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号称是最 经典的VHDL编程教材,虽然是英文版的,但写得非常通俗易懂。本人就是从这本书开始学习VHDL的。-which is the most classic material VHDL programming, is the English version. it is very user-friendly. I was this book started learning VHDL.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1979553 Publisher : 黄鹤

经典的希尔排序算法,对大家学习数据结构及培养编程思想有所启发!-classic Hill sorting algorithm for data to study the structure and culture programming philosophy inspired!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5122 Publisher : 阿科

学习数据结构写的排序代码,有冒泡排序、直接插入、希尔排序、简单选择排序、快速排序、堆排序-study data structure was sort of code, Bubble Sort directly inserted, Hill, in order of simple choice, in order of Quick Sort, Heap Sort
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 128813 Publisher : 陈飞

本例展示了D3D9.0中使用顶点着色器(Vertex Shader, *.vsh)绘制的过程。 本例运行的软硬件环境: Visual C++ 7.0 Direct3D 9.0 盛崇山版权所有-the cases demonstrate the use of D3D9.0 vertex coloring (Vertex Shader. *. vsh) preparation process. The cases run the hardware and software environment : Visual C 7.0 9.0 Direct3D Hill only Chengchong
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 128025 Publisher : 漫步者

插入排序,希尔排序,冒泡排序,快速排序,选择排序程序实现。-insertion sort, Hill, ranked bubble sort, quick sort, select Sort program.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1600 Publisher : 飞鸿

本程序直接摘自文献: % S. K. Mitra. Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach. Second Edition, % McGraw-Hill,2001 清华大学出版社,2001-directly extracted from the literature : S. K. Mitra%. Digital Signal Processing : A Computer-Based Approach. Second Edition. % McGraw-Hill, 2001 Tsinghua University Press, 2001
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1021 Publisher : cb

《Delphi算法与数据结构》源码 Delphi开发人员Julian Bucknall从实用角度为广大程序员提供了有关使用算法和数据结构的一个详尽的介绍。Bucknall先从算法性能的讨论开始,涵盖了诸如数组、链表和二叉树等内容。这本书强调了查找算法(如顺序和二分查找),另外也重点介绍了排序算法(包括冒泡排序、插入排序、希尔排序、快速排序和堆排序),此外还提供了有关的优化技术。不仅如此,作者还介绍了散列和散列表、优先队列、状态机和正则表达式以及诸如哈夫曼和LZ77等数据压缩技术。 随附光盘中有作者所开发的一个相当成功的自由软件库EZDSL,另外还有可运行于各版本Delphi上和Kylix上的源代码,此外还提供了TurboPower Software公司的可执行程序。-"Delphi algorithm and data structure" Delphi source developers Julian Buch knall from a practical standpoint the majority of programmers for the use of the algorithm and data structure of a detailed presentation. Bucknall start with the performance of the algorithm outset of the discussion, covering such as arrays, linked lists and binary trees, and other content. This book stresses the search algorithm (such as the sequence and identify two hours), It also focuses on the sorting algorithm (including bubble sort, insertion sort, Hill, ranked Quick Sort and Heap Sort) It also provided the optimization technology. Moreover, the author also introduced the hash and hash table, the priority queue, and the state machine and regular expression such as Huffman and LZ77 data compression t
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 148649 Publisher : Bob

VHDL Programming by Example(McGraw.Hill著 电子版)-VHDL Programming by Example (McGraw.Hill an electronic version )
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1865243 Publisher : 20032211

The Art of C++ by Herbert Schildt ISBN:0072255129 McGraw-Hill/Osborne © 2004 The author of this text applies C++ to a wide variety of high-powered, practical applications, each focusing on a different aspect of the language. Examples range from a garbage collector subsystem and a thread control panel to AI-based searches and more. -The Art of C by Herbert Schildt ISBN : 0072255129 McGraw-Hill/Osborne
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1072436 Publisher : 按时地方

DL : 0
本文档讲解了几种排序方式的优缺点。包含直接插入、希尔、直接选择、冒泡、快速、堆、二路归并等排序方式。-this document on the order of several ways the advantages and disadvantages. Include direct insertion, Hill, direct choice, Bubble, rapid and heaps of two-way merge, etc. Sort.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 84453 Publisher : wyk

DL : 0
1、 演示程序对6种内部排序算法(堆排序、直接插入排序、简单选择排序、快速排序、希尔排序、归并排序)作输入实测比较。 2、 待排序表的元素的关键字为整数。用户可输入不同数据作测试比较。比较的指标为关键字参加的比较次数(用compCount计量)和关键字的移动次数(用shiftCount计量,关键字交换计为3次移动)。 3、 演示程序以用户和计算机的对话方式执行,即在计算机终端上显示“提示信息”下,用户可由键盘输入待排序表的表长(不大于20)和数据。 4、 每次测试完毕,显示各种排序比较指标值和排好序的数据。 -1, the demonstration program on six internal sorting algorithm (Heap Sort direct insertion sequence and simple choice ranking Quick Sort, Hill sorting, merging ranking) for the importation of experimental comparison. 2, the ranking table to be elements of the keyword as an integer. Users can input data for testing different comparison. Comparable indicators to compare the keyword in the number of (using compCount measurement) and the mobile number keyword ( shiftCount use metering, the keyword exchange dollars for the 3rd Mobile). 3, the demo program to computer users and implementation of the dialogue, that is displayed on the computer terminal, "a message", Users can sort the keyboard input to be in table (not more than 20) and data. 4, each test completed, showing the sort ind
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 32601 Publisher : 张涛

这是一个数据结构的综合性实验,是实现各种排序算法,如插入排序,希尔排序-This a comprehensive data structure of the experiment, the realization of sorting algorithm, such as insertion sort, Hill ranking
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2887 Publisher : 刘培坚

摘要:采用Foxpro2.5T3数据库开发平台开发了一种计算机机房和网吧收费管理系统,该系 统的帐户信h,基」几条形码识别身份,也可以直接键入用户帐户的数码,所需的用户信h,完全山 计算机集中管理。该系统是一种重l从对上机计费、值班人员工作日志与收费情况进行详细记 录,J{含有信任委托技术在内的机房网吧管理收费系统,系统成木低廉、运行速度快、代码紧 凑、功能健全、开发平台简单。 -Abstract : using Foxpro2.5T3 database development platform for the development of a computer room and Internet cafes charging management system, The system of accounts letter h - "a few bar code identity, users can directly enter the digital account, the letter h users completely Hill computer centralized management. This is a re-l from the right on the plane billing, log on duty personnel and the toll of detailed records, J (trust entrusted with the technical room Internet cafe management system, the system log into low, running speed, code compact, functional, simple development platform.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 53219 Publisher : tuzi

DL : 4
实现了三种古典密码学体制和DES体制及其分析。affine(仿射)读入文件11.txt中内容(小写字母,明文)加密并把内容写入12.txt,还可以解密生成文件13.txt。vigenere,hill体制类似。DES体制包括加密解密雪崩效应差分分析等内容。由于本人还是刚学习程序设计语言及密码学的在校本科生,水平很低,第一次上传只是为了试一下。可以考虑少给几点,呵呵。-achieve three classical cryptography system and DES system and its analysis. P14 (affine) read into the document 11. Txt contents (lowercase letters, expressly) encryption and written 12. txt, can also generate documents declassified 13. txt. Vigenere, hill similar system. DES encryption and decryption system, including avalanche effect Differential analysis of the contents. Because I still just learning programming language and Cryptography in undergraduate school, the low level Uploading is the first to try. Consider a smaller number of points-huh.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10859 Publisher : 李栋

C++ from the Ground Up Third Edition 很不错的一本C++入门书-C from the Ground Up Third Edition is a good C - Gate No.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1985598 Publisher : 工兵

《分形算法与程序设计——Visual C++实现》的第七章和第十章源码 包括一维元胞自动机生成的Sierpinski三角形、随机分布的Sierpinski三角形、二维元胞自动机小程序源代码、DLA模型源代码、用DLA模型模拟植物的生长源代码、原点演化圆形边界的DLA程序源垂直演化折线干预的DLA程序源代码、垂直演化汉字干预的DLA程序源代码。 随机中点位移法生成山源代码、三维空间中的分形插值算法源代码-"fractal algorithm and program design -- Visual C realization," Chapter VII and Chapter 10, including a peacekeeping FOSS Cellular automata generate the Sierpinski triangle, Random distribution of Sierpinski triangle, two-dimensional cellular automata small source code, DLA model source code, with DLA model plant in the source code, Origin evolution circular border DLA program source vertical evolution dogleg intervention DLA program source code, vertical evolution of the Chinese intervention DLA program source code. Random midpoint displacement method Hill source code generated, three-dimensional space of fractal interpolation algorithm source code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 491989 Publisher : 郝丽丽

DL : 0
java实现的各种排序算法:插入排序、起泡排序、希尔排序等。-java achieve the Sorting Algorithm : Insertion Sort, bubble sort, Hill ranking.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4964 Publisher : luping

DL : 0
内部排序算法比较,6种常用的内部排序算法进行实测比较:一趟冒泡排序、简单选择排序、快速排序、希尔排序、直接插入排序、堆排序。-internal sorting algorithm, six kinds of internal sorting algorithm measured comparison : Bubble Sort trip, Sort simple choice, quick sort, Hill, ranked direct insertion sort, heap sort.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1284281 Publisher : 马全

DL : 0
这本来是我为一个商业PDA产品开发的日历程序,最近移植于PC机上, 所以算法和数据部分是用纯C++写的,不涉及MFC,所有的代码都是以短节省存储空间为主要 目的.很高兴你对这些代码有兴趣,你可以随意复制和使用些代码,唯一有一点小小的 愿望:在你使用和复制给别人时,别忘注明这些代码作者:-)。程序代码也就罢了, 面的数据可是我辛辛苦苦从万年历上找出来输进去的。-I used to do this as a commercial product development PDA calendar procedures in recent transplant PC, So part of the algorithm and the data is written in pure C and do not involve the MFC, All the code is to save storage space short for the main objective. I am very glad that you have these codes right interest, You are free to copy and use some code, only one small wish : you use and copy to others, do not forget to specify these codes author :-). Code people, the surface but I have worked hard data from the calendar to find out losers on Capitol Hill.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4822 Publisher : 贾磊

DL : 0
数据结构中的希尔排序算法的可行性实现,主要在vc中实现-data structure Hill sorting algorithm to achieve the feasibility, primarily in achieving vc
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6479 Publisher : 小酷
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