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VC++数组不定义大小不行吗.rar。这就是一个答案,不管对不对,大家可以看看。-VC++ do not define the size of the array do not work. Rar. This is an answer, rightly or wrongly, we can look at.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 17408 Publisher : ygl

DL : 9
1、 用C语言写一个程序名字为procs4,该程序运行过程中共有4个进程,procs4程序(父进程)创建2个子进程p1和p2,p1子进程再创建一个子进程p3。4个进程完成如下工作: 父进程并打印字符串“I am main process”;p1子进程打印“I am child process p1”字符串;p2子进程打印“I am child process p2”;子进程p3打印字符串“I am child process p3”,然后使用exec(族)系统调用打印当前目录下文件和子目录下的详细信息。并且每个进程的要打印自己的pid。 2、 使用任何一种通信机制实现p1进程和p2进程之间的通信,可以使用的通信机制如:管道、消息队列、共享内存等。P1进程发送“Child process p1 is sending a message!”信息给p2进程,P2进程发送“Child process p2 is sending a message!” 信息给p1进程,p1和p2两个子进程接受信息后分别打印着两个字符串。 3、 编写程序实现生产者-消费者问题。使用linux的Pthread线程库,创建生产者和消费者两个线程,生产者线程计算当前的时间并放入缓冲区,每次计算一个时间数据;消费者线程从缓冲区读出并打印生产者计算的时间,每次打印一个时间数据。缓冲区大小为5个,生产和消费的消息数为10个,即生产和消费分别为10次。-1, using C language to write a program named procs4, the program is running a total of four processes, procs4 process (parent process) to create two sub-processes p1 and p2, p1 sub-process re-creates a child process p3. 4 key process to complete the following work: The parent process and print the string "I am main process" p1 child process print "I am child process p1" string p2 child process print "I am child process p2" child process p3 print the string "I am child process p3 ", and then use the exec (tribe) system call to print the current directory files and subdirectories under the details. And each process, you want to print their own pid. 2, using any kind of communication mechanism to achieve the p1 and p2 the process of communication between processes, you can use the communication mechanisms such as: pipes, message queues, shared memory, and so on. Process P1 sends "Child process p1 is sending a message!" Message to the p2 process, P2 process sends "Child process p2 i
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 2048 Publisher : 杨子坤

Ti CC2530 Zigbee sensor demo on IAR work bench
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 886784 Publisher : Alex Tseng

深圳学林电子有限公司的单片机编程实例200多个,全部通过实际试验,正常运行!-Over 200 test programs for MCU of Shenzhen xuelin electronics. All these codes have passed test,and can work normally.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 7341056 Publisher : 魏春娟

DL : 0
绿色企业站,经过测试完全功能完整,非常好用,适合医疗保健企业使用,做工精美-Green Enterprise station, tested fully functional integrity, is very easy to use, for enterprises to use health care, work fine
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 5061632 Publisher : 钱坤

The purpose of the present work is to investigate inference and statistical prediction when the data and (or) the unknown parameter have large or infinite dimension.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1978368 Publisher : taha

一个强大的符合SPI规范的VHDL/Verilog源码文件,传输模式和时钟相位均可以指定,采用同步时钟设计,可以工作在很高的频率下。支持主机及从机模式,强烈推荐使用!-A strong line with SPI standard VHDL/Verilog source files, transfer mode, and clock phase are to specify, using synchronous clock design can work in very high frequency. Support the host and slave mode, strongly recommended!
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 13312 Publisher : 中国

基于ASP.NET的工作流批核系统(.NET 3.5框架的WF技术实现).rar-Workflow-based approval system, ASP.NET (. NET 3.5 Framework WF technology). Rar
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1216512 Publisher : zhaoyong

DL : 0
通过编写程序,使系统中的交通灯部分进行正常工作。控制各路口交通灯的亮灭,实现道路的正常停车与放行。并在交通灯部分的数码管显示界面中显示各状态时间。-Through the preparation process, the system is part of the traffic lights work. Control the light off junction traffic lights to achieve the normal road parking and released. Part of the traffic lights and digital display interface shows the status of time.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 54272 Publisher : lbb

matlab图像处理及应用,识别系统,分割系统-Matlab image processing and application, identify and separate system
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 23986176 Publisher : 孙浩

DL : 0
tcp 上位机软件 局域网 socket通信-tcp supoort net work rar
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 985088 Publisher : 李康碑

设计FPGA电路以模拟多功能电子表的工作过程,功能如下:(1 )数字钟,要求从00:00 :00点计到23 :59:59 (2)数字跑表(3 )调整时间 (4)闹钟设置,可以设置2个闹钟,闹钟时间到了后会提醒,提醒时间持续20 秒,如果此时按A键,则该闹钟解除提醒,如果按住B键,闹钟暂停提醒。但是3 分钟后重复提醒一次。如果闹钟响时没有按键,则响完20秒之后暂停,然后同样3 分钟后重新提醒一次。(5 )日期设置。可以设置当前的日期, 比如2012年08月20 日。-Design FPGA circuits to analog the multifunctional electronic table work process, the following functions: (1) digital clock count: 00 points from 00:00 to 23: 59:59 (2) digital the stopwatch (3) to adjust the time (4 ) set the alarm clock, can set two alarm clock, alarm time to remind reminder time for 20 seconds, then press the A key, the alarm clock lifted reminder, if you hold down the B button, snooze alert. But three minutes later repeated reminder. If the alarm goes off, no buttons, sound finished 20 seconds after the pause, and then the same three minutes after the re-remind once. (5) The date is set. Can be set to the current date, such as the August 20, 2012.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1664000 Publisher : 章梓音

系统以客户为中心,实现市场、销售、服务协同工作的管理平台。系统旨在改善企业与客户之间关系的新型运作机制,服务于企业的市场、销售、服务与技术支持等与客户有关的环节。,System to a customer-centric management platform for marketing, sales, service work together. The system is designed to improve the relationship between businesses and their customers a new operation mechanism, and services in the enterprise market, sales, service and technical support and customer related links.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1921024 Publisher : huangwulan

DL : 0
模拟圆柱绕流,边界条件使用平衡态外推,结果还行。一起努力,simulation cylindrical flow around, using the boundary conditions equilibrium extrapolation results okay.Work together
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 4673536 Publisher : ly

DL : 0
FM simulator use for know how the modulation work,FM simulator use for know how the modulation work
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1024 Publisher : citus

机房预约系统是一个方便用户(老师)在线预约机房的一个网站系统,通过本系统用户可以简约大量的办公时间,提高工作效率。本系统主要包括如下几个功能模块:用户注册、实验预约、查看实验、机房管理信息和班级信息管理。首先用户(老师)可以通过注册新的账号,然后登录本系统,登录系统之后,用户(老师)可以查看空闲、预约机房、添加和管理班级信息。用户(管理员)登录系统之后可以对预约进行审核以及对机房信息进行管理。游客(学生)可以通过本系统查看实验,包括通过班级查看实验和通过预约时间查看实验。,Room reservation system is a convenient online booking engine room of the user (teacher) a website, the users of the system can be simple, a lot of office time, improve work efficiency. The system includes the following functional modules: Register experiments appointment to see the experiment, room management information and class information management. First, users (teachers) can register a new account, then log on to the system after sign-on system, users (teachers) can view the idle, booking room, add and manage class information. The user (administrator) login system of appointment after the audit, as well as the engine room information management. Visitors (students) can see the experiment through the system, including the experimental classes see the experiment and by appointment View.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 17403904 Publisher : 吴彬彬

DL : 0
matlab7.0的实用教程,共22章,里面详细介绍了matlab矩阵实验室的全部运用。,matlab program
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 20651008 Publisher : 草草

其中VB NC程序可与PLC newNCDH程序配合使用。由NC VB在计算机上做程序编辑,然后再下载给PLC。起动PLC运行,即可使PLC所控制的系统按所编程序工作,并可实时读取与显示有关运动数据。程序所用设备为沈阳旭风电子公司二维运动控制模型。 其中"绝对值列表控制VB"程序可与PLC "绝对值列表控制完整程序.cxp"程序配合使用。由VB程序在计算机上做画图编辑,然后再下载给PLC。起动PLC运行,即可使PLC所控制的系统按所画图形运动,并可实时读取与显示有关运动数据。程序所用设备为沈阳旭风电子公司二维运动控制模型。通信程序使用FINS协议。 其中vbCommu、delphiComm分别为VB、delphi编写的通用的计算机与PLC通信软件,主要用于OMRON C型机。CS、CJ及CP机也可使用。只是不能读到全部数据。如果在此基础上,改用OMRON FINS 协议,则可克服上述不足。,Where VB NC program can be used in conjunction with the PLC newNCDH program. By NC VB, doing program editing on the computer, and then downloaded to the PLC. Starter PLC running, you can make the work of the PLC control system programmed, can read and display the relevant motion data in real-time. Procedures of the equipment used for the two-dimensional motion control model Shenyang Asahi wind. Which the absolute value of the list control VB " list of the absolute value of the program with PLC" control the integrity of the program. Cxp " program used in conjunction. By VB program on the computer to do the drawing editor, and then downloaded to the PLC. Starter PLC running movement by drawing a shape, and can be real-time read and display information about the movement of data to the PLC control system. Procedures of the equipment used for the two-dimensional motion control model Shenyang Asahi wind. Communication program using the FINS protocol. Where vbCommu, delphiComm V
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1029120 Publisher : h_zhenzhong

TextIO.java定义一个类包含一些静态方法做输入/输出。这些方法可以更容易地使用标准输入流和输出流,System.in和System.out。 textio程序还支持其他输入源和输出目的地,如文件。需要注意的是这个版本的的textio需要Java 5.0(或更高版本)。, defines a class containing some static methods for doing input/output. These methods make it easier to use the standard input and output streams, and System.out. TextIO also supports other input sources and output destinations, such as files. Note that this version of TextIO requires Java 5.0 (or higher). The TextIO class defined by this file is only useful in a command-line environment, and it might be inconvenient to use in integrated development environments such as Eclipse in which standard input does not work particularly well.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 7168 Publisher : fiona

这是魏凤英撰写的《现代气候统计诊断与预测技术》一书的配套程序,对于从事气象研究和工作的人,快速利用Fortran撰写的统计程序很有帮助。,Fengying written a book supporting the program of the " modern climate statistics diagnosis and prediction techniques, the use of statistical procedures written in Fortran helpful for people engaged in meteorological research and work fast.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 166912 Publisher : susanna
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