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用Java实现Web服务器 本文实现了GET请求的Web服务器程序的方法,通过创建ServerSocket类对象,监听端口8080; 等待、接受客户机连接到端口8080; 创建与socket字相关联的输入流和输出流 然后,读取客户机的请求信息,若请求类型是GET,则从请求信息中获取所访问的HTML文件名,如果HTML文件存在,则打开HTML文件,把HTTP头信息和HTML文件内容通过socket传回给Web浏览器,然后关闭文件。否则发送错误信息给Web浏览器。最后,关闭与相应Web浏览器连接的socket字。-Java Web server is to achieve a GET request to the Web server, through the creation of ServerSocket class object, bugging port 8080; Wait, a client is connected to port 8080; Socket character creation and the associated input and output streams flow then read the client's request information, if the request is the type of GET, request information from being accessed visit HTML document, and if the HTML document exists, then open the HTML file, HTTP headers and HTML files through the socket sent back to the Web browser and then close the file. Otherwise, send the wrong message to the Web browser. Finally, the closing and the corresponding Web browser connected to the socket word.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10425 Publisher : 雨岳

用ServerSocket和ClientSocket实现的网络五子棋,还有一个很棒的人工智能,使本人花费三天心血编写的,界面也很棒。-ServerSocket and ClientSocket use the network to achieve 331, a terrific artificial intelligence, so I spent three days preparing the effort, and the interface is great.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 242420 Publisher : kane

DL : 1
服务器与客户间通过套接口Socket(TCP)连接。在java中使用套接口相当简单,Java API为处理套接口的通信提供了一个类,使得编写网络应用程序相对容易.服务器采用多线程以满足多用户的请求,通过JDBC与后台数据库连接,并通过创建一个ServerSocket对象来监听来自客户的连接请求,默认端口为8080,然后无限循环调用accept()方法接受客户程序的连接-server and client presentation by Socket Interface (TCP) connections. Java use in presentation interface is quite simple, Java API sets to address the communications interface provides a type , Making the preparation of network applications relatively easily. Multi-threaded servers to meet the multi-user request, through JDBC and background database connections, and through the creation of a ServerSocket object from the client to monitor the connection request, the default port of 8080, then infinite loops call accept () method to accept client connections
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 902994 Publisher : 周海波

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这是一个类似于QQ的代码!!了解Socket类和ServerSocket类中的重要方法。学会用Socket 类和ServerSocket类编写应用于网络之间的双向通信的程序.体会C/S模式。 -This is a code similar to the QQ! ! Understanding ServerSocket socket type and category of important ways. Learn how to use and ServerSocket socket type used in the preparation of such network of two-way communication between the procedures. Experience of C / S mode.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11561 Publisher : 周腾裕

本文介绍一种用Java的Socket和ServerSocket实现服务器和客户机通讯的的方法。原理是在服务器端建立ServerSocket端口并监听,接收到客户端的连接请求时建立Socket,得到Socket的输入输出流。在客户端新建Socket并获得输入输出流。服务器和客户端的输入输出流建立后使用writeLine()和println()方法彼此发送和接收数据。为提高代码效率,建立两个类clientAgent和serverAgent。 -This article introduces a Java ServerSocket socket server and and client communication methods. The principle is established on the server side ServerSocket ports and eavesdropping, reception to the client connection request to establish socket, the socket to be input and output streams. The new Socket client and access input and output streams. Server and client input and output streams used after the establishment of writeLine (), and println () side France each other to send and receive data. To improve code efficiency, the establishment of two categories clientAgent and serverAgent.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6027 Publisher : 郑描中

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java环境下的socket多线程编程指导-java environment socket multi-threaded programming guide
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 260096 Publisher : gh

一个基于TCP连接的VC++工程程序,服务器端-Based on the TCP connection VC++ Engineering procedures, server-side
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3093504 Publisher : lupeng

serversocket client和serverlist的socket通信
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3855360 Publisher : 王凯

带心跳的套接字SocketServer,没4秒钟侦听客户端的连接心跳信息-Auto Agent SocketServer
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 17408 Publisher : mazhongming

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ClientSocket with ServerSocket
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 167936 Publisher : 李小龙

原本它是两个人在纸面上玩的益智游戏,转移到电脑上后我给它添加了人机对奕和网络对战的功能。 在本源码中你可以看到电脑AI实现方法,ClientSocket,ServerSocket的使用,控件的编写,ListBox的OwnerDraw的实现等等技巧。 请先安装里面的GridPanel控件才可正常编译。 -Originally it was two people in the puzzle game to play on paper, transfer to your computer to it after I added a man-machine Duiyi and the online play features. In this source code you can see the computer AI implementations, ClientSocket, ServerSocket use, control, preparation, ListBox, and so the realization of OwnerDraw skills. Please install inside the control can be a normal compile GridPanel.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 480256 Publisher : wuna1978

ServerSocket的练习,很简单,适合初学者。希望对您有帮助-ServerSocket practice, very simple, suitable for beginners. Hope helpful
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8430592 Publisher : 卓雄

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server sockets example with delphi source code.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : azert

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是用java socket 和 serversocket通信 demo-java socket demo
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : jes

c++builder 利用clientsocket 与 serversocket发送/接收数据流-c++ builder using clientsocket and serversocket send/receive data stream
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 355328 Publisher : wanhui

关于ServerSocket的一些基础知识Some basic knowledge about the ServerSocket-Some basic knowledge about the ServerSocket
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 260096 Publisher : tianzi

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serversocket 连接示意,可以自动设置端口并连接,连接后,会将连接文字返回-serversocket connections indicate
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 219136 Publisher : 葛星

java网络编程中利用Socket通信,ServerSocket的使用方法,新建,与客户端建立连接,关闭连接等-java Socket Communications Network Programming ServerSocket use the new, with the client to establish a connection, close the connection
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 46080 Publisher : humengting

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Constructs a new {@code ServerSocket} instance which is not bound to any port. The default number of pending connections may be backlogged.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : zenringging

ServerSocket传输实例,学习的好例子(A good example of ServerSocket transmission, a good example of learning)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 48128 Publisher : wenaaa
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