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基于VQ的说话人识别程序 分为训练和识别两个步骤 具体请见程序-VQ-based speaker recognition process is divided into training and to identify the specific two-step procedure, see
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher :

说话人识别系统,界面友好,可以对实时录音的说话人进行识别-Speaker recognition system, user-friendly, real-time recording can be carried out to identify the speaker
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2451456 Publisher : 万金油

在Visual studio 2005下用C#开发的说话人确认(speaker verification)实现。 包括三部分: 1、VoicePrintExistenceCheck - 检查是否存在某用户ID的声音指纹 2、SpeakerVerifyTextDependRegister - 如果不存在,则将其注册到系统中(可以通过语音文件,也可以直接通过麦克风直接输入语音)。 3、SpeakerVerifyTextDependVerify - 确认一个测试样例是否和用户的声音指纹相匹配。 源代码包含如下几个部分: * speakerVerify.* - 本项目的工程文件(用于测试) * SpeakerRecognitionActivityLib - 说话人确认的各个步骤的源代码(共12个C#源代码文件)。 * DictationActivitySpeechFX - 使用System.Speech编写的dictation功能(DictationActivity.cs,DictationActivity.Designer.cs)。 * DictationActivitySapi51 - 使用SAPI5.1编写的dictation功能(DictationActivitySapi.cs,DictationActivitySapi.Designer.cs)。 还有其他项目运行所需的源代码和配置文件等。
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 103424 Publisher : 杨小伟

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AVR microcontrol ,the program is a buzze speaker
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 33792 Publisher : 孙志斌

这是一个语音采集程序.相当于录音器的功能.在这个程序中,我们可以熟悉wave格式.为进一步的语音编程打下基础.如果想从事语音识别,说话人识别的人可以借此打下基础.-This is a voice collection procedures. The equivalent of recording functions. In this process, we can familiar with the wave format. In order to further lay the foundation for voice programming. If you want to engage in speech recognition, speaker recognition can take to lay a foundation .
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 57344 Publisher : 蒋日华

通过语音mfcc特征参数提取采用k均值算法实现说话人识别功能-Via voice MFCC feature extraction algorithm using k-means function of speaker recognition
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5120 Publisher :

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说话人识别测试阶段建立说话人模型,采用同一说话人多句训练-Speaker Recognition test phase to establish the speaker model, using the same multi-speaker training sentence
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : zengxiuhua

里面包含了比较新的国外说话人识别方面的新文章,观点比较新,可以翻译过来使用,在其中加入一点新算法或者混用就可以成新的观点了,全英文,不带翻译-Which contains a relatively new speaker recognition abroad, the new article, a relatively new perspective can be translated through the use, in which the new algorithm by adding one point or you can mix into a new perspective, and the whole English, without translation
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2194432 Publisher : tanruilian

蜂鸣器音乐(小喇叭) Linux下实现的PC Speaker蜂鸣器播放音乐程序-Buzzer music (small speakers) Linux under the PC Speaker buzzer playing music program
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : rj

说话人识别程序特征参数为MEL倒谱,模型为VQ量化-Speaker recognition process characteristic parameters for the MEL cepstrum, models for the VQ quantization
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5120 Publisher : joe

用于说话人识别中,是一种lpcc参数的提取方法,环境在MATLAB下 -For Speaker Recognition is a lpcc parameter extraction method, the environment under the MATLAB
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : 马彩青

Generalized Mel frequency cepstral coefficients for large-vocabulary Speaker-Independent Continuous-Speech Recognition 关于MFCC算法的很好的英语文章-Generalized Mel frequency cepstral coefficients for large-vocabulary Speaker-Independent Continuous-Speech Recognition on the MFCC algorithm is a very good article in English
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 165888 Publisher : xiang

用vq算法进行说话人识别,能达到良好的效果-Using VQ speaker recognition algorithm can achieve good results
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 567296 Publisher : 吴杰

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一种用于说话人辨认的概率神经网络的MCE训练算法。-A speaker identification for the probabilistic neural network MCE training algorithm.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 115712 Publisher : zhbruce

武汉大学的研究生论文,关于用DSP5402实现说话人识别的论文.算法采用DTW并进行了改进-Wuhan University graduate thesis on the use of DSP5402 Speaker Recognition realize papers. DTW algorithm and improved
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3034112 Publisher : 叶小勇

语音识别,一个完整的C语言程序,基于DSP5402开发板,能有效识别男女,及说话人,程序仅供参考-Speech recognition, a complete C language program, based on the development board DSP5402 can effectively identify the men and women, and the speaker, the program is for reference only
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 62464 Publisher : 马九洋

说话人识别方法及其系统的应用开发研究.毕业设计论文,详细.本文对说话人识别方法应用作了较深入系统的研究。采用的方法分别是矢量量化(VQ)识别方法、隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)识别方法、高斯混合模型(GMM)识别方法。-Speaker Recognition Method and system development and research. Graduate design thesis in detail. In this paper, methods of application of speaker recognition system were made more in-depth research. Methods used are vector quantization (VQ) identification methods, hidden Markov model (HMM) to identify methods, Gaussian mixture model (GMM) identification methods.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 623616 Publisher : 叶小勇

用matlab编写的基于VQ的说话人识别算法(工具箱)-Matlab prepared using the VQ-based speaker recognition algorithm (Toolbox)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 109568 Publisher : boy

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摘要:提出了一种新的说话人识别中特征参数的提取方法*在分别使用傅立叶分析和小波分析得到两组特征 参数之后,进一步利用+,-./0准则进行参数选取,构造了一种新的混合特征参数*在不增加训练和识别时计算 量的同时,结合了傅立叶分析和小波分析两者的优点,具有更好的分类能力*实验结果显示,这种新的混合参数 有效地提高了说话人的识别率,能更好地表征说话人的特征*-Abstract: This paper presents a new kind of speaker recognition in the characteristic parameter extraction method*, respectively, using Fourier analysis and wavelet analysis of two sets of characteristic parameters, the further use of 2B !,-./ 0 criteria for parameter selection, construction A new mixed feature parameters* at no additional training and recognition computation At the same time, a combination of Fourier analysis and wavelet analysis of the advantages of both and has better classification capability* Experimental results show that the new mixing parameters effectively enhance the speaker
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 139264 Publisher : 王功臣

说话人识别的matlab代码,效果还行,凑合用吧-Speaker Recognition matlab code, the effect also visit improvise with it
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 640000 Publisher : 张成
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