of the surface, Well, this transformation in an image brightness for a low ebb.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2134 Publisher : 何子鸣

九种排序的源代码,冒泡排序: 直接插入排序 希尔排序 归并排序 折半插入排序 直接选择排序 基数排序 快速排序 堆排序-nine ranking source code, Bubble sort : Hill inserted directly Ranking Ranking Ranking half merging inserted directly choose Ranking Ranking Ranking rapid base sequencing Heap Sort
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8467 Publisher : jian

DL : 0
输入待排数据元素序列,然后用希尔排序法对其进行排序。-input data elements to row sequence, and then use the Hill sorting its ranking.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1034 Publisher : 林杰

DL : 0
希尔排序算法的实现C++sdvzvaGedgvfsewfcAWfqawfaswfasfc-Hill Sorting Algorithm of C sdvzvaGedgvfsewfcAWfqawfas wfasfc
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1258 Publisher : ervaerfvg

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Java2电子书,Java2参考大全(第四版) 版权:McGraw-Hill出版公司 作者:Herbert Schildt 版本:第四版 编辑:Windflowers-Java2 e-books, reference volumes Java2 (fourth) Copyright : McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Author : Herbert Schildt Version : fourth Editor : Windflowers
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2520658 Publisher : LSC
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