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Globus Toolkit 3.0 Quick Start(Globus Toolkit 3.0 快速入门) 这本 IBM 红皮书描述了 ITSO 小组使用 Globus Toolkit 3.0 的早期经验。GT3 是一种重要的网格实现,它能够适应最新的开放网格服务基础设施(Open Grid Services Infrastructure,OGSI) 本红皮书针对那些想要学习 GT3,但具备很少甚至没有 Globus 早期版本或者网格计算经验的人,为他们提供了重要的入门资料。本书向您展示了如何实现 GT3 演示,以及如何为验证概念而构造某些场景。同时,本文还阐述了 GT3 工具箱组件的高级概念和整体架构。 特别提示:这篇材料并不曾提交给任何正式的 IBM 测试,就这样直接出版了。文中的主题并不适合进行严格的评审。IBM 不会为本文的正确性和完整性负任何责任。对文中信息和任何技术实现方法的使用都由用户自己负责,用户要利用自己的能力对其进行评估,然后才能集成到自己的运行环境之中。-Globus Toolkit 3.0 Quick Start (Globus Too lkit 3.0 Quick Start) The Red Book describes the IBM ITSO team used Globus Too lkit 3.0 in the early experience. Globus Toolkits 3 is an important achievement grid, It can adapt to the latest Open Grid Services Infrastructure (Open Grid Services Infra structure, OGSI) against the Red Book for those who want to learn Globus Toolkits 3. but with little or no earlier versions or Globus grid computing experience. they provide important information portal. The book to show you how to achieve the Globus Toolkits 3 demo, and how to test the concept and structure of certain scenes. Meanwhile, the paper also describes the components of the Globus Toolkits 3 Toolbox High concept and overall structure. Special Tip : This material had not been submitted to an
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1430528 Publisher : river_side

Globus Toolkit 4编程指南 是关于网格计算中最通用的软件GLOBUS工具箱第4版的使用详解,对于开发网格应用具有很高的参考价值。-Programming Guide grid computing is on the most common software creatine U.S. Toolbox Release 4 IDE for the development of grid application with high reference value.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1760256 Publisher : river_side

《分布式和并行系统:集群和网格计算》(英文版) Distributed And Parallel Systems: Cluster And Grid Computing 介绍由澳大利亚和匈牙利组成的一个分布式和并行系统研究组织在集群计算和网格计算领域的最新研究成果。-"Parallel and Distributed Systems : clustering and grid computing "(English version) Parallel Distributed And Syste ms : And Grid Computing Cluster introduced by Australia and Hungary consisting of a sub- cloth-and the parallel system in cluster computing and grid computing is the latest research results.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 7262208 Publisher : river_side

类似excel网格控件 ,是一个界面漂亮,使用方便的制表控件,性能稳定,无闪烁-Similar to excel grid control, is a beautiful interface, easy-to-use tab control, stable performance, no flicker
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 84992 Publisher : lanc

画图,网格,实时数据监测,有很好的注释,适合画图的应用和编程。-Drawing, grid, real-time data monitoring, have very good notes, suitable for drawing applications and programming.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3962880 Publisher :

非常强大的打印控件,我们一直用他,价格便宜量又足-Very powerful print controls, we have been with him, the volume also cheap enough
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2423808 Publisher : 张龙

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Delphi功能强的DBGRID构件,支持钱币网格,从DBGRIDEH中继承.比速达的网格构件功能更强大.-DBGrid Delphi powerful component to support the coin grid, inherited from DBGRIDEH. Tatsu than speed grid more powerful components.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 885760 Publisher : mr.wu

数字图像处理(冈萨雷斯)书中的边界链码实现,该程序通过取网格,简化了编码的数据量-Digital image processing (Gonzalez) the boundary chain code book, realize that the procedures through access grid, simplifying the coding of data
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : 陈娟

DL : 0
DataGrid封装类,可以使你的grid工作减少一些,-DataGrid Class package that allows you to reduce the number of grid work,
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 13312 Publisher : wyqzm

一个功能强大的网格控件 ALXGrid 1.25版本 作者: Alexey Dolgachov 该表格控件具有排序、分割、打印等功能,还可以插入图像、选择框。 -A powerful grid control version ALXGrid 1.25 Author: Alexey Dolgachov the form control with sorting, partitioning, print and other functions, can also insert images, select the box.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 582656 Publisher : 李桃

MFC Grid Control 2.25源代码和Demo用例程序,支持VC6和VS2003。 MFC Grid Control是一款优秀的二维表格控件,每个单元格支持只读编辑框、检查框、日期时间控件、组合框等数据输入类型,还可以自己扩展需要的数据输入类型,此表格控件可以在VC开发的工程中直接使用. -MFC Grid Control 2.25 source code and Demo Example procedures used to support VC6 and VS2003. MFC Grid Control is a good control of two-dimensional form, each cell to support the read-only edit box, check box, date time controls, combo box, such as data input types, but also the need to expand their data entry type, this form control VC developed in direct use projects.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 285696 Publisher : lch

为MFC Grid Control增加合并单元格的功能,基于MFC Grid Control 2.24。提供改进后的MFC Grid Control源代码和用例程序,支持VC6。 Adding "Merge cells" support to the MFC GridControl MFC Grid Control是一款优秀的二维表格控件,每个单元格支持只读编辑框、检查框、日期时间控件、组合框等数据输入类型,还可以自己扩展需要的数据输入类型,此表格控件可以在VC开发的工程中直接使用. -For the MFC Grid Control to increase the combined functions of the cell, based on the MFC Grid Control 2.24. Provide improved MFC Grid Control Example source code and the procedures used to support VC6. Adding Merge cells support to the MFC GridControlMFC Grid Control is a good control of two-dimensional form, each cell to support the read-only edit box, check box, date time controls, combo box, such as data input types, but also to expand their own needs data input type, this form control can be developed in the VC direct use projects.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 311296 Publisher : kmlch

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visual Basic 的彩色表格控件 比visual Basic自带的MsflexGrid好看-visual Basic color form than visual Basic controls MsflexGrid own good-looking
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 24576 Publisher : kch

纯JS的数据列表 6000行数据 需要9秒-JS pure data list 6000 line data needs 9 seconds
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1040384 Publisher : xu

DL : 0
一个很好的NET平台下的网格控件,现在向大家开放使用,希望能帮到大家-NET platform for a good grid under control, now open for use by everyone, I hope to help the U.S.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4245504 Publisher : 小飞龙

著名的Ultimate的Grid界面显示网格,喜欢数据库编程的更要注意了,内有详细例子及帮助说明。-Ultimate well-known interface of the Grid display grid, like database programming, more attention should be paid, and there are detailed examples and help notes.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3165184 Publisher : 小树狐舞

DL : 0
用matlab实现基于网格匹配的图像拼接,其中网格大小需要自己依据图片大小进行调整-Using matlab to achieve grid-based matching of image mosaic, in which the size of the grid need to be adjusted based on image size
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : huang lun

DL : 0
grid view 多功能打印,分行,分页,列选择,打印设置等-grid view multifunction printing, branches, paging, out choices, print settings, etc.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 63488 Publisher : viman

是一个ajax框架,使用ext和dwr开发...效果很好得.内含数据库-Is an ajax framework, use ext and DWR have developed very good .... Intron Database
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 9161728 Publisher : wq

Delphi中一个可以进行内容编辑的Grid,Grid中输入的内容可以进行防错。-Delphi can be a content editor of Grid, Grid content can be entered to prevent wrong.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 221184 Publisher : 樊彦文
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