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NET下的socket通信源代码,源代码包括服务端工程包文件,要配合我上传的客户端代码进行测试使用。-NET under the socket communication source code, source code, including file server project, it is necessary to meet the client to upload my code to use for testing.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 226304 Publisher : csf

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服务器与客户间通过套接口Socket(TCP)连接。在java中使用套接口相当简单,Java API为处理套接口的通信提供了一个类,使得编写网络应用程序相对容易.服务器采用多线程以满足多用户的请求,通过JDBC与后台数据库连接,并通过创建一个ServerSocket对象来监听来自客户的连接请求,默认端口为8080,然后无限循环调用accept()方法 -Between server and client through the socket Socket (TCP) connection. In java using a very simple set of interfaces, Java API for dealing with socket communications category provides a, Making the preparation of web applications is relatively easy. Server used to meet the needs of multi-threaded multi-user request, and the background through the JDBC database connection, and by creating a ServerSocket object to listen for connection requests from clients, the default port is 8080, and then infinite loop calling accept () method
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 903168 Publisher : 张进

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服务器与客户间通过套接口Socket(TCP)连接。在java中使用套接口相当简单,Java API为处理套接口的通信提供了一个类,使得编写网络应用程序相对容易.服务器采用多线程以满足多用户的请求,通过JDBC与后台数据库连接,并通过创建一个ServerSocket对象来监听来自客户的连接请求,默认端口为8080,然后无限循环调用accept()方法接受客户程序的连接-Between server and client through the socket Socket (TCP) connection. In java using a very simple set of interfaces, Java API for dealing with socket communications category provides a, Making the preparation of web applications is relatively easy. Server used to meet the needs of multi-threaded multi-user request, and the background through the JDBC database connection, and by creating a ServerSocket object to listen for connection requests from clients, the default port is 8080, and then infinite loop calling accept () method to accept client connection
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 947200 Publisher : yangbaoxing

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delphi简单的考勤系统 使用tcp ip 协议 包括服务器端和客户端 使用了 ClientSocket和ServerSocket组件-delphi attendance system uses a simple tcp ip protocol, including server-side and client-side ServerSocket used ClientSocket and components
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 726016 Publisher : ngtvsea

一套Socket编程的控件,可以支持 Socket5和 httptunnle-FUNDAMENTALS is a collection of Delphi code libraries. FUNDAMENTALS SOCKETS contains: Sockets cWinSock.pas WinSock functions cSocks.pas SOCKS4/5 functions cSocketHostLookup.pas Socket host lookup class cSockets.pas Base class for sockets cSocketsTCP.pas Base class for TCP sockets cSocketsTCPClient.pas Base class for TCP client sockets cSocketsTCPServer.pas Base class for TCP server sockets cSocketsUDP.pas Base class for UDP sockets cTCPStream.pas TCP stream class cTCPClient.pas TCP client component cTCPServer.pas TCP server component FUNDAMENTALS SOCKETS require FUNDAMENTALS UTILITIES (included).
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 474112 Publisher : sail2000

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p2pmobilephp consists of J2ME classes and PHP files for writing mobile filesharing applications very quickly. p2pmobilephp besteht aus J2ME Klassen und PHP Skripts, mit denen man mobiles Filesharing mit wenig Zeitaufwand realisieren kann. 1. Change MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASS, MYSQL_DATABASE in update2.php and viewshare2.php so they fit to your server settings. 2. Create a table sites(urlo,timeo,leno) with PHPMyAdmin or another tool 3. Copy update2.php, viewshare2.php into a directory on your server 4. Now you can use the J2ME classes. If you create an instance of Loader or ServerSocket, the argument must be the online folder, where the PHP files are.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 33792 Publisher : maachanas

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p2pmobilephp consists of J2ME classes and PHP files for writing mobile filesharing applications very quickly. p2pmobilephp besteht aus J2ME Klassen und PHP Skripts, mit denen man mobiles Filesharing mit wenig Zeitaufwand realisieren kann. 1. Change MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASS, MYSQL_DATABASE in update2.php and viewshare2.php so they fit to your server settings. 2. Create a table sites(urlo,timeo,leno) with PHPMyAdmin or another tool 3. Copy update2.php, viewshare2.php into a directory on your server 4. Now you can use the J2ME classes. If you create an instance of Loader or ServerSocket, the argument must be the online folder, where the PHP files are.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 70656 Publisher : maachanas

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详细说明:采用Microsoft Visual C++编写。界面基于对话框方式。通过对socket类继承实现软件中的服务端类serversocket和客户端类clientsocket。由于将服务端类和客户端类的调用在一个工程中实现,所以一个程序既可以作为服务端也可以作为客户端。代码中加入了基本的错误处理功能。--using Microsoft Visual C preparation. Based on the way the dialog interface. Socket type of software succession to the service changer serversocket and clientsocket changer. Due to the services changer and changer call in a project to achieve, so a procedure can be as server can be used as the client. Code by adding a basic error-handling capabilities
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 46080 Publisher : 王朝霞

一个讲解j2me 使用 serversocket和客户端通信的例子。-J2me on the use of a serversocket and examples of client communications.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 39936 Publisher : xp

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Vc6下的ServerSocket源代码,大家参考-Source code , everybody consult lower ServerSocket of Vc6
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 49152 Publisher : 王东

this is sample example using serversocket
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10240 Publisher : evgencpp

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java实现内网的端口映射本文手把手的详解了jPortMap端口映射程序开发中的每一步,做为己运行在实际的企业项目中的应用, jPortMap程序较全面的展示了Thread、List、Vector、Socket、ServerSocket、Input/OutpuStream、File Read/Write、Properties等核心API的用法,是初学者快速进阶的一个优秀案例。-本文手把手的详解了jPortMap端口映射程序开发中的每一步,做为己运行在实际的企业项目中的应用, jPortMap程序较全面的展示了Thread、List、Vector、Socket、ServerSocket、Input/OutpuStream、File Read/Write、Properties等核心API的用法,是初学者快速进阶的一个优秀案例。
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 164864 Publisher : sss

一个很好的winsock tcp/ucp示例,相信看了肯定收益颇丰-a good example for winsock about tcp/udp
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4135936 Publisher : chenshapin

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基于serverSocket 和socket编写的及时聊天系统。有类似于tencent的qq界面,能实时监听用户的上下线。能发离线消息。有用户连接池。以及账号注册,修改等功能-ServerSocket and socket-based chat system written in a timely manner. Tencent similar to those of the qq interface, real-time monitor on the user' s offline. Offline messages can be issued. A user connection pool. As well as account registration, modification and other functions
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 887808 Publisher : yixiu

实现远程监控系统,比如摄像功能监控,实现实时监控系统等。-Remote monitoring system, such as video surveillance capabilities to achieve real-time monitoring system.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1669120 Publisher : 张超

SimpleSocket是一个C + +库使得Socket客户机/服务器编程更容易。该文库包含类Socket和ServerSocket。这些类可以使用同样的方式作为同一名称的Java类。它使使用C++流将数据发送到驶过。 SimpleSocket进行了测试,在两Windows98和Windows NT4的一个GUI Origin200和GNU Cygwin的环境(IRIX的6.5)。图书馆工作预计将在Linux或其它Unix系统,有少量的修改。 SimpleSocket利用了SimpleException和SimpleMessage库。这些库还可以用于其他目的。-SimpleSocket is a C++ library making socket based client/server programming easier. The library consists of the classes Socket and ServerSocket. These classes can be used in a similar way as the Java classes of the same name. It makes use of C++ stream to send data to and fro. SimpleSocket has been tested in the GNU cygwin environment on both Windows98 and Windows NT4 and on a Silicon Graphics Origin200 (IRIX 6.5). The library is expected to work on Linux or other Unix variants, with few changes. SimpleSocket makes use of the SimpleException and SimpleMessage libraries. These libraries can also be used for other purposes.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : 方启

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基于JAVA的ICQ系统 系统采用客户/服务器摸式 服务器与客户间通过套接口Socket(TCP)连接。在java中使用套接口相当简单,Java API为处理套接口的通信提供了一个类,使得编写网络应用程序相对容易.服务器采用多线程以满足多用户的请求,通过JDBC与后台数据库连接,并通过创建一个ServerSocket对象来监听来自客户的连接请求,默认端口为8080,然后无限循环调用accept()方法接受客户程序的连接-The ICQ system based on JAVA
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 903168 Publisher : chen rong

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socket 关于网络编程的资料,使用c++或C语言-information on network socket programming, using c++ or C language
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 218112 Publisher : 杜少

multi thread server socket demo
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 218112 Publisher : ccccccckkk

服务器与客户间通过套接口Socket(TCP)连接。在java中使用套接口相当简单,Java API为处理套接口的通信提供了一个类,使得编写网络应用程序相对容易.服务器采用多线程以满足多用户的请求,通过JDBC与后台数据库连接,并通过创建一个ServerSocket对象来监听来自客户的连接请求,默认端口为8080,然后无限循环调用accept()方法接受客户程序的连接-Between server and client through the socket Socket (TCP) connection. In java using sockets is quite simple, Java API for handling the communication socket to provide a class, To make writing Web applications easier. Server uses multiple threads to meet the multi-user s request, and back through the JDBC database connection, and by creating a ServerSocket object to listen for connection requests from clients, the default port is 8080, then an infinite loop calling accept () method to accept client program link
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 903168 Publisher : yessky
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