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自己做的一个管理CWnd窗口的TabCtrl 也可以用在视图中加Tab页-Their management to do a CWnd window TabCtrl also can be used in view of Sino-Canadian Tab Page
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : hxzhang

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VC的使用的研究的例子,实现了TAB很好的初学者例子-Research on the use of VC examples realize the TAB good example for beginners
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2961408 Publisher :

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实现Delphi中用ENTER键代替TAB键,解压即可-Delphi realize ENTER keys in lieu of using TAB key, you can extract
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 6144 Publisher : 叶枫

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XP风格的CTabCtrl,可自由设置标签位置,图标等-XP-style CTabCtrl, be free to set the tag location, icon, etc.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 22528 Publisher : M8086

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一个多文档界面编程的例子,用到了包括界面分割,属性页,树形等方面的内容。-A multi-document interface programming examples, including the interface used for segmentation, attribute pages, etc. the content tree.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 95232 Publisher : zheshizadele

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grep by Cao Siqin,2007.7.17 grep [-v?] <sub-string> Options: -? : show this help -v : list lines that doesn t contain sub-string -n : list in one line, words separated by tab-grep by Cao Siqin,2007.7.17 grep [-v?] <sub-string> Options: -? : show this help -v : list lines that doesn t contain sub-string -n : list in one line, words separated by tab
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 15360 Publisher : 孙谨

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LS by Cao Siqin, 2007.7.17 ls [-l/-w/-s][-d/-f][-acpo!?] [path or file name mask1] [mask2 ...] Options: -? : display this help -l : list details -a : list all files -w/s : list in a line, file names are sepatated by tab -p : file name with full path -q : if file name contains space then use " to embrace it -c : swith on/off color -d : list folders only -f : list files only -o : omit file s extension name -O : omit all file s extension names -! : use kernel API instead of stream function to list other options : will be ignored Color: yellow : directory gray : hidden file/directory red : readonly file/directory blue : compressed file/directory green : system file/directory white : normal file/directory Noice: There should be less then 100 masks -l/-w, -d/-f can t be both valid, only the latter will be Both "-" and "/" can be used to define options-LS by Cao Siqin, 2007.7.17 ls [-l/-w/-s][-d/-f][-acpo!?] [path or file name mask1] [mask2 ...] Options: -? : display this help -l : list details -a : list all files -w/s : list in a line, file names are sepatated by tab -p : file name with full path -q : if file name contains space then use " to embrace it -c : swith on/off color -d : list folders only -f : list files only -o : omit file s extension name -O : omit all file s extension names -! : use kernel API instead of stream function to list other options : will be ignored Color: yellow : directory gray : hidden file/directory red : readonly file/directory blue : compressed file/directory green : system file/directory white : normal file/directory Noice: There should be less then 100 masks -l/-w,-d/-f can t be both valid, only the latter will be Both "-" and "/" can be used to define options
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 23552 Publisher : 孙谨

有些时候我们希望将输出的数据存到EXCEL文件或一些符号分隔文本文件(像逗号分隔、Tab符分隔)。CSpreadSheet类封装了对这些文件的读写操作。CSpreadSheet类的目标是简单易用,其主要的特性如下: 1、构造一个新的EXCEL文件或符号分隔文本文件,并在其中写如行或单个的单元。 2、读取行、列或单个单元。 3、覆盖、插入或追加行。 4、将已存在或新的EXCEL文件转化成符号分隔文本文件;反之亦然。 操作EXCEL和符号分隔文本的类CSpreadSheet-In some cases we hope to keep the output data to the EXCEL file or some symbols separated text files (like comma-separated, Tab-delimited). CSpreadSheet class encapsulates these documents to read and write operations. CSpreadSheet type of goal is easy to use, its main characteristics are as follows: 1, construction of a new EXCEL file or symbols separated text file, and write them as row or a single unit. 2, read the rows, columns or a single unit. 3, cover, insert, or an additional line. 4, would have existed or new EXCEL file into a text file separated by symbols and vice versa. EXCEL operations and symbols of the type of delimited text CSpreadSheet
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 7168 Publisher : chengxu

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南通的1:5000地图,可作学习之用。其中包含SHP和TAB格式-Nantong 1:5000 map and can be used for learning. Including SHP and TAB format
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5684224 Publisher : john

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6\7个控件,回车代替TAB,非空检查,记录数据库中记录的ID,也可自己定义关键字段,关联LABEL以便提示,-6 controls, carriage returns, replace TAB, non-empty checks recorded in the database record ID, the definition of keywords can also be its own paragraph, related to LABEL tips
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 11264 Publisher : fcwvip

DL : 0   一个邮件报告程序。   解释了最基本的MFC程序流程。   自定义的标签控件对话框。    在VC中实现Undo和Redo功能。 a message reporting procedures. explained the basic MFC program flow. Tags custom dialog controls. in VC to achieve Undo and Redo functionality.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 39936 Publisher : 章海

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设置属性表组件标签,BCB 6编译通过。-Component Attribute Table Settings Tab, BCB 6 Compiler through.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 282624 Publisher : 赖浩

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自己写的一个静态按钮扩展类,可以实现选项卡功能!-Himself wrote a static button to expand the category, you can realize the functional tab!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4096 Publisher : 王凡

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一个模拟qq界面的测试Demo,可以实现选项卡功能!-Qq interface in a simulated test Demo, can realize the functional tab!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 364544 Publisher : 王凡

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该程序详细的介绍了MapXtreme J的环境设置和基本操作。感觉不错,拿来与大家分享。 很好的一个瘦客户端应用的程序,后台Servlet实现,前段用img tag包含放大,缩小,漫游,全图,鹰眼图,图层控制,地图状态等基本功能。但是因为渲染成流的方式,前段解析,第一次启动Tomcat然后打开应用好像时间比较长,第二个打开的时候就快得多了。用生成临时图片的方式,应该更快一点。-The detailed procedures introduced MapXtreme J
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 477184 Publisher : liumk

实现tab页的源代码,用于vc++界面开发,代码可直接使用。-Realize tab page source code, for vc++ Interface development, code can be used directly.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 8192 Publisher : 刘惠

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ShopEx网店系统是一款免费的独立网店系统,适合中小企业和个人方便快捷构建个性化的网上商店,在网上开展自己的生意。开网店找shopex! 新版本部分特性如下: 新后台导航 新的后台导航对系统功能进行了重新优化配备,两栏式操作对商家的使用更为方便。 选项卡(Tabs) 选项卡(就是大家用的IE7的那种选项卡,习惯又叫Tab),实现后台多事件处理功能,用户可以打开任意选项卡来同时处理多个操作,能够一定程度上提高后台处理效率,为用户节约成本。 新表单处理机制 针对页面传输数据、处理数据量较大的列表表单页,譬如订单列表,采用了ajax技术中最新的结构,使用Gzip压缩,将页面实际传输量降低,提高页面执行效率。 短信SMS功能 此次新增了短信网关功能,用户可以在后台申请开通短信网关,即可在顾客购物流程中给顾客发送短信,提高顾客满意度和转化率,目前ShopEx用户都可免费获得一定数量的短信发送条数,大家可以去试试。 新增两套精美模板 此次ShopEx通过买断模板堂的两套模板,内置到系统中作为免费模板供广大商家使用,希望大家喜欢。 -err
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 18738176 Publisher :

实现类似Excel和Visual C++里文件夹式样的标签控制-To achieve a similar Excel and Visual C++ Ri folder tab control style
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 370688 Publisher : 刘奉

用VC实现界面中控件TabControl的基本功能。-VC interface used to achieve the basic functions of TabControl control.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 126976 Publisher : 张松宝

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Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 12288 Publisher : huangyanjun
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