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这是基于小波分析的matlab程序,主要用于图像增强处理,希望对大家有帮助。-This is based on wavelet analysis matlab the procedure, mainly uses in image intensification processing, hoped that has the help to everybody
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 84992 Publisher :

hmm语音识别程序,能根据参数,训练模型和计算出模型距离,对于学习和编写有关隐马尔科夫语音识别程序很有帮助-hmm speaker recognition program,use it you can directly write an hmm program easly.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 15360 Publisher : hstmg

Speaker Identification using MFCC feature and VQ training, very clear MATLAB code
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1985536 Publisher : Cutie Babe

噪声环境下的说话人识别技术研究,论文。供研究语音识别的人员参考,学习。-Noise environments Speaker Recognition Technology, Thesis. Research on speech recognition for staff members to learn.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 11094016 Publisher : hyguo

The main objective behind this project is using speaker recognition for security purposes. By security we mean identification of the speaker and thus granting permission to access details of very high confidentiality
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 87040 Publisher : hari

介绍了一种非常实用的特征提取新方法,针对稀疏核主成分分析方法在特征提取中的不足, 提出了一种基于核K- 均值聚类的稀疏核主成分分析( Sparse KPCA) 的特征提取方法用于说话人识别。-Introduced a very useful new method of feature extraction for Sparse Kernel Principal Component Analysis in Feature Extraction of the lack of a kernel-based K-means clustering of sparse kernel principal component analysis (Sparse KPCA) of the feature extraction methods for speaker recognition.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 122880 Publisher : 毋桂萍

识别正确率和抗噪性能是语音识别的研究重点,而识别响应速度也是决定系统实用化的关键 文章改进了传统的动态时间弯折算 法结构,将其应用于实时说话人辨识系统中,极大地提高了系统运行速度,随着待识别语音数目的增多,该算法优势更加明显 实验表明, 在不影响系统识别率的情况下,该方法使系统的运行速度平均提高了1.5 倍-Identify the correct rate and the anti-noise performance is the focus of speech recognition research, but also decided to identify the response speed of system utilities to improve the key article of the traditional structure of Dynamic Time Warping algorithm will be applied to real-time speaker identification system, greatly increase the speed of the system, with the question of an increase in the number of voice recognition, the algorithm is more obvious advantages of the experiment showed that the recognition rate does not affect the system' s case, the method of operation of the system increased the speed of an average of 1.5 times
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 80896 Publisher : sdc

Speaker Recognition by training GMM models for the speakers in the system. Also tells if there s an impostor in the system.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 560128 Publisher : sam

国际上最新的说话人识别算法的源程序,内置语音训练数据-The latest international speaker recognition algorithm source code, built-in voice training data
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 609280 Publisher : 郭鲁强

DL : 0
在实时平台上,高斯混合模型(GMM)具有计算有效性和易于实现的优点。最大似然规则中,模型参数不 断更新,但由于爬山特征,任意的原始模型参数估计通常将导致局部最优 遗传算法(GA)适于求解复杂组合优化问 题及非线性函数优化。提出了基于说话人识别的可以解决GMM局部最优问题的GMM/GA新算法,实验结果表明, 提出的GMM/GA新算法比纯粹的GMM算法能获得更优的效果。 - In real-time platform, the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with the calculation of the effectiveness and easy to realize benefits. Maximum likelihood rule, the model parameters are not Broken updates, but due to climbing features, any of the original model parameter estimation will usually result in local optimum genetic algorithm (GA) is suitable for solving complex combinatorial optimization question Title and non-linear function optimization. Proposed speaker recognition based on GMM can solve the problem of local optimal GMM/GA new algorithm, experimental results show that the Proposed GMM/GA new algorithm than purely GMM algorithm can get better results.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4448256 Publisher : 于高

:高斯混合模型(GMM)是一种经典的说话人识别算法,本文在实现其算法的同时,主要模拟了不同噪声环境情况下高斯混合模型 (GMM)的杭嗓声性能,得到了一些有益结论。 -Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is a classic speaker recognition algorithms, this algorithm at the same time in fulfilling its main simulated environmental conditions under different noise Gaussian mixture model (GMM) of the Hang throat sound performance, and obtained some useful conclusions.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 119808 Publisher : 于高

文章介绍的说话人识别系统,采用能够反映人对语音的感知特性的9(:频率倒谱系数(9(: <+(=>(2/?8(’0+): 81(..-/-(20@,9<88)作为特征参数,同时考虑到特征参数各维分量对于不同说话人的区分程度,采用加权的办法进行矢 量量化。-This paper introduces the speaker recognition system used to reflect the people s perception of voice characteristics 9 (:-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (9 (: <+(=>( 2 /? 8 ( 0+): 81 (..-/-( 20 @, 9 "88) as the characteristic parameter, taking into account the characteristic parameters for different components of each dimension of the distinction between the speaker level, using weighted approach to vector Quantization. .
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 60416 Publisher : 于高

从说话人的语音信号中提取说话人的个性特征是声纹识别的关键。主要介绍语音信号特征提取方法中的Mel倒谱系数 -From the speaker s voice signal to extract the speaker s personality traits is the key to Voiceprint identification. Mainly introduces the speech signal feature extraction method in Mel cepstral coefficients
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 241664 Publisher : 于高

这个是用Matlab写成的说话人识别演示程序。-Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library, including commonly used feature extraction algorithms and modeling techniques for speech recognition and speaker verification.-Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library. including commonly used feature extraction al gorithms and modeling techniques for re speech cognition and speaker verification.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2451456 Publisher : liximin

autoamtic speech and speaker recognition-autoamtic speech and speaker recognition
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2273280 Publisher : rimi

DL : 0
C#使用dll实现播放声音文件的功能 可以模仿wav文件-C# using the dll functions for playing sound files wav files can be imitated
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 732160 Publisher : 陈梁

DL : 0
由谢金星主讲,包括基本计算,科学计算,统计计算,优化计算。-By Xie Venus speaker, including basic computing, scientific computing, statistical computing, optimization calculations.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5586944 Publisher : 小冰鉴

Improved Closed Set Text-Independent Speaker Identification by combining MFCC with Evidence from Flipped Filter Banks
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 665600 Publisher : Rushabh sanghavi

DL : 0
dynamic time warping is a method that using for matching in speaker identification. this code i write in C# using Microsoft visual studio 2008
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 36864 Publisher : yanadi

DL : 0
数字钟:显示,设置时间,设置闹铃(报时),秒表。 平台:quartusII 5.1。 说明:此版本中已将系统时钟调快,自己稍微改动一下即可,小小的考验,做出来会更有成就感!-digital clock:display time, set time, set alarm(use speaker to alarm), stopwatch. platform: quartusII 5.1 comment: there s a place to change if you want the clock to tick at an actual speed. Find it ,change it and have fun with it!
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2020352 Publisher : kn
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