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在PropertySheet里(不是Tab control里)添加按钮-The example of adding button in propertysheet
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 17408 Publisher : 站长

类似tab控件的一个按钮做的group控件- Similar tab controls group which a button does to control
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 20480 Publisher : 站长

DL : 0
多个view使用tab控件进行切换的例子-Example in which can exchange many views by a tab control
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 142336 Publisher : disophy

tab控件控制的多个form-Multiple forms which are controled by Tab control
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 195584 Publisher : 夏雨

一个使用WTL实现的多视图TAB的例子--A example of TAB of multi view that realizes by WTL
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 63488 Publisher : 站长

一个在tab中显示图标并且有热敏感应的tab类--One tab class which can show icons and has hot sensitive tab
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31744 Publisher : 站长

一个可缩放的tab试图的例子,tab视图中的控件可以随着大小缩放--An example of zoomable view,the control in which can change its size along
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 44032 Publisher : 站长

Because my application required the use of a lot of tools (just like 3DS Max), I decided to implement this control. Here I shall share with you the most important details of creating the tabbed toolbar. The implementation of the control is quite simple, actually. The control is primarily a Dialog Bar that manages a tab control and a Tool Bar. Thus, the class is derived from CDialogBar and it creates the CTabCtrl and CToolBar objects. The actual creation of the Tab control and toolbar occurs in the Create function of the Dialog Bar. 创建一个制表工具栏 因为我的应用需要使用许多工具(像3DS Max),我决定实现这个控件。 在这里我将和你共同分享创建制表工具栏的最重要的细节。 实际上控件的创建相当简单。这个控件主要是管理一个制表控件和一个工具栏的对话框。因此,这个类从CDialogBar类继承并且它创建了CTabCtrl 和CToolBar对象。实际上制表和工具栏控件的创建发生在DialogBar函数的创建过程中。-Because my application required the use of a lot of tools (just like 3DS Max), I decided to implement this control. Here I shall share with you the most important details of creating the tabbed toolbar. The implementation of the control is quite simple, actually. The control is primarily a Dialog Bar that manages a tab control and a Tool Bar. Thus, the class is derived from CDialogBar and it creates the CTabCtrl and CToolBar objects. The actual creation of the Tab control and toolbar occurs in the Create function of the Dialog Bar
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 89088 Publisher : 徐丽志

DL : 0
局域网聊天程序,获取局域网内活动机子(10人左右),TAB为发关消息快热键- The local area network chats the procedure, gains in the local area network to move the loom (about 10 people), TAB is sends closes the news quick hot key
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 47104 Publisher : 黄昊

制作类似网络蚂蚁的拉帘式Tab,很有用-produced similar networks pull the curtain ant-Tab and useful
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 22528 Publisher : ouxm

control tab
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : 月禾

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这个可视化的框架类支持具有不同组合的CView视图类、CSplitterWnd和CTabWnd类派生的SDI程序,本程序支持的特性包括: 支持单文档和多文档程序 任何视图、多分隔条和标鉴窗口的组合 支持嵌套的分隔条 支持简单的基于CView的程序 支持热键选择活动窗格 支持Ctrl+Tab来进行标签切换 支持列举窗口 标签可以在客户窗口的顶部或底部-visualization of the framework to support different types of combinations of CView View category, CSplitterWnd and CTabWnd category derived SDI procedures, The procedures for features include : support for single-and multi-file any document procedures View, more separation of the window and superscript Stephen support nested combination of the support of segregation based on a simple procedure CView support hotkeys election Optional activities pane support Ctrl Tab label switching to support listed in the window labeled client window or the top Bottom
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 62464 Publisher : 李杰

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tab似的框架窗口-tab like window framework
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 90112 Publisher : 宋恩博

在C++ Builder中如何使得Enter键具有Tab键的功能的例子-C Builder how to make the Enter key with the Tab key example of the function of the
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 齐晶

tab控件的源代码-tab controls the source code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 49152 Publisher : 务必

Win2K/NT/XP环境下LWIN,RWIN,WIN+Any,Ctrl+Esc,Alt+Esc,Alt+TAB等键的禁用,vb6实现-Win2K/NT/XP The presentation environment, RWIN, WIN Any, Ctrl Esc, Alt-Esc, Alt TAB keys such as the disabled, to achieve VB6
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : 尹伟红

Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 29696 Publisher :

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VC界面的示例代码,演示了TAB控件的使用-VC interface code examples to demonstrate the use of the TAB Control
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 121856 Publisher : 赵三

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此代码示范在Windows XP中如何实现屏蔽CTRL+ALT+DEL组合键序列,任务切换组合键序列(Alt+Tab),任务栏和“开始”菜单(Ctrl+Esc,VK_LWIN,VK_RWIN)。-this model code in Windows XP how to achieve shielding CTRL ALT DEL key sequence composition, mandate bond portfolio switching sequence (Alt-Tab), the task bar and the "start" menu (Ctrl Esc, VK_LWIN, VK_RWIN).
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 95232 Publisher : 蔡世贵

Cool,一个集成了很多Tab窗口使用方法的多文档界面程序,拥有了他,保管让你创建界面功能复杂的的程序时节省不少时间。本包里面包含了所有工程的文件-Cool, a lot of Tab integrated use of the window of Multiple Document Interface procedures, and had he, custodian let you create complex functions of the interface procedures to save a lot of time. This package which contains all the documents
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 102400 Publisher : 哈勃
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