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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5386879 Publisher :

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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 409072 Publisher :

有意思的垃圾回收器.是本人第一次的作品,没有运行程序.只是原代码-interesting for the garbage collector. It is the first time I work, no operating procedures. Only the original code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2281 Publisher : 路易

一、时间管理的基本概念 二、时间管理的重要意义 三、员工的职业生涯规划 四、团队组织的时间管理 五、时间管理的基本策略 六、基础工作与有备无患 七、工作目标及其计划性 八、分清工作的轻重缓急 九、时间管理的统筹技巧 十、管理技巧的具体应用-one, time management of two basic concepts, time management significance 3, the staff of four career planning, the team five time management, time management of the six basic strategies, infrastructure work and prepared seven, goals and plans for eight, distinguish the work of the nine priorities, time management skills and Manpower 10, management skills to the specific application
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 662739 Publisher : zhybb

本书以一种清晰并易于接受的方式将深奥的互联网技术问题表达给具有各种背景的读者。作者是互联网最早期的研究者之一,他以独树一帜的方法把技术上的准确性和当前网络的研究热点完美地结合起来,讲述了网络的底层技术和联网技术。本书是原书第2版的译本,比第1版增加了3章内容,介绍了基本网络工具、远程数字连接技术和中间件技术。对全书做了很多修改和更新。本书是描述互联网技术的经典之作,被认为是互联网技术的“圣经”。 - This book clear and will be easy the way by one kind which will accept the abstruse Internet technical question expression for the reader which will have each kind of background. The author is one of Internet early time researchers, he establishes a new school the method perfectly unifies the technical in accuracy and the current network research hot spot, narrated the network first floor technology and the networking technology. This book is the original book 2nd edition translated edition, increased 3 chapter of contents compared to 1st edition, introduced the basic network tool, the long-distance digital connection technology and the middleware technology. Has made very many revisions and the renewal to the entire book. This book describes Internet technology work classics, was considered is the Internet technology "the Holy Bible".
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9583616 Publisher : 余瑛

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利用西门子的GSM芯片(TC35)的手机模块实现短信的读写,该手机模块可以加入SIM卡,然后就跟手机一样使用了,程序可以通过串口进行控制-The programme use GSM CMOS chip(TC35) module to read and write short message, you can insert SIM card into this module, then it can work as ordinary Mobile phone,the programme can control the module through com port.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 44032 Publisher : 朱耀

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一个sonix单片机开发的电磁炉程序,经过调试,可以正常工作-a microcontroller development of the Induction Cooker procedures are followed, debugging, normal work
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 张无痕

有意思的垃圾回收器.是本人第一次的作品,没有运行程序.只是原代码-interesting for the garbage collector. It is the first time I work, no operating procedures. Only the original code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 路易

optical flow 的一种算法, 使用OPENCV开发, 已经测试, 可以工作.-an optical flow algorithm, OPENCV development, testing, can work.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 和上

一、时间管理的基本概念 二、时间管理的重要意义 三、员工的职业生涯规划 四、团队组织的时间管理 五、时间管理的基本策略 六、基础工作与有备无患 七、工作目标及其计划性 八、分清工作的轻重缓急 九、时间管理的统筹技巧 十、管理技巧的具体应用-one, time management of two basic concepts, time management significance 3, the staff of four career planning, the team five time management, time management of the six basic strategies, infrastructure work and prepared seven, goals and plans for eight, distinguish the work of the nine priorities, time management skills and Manpower 10, management skills to the specific application
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 662528 Publisher : zhybb

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格子Boltzmann方法 格子Boltzmann方法是为了保留格子气自动机方法的优点,克服其缺点而发展起来的方法。 特别是1992年,钱跃弘、陈十一等的开创性工作(提出LBGK模型方法),使该方法广泛地应用到计算流体力学(单相流、多相流、多孔介质流、热对流、磁流体、反应-扩散等)。 这是“格子模型”的并行处理,在LINUX下调试通过-lattice Boltzmann method lattice Boltzmann method is to retain the lattice gas automata the advantages and overcome its shortcomings and develop ways. In particular, in 1992, Qian Yue Wong Chan 11 the pioneering work (proposed Computational Model), the approach to the wider application of computational fluid dynamics (single-phase flow, multiphase flow, flow in porous media, thermal convection, MHD, the reaction- diffusion, etc.). This is the "lattice model" of parallel processing, the adoption of Linux Debugging
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 17408 Publisher : 张翟

实现了在任务管理器中的进程隐藏 处理WM_DEVICECHANGE消息代替定时器,提高查找闪盘效率 这是一个可以在后台偷取你闪盘里所有资料的小软件。 只要你的闪盘(如U盘,mp3)一插上,所有的东东都被悄悄拷走.代码开放,可以热键呼出. 点[开始]->[隐藏],就可以工作了.Alt+X呼出.-realization of the mission management for the process of hiding information processing WM_DEVICECHANGE replace timers, to improve search efficiency flash it to be a steal in the background you flash Lane all the information to a PC. As long as your flash (USB mp3), a battered, all the Eastern residences have been quietly away. Open source can hotkey exhaled. Points [started]- gt; [Hidden], it can work. Alt X exhaled.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 37888 Publisher : 东南

图象的快速傅立叶变换,自己开发的程序,直接打开工作区即可使用,望指教。-image of the fast Fourier transform, the development of its own procedures and directly open work area can use, look exhibitions.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1988608 Publisher : 苏亮

整个设计采用java语言,利用面向对象思想。 首先,编写一个进程调度类Main_PCB,一个进程信息类PCB_block可以创建进程控制块( PCB)表示。进程控制块可以包含如下信息:进程名、优先数、到达时间、需要运行时间、已用CPU时间、进程状态等等。 对应成员变量是pcb_Name pcb_ID int pcb_Pro PCB_Begintime() pcb_Needtime pcb_Spendtime pcb_Finishtime String pcb_Statue 成员方法是pcb_Work () 可以实例化多个包含相同信息的进程,一个线程类Work允许多个进程共行的进程调度创建各自的模拟任务,由process_Create(int Process_ProcessNum)方法实现创建Process_ProcessNum个进程。 -whole design using java language, the use of object-oriented thinking. First, the process of preparation of a scheduling Main_PCB category, an Information PCB_block process can create process control block (PCB) said. Process control block may contain the following information : process, and priority number, arrival time, the need to run time CPU has spent time, the process of the state and so on. Corresponding member variables is pcb_Name pcb_ID int pcb_Pro PCB_Begin time () pcb_Needtime pcb_Spendtime pcb_Finis htime String pcb_Statue members is pcb_Work () can be examples many of the same information included in the process. Work like a thread allows multiple process held a total of the scheduling process to create their own simulations, by process_Create (int Process_ProcessNum) method
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 84992 Publisher : 传统

项目开发总结报告的摸板,解决大家在总结项目时无从下手的问题,写技术文件也是一项很需要技巧的工作-project development report summing up the foil, to resolve in summing up the project's start was no way the problem write technical documents is a very necessary work skills
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 严冰之

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P001_360度全景图,JavaScript代码,支持左右方向旋转,有拍摄模拟示意图 本人作品,可以自由参考一下哦-P001_360 degree panorama, JavaScript code to support the direction of rotation around, a shooting simulation schematic I work, freedom of reference oh.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 37888 Publisher : kingship

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TL16C554串口扩展芯片的四个串口通信程序,在CodeVisionAVR下编译,能正常工作。-TL16C554 serial expansion of the four chip serial communication procedures, CodeVisionAVR under the compiler, to work properly.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : 周金喜

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各种雷达脉冲压缩信号的时域,频域以及模糊函数仿真-A variety of radar pulse compression signal in time domain, frequency domain as well as the ambiguity function simulation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1292288 Publisher : wt

伴随着网络的出现,网页逐渐融入人们的生活。快速及时的新闻浏览,五彩缤纷的网上信息,使网络与人们的生活息息相关,于是世界上又出现了第三媒体——Internet。它打破了地域限制,真正使信息得以共享,改变了人们的工作和生活方式。而网页具有信息量大,传递快速,没有时空限制等特点。在这个网络时代,人们了解的新闻不仅仅是来源于电视、报纸等,还来源于网络。所以新闻发布系统也就成为大家所认可的在网络浏览新闻的最佳途径。 本系统实现了对新闻的添加、修改、删除、审核,以及对用户的管理等功能,在前台新闻浏览模块当中,可以用户注册,发表新闻评论,搜索新闻等功能,完成了一个新闻发布系统的所有基本功能。 -With the appearance of the network, webpage had incorporated the life of people gradually. It make the network closely linked with people s life that fast prompt news browse through, colorful online information.Then the third media has appeared in the world again--Internet. It has broken the region to limit, really make information share , has changed people s work and life style. The homepage has the characteristics of the big information content, the fast transmission , having no limit of the space and time, and so on.In this cybertimes, the news that people understood is not only stemming from TV , newspaper ,etc., but else steming from the network. So news release system become everybody to be approved to browse through best route of news in network just. This system has been realized adding , modification , deleting , verifying to news, and management in user function, news have a look around module in front desk, the all right registration of users, publish news analysis , sea
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3193856 Publisher : 赵明月

本文件包含原理图及原代码。主要用于控制投影机的整机工作。已在实际产品中可靠应用。-This document contains the schematics and source code. Mainly used to control the projector machine work. Has been reliably applied in the actual product.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 220160 Publisher : 雷键
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