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希尔排序有着特殊的优点,对于特定的数据,排序速度很快。本代码用c语言实现了算法功能。-Hill has a special sort of advantage, for specific data, sorted quickly. This code implements the algorithm using c language function.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 291840 Publisher : 李林洲

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实现:平均排序 (k排序) k排序的定义:A[i] <= A[i + k] 即为希尔排序的不完全实现-Implementation: Average sort (k sorting) k sort defined: A [i] < = A [i+ k] is not fully realized Hill sort
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 刘子扬

Wireless and Cellular Communications, 3rd Edition - Mcgraw-Hill 2006
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 8826880 Publisher : dragonfly125

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八大排序算法测试 + 源码, 冒泡、选择、插入、归并、快速、希尔、计数、堆排序-Eight sorting algorithm testing+ source, bubbling, select, insert, merge, fast, Hill, count, heap sort
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2048 Publisher :

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分别输入5个测试数据文件,分别采用冒泡排序、选择排序、插入排序和希尔排序进行排序。并对排序过程中关键字的比较和交换次数进行统计并打印显示出来,以此展现排序算法性能比较-Enter the five tests are data files, respectively, using bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort and Hill sorting order. And compare the sorting process and exchange of the number of times the keyword statistics displayed and printed out in order to show the performance comparison sorting algorithms
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 944128 Publisher : ss

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采用顺序存储结构,实现学生成绩处理的相关问题,包括:学生信息的录入、查询、修改、排序、确定名次以及信息的输出。其中学生信息包括:学号、姓名、四门课、总分、及排名; 排序方法包括:希尔排序、快速排序、选择排序。 -Sequential storage structure, to achieve student performance related issues, including: input student information, query, modify, sort, and output information to determine the ranking. Student information which includes: Student ID, name, four courses, scores, and rankings sorting method comprising: Hill sort, quick sort, selection sort.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3072 Publisher : vermouthi

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Database Management Systems 2nd Ed - McGraw Hi-Database Management Systems 2nd Ed- McGraw Hill
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 484352 Publisher : xad

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各种排序算法的代码,包括选择排序、冒泡排序、插入排序、快速排序、堆排序、希尔排序。-关闭翻译英语中文德语检测语言 中文(简体)英语日语 翻译文字或网页 各种排序算法的代码,包括选择排序、冒泡排序、插入排序、快速排序、堆排序、希尔排序。 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Gè zhǒng páixù suànfǎ de dàimǎ, bāokuò xuǎnzé páixù, mào pào páixù, chārù páixù, kuàisù páixù, duī páixù, xī ěr páixù.Various sorting algorithm code, including the selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, quick sort, heap sort, Hill.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 应兆平

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本.cpp代码主要是收集了一些常用的C++算法相关内容,关键地方都已标记注释,比如链表数据、尾插法利用一个动态指针、迭代斐波那契、循环队列、KMP模式匹配算法,二叉树二叉链表节点结构定义、二叉排序树查找、平衡二叉树 AVL、优化后的冒泡算法、简单的选择排序,依次比较将最小的,然后与第一个位置交换、希尔排序、堆排序、归并排序(内存占用大)等,具体请下载这个源代码文件。-The. Cpp code is a collection of some commonly used C++ algorithms related content, key areas are marked notes, such as linked lists of data, the tail pointer interpolation method utilizes a dynamic, iterative Fibonacci, circular queue, KMP pattern matching algorithm, binary tree the binary tree node structure is defined, binary sort tree search, balanced binary AVL, bubbling optimized algorithm, a simple selection sort, compare the smallest turn, then swap the first position, Hill sort, heap sort, merge sort (large memory footprint), etc. For details, please download the source code files.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 9216 Publisher : gxtxtplg

基于AVR单片机的MPPT程序(爬山法),非常好用!-AVR microcontroller based MPPT program (hill climbing), very easy to use!
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 52224 Publisher : Frank

数据结构多种排序算法C++实现,冒泡排序,选择排序,插入排序,希尔排序,堆排序等-Implementation of various sorting algorithm, the data structure of bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, Hill sort, heap sort etc.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 10240 Publisher : 方李

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stm32F10x操作龙丘OLED进行字符和汉字的显示!-stm32F10x Operation Dragon Hill OLED display for character and characters!
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2127872 Publisher : 倪云峰

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希尔排序算法的实现,用C++实现的希尔排序算法-Hill sorting
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher :

这是一个Verilog的文件。可以实现在液晶显示屏山显示一副图像。-This is a Verilog file. Can display an image on the LCD Hill.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 5323776 Publisher : lulei

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选择排序希尔排序和快速排序的基本java实现,适合初学者学习和使用。-Sort Hill sorting and quick sort of basic java implementation, suitable for beginners to learn and use.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 4096 Publisher : Leo

McGraw-Hill, 2009 Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2nd ed
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 13570048 Publisher : JOHN

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This chapter contains some slides from chapter 5 of “Data Communications and networking”, 3rd ed. by B. Forouzan. The borrowed slides contain the copyright notice of McGraw-Hill at the bottom of the slide. Most of these slides are either modified or supplemented by additional information.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 746496 Publisher : u20140801

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cryptography HILL in matlab
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : laloware

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WCDMA by MCGRAW HILL This book contain basi functionality about CDMA and wCDMA
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1611776 Publisher : selva

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使用冒泡法,快速排序及希尔排序对数组排序并比较显示三种方法的优劣-Use bubble, rapid sorting and Hill sort array sort and compare the pros and cons of the three methods display
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 486400 Publisher : Jo Mac
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