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具备表头拖拽、交换列、排序、添加 、修改、删除、选择等等功能的。NET GRID- Has table to tow entrains, exchange row, arrangement, increase, revision, deletion, choice and so on function. NET GRID
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 280576 Publisher : zhuhailonger

智能网格系统结构体系研究-smart grid system architecture System
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 199680 Publisher : 吴建伟

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grid control
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 646144 Publisher : hyf

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一个控制VC网格的程序- Controls the VC grid the procedure
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2656256 Publisher : 龙华

一个简单方便的表格控件 特点: 支持单元合并 支持字体、颜色、对齐等格式设置 支持键盘及鼠标操作 支持滚动条 支持分页打印 支持编辑 支持改变单元格大小 支持选择 XML支持 0.3 新增功能:New 支持滚动条 支持分页打印 支持编辑 支持改变单元格大小 支持选择-a simple and convenient form of control features : support for the merger modules support font, color, alignment, format set up to support operation of the keyboard and mouse support rolling tabbed Print support of the editorial support to support a change in the size of the cell for support options 0.3 XML support new features : New support of the rolling Print support tabbed editing support grid to support a change in the size of units to support choice
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 211968 Publisher : 孙志炎

DL : 0
免费表格控件(非源码),支持文本输入和下拉列表选择-free form controls (FOSS), text input and support of the drop-down list to choose
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 21504 Publisher : 张振华

网格计算(好),比较深奥,极力推荐(新东西,非常欢迎-站长)。-grid (good), more esoteric, highly recommend the (new, very welcome-head).
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5903360 Publisher : 蔡长永

5.0的ListView实现xp效果,可是不像6.0中GridLines=true就可以划出网格线,VB6实现代码,6.0同样适用-5.0 xp ListView achieve results, but unlike the 6.0 GridLines = true can draw grid lines, achieving VB6 code applies equally 6.0
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : 尹伟红

很好一套库存管理,可惜是英文版但绝对是好东西,认真学习,你会学到很多ADO,grid的东西,报表水晶报表8.0以上-a good inventory management, but it is a pity that the English version is definitely something good, conscientious study, you will learn a lot ADO, grid things, statements crystal statements above 8.0
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 546816 Publisher : 小强

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用java AWT开发的Grid表格组件-with the development of Grid components form
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3072 Publisher : 杨帆

一个优秀的网格控件,可以完成类似于EXCEL的表格功能-an excellent grid control, to be completed forms similar to the Excel function
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 827392 Publisher : 陈宏

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和前面我上传的实时参加cpu利用率相关的Grid控件-front and I uploaded to participate in real-time CPU utilization related to the Grid Control
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1916928 Publisher : 呆呆虫

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编辑数据库表格,可以显示图形及打印-edit database forms, and can display graphics print
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 313344 Publisher : 罗好力

可以编辑网格内容的Flex Grid控件-can edit the contents of the grid Flex Grid Control
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 31744 Publisher : 刘华惠

网格搜索引擎技术研究:一篇论文。网格搜索引擎对于当前热门的网格技术(grid)来说是一个空缺,值得研究。-grid search engine technology : a thesis. Grid search engine for the current hot Grid (grid) is a vacancy, it is worth studying.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 219136 Publisher :

GRID表格控件vb原码-GRID forms controls vb source
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 348160 Publisher : ypq

网格存储相关论文专辑(hot)-Grid storage related papers album (hot)
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1348608 Publisher : 林洋

优秀的VB_GRID,可以查看源代码Visit vbAccelerator - the VB programmer s resourceS-Grid 2.0 is an all VB grid giving you the control other grids don t, and all in 480kb. Create Outlook-style grids, span column text across rows, freely set row and column heights, set colours and fonts for each cell, add icons to cells, sort and group data... -outstanding VB_GRID can view the source code Visit vbAccelerator-the VB programmer s resourceS-Grid 2.0 is an all VB grid control giving you the other grids don t, and all in 480kb. Create Outlook-style grids that span column text across rows, freely set row and column heights, set colors and fonts for each cell, add icons to cells, sort and group data ...
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 142336 Publisher : 王佐怀

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可以编辑的网格控件edit Grid控件,使用FlexGrid实现,可以编辑单元格,并连接ADo-can edit Grid Grid Control edit controls, the use of FlexGrid realized, can edit cells, and connecting ADo
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 287744 Publisher : 霏霏马

* 名称:绘图网格类(扩展静态文本框类)* 功能:1、画有方格组成的网格,能够设定网格的位置、行列数、方格的高宽,网格的背景色,网格边界色,方格的填充色;2、网格给出文字标题,能够设定标题文字的背景色与颜色。3、能够支持鼠标的绘图操作1)鼠标左键在网格区按下,进入填充方格状态;2)填充状态下,鼠标在网格区移动,则填充所在位置的方格, 一旦移出网格,则取消填充状态;3)鼠标左键抬起,则取消填充状态。-* Name : Mapping Grid category (Extension static text box)* function : a painting composed of a grid mesh, to set the grid location, ranks number-wide grid, the grid background color, mesh border colors, a box filled with the color; 2, grid is the title characters, the title characters can set the background color and color. 3, the mouse can support a graphics operation) in the left mouse button pressed grid area into a state filled box; 2) filling state, the mouse in a grid of Mobile, the location of the filled box, once out of mesh, canceled filled state; 3) holding the left mouse button , canceled filled state.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 39936 Publisher : 李勃东
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