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趋势图的基本操作,通过此可以对labview有一个简单大概的了解-The basic operation of the trend through this can have a simple labview rough idea
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 18432 Publisher : 夏旭阳

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一个简单的木马程序,有些粗糙,但是可以给对这方面有兴趣的人提供一些思路-A simple Trojan program, some rough, but you can give people who are interested in this area provide some ideas
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 12592128 Publisher : wangyue

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先研究基于RSSI的无线传感器网络定位算法,首先利用Matlab首先实现基于RSSI的三边定位算法,实现粗糙定位。-First study of wireless sensor network localization algorithm based on RSSI, first using Matlab first trilateral RSSI-based location algorithm to achieve rough positioning.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9216 Publisher : 王少影

使用Python编写的贪吃蛇小游戏,界面有点粗糙,可以运行-A Python Snake game, the interface is a little rough, you can run
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 董鹏

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像素鸟(flappy bird)由一位来自越南河内的独立游戏开发者阮哈东开发,是一款形式简易但难度极高的休闲游戏。简单但不粗糙的8比特像素画面、超级马里奥游戏中的水管、眼神有点呆滞的小鸟和几朵白云,白天夜晚两种模式便构成了游戏的一切。你需要不断控制点击屏幕的频率来调节小鸟的飞行高度和降落速度,让小鸟顺利地通过画面右端的通道,如果你不小心擦碰到了通道的话,游戏便宣告结束。-Pixel Bird (flappy bird) by an independent game developer from Hanoi, Vietnam, Nguyen Ha Dong development, is a simple but extremely difficult form of casual games. Simple, but not 8-bit pixel screen rough, Super Mario game in pipes, eyes a little sluggish birds and the clouds, day and night modes constitute all of the game. You need to constantly tap the screen to control the frequency to adjust the height of bird flight and landing speed, so that the birds right side of the screen smoothly through the channel, if you are not careful rubbing against the channel, then the game will end.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : 林玮鑫

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ava聊天程序源码,Java网络相关实例,通过4444端口来实现聊天监听,由经天网络编写开发,主文件需要JSP环境运行。程序可显示聊天室中一共几人、几人离去,谁和谁在聊天,界面方面做的不是很漂亮,有些粗糙了,重点表现代码,喜欢Java的凑合哦-ava chat program source code, Java network-related instances, to achieve by 4444 the port monitor chat, written by a day network development, the main document needed to run JSP environment. Program can display a total of a few people in the chat room, a few people leave, and who in the chat interface has done is not very pretty, and some rough, focusing on the performance of the code, like Java' s makeshift oh
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 18432 Publisher : rpudn60

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基于粗糙集的属性约简,图像自动语义自动标注。-Attribute Reduction Based on Rough Set,Automatic image semantic annotation
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 21504 Publisher : 赵鹏坤

用于车牌的定粗略定位,主要运用水平垂直投影法对车牌区域扫描,以确定车牌位置-Given a rough positioning for the license plate, the main use of horizontal and vertical projection of the license plate area scan to determine the location of the license plate
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2519040 Publisher : 陈俊

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导航卫星粗糙面前向散射建模,应用基尔霍夫近似法求解-Navigation Satellite rough in front of the scattering modeling
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 39936 Publisher : yuan

鉴于本人去年7月份发布的《关于粗糙集和邻域粗糙集的基本理论和程序算例》其中有一些错误,可能给相关研究人员带来了误解,在此向大家道歉! 同时在此资源中新增加了本人编写的邻域粗糙集的matlab计算程序,包括正域计算,约简计算,重要度计算,权重计算。 欢迎大家下载并交流学习! 我所发布的两个版本的说明,以第二版本为主,第一个版本就不要下载了。 版权所有,除百度文库和中国程序员联合开发网上能下载到相关资源外,其他网站上的均为盗用。请尊重知识产权!-Given that I released last July, " the basic theory and procedures for rough sets and neighborhood rough set of examples," of which there are some errors, researchers may be brought to the relevant misunderstanding here to apologize! While a new addition to this resource I prepared matlab calculation procedures neighborhood rough set, including the positive domain calculation, reduction calculation, it is important calculation, the weight calculation. Welcome to download and share their knowledge! Two versions of the instructions I have released the second version of the main, the first version, do not download. Copyright, except Baidu library and Chinese programmers can be downloaded to the joint development of Internet-related resources, are stolen on other sites. Please respect the intellectual property rights!
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1027072 Publisher : 索子

VB霓虹灯文字,文字闪烁的同时变换颜色,像霓虹灯一样的效果,比较实用吧,不过界面没有过多美化,有些粗糙,需要的朋友们自己美化吧-VB neon text, text flashes while changing color, the same effect as the neon, it is more practical, but not too much to beautify the interface, some rough, friends need to beautify their own right
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : epudn17

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c++编程小游戏 仅供娱乐,勇士解救公主的故事,界面略粗糙,望谅解 -c++ programming games for entertainment, warrior princess rescue story, the interface is a little rough, hope of understanding
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5120 Publisher : 柴竞萱

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我的毕业设计源代码,做的是温度测量并显示。选取的是DS18B20温度传感器和12864的液晶显示屏,是用ATmega16的单片机。做得有点粗糙,开发板是自己设计的。使用C语言,开发环境是keil。-I graduated from the design source code, so that the temperature measurement and display. Select the DS18B20 temperature sensor and LCD display 12864, with ATmega16 microcontroller. Doing a little rough, the development board is their own design. Using the C language development environment is keil.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 110592 Publisher : 言辰一

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这是一个本人编写的一个接联惯性导航系统解析粗对准程序可观测性分析的一个程序。-This the one I prepared received an Inertial Navigation System Analys-This is an Inertial Navigation System I prepared a rough alignment process analytical observability analysis of a program.-This is the one I prepared received an Inertial Navigation System Analys
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 50176 Publisher : 刘宗强

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可以改一些造3的基本物品,做的粗糙,请见谅-You can change some of the basic items made ​ ​ 3, made ​ ​ of rough, please forgive me
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 14336 Publisher : 123

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利用粗糙模糊集聚类(RFCM)思想的聚类方法对UCI数据集中的Wine进行聚类分析。Wine数据集共包含13个属性,其中第一个是决策属性,剩下的是连续型的条件属性,一共包含178个对象。-Fuzzy clustering method using rough clustering (RFCM) thoughts on UCI Wine dataset cluster analysis. Wine data set contains a total of 13 properties, of which the first one is the decision attribute, and the rest is continuous condition attributes, contains a total of 178 objects.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9216 Publisher : zhou yan

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化工原理的局部阻力系数求解代码,包含粗糙管光滑管局部阻力管拉姆塔和Re求解,还有通过柏拉休斯方程求解拉姆塔,求光滑管误差,最后粗糙管画图-Local resistance coefficient of chemical principles to solve the code, including smooth and rough tubes and pipes local resistance tube 拉姆塔 Re solving, as well as La Muta by Plato Hughes equation solving, seeking smooth tube errors, finally drawing a rough pipe
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : yanhuihui

机器学习领域经典分类算法综述,包括Decision Tree(ID3、C4.5(C5.0)、CART、PUBLIC、SLIQ和SPRINT算法),三种典型贝叶斯分类器(朴素贝叶斯算法、TAN算法、贝叶斯网络分类器),k-近邻 、 基于数据库技术的分类算法( MIND算法、GAC-RDB算法),基于关联规则(CBA:Classification Based on Association Rule)的分类(Apriori算法),支持向量机分类,基于软计算的分类方法(粗糙集(rough set)、遗传算法、模糊逻辑、人工神经网络算法)。-Classical machine learning classification algorithms overview。 Including Decision Tree (ID3, C4.5 (C5.0), CART, PUBLIC, SLIQ and SPRINT algorithm), three typical Bayesian classifier (Naive Bayes algorithm, TAN algorithm Bayesian network classifiers), k-nearest neighbor based classification algorithm (MIND algorithm, GAC-RDB algorithms) database technology, based on association rules (CBA: classification (Apriori algorithm) Classification Based on Association Rule), and support vector machine classification, classification method based on soft computing (rough sets (rough set), genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, artificial neural network algorithm)....
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 30720 Publisher : MM

单变量的决策树算法造成树的规模庞大,规则复杂,不易理解。本文结合粗糙集原理中的相对核及加权粗糙 度的方法,提出了一种新的多变量决策树算法。 -Decision Tree Algorithm in univariate tests caused large-scale, complex rules that are difficult to understand. Based on the rough sets theory of attributes reduction, the core of condition attributions and the weighted roughness of condition attributions, a new multivariate decision tree algorithm is proposed
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1325056 Publisher : 小于

vc写程序最讨厌就是做界面,尤其是画柱状图,饼图等,网上也可以找到一些这类的源码,但是显示效果都不太好,感谢作者贾鹏给我们带来了精彩的仪表盘源码,如果用来学习,那么是一个非常好的例子,但是要是用于商业软件则效果略显粗糙,所以花了一点时间作了平滑处理,主要用了gdi技术.效果变得非常好,供大家参考.-vc write programs that do the most annoying interface, especially painting histograms, pie charts, etc., can also be found online source of some kind, but the display is not very good, thanks to the author Jia Peng has brought us a wonderful dashboard source, if used to learn, so is a very good example, but if the effect of commercial software for slightly rough, so I spent some time been smoothed, the main use gdi technology. effect is very good for reference.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1693696 Publisher : 许启航
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