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Robot Arm GLUT
Update : 2012-02-13 Size : 50765 Publisher :

因為寫GLUT程式不用牽涉到window programming,所以教學的程式大部份 皆以GLUT寫成,但window無內建GLUT,所以得先安裝GLUT-wrote GLUT programs not involve programming window, so teaching programs broadcast GLUT most languages, but no built-in window GLUT, you must first install GLUT
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 64598 Publisher : 黄玉东

glut手册,涵盖全部opengl-glut函数,详述全部使用功能和注意事项,但唯独一点,英文版-glut manual covers all opengl - glut function, detailing all the functionality and attention to matters, but there was 1:00, in English! ! ! Laughter Hey
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 247770 Publisher : 王晓昀

DL : 0
使用Opengl 的Glut API编写的一个关于3D箱子转动的程序 平台使用visual c-Opengl use the API Glut prepared by a rotation of the 3D box platform using visual c
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 117577 Publisher : chenbindi

glut-3.7.6-bin的源代码-glut - 3.7.6-bin source code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 120210 Publisher : 周子强

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在Nehe的主页上一共提供了4种不同风格的OpenGL程序框架,分别为glut,Win32,面向对象的Win32,在加上Nehe教程中使用的那一种。 相信没有几个读者会耐着性子,把Nehe的第一个教程看完并编译成功,因为那里面有着数不清的数据结构和函数,我也是费了整整12个小时才把它翻译和排版好。 好了,不浪费读者的时间了。在这四个框架中以面向对象的Win32框架写的最后,并且功能最全,我们就简单得介绍一下它的使用,你可以用它学习OpenGL的函数,当你对OpenGL的结构有了一定的了解后,不妨看看源代码,我把一切可能的注释都写进了源代码里,希望对你有帮助。 为了使用这个框架,你必须熟记以下四个函数,我们用它来完成OpenGL的逻辑: * bool Initialize() * 执行所有的初始化工作,如果成功函数返回true * * void Deinitialize() * 执行所有的卸载工作 * * void Update(DWORD milliseconds) * 执行所有的更新操作,传入的参数为两次操作经过的时间,以毫秒为单位 * * void Draw() * 执行所有的绘制操作 我们从Initialize()函数说起-in the home page will provide a total of four different styles of OpenGL procedural framework, respectively glut, Win32, Win32 object-oriented, Nehe together with the use of the Directory kind. Few believe that the readers would first have tolerance, Nehe of a reading tutorial and compile successful, because it has a lot of inside data structure and function, I also spent a full 12 hours before its translation and typesetting good. Well, do not waste the reader's time. In this framework to four object-oriented framework written in Win32 Finally, and most functional whole, We simply have on its use, you can use it to study the function of OpenGL. When you OpenGL structures of a certain understanding, and may wish to look at the source code, I put all of the Notes may have been written i
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 183964 Publisher : zw

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10710 Publisher : 涛涛

GLUT 3.7 beta source distribution源码分类 (Unix tar format) Unix用
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3151216 Publisher : sophie

DL : 0
glut help document The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface API Version 3
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 247504 Publisher : jacky

DL : 0
Glut小程序:是利用Open GL的glut库编写的一个应用例子,可通过这个例子掌握gult库及OPen Gl三维编程的技术
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6679 Publisher : ttcorner

DL : 0
OpenGL glut库,需要的朋友可以下载
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 730640 Publisher : DYH

DL : 0
glut的源代码,以及其他的一些文件, 版本是3.7
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3947210 Publisher : htzyhtzy

DL : 0
OPENGL图像编程API中的GLUT库手册,深入编程必备工具文档之一-OPENGL graphics API in the Programming Manual GLUT library, in-depth programming tool, one document
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 156672 Publisher : zhufeng

glut3的说明文档 为英文文档,详细说明了glut的各种函数的使用方法-glut3 documentation in English of the documents detailing the various functions of the glut of use
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 247808 Publisher : 张士广

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简单的GLUT库示例程序,生成一个三维镂垫图案,颜色为随机,能够实现颜色切换、视图切换和拾取、拖动功能-GLUT library simple example program to generate a three-dimensional engraving and pad design, color is random, to achieve the color switch, switch and pick up the view, drag the features
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9608192 Publisher : wu

DL : 0
用 C++和OpenGL编写的glut库中的各种三维实体对象程序,可以用菜单选择各种实体,可以选择实体的绘制方式。比较适用于OPenGL的初学者,比较容易理解。-Using C++ and OpenGL glut library written in three-dimensional solid objects in a variety of programs, you can choose a variety of entities with the menu, you can choose to draw the entity approach. More applicable to OPenGL beginners, easy to understand.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 24576 Publisher : 宝岛烟

a glut opengl sample programme to check if your VS is correctly seup for opengl programming
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 8192 Publisher : mhsgh2005

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delphi 版的 glut pas文件-delphi version of glut pas file
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 22528 Publisher : chinyeh

DL : 0
计算机图形学glut库,codeblocks可使用(Glut is a library used in computer graphics and providing for codebloks.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 125952 Publisher : yanxu124343

The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT), originally written by Mark Kilgard, ported to Win32 (Windows 95,98,Me,NT,2000,XP) by Nate Robins. For more information check out the README-win32.txt provided in the distribution for installation instructions, and Win32 specific information..
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4992000 Publisher : dojimi
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