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局域网内的完全通信,实现数据的传输与交换,将服务端和客户端完全集中在一个项目文件中,局域网中完美实现通信!TCP通信,用SERVERSOCKET和CLIENTSOCKET实现-yes,it is good!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 662528 Publisher : 洪坤

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java的网络开发,简单的应用java中的Socket,ServerSocket 实现TCP/IP协议 和UDP协议-java web development, simple application java socket the ServerSocket to achieve the TCP/IP protocol and UDP protocols
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : ztr

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服务器Socket接收文件,通过ServerSocket监听客户端连接,然后做出相应。-Server Socket receive files
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 39936 Publisher : 卢少轩

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java 中关于socket通信的用法,主要用到serverSocket和Socket两个类-java socket ServerSocket java socket ServerSocket java socket ServerSocket
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : kjhg

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简单的基于Java的服务端客户端程序,比较适应与初学者-Simple Java-based client-service program, more compatible with the beginners. .
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 海云

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学习java编程很好的材料,介绍了java中类的数据流,缓存读写,输入数据流的读取,输出数据流和Class ServerSocket等,并介绍他们的使用方法。-Good material to learn java programming, the java classes in the data stream, the cache read and write, to read the input data stream, the output data stream and the Class ServerSocket, etc., and describes their use.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 131072 Publisher : kevin

多人的聊天室,利用了网络socket,serverSocket,可以多人聊天-Multiplayer chat rooms, use of network socket, serverSocket, you can chat with people
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2465792 Publisher : 方晶

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服务器与客户间通过套接口Socket(TCP)连接。在java中使用套接口相当简单,Java API为处理套接口的通信提供了一个类,使得编写网络应用程序相对容易.服务器采用多线程以满足多用户的请求,通过JDBC与后台数据库连接,并通过创建一个ServerSocket对象来监听来自客户的连接请求,默认端口为8080,然后无限循环调用accept()方法接受客户程序的连接 客户通过Socket(InetAddress,port)建立与服务器的连接。服务器与客户都通过构造BufferedReader,PrintWriter来建立输入输出流,然后双方通过该输入输出流来相互传递信息,一旦收到客户方的连接请求,服务器accept()方法返回一个新建的Socket对象。-Server and client through socket Socket (TCP) connections. In java socket is quite simple, Java API sets to address the communications interface provides a class, Makes writing network applications with relative ease. Multi-threaded servers to meet the multi-user' s request, with the back-end database through JDBC connections, and through the creation of a ServerSocket object to listen for connection requests from clients, the default port is 8080, then an infinite loop calling accept () method accepts client connections customers through the Socket (InetAddress, port) to establish a connection with the server. Server and the client through the construction BufferedReader, PrintWriter to create input and output streams, and then the two sides through the input and output streams to pass information to each other, upon receipt of the customer' s connection request, the server accept () method returns a new Socket object.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 914432 Publisher : 三鲜丸子

基于delphi的以太网服务端测试工具,端口号需要在源代码中修改-Ethernet services based on delphi side testing tool, port numbers need to modify the source code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 197632 Publisher : 孤独无敌

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简单服务器代码public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ServerSocket ss=new ServerSocket(10009) Socket s=ss.accept() InputStream in=s.getInputStream() byte[] buf=new byte[1024] int System.out.println(new String(buf,0,len)) -Simple server code public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException {ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket (10009) Socket s = ss.accept () InputStream in = s.getInputStream () byte [] buf = new byte [1024] int len ​ ​ = (buf) System.out.println (new String (buf, 0, len))
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 奋斗

[Android] 手機資料傳到電腦(WiFi) 如何將手機資料經由WIFI傳到電腦呢? 我們可以利用ServerSocket(Server端)和socket(Client端)來實作一個例子, 從手機裡選一張照片傳送到電腦, 這裡有一點要注意,Server和client需在同一個網址。-[Android] phone data to a computer (WiFi) information on how the phone to a computer via WIFI it? We can use ServerSocket (Server side) and socket (Client side) to implement an example, choose a photo from the phone transmission to a computer, where it must be noted, Server and client needs in the same URL.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : jay chn

The extension of {@code ServerSocket} which provides secure server sockets based on protocols like SSL, TLS, or others.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : penaoten

这是服务端的程序,功能好用,欢迎大家下载!-This is a server-side program, function is good, welcome everyone to download!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1973248 Publisher : jane

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用C++ builder 编写的基于winsocket的通讯聊天软件。主要控件是clientsocket和serversocket。- written by C++ builder ,based on Winsocket, communications chat software. The main components are clientsocket and serversocket.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5951488 Publisher : locu

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tcp server programing source
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : choi

serversocket test java
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : nestor

使用ServerSocket和Socket实现服务器端和客户端的Socket通信-Socket communication using ServerSocket and Socket to achieve client and server
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 37888 Publisher : sadasd

SocketServer监听程序,用serversocket和clientsocket-SocketServer listen
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 297984 Publisher : 周会

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android socket网络通信编程实例,TCP/IP Socket、ServerSocket的形式。在JAVA编程中, 经常使用java.net和javax.net包来开发socket程序,下面列出所有常用的类,并简单介绍。再此说明一下:Socket仅仅是对TCP、UDP网络接口的封装,不涉及上层协议。 客户端连接使用的TCP socket 客户端和服务端共同使用的UDP socket 服务端TCP socket监听端口   Java.netInetAddress IP地址封装类 通过DatagramSocket收发的数据包的封装类,包括数据和对端的IP地址、UDP端口 -android socket network communications programming examples, TCP/IP Socket, ServerSocket form of. In the JAVA programming, often using package to develop socket and procedures listed below all the usual classes, and a brief introduction. Then explain this: Socket is only TCP, UDP network interface package, does not involve the upper layer protocol. client connections using TCP socket client and server using UDP socket joint TCP socket server listening port Java.netInetAddress IP address encapsulation class DatagramSocket class by encapsulating data packets sent and received, including data and peer IP address, UDP port
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 52224 Publisher : rpudn93

一个简单的Demo,适合初学者,利用serversorkcet和clientsocket实现远程控制-A simple Demo, suitable for beginners, and clientsocket use serversorkcet remote control
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 579584 Publisher : 曾鹤基
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