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分形算法C++ 程序:随机中点位移法生成山源代码-fractal algorithm C : random midpoint displacement method source code generated Hill
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22615 Publisher : 齐松

C语言:陷阱和缺陷 PDF格式 原著:Andrew Koenig - AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07094 C语言及其典型实现被设计为能被专家们容易地使用。这门语言简洁并附有表达力。但有一些限制可以保护那些浮躁的人。一个浮躁的人可以从这些条款中获得一些帮助。-C Language : pitfalls and shortcomings in PDF format works : Andrew Koenig-ATT Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07094 C language and its typical realization was designed to be easy for the experts to use. This language accompanied by a concise expression of power. But there are some restrictions to protect those impetuous person. An impetuous people can access these articles help.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 264236 Publisher : 李白

五个常用的排序方法,用C实现的,包括归并,插入,希尔,快速,冒泡-five commonly used sequencing method, the C achieved, including merging, inserting, Hill, rapid and Bubble
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3082 Publisher :

用VB实现的函数的极致和最优化 包括黄金分割搜索法、不用导数的布伦特法 用导数的布伦特法、多元函数的山单纯形法、多元函数的变尺度法等-VB function of the body and optimization including 0.618 search, not derivative Brent Act, Brent derivative, the multi-function Hill simplex method, the multi-function as a criterion
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7294 Publisher : 刘立立

实现了插入排序,希尔排序, 冒泡排序,快速排序,选择排序,堆排序和归并排序,以及可以对排序的性能进行分析,较适合用作排序算法的学习-achieved insertion sort, Hill, in order Bubble Sort, quick sort, select, in order of ranking and sculpture merge sorting, and sequencing can analyze the performance and more appropriate for the learning algorithm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37832 Publisher : 叶靥

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在VC环境下采用希尔密码体制加密、解密和破译。该软件实现了输入任意长度的密钥对文件进行加密和解密,解密密钥和密文保存在文件中。如果有完整的明文和对应的密文可是实现破译功能,即得出加密密钥。-in VC environment with Hill cryptosystem encryption, decryption and decoding. The software arbitrary length of the input to the key document encryption and decryption, and the decryption key secret to preserve the text in the document. If there is an express integrity and the corresponding ciphertext But achieving deciphering function, which is derived encryption keys.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 42819 Publisher :

用java实现的数据结构排序算法,包括:选择排序、插入排序、冒泡排序、希尔排序、快速排序、堆排序、归并排序。-used to achieve the ranking algorithm data structure, including : Select, in order of insertion sequence and Bubble Sort, Hill sequencing, rapid sequencing, heap sort, merging sequencing.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 54226 Publisher : 陈为

用 插入排序, 希尔排序 ,冒泡, 快速排序 , 选择排序 ,堆排序, 归并排序 实现对任意随机数序列,并比较各种方法的运行快慢和复杂度-with insertion sort, Hill sequencing, bubbling Quick Sort, select, in order of ranking sculpture, merging order to achieve arbitrary random series, and compare the various methods of operating speed and complexity
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 389214 Publisher : 陈婷

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对深度优先(Depth first) 、宽度优先(Breath first) 、爬山法(Hill Climbing) 、 最佳优先(Best first) 以及A*搜索算法进行分析比较,要求: 给出这几种算法的描述; 根据SearchDemonstration程序中给出的示例,给出各算法的执行过程-priority right depth (Depth first), the width of priority (Breath first), mountaineering (Hill Climbing), the best priority (Best first) and the A * search algorithm analysis, requirements : This is the description of several algorithms; According SearchDemonstration procedures given in the examples are given of the algorithm implementation process
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1749656 Publisher : yao

VC调试手册的一书的所有源代码 The programs in the following subdirectories are from the Osborne/McGraw-Hill book \"Debugging C++\" by Pappas and Murray. -VC manual debugging of the book The source code for all programs in the Follo wing subdirectories are from the Osborne / McGr aw-Hill book "Debugging C" by Pappas and Murray .
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 325122 Publisher : 456

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很好的一个DD。。 能够进行快速排序...利用C语言实现,8种排序算法! 例如:插入排序、快速排序、选择排序、冒泡排序、堆排序、希尔排序、归并排序、基数排序!-good a DD. . To conduct rapid sequencing ... use C language, eight algorithm! For example : insert sequencing, Quick Sort, select, in order of Bubble Sort, heap sort, Hill sorting, merging, in order of ranking base!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5107 Publisher : 333

Parallel programming/Lou Baker, Bradley J.Smith .—New York:McGraw-Hill Book Co.,1996源码-Parallel programming / Lou Baker, Bradley J. Smith. - New York : McGraw-Hill Book Co.. 1996-source
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37519 Publisher : 钱锋

几种排序算法的C语言实现 用函数实现如下算法: (1) 直接插入排序, 希尔排序 (2) 冒泡排序, 快速排序 (3) 选择排序, 堆排序 (4) 归并排序 (5) 基数排序 -several algorithm using C language function algorithm to achieve the following : (a) direct insertion sort, Hill sequencing (2) Bubble Sort, rapid sequencing (3) choose, in order of ranking reactor (4) Merging Sort (5) Sort base
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4008 Publisher : 丘方

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68013 gpif模式的使用说明,详细代码可以在众山公司下载-68,013 gpif pattern of the use of detailed description of the code can be downloaded from the public Hill Companies
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 229247 Publisher : 王哲

All M-files are copyrighted, 2000, by Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, and Stephen M. Kogon for use with the book \"Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing\" published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Co. -All M-files are copyrighted, 2000, by Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, and Stephen M. Kogon for use with the book "Stati stical and Adaptive Signal Processing "publis hed by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Co.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 35328 Publisher : redradar

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拓扑,直接插入,冒泡,简单选择,希尔 ,快速,堆排序-topology, direct insertion, bubbling simple choice, Hill, rapid and Heap Sort
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 221168 Publisher : 李伟然

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血液细胞边缘提取系统,有直方图分析等,详细请见压缩包内-blood cell edge extraction system, a histogram analysis, detailed see compressed within
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 827883 Publisher : 开力

[C-#高级编程].McGraw.Hill.-.Advanced.C#.Programming.rar 不需要密码-[C-# Advanced Programming]. McGraw.Hill .-. Advanced.C#. no password Programming.rar
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9909614 Publisher : fly

C++ Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide by Jeff Kent ISBN:0072253703 McGraw-Hill/Osborne © 2004 This hands-on, step-by-step resource will guide you through each phase of C++ programming, providing you with the foundation to discover how computer programs and programming languages work. -C Demystified : A Self-Teaching Guide by Jeff Kent ISBN : 0072253703 McGraw-Hill/Osborne
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2638218 Publisher : 李小钱

附有本人超级详细解释(看不懂的面壁十天!) 一、 实际问题: 希尔排序(Shell Sort)是插入排序的一种。因D.L.Shell于1959年提出而得名。它又称“缩小增量分类法”,在时间效率上比插入、比较、冒泡等排序算法有了较大改进。能对无序序列按一定规律进行排序。 二、数学模型: 先取一个小于n的整数d1作为第一个增量,把文件的全部记录分成d1个组。所有距离为dl的倍数的记录放在同一个组中。先在各组内进行直接插人排序;然后,取第二个增量d2<d1重复上述的分组和排序,直至所取的增量dt=1(dt<dt-l<…<d2<d1),即所有记录放在同一组中进行直接插入排序为止。该方法实质上是一种分组插入方法。 三、算法设计: 1、将相隔某个增量dlta[k]的元素构成一个子序列。在排序过程中,逐次减小这个增量,最后当h减到1时,进行一次插入排序,排序就完成。增量序列一般采用:dlta[k]=2t-k+1-1,其中t为排序趟数,1≤k≤t≤[log2 (n+1)],其中n为待排序序列的长度。按增量序列dlta[0..t-1]。 2、按增量dlta[k](1≤k≤t≤[log2 (n+1)])进行一趟希尔插入排序。 3、在主函数中控制程序执行流程。 4、时间复杂度:1≤k≤t≤[log2 (n+1)]时为O(n3/2)。 -with super detailed explanation (not read the Wall for 10 days!) A practical question : Sort Hill (Shell Sort) is inserted into a sort. By D. L. Shell made in 1959 and named after. It is also known as the "narrow incremental method" in the time-efficient than inserted, such as sorting algorithms and bubbling there has been a big improvement. The disorder can sequence by law must rank. Two mathematical models : first getting a less than n integers d1 as an increment. all documents should be recorded into d1 groups. All distance dl in multiples of record on the same group. In the first group for direct insertion sorting; Then, take a second increment d2
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19421 Publisher : 乐乐
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