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glut 32 dll for openGL
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 82944 Publisher : yanwi

给OPENGL的初学者。包含18个tutorial和2篇文章。每个tutorial都提供下载对应源码的链接。-This series of 18 tutorials and 2 articles has been written specifically for the OpenGL beginner. In writing these tutorials it has been assumed that the reader has a fundamental Windows programming background and is also familiar with the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). The reader need not have any background in OpenGL. All the code for these tutorials has been written using Visual C++ 6.0. As we discuss each tutorial we would be using Visual C++, OpenGL and Glut libraries to create the programs. We will also create a general and reusable framework for writing OpenGL applications for Windows using MFC. This framework would be useful for writing future OpenGL programs without worrying about rewriting all the boilerplate code each time. Also note that these tutorials do not cover everything about OpenGL.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3801088 Publisher : 李峥嵘

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opgl数据库,一般系统中不自带,需要下载才可以易用-opgl databases, general system does not own, will need to download before they can use
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 402432 Publisher : 鲁国鞥

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Windows环境下安装GLUT的步骤: 1、将下载的压缩包解开,将得到5个文件 2、在“我的电脑”中搜索“gl.h”,并找到其所在文件夹(如果是VisualStudio2005,则应该是其安装目录下面的“VC\PlatformSDK\include\gl文件夹”)。把解压得到的glut.h放到这个文件夹。 3、把解压得到的glut.lib和glut32.lib放到静态函数库所在文件夹(如果是VisualStudio2005,则应该是其安装目录下面的“VC\lib”文件夹)。 4、把解压得到的glut.dll和glut32.dll放到操作系统目录下面的system32文件夹内。(典型的位置为:C:\Windows\System32)-Windows environment to install GLUT steps: 1 Download compressed package will be answered, will be 5 files 2, in the " My Computer" search " gl.h" , and find it in the folder (if it is VisualStudio2005, the installation directory should be below the " VC \ PlatformSDK \ include \ gl folder" ). To extract glut.h get into this folder. 3, the extract obtained glut.lib and glut32.lib static library is located on the folder (if it is VisualStudio2005, while its installation directory should be the following " VC \ lib" folder). 4, the decompression and glut.dll received glut32.dll directory on the following operating systems system32 folder. (Typical for the location: C: \ Windows \ System32)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 149504 Publisher : zhonlon

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glut画线程序 自己做了一个用glut画直线段、多段线和闭合直线段的小程序.操作方法:单击鼠标右键会有弹出菜单,执行相关命令可以画线。 如果下所包里的程序不能执行,用VC重新编译一下就可以执行了。-Line glut procedures do draw a line segment with glut, multi-paragraph straight line and close the applet. operation: Click the right mouse button will pop-up menu, the implementation of the relevant command line can be drawn. If the procedure under the bag can not be implemented to re-compile with VC can click on the.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 67584 Publisher : guo

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glut画圆程序 OpenGL中无专门的画圆命令,所以自己做了一个用glut画圆程序。-OpenGL drawcircle glut procedures drawcircle no special order, so do a program using glut drawcircle.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 53248 Publisher : guo

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glut画圆弧程序 OpenGL中无专门的画圆弧命令,所以自己做了一个用glut画圆弧程序。-OpenGL drawing procedures glut arc no special order paintings arc, so do a painting with glut arc process.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 54272 Publisher : guo

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glut画椭圆程序 OpenGL中无专门的画椭圆命令,所以自己做了一个用glut画椭圆程序。-OpenGL oval painting process glut of non-specialized order oval painting, so do a procedure with an oval painting glut.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 54272 Publisher : guo

Solar System of OpenGL with vs2005 the system uses wire frame and simple joystick of glut
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 522240 Publisher : alisa

win32控制台程序制作的Sierpinski正方形海绵,我的图形学大作业,VC6编写,代码不依赖MFC,非常清晰,注释详尽,各个角度鼠标随意拖曳,内涵glut包,无需安装opengl-win32 console program produced square Sierpinski sponge, my home work of Graphics, VC6 , code do not rely on MFC, very clear and detailed notes, different angles can drag by mouse, glut package is included, do not need to install opengl
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 139264 Publisher : 王鹏

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Olympic rings using glut.h
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4096 Publisher : Vijay

Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 64512 Publisher : tiancaigong

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Quake 3 s MD3 Viewer (july 13, 2007), loads and displays a player and a weapon. Supports lighting, texture mapping and animation. Includes a sample player model with weapon. See README for how to use it. Note (1): it uses the POSIX opendir/readdir functions, which are not implemented in all compilers under Windows (MinGW supports them). Note (2): This demo works on little endian architectures only. Libraries: OpenGL, GLU, GLUT, boost, libjpeg. Files: (2.4 MB)-Quake 3 s MD3 Viewer (july 13, 2007), loads and displays a player and a weapon. Supports lighting, texture mapping and animation. Includes a sample player model with weapon. See README for how to use it. Note (1): it uses the POSIX opendir/readdir functions, which are not implemented in all compilers under Windows (MinGW supports them). Note (2): This demo works on little endian architectures only. Libraries: OpenGL, GLU, GLUT, boost, libjpeg. Files: (2.4 MB)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2507776 Publisher : futuh

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用opengl 中的 glut 库实现,载入兔子模型,打上光照显示出来-Opengl with glut in the library, loading the rabbit model, marked with light show
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1175552 Publisher : gzq

DL : 0
it is a cube by which varous glut functions areused for various textural material-it is a cube by which varous glut functions areused for various textural material..
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 396288 Publisher : harsh

GLUT library for OPENGL!
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2127872 Publisher : ERIC WU

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iRobot is an application with a controllable robot via keyboard. The robot can rotated and its limbs can be move forth and back. The main focus of this application is to display the features that glut provides which are lightings, reflection and etc.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 35987456 Publisher : Ronald

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这个文件包含了在VC++下的OPENGL编程时需要用到的几个动态连接库,我整理了一下,方便大家!-This file contains the VC++ under OPENGL programming needed several dynamic link library, I put together some easy everyone!
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 642048 Publisher : 张健

opengl glut. Udelana semestralka
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 13323264 Publisher : Sete15

glut实用库的windows文件,供大家学习-lib for glut
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 119808 Publisher : zxp
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