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希尔密码,使用标准C实现,密码学实验课程实践-Hill Password,Standard C
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 214016 Publisher : YangPudn

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java排序的源代码,各种排序算法都有,希尔排序,堆排序等其他常见的排序算法-Other common sorting algorithm java source code sorting, there are various sorting algorithms, Hill sort, heap sort, etc.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : 挥斥方遒

Practical Object-Oriented Design With UML - McGraw-Hi-Practical Object-Oriented Design With UML- McGraw-Hill
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2323456 Publisher : qrj69

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This the algorihm for the Hill encryption-This is the algorihm for the Hill encryption
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : foufou

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Hill climbing source code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : sepid

matlab时频分析,STFT, CWT,WVD,平滑伪WVD,伪WVD,Rihacazek分布,Margenau-Hill分布,Page分布,伪Page分布,Choi-Williams分布,重排伪Wigner-Ville分布, 重排伪page分布,对时频分析学习的很好资料,对非平稳信号处理有很大帮助,无损检测,振动检测,对学习和处理信号有很大帮助-Matlab time-frequency analysis, STFT, CWT, WVD, smoothed pseudo Wigner Ville distribution (WVD), pseudo WVD, the distribution of Rihacazek, Margenau Hill distribution, distribution page, pseudo page distribution, Choi Williams distribution, rearrangement of pseudo Wigner Ville distribution, rearrangement pseudo page distribution, time-frequency analysis of very good learning materials, for non-stationary signal processing is of great help, nondestructive testing, vibration testing of learning and signal processing is of great help
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 166912 Publisher : 孟祥吉

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用java实现的两类插入排序算法——希尔排序、直接插入排序,含计时输出。-Realization of java with two types of insertion sort algorithm- Hill sort, direct insertion sort, including the timing output.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : 赵畅

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普通排序源码,包含冒泡法排序,插入排序,选择排序和希尔排序;-Ordinary sort the source code, including bubble sort, insertion sort, selection and hill
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 林伟

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8种基本排序算法的排序过程的动态演示,以及不同排序算法的对比,冒泡、快速、直接插入、归并、希尔、基数、选择、堆排序,其中堆排序有树状图演示,每个排序过程都有核心代码同步演示。-The dynamic demonstration of the sorting process of eight basic sorting algorithms, and the comparison of different sorting algorithms, bubbling, quick, direct insert, merge, hill, base, select, heap sort, and tree presentation of heap sort, each sorting process has the synchronization demonstration of core codes .
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10551296 Publisher : 郭晓萍

比较8种排序算法的时间:直接插入排序、希尔排序、冒泡排序、快速排序、选择排序、堆排序、归并排序、基数排序- Comparative eight algorithm time: direct insertion sort, Hill sort, bubble sort, quick sort, select, sort, heap sort, merge sort, radix sort
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 444416 Publisher : 木离黎

编写选择排序、插入排序、冒泡排序、快速排序、堆排序、希尔排序、归并排序、基数排序算法,加上C++库函数sort,调用系统时钟clock对排序算法做效率比较。-Write selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, quick sort, heap sort, Hill sort, merge sort, radix sort algorithm, plus C++ library function sort, calling the system clock on the clock to do the sorting algorithm efficiency comparison.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1301504 Publisher : 刘昊岩

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Billy Bayou. Choreographers: Kenji & Nobuko Shibata, 820 Ryan Place #144, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. Phone: (925) 609 - 7801 e-mail:
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 281600 Publisher : xiao

java排序算法汇总:折半插入排序,冒泡算法, 异或的交换算法,直接插入排序,快速排序,简单的选择排序,希尔算法;里边有详细的解析-java sorting algorithm summary: binary insertion sort, bubble algorithm, XOR swap algorithm, direct insertion sort, quick sort, simple selection sort, Hill algorithm inside there is a detailed analysis
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 23552 Publisher : 李继伟

这个是关于HILL 48和硬化关系的FORTRAN程序源,可以互相学习一下-This is about the relations and hardening HILL' 48 FORTRAN program source, you can learn about each other
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 陈延星

This book will teach you exactly how hackers think so that you can protect your Unix and Linux systems them. There is simply no other way to learn how to prevent your systems being compromised. In order to stop the attacks of the most sophisticated hackers, you need to understand their thought processes, techniques, and tactics.-This book will teach you exactly how hackers think so that you can protect your Unix and Linux systems them. There is simply no other way to learn how to prevent your systems being compromised. In order to stop the attacks of the most sophisticated hackers, you need to understand their thought processes, techniques, and tactics.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1871872 Publisher : vrs

经典偏微分方程数值解法书籍,美MC.Graw.Hill出版社-David V. Hutton.Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis.McGraw-Hill.2004
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3643392 Publisher : tanyong

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hill climbing MPPT matlab code also includes P/V data as excel file
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : zehan

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软件技术基础教程排序实验,插入排序,希尔排序,冒泡排序的C语言编程-Software technology based tutorial sorting experiments, insertion sort, Hill sort, bubble sort of C programming language
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 285696 Publisher : zhang

FORTRAN code for minimizing a function whose uation is expensive. At each iteration, a Bayesian posterior mean for the surface shape conditional on points already sampled is constructed and the minimum of this is found. This minimum is then used as a trial point for a new function uation. A version of the program exists that takes account of the fact that the expected improvement is raised at points far points already sampled, by the fact that there is high uncertainty in such regions. There seems to be no particular performance advantage for this program over, say, quasi-newton with BFGS update. But one gets an estimate at every function uation of the shape of the function, which may be useful.- FORTRAN code for minimizing a function whose uation is expensive. At each iteration, a Bayesian posterior mean for the surface shape conditional on points already sampled is constructed and the minimum of this is found. This minimum is then used as a trial point for a new function uation. A version of the program exists that takes account of the fact that the expected improvement is raised at points far points already sampled, by the fact that there is high uncertainty in such regions. There seems to be no particular performance advantage for this program over, say, quasi-newton with BFGS update. But one gets an estimate at every function uation of the shape of the function, which may be useful.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 109568 Publisher : rask0l

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C++实现的各类排序算法,直接插入,选择排序,快速排序,希尔排序,堆排序等- C++实现的各类排序算法,直接插入,选择排序,快速排序,希尔排序,堆排序等 C++ to achieve the various types of sorting algorithm, direct insertion, the sort, quick sort, Hill sort, heap sort, etc.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 13334528 Publisher : 叶亚洲
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