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Speaker identification
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 891904 Publisher : 陈玉德

Speaker verification system
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 252928 Publisher : 陈玉德

利用矢量量化(VQ)的方法实现的说话人辨认的程序,有兴趣者可以把它转换为C的-vector quantization (VQ) method to identify the Speaker of the proceedings, interested persons can transform it to C
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5120 Publisher : 陈建文

Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library, including commonly used feature extraction algorithms and modeling techniques for speech recognition and speaker verification. -Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library. including commonly used feature extraction al gorithms and modeling techniques for re speech cognition and speaker verification.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1126400 Publisher : 原琴

DL : 0
1.利用Matlab进行产生频率为1000Hz和6000Hz的正弦信号,利用FDATOOL设计FIR滤波器(fs=16000Hz),以滤波6000Hz分量,并利用SPTOOL工具对信号滤波进行仿真与验证。 2.从MIC端口(J5)输入频率为1000Hz和6000Hz正弦信号的叠加信号,编写实时FIR滤波程序,选择合适的滤波器参数,滤除6000Hz的频率分量,利用示波器在SPEAKER端口(J6)观察输出波形。分析信号的频谱结构,设计满足要求的数字滤波器,-1. The use of Matlab have 1000Hz frequency of 6000Hz, and the sinusoidal signal, use FDATOOL design FIR filter (fs = 16000Hz) 6000Hz to filter components, and use SPTOOL right signal filtering tools for simulation and verification. 2. MIC from the port (J5) input frequency of 1000Hz and 6000Hz sinusoidal signal superimposed signal Real-time preparation of FIR filtering process to select an appropriate filter parameters, filter 6000Hz frequency components, SPEAKER oscilloscope using the port (J6) to observe the output waveform. Spectrum Signal Analysis of the structure and design meet the requirements of the digital filter.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 196608 Publisher :

国际上最新的说话人识别算法的源程序,包含了训练集和测试集-latest international speaker identification algorithm source code includes the training set and test set
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 612352 Publisher : 胡琦

与文本有关的利用模块匹配算法的说话人确认系统-text and the use of the matching algorithm module Speaker Verification System
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 81920 Publisher : 石头

基于倒谱特征的说话人识别技术 提取语音的倒谱特征进行说话人识别-based Cepstral Speaker voice recognition technology from the Cepstral for Speaker Recognition
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4186112 Publisher : 溪鱼

在MATLAB环境下实现基于矢量量化的说话人识别系统。在实时录音的情况下,利用该说话人识别系统,对不同的人的1s~7s的语音进行辨识。实现与文本无关的自动说话人确认的实时识别。 使用说明: 1 训练 打开Matlab 使Current Directory为VQ所在的文件夹(比如:E:\vq) 在Command windows中输入 -in MATLAB environment based VQ Speaker Recognition System. Real-time recording in the circumstances, the speaker recognition system, the different people of one's voice-7s for identification. Implementation and text-independent speaker recognition automatic real-time identification. Use : Matlab opened a training Current Directory to make VQ where the folder (for example, : E : \ vq) in the Command windows input
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 706560 Publisher : annya

DL : 0
说话人识别论文,3篇,有较好参考价值!推荐!-speaker identification papers, three, better value! Recommended!
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 750592 Publisher : wxf

这个文档对想用DSP实现一非特定人语音识别系统 有很大的帮助。-this document right to use a DSP-independent speech recognition system is a great help.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1095680 Publisher : 刘品

AVICQ demo Please: 1: rename *.oc_ files to *.ocx before you start. 2: register the control by command line: regsvr32 \filepath\avphone3.ocx 3: open the project 4: press F5 to start video / audio ICQ now! 5: If there is a audio loop back noise please try to reduce the volume of your wave input device or speaker. -AVICQ demo : 1 : oc_ rename files to*.*. ocx before you start. 2 : register control by the command line : typing \ filepath \ avphone3.ocx 3 : open the project 4 : press F5 to start video/audio ICQ now! 5 : If there is a loop back audio noise please try to r educe the volume of your wave input device or spe Aaker.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 167936 Publisher : aleagu

关于说话人识别方面的五个子程序,包括倒谱基音周期混合特征系数的话者识别,能频积端点检测、语音基音周期检测等C++源代码,本人整理编译过,比较紧凑高效;-Speaker Recognition of the five subroutines, including cepstrum Pitch mixed coefficient of the recognition, the frequency can plot endpoint detection, Pitch detection C source code, I compiled finishing more compact and efficient;
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3332096 Publisher : kingvi

DL : 0
说话人识别是语音识别的一种特殊方式,其目的不是识别语音内容,而是识别说话人是谁,即从语音信号中提取个人特征。采用矢量量化(VQ)可避免困难的语音分段问题和时间归整问题,且作为一种数据压缩手段可大大减少系统所需的数据存储量。本文提出了识别特征选取采用复倒谱特征参数和对应用VQ的说话人识别系统改进的一种方法。当用于训练的数据量较小时,复倒谱特征可以得到比较稳定的识别性能。VQ的改进方法避免了说话人识别系统的训练时间与使用时间相差过长从而导致系统的性能明显下降以及若利用自相关函数带来的大量运算。-Speaker Recognition Speech Recognition is a special way, its purpose is not voice recognition, Who identification but said that the voice signal from extracting personal characteristics. Vector quantization (VQ) can avoid the difficulties subparagraph voice to the issues and the whole time, and as a means of data compression system can significantly reduce the required data storage capacity. This paper presents a selection of identifiers employ Cepstrum parameters and the application of VQ speaker recognition system to improve a side France. When training for the amount of data is smaller, rehabilitation Cepstrum be relatively stable recognition performance. VQ improved ways to avoid the speech recognition system of training and the use of the difference in time, resulting in excessive sys
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 23552 Publisher : 张开

基于DTW方法的说话人识别程序,运用了LPCC参数和LPC参数的两者一起进行说话人身份的识别,有较好的识别效果。-DTW method based on the speaker identification procedures, LPCC Features use of the LPC parameters and the parameters of the two words together to identify the identity of the person, a better recognition.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : 张生

文本无关的说话人辨认系统的DSP实时实现 比较经典的研究生毕业论文-text-independent speaker recognition system to achieve real-time DSP classic comparison postgraduate thesis
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3811328 Publisher : QHLee

对音频文件提取其MFCC特征参数 可用于说话人识别-right audio files from their MFCC parameters can be used to Speaker Recognition
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1852416 Publisher : 康丹丹

求误识率——拒识率曲线(DET曲线) 常应用于说话人识别-seek error rate-- reject rate curve (DET curve) often used in speaker recognition
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 286720 Publisher : 康丹丹

语音信号基音周期的提取,在说话人识别中可作为重要特征参数.也可用于语音合成.希望能对你有所帮助.-voice signal Pitch Extraction, Speaker identification can be as important parameters. can also be used for speech synthesis. The hope is to help you.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : rw

An Evaluation of Visual Speech Features for the Tasks of Speech and Speaker Recognition.-An Evaluation of Visual Speech Features az r Tasks of the Speech and Speaker Recognition.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 101376 Publisher : rw
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