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这是个界面编成的问题-This is a monument of the interface issues
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 706560 Publisher : tian

将dxf转化tab文档-will dxf file conversion tab
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 50176 Publisher : 张渊源

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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 80896 Publisher :

Tab with Scroll Demo
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 28672 Publisher :

一个自绘TAB控件,类似Excel中的Sheet标签-TAB drawn from a control, similar to the Excel Sheet labels
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 61440 Publisher : 踏歌而行

制作类似著名下载软件网络蚂蚁软件的拉帘式TAB-famous production of similar network software download software ants in Rafah-curtain TAB
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 32768 Publisher :

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绘制导航图的源代码,这是基于MAPX插件的,只需将相关*.TAB 图层换成你自己的就可以了-mapping navigation map of the source code, which is based on the Connection plug-in, only to the relevant*. TAB layer replaced by your own on the
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : fgh

程序运行结果如下图:左边、底下有两个可浮动、可变大小的控制窗口 ,在左边一个Tab页中,可以显示系统目录。-The software result is show the figure below: there are two floating and size adjustable windows in the left bottom, the system directory can be displayed in one of the left tab page.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 83968 Publisher : lyd

When creating applications with a complex view layout, there are several features that are missing from MFC. First, each type of view layout is created differently (simple view vs. splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple view layout does not need any additional code (MFC handles the creation). Splitter layout needs a CSplitterWnd and manual creation of each pane. Even more complex is the nested splitter. Second, MFC does not support tab windows that can be found in almost any commercial application and is great for better UI orgranization.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 45056 Publisher : 扬子昌

When creating applications with a complex view layout, there are several features that are missing from MFC. First, each type of view layout is created differently (simple view vs. splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple view layout does not need any additional code (MFC handles the creation). Splitter layout needs a CSplitterWnd and manual creation of each pane. Even more complex is the nested splitter. Second, MFC does not support tab windows that can be found in almost any commercial application and is great for better UI orgranization.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 45056 Publisher : 扬子昌

对Tab Control的具体实现,对初级程序员具有参考价值。-Tab Control of the concrete realization of junior programmers with reference value.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 30720 Publisher : 秦伟

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vc Tab Control使用示例- vc Tab Control s use example
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 121856 Publisher : 何浪

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TabControl的使用Demo,演示了以对话框为子窗口建立多个Tab页的方法-TabControl use Demo to demonstrate the son of a dialog window to create a number of pages of the Tab
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : 沈华

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实现像Excel一样的Tab下标, 程序还实现了不同视之间的切换。-achieve the same as Excel Tab index, procedures also achieved between different depending on the switch.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 67584 Publisher : 胡水清

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一个很不错的Tab使用的例子!实现方法是,将TabCtrl的大小扩展到整个客户区的位置,每个 tab对应的frame都放在TabCtrl中显示-a very good example of the use of Tab! Implementation is to TabCtrl expanded to the size of the entire customer locations, each corresponding tab on the frame are shown TabCtrl
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 40960 Publisher : 刘先生

我想创建这样一个属性页,它的控件随用户在页面上选择的组合框内容的不同而改变。这个属性页类似于Microsoft Visual Studio on the Project...Settings...C/C++ tab中的那种。在这个页面中,当你更改了Category组合框的内容时,组合框下面的所有组件都会改变。-I wish to establish such an attribute pages, with the controls on a page users to choose a combination of the different box contents change. This property is similar to the pages of Microsoft Visual Studio on the Project Settings ... ... C/C tab of the kind. In this page, when you change the frame Category portfolio of content, combined box below all the components will change.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 29696 Publisher : sss

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一个很好的对话框界面的例子,告诉你怎样设置一个位图作为对话框的的背景图片,不过要注意必须是picture的Tab顺序为1才能使其他控件不被覆盖。-a good example of the dialog interface, tell you how to set up a bitmap as a dialog of the background image, but to the attention of the picture must be the order of a Tab other controls can not be overwritten.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 375808 Publisher : 中原飞天

Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1955840 Publisher :

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此压缩包覆盖了超过30个javascript例子,如div的使用,页面定时刷新,带事务提示的日历,时钟,Tab页,各种实用技巧等。可以作为一个javascript资源库。-covered by more than 30 javascript examples, such as the use div, pages regularly updated, with the suggested affairs calendar, clock, Tab pages, a range of practical skills. Javascript can be used as a resource library.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1267712 Publisher : 李俊

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这代码是将Tab Ctrl添加到浮动窗口。-This code is added to the Tab Ctrl floating window.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 83968 Publisher : 徐小村
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