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Introduction to GPS ToolKit Pro 1.0 GPS ToolKit Pro is an ActiveX object that makes it easy to add GPS support to any Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, Excel, or scripting project that supports ActiveX controls. GPS data (including lat/lon, speed, course, altitude, and dozens of other datasets) can be accessed through GPS ToolKit s properties, and GPS ToolKit s multithreaded event-based architecture notifies your application when data has been updated, saving you from having to write messy polling routines.-Introduction to GPS ToolKit Pro 1.0 GPS Too lKit Pro is an ActiveX object that makes it easy t o add GPS support to any Visual Basic, Visual C, Delphi, Excel, or scripting project that supports ActiveX con trols. GPS data (including lat / lon, speed, course, altitude, and dozens of other datasets) can be accessed th rough GPS ToolKit s properties, and GPS ToolKit s multithreaded event-based ar chitecture notifies your application when dat a has been updated. saving you from having to write messy polling ro utines.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 597892 Publisher : liogi

很粗糙而且功能有限,是老师要求做的作业,呵呵!刚刚开始学习JAVA,菜鸟一名,请多指教,希望各位有经验的大哥大姐指导 -very rough and limited functions, is the teacher asked to do the work, huh! Just started learning Java, a birdie, please enlighten, and I wish you all the Big Brother Big Sister experience guiding
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3609 Publisher : sxy

操作系统实验(粗存储器管理)采用可变分区存储器管理方案的模拟系统-experimental operating system (memory management rough) using variable memory management program through a simulation
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10265 Publisher : 张鹏

可以简单的应用到你的C++代码中的优化技 术总结在这里,这样,当你遇到几种不同的编程策略的时候,就可以对每种策略的 性能进行一个大概的估计 -can simply use your C code optimization technology summed up in here, so that When you encounter several different programming strategy, right on the performance of each strategy for a rough estimate
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14080 Publisher : gee

一个自己制作的射击小游戏 图片有点粗糙 -one of their own firing small picture a little rough game
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 425451 Publisher : 王俊

一个简单的CAD系统,刚学mfc时做的比较粗糙-a simple CAD system, mfc am just learning to do a rough
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 723931 Publisher : kavine

DL : 0
WAP页面制作培训,本书粗略的介绍了WML编程的基本知识。-produced training WAP pages, the book rough introduction to the WML programming to the basic knowledge.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7584 Publisher : 小谭

DL : 0
基于zigbee的温度控制模块开发,通过它可以粗略的了解无线通信产片的开发流程 -based on the temperature control module development, it can rough understanding of wireless communications in the film development process
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 178776 Publisher : 王国松

使用WAVEIN/OUT函数族作的音频采集和播放 当初写这个DEMO只是用来帮助调试G729A压缩算法, 很粗糙,内存都没有释放.-use WAVEIN / OUT Functions for audio acquisition and the broadcast was written only in DEMO to help debug G729A compression algorithm, is very rough, the memory has been released.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 76902 Publisher : 卡卡西

这是我的粗略作品望各位指正, 这是本公司要求俺开发的ERP作品 基于VC的-This is my rough look to correct entries, this is the company I asked the ERP development work on VC
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 491811 Publisher : oldlin

DL : 0
惯性导航中的粗对准程序,此算法广泛应用于精度比较低的导航测试领域。无解压密码。-Inertial Navigation rough alignment procedure, the algorithm is widely used in a relatively low accuracy navigation testing. Without extracting passwords.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6432 Publisher : 吴光跃

DL : 0
基于WEB的一个留言版,可能很粗糙,希望您多多指教。-a Web-based message boards, may be very rough and I hope you exhibitions.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1013453 Publisher : jack_28

较粗糙而且功能有限,是老师要求做的作业,呵呵!刚刚开始学习JAVA,菜鸟一名,请多指教,希望各位有经验的大哥大姐指导-rough but their functions are limited, the teacher is asked to do the work, huh! Just started learning Java, a birdie, please enlighten, and I wish you all the Big Brother Big Sister experience guiding
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2428 Publisher : 李军

这个是我的心得 我粗知道优美偶用 继续努力做 回能得到-this is my experience I know that the beautiful duality rough with continued efforts will be made to
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37319 Publisher : 李心

DL : 0
用JAVA编写的FTP SERVER程序,可以用于粗学者来学习使用。-prepared with Java FTP Server procedures, which can be used to rough scholars studying.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6768 Publisher : wangtuo

DL : 0
连连看J2ME,这是自己的第二个游戏。代码之中多多粗糙,大家多多提意见-1000 block of Terry Avenue, it is their second game. Rough code among many, everyone to speak up
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 865104 Publisher : weichao

DL : 0
IEM仿真程序,可以高效的计算高斯面等粗糙面的后向散射系数-IEM simulation program, can be highly effective in terms of Gaussian faces rough surface after the backscattering coefficient
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5377785 Publisher : 王军

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ipMon修改后源码,主要用于部分功能的展示.作的比较粗糙,供大家学习之用-ipMon revised source, mainly for parts of the display. For a rough comparison, for all learning purposes
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 125261 Publisher : 明聪

DL : 0
一个自己编写的舞曲mtv代码,由于初学,难免粗糙,见谅!-a prepared their own code of Dance Awards, as beginners, it is inevitable rough, sorry!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1241051 Publisher : livich

DL : 0
这是我编的包括古典密码,还有DES,IDEA等的几个加密算法的加密结果实现,由于时间匆忙有点粗糙,请指教-This is my series, including classical passwords, as well as DES, Several other IDEA Encryption Algorithm encryption achieve results, as a bit hasty rough time, please enlighten
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 77399 Publisher : 许志平
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