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粗糙集的属性约简的一种启发式算法的C++实现,可以大大提高效率。-rough set of attributes about a simple heuristic algorithm to achieve C, which can greatly improve efficiency.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37906 Publisher : new

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利用栈和队等数据结构的算法逻辑,我自己做得一款迷宫游戏,很粗糙,但还可以啦!是火影版的呦!-stack and the use of data such as the structure of the algorithm logic, I was doing a new maze game, a very rough, it can also be! Yes strove version of the next adventure!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 82009 Publisher : byron

粗糙集应用软件,方便完成数据挖掘、知识总结-Rough Set application software to facilitate the completion of data mining, knowledge summary
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4174835 Publisher : xmj

粗略来看,数字水印系统包含嵌入器和监测器两大部分。嵌入器至少具有两个输入量一个是原始信息,它通过适当变换后作为待嵌入的水印信号,另一个就是要在其中嵌入水印的载体作品。水印嵌入器的输出结果为含水印的载体作品。,通常用于传输和转录。之后这-rough, digital watermarking system contains embedded devices and monitors two parts. Embedded device with at least two input is an original information through appropriate transform it as a question after the watermark embedded signal Another is to watermark embedded in the carrier works. The watermark embedded in the output of the vector containing watermark works. , Usually for transfer and transcription. That
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 527465 Publisher : 五星

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类似vc6的集成开发环境的源代码,编辑器,编译器,调试器,自动代码生成技术,完整的,包括CJlibrary .但很粗糙,处女做,以后有升级版。- Similar vc6 integrated development environment source code, editor, compiler, debugger, automatic code production technology, complete, including CJlibrary But is very rough, the maiden does, later will have the promotion version.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2176043 Publisher : 黎明

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JAVA自编的银行管理程序。功能粗糙了点,-JAVA directed the bank management procedures. Rough function of the point, huh
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 213509 Publisher : 莫佳铭

讲解了树的粗略算法-on the rough tree algorithm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5168 Publisher : 阿九

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自己帮朋友做的人员名单管理及查询系统,第一次做,有点粗糙,不过,功能基本可以.适合新手学习,-help their friends do list management and inquiry system, the first to do a little rough, however, the basic function can be. for newcomers to learn, huh
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 601049 Publisher : yys

操作系统课程设计,模拟文件系统(unix混合索引方式),此程序是在1周的课程设计中所写,不完善,且代码粗糙。但,希望能给大家一些帮助,也希望能对你们的课程设计有所帮助,更希望能有人修改它。谢谢!-courses on operating system design, simulation File System (unix Index Mixed mode), this procedure is the one-week course design is written, imperfect and code rough. However, the hope of giving you some help, and hope they can right your curriculum design help, the hope was modifying it. Thank you!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 69247 Publisher : 王佳

用于各种图像分割的算法 ,隐痛上传,从上面的边缘检测,二值化,区域分割一些经典的算法来加深对图像分割的理解。粗略分析了这些算法的优点很不足。对于课题算法的选取起了很大的帮助-for various image segmentation algorithm secret anguish uploads from above the edge detection, two values, Segmentation some classical algorithm for image segmentation deepen understanding. Rough analysis of the advantages of these algorithms are inadequate. Algorithm for the selection of topics has been most helpful
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 177029 Publisher : 王晓明

远志网络还原大师算号器的源码,看了就明白很粗糙的算法但毕竟能用。-network reduction Chi master Suanhaoqi source code, read on to understand the algorithm is very rough but, after all, can be used.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12854 Publisher :

这是我在大一时编的,当时我只学习C++半年,当然了,代码很粗糙,希望大家能帮助我做的更好,多多提意见。希望对您有点帮助!-This is my one o'clock in the series, I had only half a year learning C, of course, the code was rough, hope that we can help me do better, more opinions. You want a bit of help!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2421 Publisher : 马万里

定时提醒程序,早期作品,难免粗糙,大家多多指教-regularly reminded procedures, early works, it is inevitable rough, we exhibitions
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 354214 Publisher : dwbboy

这是我的OpenGL作业,内容为一个在太空中飞行的飞船,背景为一颗恒星和一颗星星,由于初学,做的粗糙,望大家见谅-This is my OpenGL operations, says in a space flight of the spacecraft, background of a star and a star, as a novice, so rough and hope you will forgive me
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 56995 Publisher : White

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本程序模拟一个机器人躲避障碍的仿真.其中有不完善的地方 迫于精力有限,具体过程还有点粗糙,读者可以加以修正 -a simulation of the robot avoid obstacles to the simulation. Which forced the inadequacies in the energy are limited, There is a process in concrete rough, and readers can be amended
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1265 Publisher : 祝继华

基于摄像头的人脸检测,用的是VFW的程序没有用SDK的,比较粗糙-based on the camera face detection, the VFW is not the procedure used SDK, more rough
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 70573 Publisher : 金鱼

一个基于粗糙集的K均值算法实现图像分割的DLL程序!可以用来处理8位的BMP图像!-a rough set based on the K-means algorithm for image segmentation procedures DLL! Can be used to deal with eight of BMP images!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 43115 Publisher : 徐敏

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一个自制的彩票抽奖程序,能实现33选6+16选1,比较粗糙,欢迎大家修改-a privately lottery draw procedure, the election can achieve 33 1 6 16 election, compared Rough Welcome changes
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1419 Publisher : 张浩

粗慥集成算法集合 ,并有详细的文档资料和测试数据处-rough Zao Integration Algorithm pool, and a detailed document information and test data Department
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4046497 Publisher : mm

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一个简单是的时钟程序,界面比较粗糙。大家可以自己修改。-is a simple procedure that the clock, more rough interface. We can change our own.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5544 Publisher : hxz
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