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网络编程 Socket RMI 多线程 实验中要求完成的程序-Socket ServerSocket RMI
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 972800 Publisher : Tcafe

电脑开一个ServerSocket 用手机安装Socket 就可以开始聊天了。-Computer to open a ServerSocket Socket can chat phone installation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 75776 Publisher : 叶雁翔

code of server socket for windows
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : asad

delphi的socket通讯,clientsocket和serversocket使用实例-delphi' s socket communication clientsocket, and serversocket instance
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 94208 Publisher : zhanglu

Java网络编程精解(电子书)介绍 serversocket各种方法-Java Network Programming with Explanations (eBook) introduce serversocket various methods
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 305152 Publisher : jeanne

DL : 0
聊天室基于socket,serversocket,实现保存,查看聊天记录的功能-Chat rooms
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : 夏丹丹

DL : 0
实现了java环境下一对一的私人聊天功能-import* import java.awt.* import java.awt.event.* import javax.swing.* import* public class ChatClient implements ActionListener { private Panel panel private JTextArea said private JTextField chat private JButton send private ServerSocket server private Socket s private InputStream in private OutputStream out public ChatClient() { JFrame f=new JFrame("聊天系统客户机端") f.setSize(350,400) panel=new Panel() said=new JTextArea() chat=new JTextField(20) chat.addActionListener(this) send=new JButton("发送") send.addActionListener(this) panel.add(chat) panel.add(send) f.add("South",panel) f.add("Center",said) f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0) } }) } public void startN
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : gddjq

简易 java版的聊天小工具 用主要用学习serversocket socket-Simple version of java chat tool is mainly used to learn serversocket and socket
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 73728 Publisher : tmsm

DL : 0
Receive files from ServerSocket
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : ZZafar

实现了CSocket类的C/S聊天程序,进行网络通信-The the CSocket class C/S chat program, network communication
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6883328 Publisher : lilianlove

完成一个多线程的文件共享服务器,可以控制允许连接数,以及可以设置多个共享目录。 实现技术 使用ServerSocket、Socket完成网络连接。 使用JList显示共享文件(熟练掌握List的方法和他的model、CellRendener等) 使用JProcessBar-The completion of a multi-threaded file-sharing server, you can control the allowable number of connections, and can set up multiple shared directory. Technology uses ServerSocket Socket complete the network connection. To use JList displayed shared files (master List method and his model, CellRendener, etc.) use JProcessBar
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 17361920 Publisher :

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模仿飞鸽传书完成飞鸽传书的大部分功能(主要是发送组播信息,传送文件等功能)。 实现技术 使用DatagramSocket、DatagramPacket传递UDP数据。 使用MulticastSocket发送、接受组播消息。 使用ServerSocket、Socket发送接受文件。 使用DefaultTableModel定制需要的JTable。 使用SystemTray、TrayIcon制作托盘图标。-Most of the functionality of the IP Messenger mimic IP Messenger (send multicast information, transfer files, and functions). Technology use DatagramSocket, DatagramPacket pass UDP data. Use MulticastSocket send and receive multicast messages. ServerSocket, Socket and sending and receiving files. To use DefaultTableModel custom need JTable. SystemTray, TrayIcon making tray icon.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 11495424 Publisher :

1.在服务器端通过指定一个用来等待的连接的端口号创建一个ServerSocket实例。 2.在客户端通过规定一个主机和端口号创建一个Socket实例,连到服务器上。 3.服务器端在本地建立一个文本文件存储与客户端互传字符串的记录。 -1. By specifying a port number used to wait for a connection to create a ServerSocket instance on the server side. 2. Client by specifying a host and port number to create a Socket instance, is connected to the server. 3. Locally, the server-side to create a text file storage and transfer client records of the string.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10240 Publisher :

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Bluetooth简单的蓝牙聊天程序,serverSocket,socket,设备侦听等功能-The the simple Bluetooth Bluetooth chat program, serverSocket, socket, device listens functions
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 87040 Publisher : 毛序平

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利用java语言,Scoket/ServerSocket等相关的编程方法,实现同一IP字段的局域网广播-Java language, Scoket/ServerSocket programming method to achieve the same field of IP LAN broadcast
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : moliy

DL : 0
这个代码描述的是java中serverscoket,次为重点-This code describes is java serverscoket, and times focus
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 大海

网络编程通信中服务器端的实现,提供给大家参考-Communication in the server-side implementations of network programming, provide for your reference
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1467392 Publisher : 张琦

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利用java套接字socket和serversocket写的在线聊天程序,实现多人聊天的功能-chatroom java tcp
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10240 Publisher : sunshinewind

Delphi源码编写的 TCP/IP网络通信和监听实例,使用delphi6编写的,原理主要是利用serversocket和clientsocket进行网络通信,还可进行简单的监听以及聊天信息发送和接收-Delphi source code written in the TCP/IP network communication and listening instance, use delphi6 written, the principle is to use serversocket and clientsocket network communication, but also simple listener as well as send and receive chat messages
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 14336 Publisher : JAY

android在wifi下手机与电脑的socket通信,内附电脑端的VC++程序源码,需要在VC6环境下编译并生成EXE文件,方可运行,同时还包括了本实例实现过程的技术文档。在wifi网络下,手机和电脑可以通过socket通信。手机做服务端,电脑做客户端,也可以对调过来。   手机作为服务端,电脑使用MFC编程作为客户端,原理是,手机建立一个ServerSocket,并获取自己的ip地址和端口port;然后电脑通过socket连接手机的ip:port。-android wifi phone and computer socket communication under the included PC VC++ program source code, you need to compile in VC6 environment and generate EXE file can be run, also includes examples of the realization process of technical documentation. Wifi network, mobile phones and computers through socket communication. Phone to do the server computer to do a client, you can also swap over. Phone as a server, the computer uses MFC programming as a client, the principle is the phone to create a ServerSocket Get your own ip address and port port then the computer through the socket connection phone ip: port.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4526080 Publisher : hpudn37
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