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水波纹的模拟。工具:Opengl+glut-ripple simulation. Tools : Opengl+ glut
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 135168 Publisher : 于通

一个显示水波型曲面的工程,需要glut -show a wave-surface project requires glut
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 111616 Publisher : 焦堂生

一个正二十面体的细分迭代工程,很漂亮,需要glut-an icosahedron is the breakdown of iterative engineering, and very pretty, needs glut
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 65536 Publisher : 焦堂生

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使用glut 建立的简单opengl 程序框架,-glut use of a simple opengl procedural framework,
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : yangheng

opengl做为一款强大的3D API,渲染速度快,效率高。可以为我们实现自己的3D世界。 本程序使用了glut库(下载到,他不仅包含了gl.h, glu.h glaux.h还扩充了一些其他高级的功能。所以在我们以后的程序中,只需包含glut.h头文件。 实现细节请下载源代码,熟悉opengl编程的朋友可以从代码中看出,在AX中实现opengl跟在普通应用程序中是一致的。 glut库的安装 目前的glut库是glut-3.7.6.包含glut.h,glut32.lib,glut32.dll 把glut.h放到 vc的include目录中 把glut32.lib放到vc的lib目录中 把glut32.dll放到system32下 对于 include和lib在..\vc7\platformSDK下 -opengl A powerful as the 3D API, playing up speed, high efficiency. We can realize their 3 D world. The procedures for the use of the glut (download to http :// ~ nate/glut.html) He not only includes gl.h, glu.h glaux.h also expanded some other senior function. So in our future proceedings, just include glut.h headers. Implementation details please download the source code, programming opengl familiar friends can see from the code, AX in achieving opengl application with the ordinary procedure is the same. Glut for the installation of the current glut is the glut- 3.7.6. Glut.h included, glut32.lib. glut32.dll put into vc glut.h include the directory put glut32. vc lib into the lib directory put into system32 under glut32.dll for vs . net include and lib in .. \ vc7
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 132096 Publisher : xian

Glut,QT 及VC写的读取Obj文件的示例-Glut, QT and the VC was read Obj document examples
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3591168 Publisher : 张山

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shixian cuo qie cheng xu
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 309248 Publisher : 侯晓辉

① 通过几何变换函数实现场景的平移、缩放、旋转,从而实现从各个角度观察场景,即视点固定,场景变化。 本实验目的不在于建模,因此场景可以通过调用glut库中的函数直接绘制,如立方体 。 -① through the geometric transformation function realize scenes of translation, scaling, rotation, and thus realize the scene from various angles, that is a fixed point of view, the scene changes. The purpose of this experiment does not lie in modeling, so scenes can be by calling the library function glut direct mapping, such as the cube.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 208896 Publisher : yang jian

OpenGL dll文件 glu.dll glu32.dll glaux.dll glut.dll glut32.dll opengl32.dll opengl.d-OpenGL dll file glu.dll glu32.dll glaux.dll glut.dll glut32.dll opengl32.dll opengl.d
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 688128 Publisher : sophie

Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 412672 Publisher : Johnses

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自己做的一个导入3ds模型的例子,比较实用,使用了glut库-Their own to do an import 3ds model example of more practical use of the glut library
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3803136 Publisher : 知道在

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三维弹簧模型,该模型参考GLUT库的圆环模型的绘制,并结合螺旋线方程,建立了高度参数化的三维弹簧模型,用VC & Opengl开发。-Three-dimensional spring model, the model reference GLUT library Yuanhuan model mapping, combined with spiral line equation, the establishment of a high degree of parameterization of three-dimensional spring model, with the development of VC
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1059840 Publisher : 朱亮

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VC++ opengl glut开发的肥皂盒程序-VC++ Opengl glut soapbox procedures developed
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 233472 Publisher : ioz

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gult库,openGL必需的dll和.h文件。具有强大的二维图形功能。-gult library, openGL necessary dll and. h file. A powerful two-dimensional graphics capabilities.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 104448 Publisher : keke

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本程序使用了由Mark J. Kilgard 编写的OpenGL通用程序开发工具包GLUT。主要是飞机飞行的动画显示,该开发包已经被置于AirplaneDemo文件夹内,其主要包含以下几个文件:glut.h、glut.dll、glut.lib、glut32.dll、glut32.lib。 本程序的开发环境为Microsoft Visual C++6.0,双击AirplaneDemo文件夹下面的AirplaneDemo.dsp文件,可以进行程序调试或运行。 -This procedure uses the by Mark J. Kilgard, prepared by General procedure OpenGL Development Kit GLUT. Mainly aircraft animation shows that the development kit has been placed in folder AirplaneDemo, the main document contains the following: glut.h, glut.dll, glut.lib, glut32.dll, glut32.lib. This procedure development environment for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, double-click the folder AirplaneDemo following AirplaneDemo.dsp documents, program debugging can be carried out or running.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1341440 Publisher : 武玉伟

通过C++和GLUT,用OPENGL 实现的 二次 B spline 曲线渲染。 鼠标左键点击,添加控制点,可以随意移动控制点来改变曲线。 适合OPENGL初学者了解曲线生成过程。-Through the C++ And GLUT, using OPENGL realized quadratic B spline curve rendering. Click the left mouse button, add control points, you can move the control point to change the curve. OPENGL for beginner to understand the process of curve generation.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 38912 Publisher : dma

用C++和glut编写的,通过OPENGL实现的一个3D小游戏,类似青蛙过河。游戏一共5关,可以自己设计关卡场景,其中主要是实现物体碰撞。可以按照自己需要改变重力参数,弹性系数,障碍旋转速度等。-With C++ And glut prepared through OPENGL to achieve a 3D game similar to Frogger. A total of 5 games related to points of their own design scene, in which the main object is to achieve the collision. Can be changed according to its own gravity parameters, elasticity coefficient, obstacles such as rotation speed.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 91136 Publisher : dma

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3D的"俄罗斯方块". 6个自由度.自由操纵. glut SDK
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 314368 Publisher : hao

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GLUT 场景虚拟漫游.利用四个方向键控制视点的变化.-GLUT roaming virtual scenes. Using the four arrow keys to control the viewpoint changes.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1226752 Publisher : 玉姗

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opengl的glut的相关文件。我想下载opengl+四茶树数据结构编写的地质体的建模-opengl the glut of relevant documents. I would like to download opengl+ Four tea preparation of the data structure of the geological body modeling
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 94208 Publisher : zhoud
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