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一款Grid表格控件源代码,非常棒.不下你一定会后悔-A Grid Control source code form, wonderful. Least you will regret
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 478208 Publisher : 810914

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super grid
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1703936 Publisher : Drifter

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一个实时曲线类 接口说明: // 设置网格间距 void SetGridResolutionX(int nGridReluX) // 设置网格间距 void SetGridResolutionY(int nGridReluY) // 设置网格滚动速度,正值为从左向右滚动,0不动 void SetGridScrollSpeedX(int nSpeedX) // 正值为从上到下滚动,0不动 void SetGridScrollSpeedY(int nSpeedY) // 网格线宽度 void SetGridLineWidth(int nWidth) // 背景色 void SetGridBackClr(COLORREF clr) // // 锁定数据显示范围 void LockRang(bool bfLock = true) // 锁定数据显示范围 void LockRang(float fMin, float fMax) // 设置数据 void SetData(float fData) // 曲线颜色 void SetLineColor(COLORREF clrLine = RGB ( 0 , 255 , 0 )) void SetLineWidth(int nWidth = 1) -curve of a real-time interface category :// set up grid spacing void SetGridResolutionX (int nGridR eluX)// set grid spacing void SetGridResolutionY (int n GridReluY)// set the rolling speed mesh, when rolling to the left-to-right, 0 Fixed void SetGridScrollSpeedX (int nSpeedX)// when rolling from the top down to, 0 Fixed void SetGridScrollSpeedY (int nSpeedY)// Grid line width void SetGridLineWidth (int nWidth)// background Color void SetGridBackClr (COLORREF clr)//// lock data display range void LockRang (bool bfLock = true)// lock significant data said the scope void LockRang (float fMin. float fMax)// set data void Graph (float fData)// color curve void SetLineColor (RG = COLORREF clrLine B (0, 255, 0)) void SetLineWidth (int nWidth = 1)
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 50176 Publisher : yu

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网格是资源共享与系统问题求解, 如何分解任务提交任务?请看这篇文章。-grid resource sharing and problem solving system, how to divide the tasks task? Please refer to this article.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 131072 Publisher : renxunyi

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用FORTRAN编制的交错网格化数值模拟程序,生成共炮点理论地震记录。-using FORTRAN compiled by the staggered grid of numerical simulation program to produce a total theoretical shot seismic record.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 284672 Publisher : 何伟兵

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可将excel表格数据拷贝到grid里面-can excel spreadsheet data copied to grid inside
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3810304 Publisher : hu

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一个简单实用的Grid控件源码,使用VC开发,用于对表格功能要求不强的地方,代码量小时用简单-a simple and practical source Grid Control, the use of VC development, used to form the functional requirements of a strong local, code-hour volume simple
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 355328 Publisher : yjinf

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The demo application for the Grid Control -The demo application for the Grid Control
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2757632 Publisher : 张飞

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add various GUI controls into a grid control dynamically.-add various GUI controls into a grid contro l dynamically.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 46080 Publisher : Jian Ye

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3D网格效果 -3D mesh grid 3D effect effect effect 3D mesh grid 3D effect
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 68608 Publisher : 王丹

100% Delphi VCL 组件合集,表现了VCL组件市场中最高效的tree/grid/list技术。FlyTreeView Pro是强大灵活的组件,帮助你创建更快更方便的应用程序-100% Delphi VCL components Collection. VCL components of the performance of the market the most effective tree/grid/list technology. FlyTreeView Pro is a powerful and flexible components, and help you create faster and more convenient application
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 559104 Publisher : okey668

Grid tree button control,Grid tree button control
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 193536 Publisher : 小誠

可自动调整任意窗口分格的控件,只需要加载即可使用。-can automatically adjust arbitrary window grid control, need only load can use.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 6177792 Publisher : 潘少明

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DGCL (An Efficient Density and Grid Based Clustering Algorithm for Large Spatial Database)的实现代码,费了很长时间才实现的-DGCL (An Efficient Density and Grid Based C. lustering Algorithm for Large Spatial Databas e) the realization of code, and a very long time to achieve the
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2092032 Publisher : adrian

DL : 0 1.1 的datagrid实现在Grid的foot上加上汇总。-1.1 Asp. Net realized in the datagrid foot on the Grid with matrix.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 7168 Publisher :

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AWTaglib是一个Jsp标签可用于创建网格(grid)控件.它还提供一些额外的功能可以把网格中的数据导出为XLS,PDF和CSV(利用JasperReports来实现)并能与Struts框架相结合.-AWTaglib is a Jsp labels can be used to create grids (grid) controls. It also provided Some additional functionality can mesh the data derived for the XLS, PDF, and CSV (use JasperReports to achieve), and with the Struts framework Guitar cooperation.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 448512 Publisher : tianwei

《网格计算》 【作者】(美)Joshy Joseph, Craig Fellenstein 当您打开电灯,电力网将立即向您传递所需的能量。那么,计算机和网络是不是也可以这样工作呢?答案是肯定的,它们甚至还可以改变您的业务方式。网格计算推动了“按需电子商务”:在任何地方,任何时间,简单或低成本地传递您所需的确切技术资源。您可以利用现有的系统,立即实现所有的功能。不管您是执行人员、策略人员、设计人员、技术人员还是开发人员,本书都将是您的最佳选择。. 本书主要内容: 掌握网格计算和效用计算的底层概念 学习如何开始着手以及从哪些应用开始 了解最新技术和标准.. 使用网格计算最大化现有资源的价值 建立灵活性、弹性和可操作性更强的基础设施 基于“感知和响应”提供对数据和资源的即时访问 消除不同的非集成系统的管理负担 在本书中,一流的IBM专家提供了最好的部署实践、集成现有资源的实际指导以及最新的案例分析;而您需要的是利用网格计算的演化来驱动您的商业价值。-"grid computing" [author (U.S.) Joshy Joseph, Craig Fellenstein When you open Electric, the electricity grid will immediately convey to you the necessary energy. Then, the computer and the Internet can not do this kind of work? Answer is yes, They can even change the way your business. Grid computing to promote the "e-business on demand" : at any place, any time, simple low-cost or you need to transfer the exact technical resources. You can use the existing system, the immediate realization of all the functions. Whether you are implementing personnel, strategy, design, technical staff or staff development, the book will be your best choice. . The book main elements : master grid computing and utility of the concept of calculating the bottom started to learn how and what
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2955264 Publisher : river_side

《Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality》 由 Fran Berman、Geoffrey Fox 和 Tony Hey 共同编辑的这本书,由 Wiley 于 2003 年 3 月出版。这本大部头的书共 1000 多页,它包含了从各种科学与技术角度研究网格计算的文章和评论,其中包括:网格的历史、语义网格、网格体系结构的概述、网格部署模型、OGSA 和对等网格数据库等许多内容。-"Grid Computing : Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality "by F. ran Berman, Geoffrey Fox and Tony Hey co-editor of this book. by Wiley in March 2003 publication. This voluminous book has more than 1,000 pages. It contains from various scientific and technical point of the grid computing research articles and comments, including : Grid history, Semantic Grid, the Grid Architecture overview Grid deployment model, P2P lattice OGSA and many other database content.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 9695232 Publisher : river_side

Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus(网格计算简介) 这本 IBM 红皮书旨在为爱好网格计算技术的读者提供 Globus Toolkit 的使用介绍。其中讨论了网格计算的基础知识,以及各种网格产品和架构。本书是学习网格计算的良好起点,它能为您打下良好的基础。然后,您就可以更深入地学习网格计算的未来、OGSA、电子商务,以及 IBM 按需计算计划的理念。 这本红皮书包括下列主题: 网格计算基础 架构和安全性考虑 开放网格服务架构(Open Grid Services Architecture ,OGSA)简介 Globus Toolkit 组件描述 Globus Toolkit Version 2.2 实现 -Introduction to Grid Computing with Globu 's (grid computing profiles) that the Red Book aims to IBM grid computing technology-loving readers Globus T oolkit on the use. It discusses the basic knowledge of grid computing, as well as various products and mesh structure. This book is the study of grid computing good starting point, you can lay a good foundation. Then, you will be able to learn in depth the future of grid computing, OGSA, e-commerce, IBM on Demand, and the concepts. This Red Book includes the following topics : Grid computing infrastructure and security considerations open grid services architecture (Open Grid Services A. rchitecture. OGSA) Introduction Globus Toolkit components described Globus Toolkit Ver sion to achieve 2.2
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2317312 Publisher : river_side

Enabling Applications for Grid Computing with Globus(通过 Globus 启用应用程序的网格计算功能) 这本 IBM 红皮书是 Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus(SG24-6895)的后续读物,它讨论了应用程序运行在网格环境中的一些问题和注意事项。书中的程序示例都是基于Globus Toolkit V2.2 提供的。 本书的第一部分介绍了在应用程序中启用网格功能的多个相关问题,从基础设施、应用程序和数据要求等各个角度来考虑。 本书第二部分提供了许多 C/C++ 和 Java 的编程实例,有助于巩固网格计算的概念,明确开发运行于网格环境中的应用程序时必须解决几类编程任务。-Enabling Applications for Grid Computing with Globus (through open applications Globus Grid function) of this IBM Erythroderma book Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus ( SG24- 6895) the follow-up books. It discusses the applications running on grid environment of some of the problems and considerations. Examples in the book are based on the procedures Globus Toolkit V2.2 provide. The book's first part of the application procedures for the opening of the grid functions related to a number of issues, ranging from infrastructure, Application procedures and data requirements, and other angles. The second part of the book provides a number of C/C and Java programming examples, helped consolidate the concept of grid computing. clearly developed to run on grid environment of the a
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2614272 Publisher : river_side
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