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提出了一种基于样本的分级检索 MPEG 视频的新方法:首先用I 帧的dct_dc_size 字段快速粗检,然后用断层摄影(tomography)法分析B 帧运动矢 量的时空分布特性以进一步缩小结果集,最后用DC 图像的精确匹配方法验证检索结果.试验结果表明,本方法 所需计算量较小,且可保证较高的检索精度.-presents a sample classification based on MPEG video retrieval of the new method : First of all I frame with the rapid field dct_dc_size rough Frederick, and then use tomography (tomography) Analysis of B pictures motion vector space-time distribution to further narrow the results set, and DC Images precision Matching test results retrieval. test results showed that the calculation method for small and can guarantee higher retrieval accuracy.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 501988 Publisher : 隼鼻梁

一个记事本 有一切记事本有的功能 但比较粗糙大家改进一下吧-a notebook with all the functional notebook relatively rough but we improved so much today
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 28090 Publisher : 蔡臻

对于语音和图像的数字信号处理基本知识的介绍,对信号处理的各个基本知识可以有个大概的认识-A rough introduction for the dsp of speech and video.It could give you a basic knowledge of signal processing.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3060829 Publisher : 吴昊

本程序是图形与图象处理方面的,实现的是对图片进行粗化和细化,学过此方面知识的人就知道。-graphics and image processing, and achieving the pictures of the rough and refined, academic knowledge of this person know.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 112127 Publisher : 王云华

软件功能:下载一个网站上所有的彩铃! 铃声下载完后,铃声文件名都是自动按照铃声名来命名的! 若你明白其中的思路,也就懂得了软件在线升级的方法了! 测试环境:WinXp C2.0 256DDR ... 下载时间:一天 下载铃声个数:6000多 铃声总大小: 1G 多 注: 任何其他组织或个人不得用于商业用途,谢谢合作! 惠安优优网(惠安优优工作室)版权所有,转载时,请保留此信息,谢谢! 在此特别感谢大富翁论坛的<gonghh>和<爱元元的哥哥>! 程序主要代码是以上两给帅哥实现的!实现思想是偶的!:) 初级版本,尽适用于福建的一个彩铃网站! 哪位高手有空的话,可以把下载规则写入数据库,记得邮一份源码给我啊!:) 代码和界面写的很粗糙,误怪啊! :) -software functions : a web site download all the ring tones! After downloading ring tones, ring tones are automatically file name with the name of naming ringtones! If you understand the idea, they know how to upgrade the software online method!WinXp C2.0 256DDR ... 6000 1G Westlands Youyou Network (Westlands Youyou studio) Copyright, reproduced, please retain this information, thank you! Special thanks to the wealthiest Forum lt; Gonghhgt; And lt; Love Yuan Yuan's brother gt; ! The procedure code is more than two men to achieve! Implementation is even thinking! :) Junior version, do apply to a Fujian ringtones! Which master the time to do so, the rules can be downloaded into the database, a source Post remember me ah! :) Code and the interface was very rough, strange e
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 711104 Publisher : oliver

DL : 0
粗糙的游戏。与雷龙比较相识。用VB,DX7制作而成。-rough game. Compared with the LEI acquaintance. VB, S90 produced.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 284000 Publisher : 刘庆功

涉及的代码是针对WINCE3.0(PPC2002)平台,同时兼顾了WIN32平台;旨在讨论编写同时适应2种平台的通用代码,采用的是最原始的BitBlt贴图和离屏方式,贴图效果比较粗糙。对声音的处理也比较幼稚,希望不会误导初学者。 重要说明: 1、没有用内存泄漏工具检测过,不知道有没有内存泄漏,哪位可以帮忙检测一下 2、未完成部分: 游戏的BOSS部分(BOSS贴图、BOSS子弹、BOSS爆炸效果) 游戏难度控制,目前比较幼稚 3、未解决的BUG: CE下需要按退出菜单退出,点窗口的关闭按钮进程仍然存在-the code is against WINCE3.0 (PPC2002) platform, taking into account the Win32 platform; Discussions aimed at the same time prepared to adapt to two types of common code platform, using the most primitive BitBlt and tile from the screen, more rough tile effect. For voice processing relatively naive and not misleading beginners. Important note : 1 without using a memory leak detection tools that do not know no memory leakage, which can help detect about two and unfinished parts : part of the game BOSS (BOSS mapping, BOSS bullets, explosive effect BOSS) difficult to control the game, more naive 3, the unresolved BUG : CE will need to withdraw from the menu, point window close button process still exists
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 454961 Publisher : 夏侯威

简单的用相位相关法来粗估计图像间的平移参数-simple phase correlation method used to estimate the image of rough translation parameters
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 66995 Publisher : 千森

某个实验事编写粗糙集智能信息处理的程序,可以直接运行,界面简洁方便-some experimental things prepared rough set of intelligent information processing procedures, and can directly run simple convenient interface
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1211242 Publisher : 周健

涉及的代码是针对WINCE3.0(PPC2002)平台,同时兼顾了WIN32平台; 旨在 讨论编写同时适应2种平台的通用代码;就我现有掌握的资料来看,WINCE平台 并不支持DirectX,而WINCE的GAPI又不适合WIN32平台,且无法在模拟器下进行 调试(我对GAPI也是一无所知^_^),所以采用了最原始的BitBlt贴图和离屏 方式,贴图效果比较粗糙。对声音的处理也比较幼稚,希望不会误导初学者。 游戏算法和图片部分参考了王正盛的A10攻击机和Kylinx的kplan代码,在此对 两位作者公布源代码的无私行为表示感谢!-the code is against WINCE3.0 (PPC2002) platform, taking into account the Win32 platform; Discussions aimed at the same time prepared to adapt to two types of common code platform; I have a grasp on the information, pulled platform does not support DirectX, and pulled the GAPI not suitable for Win32 platforms, with no conducted in the simulator debugger (I was ignorant of GAPI Edwards is why the most primitive BitBlt and tile from the screen, more rough tile effect. For voice processing relatively naive and not misleading beginners. Photo games algorithm and some reference to the Wang Zhengsheng the A10 attack plane and the kplan Kylinx code, the right two authors to publish the source code for the selfless acts!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 442603 Publisher : 刘军

C语言游戏,很简单,而且很粗糙的感觉.但是代码很短,值得学习.-C language games, which is very simple, but very rough feeling. But code is very short, and worth learning.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 73477 Publisher : ll

一个让你记英语口语的小程序,自己做的,有点粗糙-you remember an English spoken small program do for myself, a little bit rough
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2074929 Publisher : 朱大鹏

邻域粗糙集属性约简程序,约简方法为胡清华的前向贪心算法,包含求正域,属性重要度计算及最后约简出的重要属性。-Neighborhood rough set attribute reduction program, before the reduction method for qing-hua hu to the greedy algorithm, contains positive region, calculation and the reduction of attribute importance of important attributes.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9216 Publisher : anna

DL : 0
粗糙集和邻域粗糙集的matlab代码,包括基本理论与改进-Rough set theory and synthesis reasoning theory can be integrated and generalized successfully
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1000448 Publisher : 李晨阳

一些有关粗糙集的MATLAB源程序,基于等价关系的粒化与近似的数据分析方法-Some rough set of MATLAB source code Data analysis method of granulation and approximation based on equivalence relation
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : 璐璐

利用基于排序的邻域粗糙集算法对具有高维属性的元数据进行属性约简,删减多余的无关属性,避免模型的过拟合,提高模型预测精度和模型运算速度-The algorithm based on the ordered neighborhood rough set is used to reduce the attributes of the high dimension attributes, to eliminate the redundant irrelevant attributes, to avoid the over fitting of the model, and to improve the accuracy of the model prediction and the operation speed of the model
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 425984 Publisher : 紫罗兰

DL : 0
Rough set reduce。本程序使用Java语言编写的。测试时,请修改代码中测试数据路径。或者将测试数据方知道c盘目录下面。(Rough set reduce. This procedure is written in Java language. When testing, modify the test data path in the code. Or the test data will know C directory.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 19456 Publisher : 九月永生

属性约简是粗糙集理论中最核心的问题。文章阐述了基于信息熵、可辨识矩阵、遗传算法、 Johnson 等粗糙集属 性约简算法流程,指出了粗糙集属性约简算法的现有问题及发展趋势,促进粗糙集属性约简的研究进一步发展。(Attribute reduction is the most important problem in rough set theory. In this paper, the rough sets based on information entropy, discernibility matrix, genetic algorithm and Johnson are expounded The flow chart of attribute reduction algorithm, points out the existing problems and development trend of attribute reduction algorithms in rough sets, and promotes further development of attribute reduction in rough sets.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1459200 Publisher : 九月永生

rough set代码,python,加油加油加油加油加油(rough set python fight.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 37888 Publisher : nataliee

data reduction with fuzzy rough sets or fuzzy mutual information
Update : 2019-04-09 Size : 17010 Publisher :
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