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该代码可以使你的进程不能用任务管理器终止,就连著名的 proceXP 也无法 kill process,除非重新启动电脑。-The code can make your process can not use Task Manager to terminate, even the well-known proceXP can not kill process, except to restart your computer.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9216 Publisher : yyzhan1222

可以还原WINDOWSXP的各项任务栏设置,本程序只能运行在XP下。是修复WINDOWS XP系统中任务栏的有效工具-WINDOWSXP can restore the task bar settings, this process can only run on XP under. WINDOWS XP to repair the system an effective tool for the task bar
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 46080 Publisher : gralei

自己编写的一个verilog HDL小程序,实现基本的task调用function的功能,对初学者有用。在xilinx的ISE仿真调试通过-I have written a verilog HDL small procedures, to achieve the basic function of the task to call the function, useful for beginners. In Xilinx s ISE simulation debugging through
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 235520 Publisher : lg

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Linux下利用GTK编写的仿windows任务管理器的源代码-Linux using GTK prepared imitation task manager windows source code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : 小伟

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l2f通用控件,包括属性页、ButtonBar、Outlook Bar、Task Pane-GM l2f control, including property pages, ButtonBar, Outlook Bar, Task Pane
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5531648 Publisher : hu

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for: Root of a Polynomial --- --- --- --- -- Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 32768 KB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A polynomial of degree n has the common form as . Your task is to write a function to find a root of a given polynomial in a given interval. Format of function double Polynomial_Root(int n, double c[], double a, double b, double EPS) where int n is the degree of the polynomial double c[] is an array of n +1 coefficients , , ..., , and of the given polynomial double a and b are the two end-points of the given interval and double EPS is the accuracy of the root. The function must return the root. Note: It is guaranteed that a unique real number r exists in the given interval such that p(r) = 0. -for: Root of a Polynomial---------------------- Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 32768 KB-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A polynomial of degree n has the common form as. Your task is to write a function to find a root of a given polynomial in a given interval. Format of functiondouble Polynomial_Root (int n, double c [], double a, double b, double EPS) where int n is the degree of the polynomial double c [] is an array of n+ 1 coefficients,, ..., , and of the given polynomial double a and b are the two end-points of the given interval and double EPS is the accuracy of the root.The function must return the root.Note: It is guaranteed that a unique real number r exists in the given interval such that p (r) = 0.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : Alex Zhang

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基于RTlinux平台的实时多任务调度策略,运 用模块化的设计方法,编制了程序解释模块、速度过渡模块、插补和运动学算法模 块、人机接口模块和伺服驱动模块,并实现了面向用户的软PLC功能 。-RTLinux-based platform for real-time multi-task scheduling strategy, using modular design methods, the preparation of the procedures explained module, the speed of the transition module, interpolation and kinematics algorithm module, man-machine interface module and servo drive modules, and to achieve a user-oriented soft PLC functions.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5111808 Publisher : li

Cele Task - 强大的工作管理员-Cele Task- a powerful Task Manager
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 66560 Publisher : 徐小明

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DELPHI开发的任务管理器, DELPHI开发的任务管理器-DELPHI developed by Task Manager, DELPHI Development Task Manager
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 87040 Publisher : zbs

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多task、消息队列综合:输入1、2、3、4显示“right command”;输入“stop”,程序退出;输入其他指令,显示“error command”。-Multi-task, message queue integrated: Enter 1,2,3,4 show the
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 小发

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该代码压缩包只为需要研究CE下的任务管理器的实现而提供的。某些通用的头文件没有包含在其中,主要是为了防止用于商业目的非法构建。-The code compression packages only need to study the CE under the Task Manager realization provided. Some common header files are not included in these, mainly used for commercial purposes in order to prevent illegal to build.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 39936 Publisher : Charles Chen

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vb编的进程保护程序,用任务管理器不能关闭 防止程序被关闭-vb allocation process of the protection procedure, using Task Manager to prevent the procedure should not turn off turn off
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 14336 Publisher : lmgz

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arcgis server 9.2 自定义任务custom task-arcgis server 9.2 custom mission custom task
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 16384 Publisher : chengbiao

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基于Symbian s60 2nd 下的任务管理器程序。-Task management program under the Symbian s60 2nd.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 21504 Publisher : Nicholas

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this the task manging program in the symbian-this is the task manging program in the symbian
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 27648 Publisher : viks

Windows的任务管理器源码,包含对进程、线程、性能监视等管理-task Manager
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 215040 Publisher : bill

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任务调度,定时任务,定时执行程序,Quartz基本用法-Mission scheduling, mission timing, timing the implementation of procedures
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 947200 Publisher : wtujeje

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WIN内存使用率监控,可以监控本机器的内存使用情况-WIN monitor memory usage
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 214016 Publisher : 栾建锋

保护模式下编程。通过陷阱门INT 0FEh进行字符串输出。通过任务状态段TSS进行任务切换 -Protected mode programming. INT 0FEh through the trap door to the output string. Through the Task State Segment TSS for task switching
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : 周英

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use a single method for hide from task manager windows, use only winapi function.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : alex
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