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仿真AT24CXX的KEIL C51源程序,与psmain5.9.23.rar和shengfangagsi5.9.22.rar一起工作,都是原创-KEIL C51 source, and with psmain5.9.23.rar shengfangagsi5.9.22.rar work together, are originality
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 26624 Publisher : 张明璋

主题: 遗传编程源程序.rar 内容概要: 遗传编程源程序.rar,使用VisualC++编写的遗传算法源代码,各位可在紫基础上进行自己的研究工作,如图像处理,数据挖掘、图像隐秘分析等,绝对让您满意 -theme : genetic programming source. Rar outline : genetic programming source. Rar, prepared using Visual C genetic algorithm source code, you can be on the basis of the Purple conduct their own research work, such as image processing, data mining, hidden image analysis, let your absolute satisfaction
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 48128 Publisher : 宁宇

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程序极品-只有4K 这个程序(是97年的Mekka ’97 4K Intro比赛的一等奖作品,也是我认为最好的4K作品之一。整个程序全长4095字节,其中包含133字节的自解压程序(类RAR压缩),未解压的程序长4782字节。三维场景包含144个立方体,367个面,362个点,15个不同的64*64的纹理…… -procedures Need-the only 4K ( is the Mekka 97 4K Intro'97 won the competition work, I think the best one works 4K. The whole process 4,095 byte length, which includes 133 bytes of self-extracting (RAR compression type), resulting in decompression procedures 4,782 bytes long. 3D cube contains 144, 367-, 362, 15* 64 different texture 64 ...
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 13312 Publisher : 李秘

数字识别系统源代码.rar 第一步:训练网络。使用训练样本进行训练。(此程序中也可以不训练,因为笔者已经将训练好的网络参数保存起来了,读者使用时可以直接识别) 第二步:识别。首先,打开图像(256色);再次,进行归一化处理,点击“一次性处理”;最后,点击“R”或者使用菜单找到相应项来进行识别。识别的结果显示在屏幕上,同时也输出到文件result.txt中。 该系统的识别率一般情况下为90%。 此外,也可以单独对打开的图片一步一步进行图像预处理工作,但要注意,每一步工作只能执行一遍,而且要按顺序执行。 具体步骤为:“256色位图转为灰度图”-“灰度图二值化”-“去噪”-“倾斜校正”-“分割”-“标准化尺寸”-“紧缩重排”。 注意,待识别的图片要与win.dat和whi.dat位于同一目录,这两文件保存训练后网络的权值参数。 -digital identification system source code. Rar first step : training network. Use of training samples for training. (These procedures also can not training because I have trained network parameters saved, Readers can direct identification) second step : identification. First, open the Image (256 colors); Again, to a treatment, click on the "one-time"; Finally, Click on the "R" or use the menu item corresponding to find identification. Recognition results on the screen, but also the output to a file result.txt China. The system's recognition rate under normal circumstances 90%. Alternatively, you could open a separate pair of step-by-step photographs for image preprocessing work, but bearing in mind that Each step can only be implemented again, but in accordance with
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 200704 Publisher : shenmingdong

这是本人曾经大二的时候编写的C/S模式ASP服务器文件管理系统, 支持文件夹上传,单个文件大小可在50M以上,可以进行服务端RAR压缩解压;用户使用该程序可以享受比FTP更强大功能。利用了FSO、Shell等多种方式进行文件操作,只要服务具备其中之一的组件该程序即可正常工作。-This is his sophomore year when I have prepared C/S mode ASP server document management system to support the upload folder, single file size can be more than 50M, you can service client RAR compression decompression users can enjoy the use of the program than FTP is more powerful features. Use of the FSO, Shell carried out a variety of ways, such as file operations, as long as the service with one of the components of the program to work correctly.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 342016 Publisher : 宋福强

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Webshop3beta2中文语言包by郁晓旭.rar 将汉化包拷贝到webshop的目录下解压覆盖所有原来的文件,即可汉化. 特别感谢郁晓旭先生的努力工作和无私分享,便得大家可以使用这个汉化版.-Webshop3beta2 Chinese language pack by郁晓旭. Rar finished package will be copied to the directory webshop decompression cover all the original documents, can be finished.郁晓旭special thanks to Mr. hard work and selfless sharing of that, we need everyone can use this language version.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 287744 Publisher : bananafox

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ATnotes.rar is goo for your work-ATnotes.rar is goo for your work
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 730112 Publisher : zhou

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Counter Strike.rar With this you can make counter-strike work without a serial.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 75776 Publisher : sharky08

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bios.rar is a VB source code to get the bios info, it only work on win 98
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 6144 Publisher : nirina

这个程序(是97年的Mekka ’97 4K Intro比赛的一等奖作品,也是我认为最好的4K作品之一。整个程序全长4095字节,其中包含133字节的自解压程序(类RAR压缩),未解压的程序长4782字节。三维场景包含144个立方体,367个面,362个点,15个不同的64*64 的纹理…… 观看方法: 开始菜单->运行->debug。然后把下面这一堆文本整个粘贴(点击左上角图标,编辑-》粘 贴) 进去,如果你有标准的Sound Blaster声卡,还能听到MIDI音乐。(我机器是ac97的有声音,也有动画!粘 贴后 一定要敲回车才能听见声音!) -This is a great program. This program ( is 97 years of Mekka ' 97 4K Intro Competition First Prize work, it is I think one of the best works of 4K. The entire process length 4095 bytes, which contains 133 bytes of self-extracting program (class of RAR compression), the procedure does not extract the 4782 bytes long. Three-dimensional scene includes 144 cubes, 367 surface, 362 points, 15 64* 64 different textures ... ... watch method: Start Menu-> run-> debug. Then a bunch of text below it throughout the paste (click upper left corner of the icon, edit- " paste) into, if you have a standard Sound Blaster sound card, can hear the MIDI music. (I have ac97 sound machine is also animated! Paste must hit carriage return later to hear the sound!)
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 6144 Publisher : liuguangliang

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this rar package include the ucos_II port to the infineon MicroController xc2xxxM serial. This work has been tested in real project. -this rar package include the ucos_II port to the infineon MicroController xc2xxxM serial. This work has been tested in real project.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1513472 Publisher : yao he

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netbpm-,非常不错的流程管理工具-netbpm work flow
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1658880 Publisher : 张东明

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4×4键盘.rar 我调成工的,好用 c51的-4 × 4 keyboard. Rar I tune into the work, and easy to use c51' s
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 25600 Publisher : 何家强

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banking .rar is online banking using MVC design pattern jsp as front end and servlet as controller then java bean work as module the back end is mysql .
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 53248 Publisher : mama

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Dragicon_98.rar - Drag/drop routines work for both listboxes. Plus, you can drag/drop within either listbox.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 3072 Publisher : astroid

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brush developed in delphi ·Improved component for work with ·Improve DBGrid from EhLib. Many f ·Delphi 的StringGrid无法嵌入ComboB ·一个相当不错的皮肤源码 ·制作API钩子,截获API的源码 ·漂亮的delphi界面控件 ·远程桌面,服务端+客户端 ·DELPHI办公全套管理系统 ·针对 UDP 通讯协议的 Socket 构件, ·获取CPU温度,这是一个用VC完成的代 ·作者自写了一个图像识别的UNIT,可 ·中控指纹识别软件开发包Biokey SDK ·功能强大的霸王插件源代码,delphi ·IOCP Socket Server控件 ·Delphi开发的QQ2000界面程序.rar ·此系统完成了485抄表,其中包括645 ·delphi下控制USB的代码,非常不错, ·此系统完成了单向复费率电能表的抄 ·usb hid 控件 ·用delphi写的杀毒软件的源程序,我 ·远程虚拟拨号程序,通过PPTP协议建 ·在网上很多SPCOMM组件下载安装后都 ·遗传模拟退火算法通用源程序 给定 联系站长 · 版权投诉 · 网站修改建议 © 2004-2010 湘ICP备07000446 Word Delphi写的Micro delphi_word VCL 115 关闭 -brush developed in delphi ·Improved component for work with ·Improve DBGrid from EhLib. Many f ·Delphi 的StringGrid无法嵌入ComboB ·一个相当不错的皮肤源码 ·制作API钩子,截获API的源码 ·漂亮的delphi界面控件 ·远程桌面,服务端+客户端 ·DELPHI办公全套管理系统 ·针对 UDP 通讯协议的 Socket 构件, ·获取CPU温度,这是一个用VC完成的代 ·作者自写了一个图像识别的UNIT,可 ·中控指纹识别软件开发包Biokey SDK ·功能强大的霸王插件源代码,delphi ·IOCP Socket Server控件 ·Delphi开发的QQ2000界面程序.rar ·此系统完成了485抄表,其中包括645 ·delphi下控制USB的代码,非常不错, ·此系统完成了单向复费率电能表的抄 ·usb hid 控件 ·用delphi写的杀毒软件的源程序,我 ·远程虚拟拨号程序,通过PPTP协议建 ·在网上很多SPCOMM组件下载安装后都 ·遗传模拟退火算法通用源程序 给定 联系站长 · 版权投诉 · 网站修改建议 © 2004-2010 湘ICP备07000446 Word Delphi写的Micro delphi_word VCL 115 关闭
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 247808 Publisher : gongaimin

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千年 读取人物三功+遍历物品栏数据 易语言+API 编写.rar-Three thousand people read the work item field data easily traverse++ API written language. Rar
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 4096 Publisher : ffdsk

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S3C2440A的uCOS部分的APP文件夹,编写和定义一些在ucos中使用的函数和应用接口。本次工上传四个文件:ucos_app.rar, ucos_hal.rar, uCOS_Data.rar, uCOS_II.rar,将上述四个文件加压后放到一个文件夹中,选用ADS进行编译。-S3C2440A the uCOS part of the APP folder, write and define some functions used in ucos and application interfaces. From this work four documents: ucos_app.rar, ucos_hal.rar, uCOS_Data.rar, uCOS_II.rar, after the pressure of the four files into a folder, use ADS to be compiled.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 6144 Publisher : Thraw

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S3C2440A的uCOS部分的Data文件夹,编写和定义一些在ucos中使用的函数和应用接口。本次工上传四个文件:ucos_app.rar, ucos_hal.rar, uCOS_Data.rar, uCOS_II.rar,将上述四个文件加压后放到一个文件夹中,选用ADS进行编译。-S3C2440A the uCOS part of the Data folder, write and define some functions used in ucos and application interfaces. From this work four documents: ucos_app.rar, ucos_hal.rar, uCOS_Data.rar, uCOS_II.rar, after the pressure of the four files into a folder, use ADS to be compiled.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 4026368 Publisher : Thraw

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S3C2440A的uCOS部分的HAL文件夹,编写和定义一些在ucos中使用的函数和应用接口。本次工上传四个文件:ucos_app.rar, ucos_hal.rar, uCOS_Data.rar, uCOS_II.rar,将上述四个文件加压后放到一个文件夹中,选用ADS进行编译。-S3C2440A the uCOS part of the HAL folder, write and define some functions used in ucos and application interfaces. From this work four documents: ucos_app.rar, ucos_hal.rar, uCOS_Data.rar, uCOS_II.rar, after the pressure of the four files into a folder, use ADS to be compiled.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 4352000 Publisher : Thraw
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