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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 31453 Publisher : mrmark

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Hill加密算法的基本思想是将l个明文字母通过线性变换将它们转换为k个密文字母。脱密只要做一次逆变换就可以了。密钥就是变换矩阵本身。即 M=m1m2……ml Ek(M)=c1c2……cl 其中 c1=k11m1+k12m2+……+k1lml c2=k21m1+k22m2+……+k2lml …… cl=kl1m1+kl2m2+……+kllml 通常对于字母加解密,使用mod 26的方法。 以上线性方程可以采用矩阵表示。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 143581 Publisher : wildkaede

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 28382 Publisher : shine

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 853424 Publisher : zhou

McGraw-Hill - Schaums Outline of Programming with C++ 2nd Ed 很著名的教学参考书
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3109132 Publisher : 黄天安

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11523 Publisher : jill

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Update : 2009-03-10 Size : 474 Publisher : paopaomeng

希尔排序-Sort Hill
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1024 Publisher : 俞伟

Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 852992 Publisher : zhou

《数据结构》排序演示系统。实现6种内部排序。包括直接插入排序,希尔排序,冒泡排序,直接选择排序,快速排序,堆排序。。这是我的数据结构课程设计!-"data structure" Sort demonstration system. Six species of achieving internal order. Including direct insertion sort, Hill, in order Bubble Sort, direct selection, in order of Quick Sort, heap sort. . This is my data structure course design!
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 321536 Publisher : 程相闯

包括Pheromones Algorythm、Memory Algorythm和Hill Climbing Algorythm I,II,III在内的多个人工智能算法的实现-including Pheromones Algorythm, Memory Algorythm and Hill Climbing Algorythm I, II, III from the number of artificial intelligence algorithms to achieve
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 117760 Publisher : 冯枫

内部排序的所有算法,而且有相关可执行例子,包括插入排序,选择排序,希尔排序,快速排序,堆排序,归并排序等,很全,很孀。-sequencing of all internal algorithm, but is related to the executable examples, including insertion sort, select, in order of ranking Hill, the quick sort, heap sort, merging sequencing, all very, very widow.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 13312 Publisher : 李雷

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不错的希尔代码,希尔是一种经典的加密算法,加密可以通过一线形变换,脱密再做依次逆变换。密钥就是变换矩阵本身。-good code Hill, Hill is a classic encryption algorithms, encryption can transform line shape, followed again from close inverse transform. Key is the transformation matrix itself.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2048 Publisher : 李军

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分形算法C++ 程序:随机中点位移法生成山源代码-fractal algorithm C : random midpoint displacement method source code generated Hill
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 22528 Publisher : 齐松

C语言:陷阱和缺陷 PDF格式 原著:Andrew Koenig - AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07094 C语言及其典型实现被设计为能被专家们容易地使用。这门语言简洁并附有表达力。但有一些限制可以保护那些浮躁的人。一个浮躁的人可以从这些条款中获得一些帮助。-C Language : pitfalls and shortcomings in PDF format works : Andrew Koenig-ATT Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07094 C language and its typical realization was designed to be easy for the experts to use. This language accompanied by a concise expression of power. But there are some restrictions to protect those impetuous person. An impetuous people can access these articles help.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 264192 Publisher : 李白

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在VC环境下采用希尔密码体制加密、解密和破译。该软件实现了输入任意长度的密钥对文件进行加密和解密,解密密钥和密文保存在文件中。如果有完整的明文和对应的密文可是实现破译功能,即得出加密密钥。-in VC environment with Hill cryptosystem encryption, decryption and decoding. The software arbitrary length of the input to the key document encryption and decryption, and the decryption key secret to preserve the text in the document. If there is an express integrity and the corresponding ciphertext But achieving deciphering function, which is derived encryption keys.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 4512768 Publisher :

用java实现的数据结构排序算法,包括:选择排序、插入排序、冒泡排序、希尔排序、快速排序、堆排序、归并排序。-used to achieve the ranking algorithm data structure, including : Select, in order of insertion sequence and Bubble Sort, Hill sequencing, rapid sequencing, heap sort, merging sequencing.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 54272 Publisher : 陈为

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对深度优先(Depth first) 、宽度优先(Breath first) 、爬山法(Hill Climbing) 、 最佳优先(Best first) 以及A*搜索算法进行分析比较,要求: 给出这几种算法的描述; 根据SearchDemonstration程序中给出的示例,给出各算法的执行过程-priority right depth (Depth first), the width of priority (Breath first), mountaineering (Hill Climbing), the best priority (Best first) and the A* search algorithm analysis, requirements : This is the description of several algorithms; According SearchDemonstration procedures given in the examples are given of the algorithm implementation process
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1748992 Publisher : yao

All M-files are copyrighted, 2000, by Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, and Stephen M. Kogon for use with the book "Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing" published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Co. -All M-files are copyrighted, 2000, by Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, and Stephen M. Kogon for use with the book "Stati stical and Adaptive Signal Processing "publis hed by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Co.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 34816 Publisher : redradar

号称是最 经典的VHDL编程教材,虽然是英文版的,但写得非常通俗易懂。本人就是从这本书开始学习VHDL的。-which is the most classic material VHDL programming, is the English version. it is very user-friendly. I was this book started learning VHDL.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1979392 Publisher : 黄鹤
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