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人事管理始终是一个及其复杂的工作。本系统对学校教职工人事档案管理尤其是对学校年报工作有着极大方便的意义。该系统是ASP程序网络版系统,克服了传统的单机版独占系统的不足。初始化管理员账号:admin,密码:admin-Personnel Management and has always been a complex task. The system of school staff in the management of personnel files in particular, the annual report on school work has greatly facilitate significance. The system is the network version of ASP system overcomes the traditional stand-alone version exclusive system deficiencies. Initialization administrator account : admin, Password : admin
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 606208 Publisher : 李杨

实现了上回说到的多功能文本框之后,接下去的任务就是做一个表情符号选择器:CIconPicker。-achieved on the back said multifunctional text box, the next task is to do a symbolic expression choice : CIconPicker.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 101376 Publisher : 魏淑华

实现了上回说到的多功能文本框之后,接下去的任务就是做一个表情符号选择器:CIconPicker。 说明:本来是想实现图标选择的,但是后来有需要改成了位图选择器,但是类名没有改过来,还是叫 CIconPicker。附带工程中有图标选择器。-achieved on the back said multifunctional text box, the next task is to do a symbolic expression choice : CIconPicker. Note : originally the choice of achieving icon, but later changed the need bitmap selector, but no such name change overnight, or call CIconPicker. There are ancillary works icon selector.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 114688 Publisher : 李宾

太原理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要 随着网络和多媒体技术的不断发展,当前可以提供实时数 据特别是多媒体数据传输服务的分布式多媒体网络已经成为网 络发展的一个重要方向。为了实现这一目标,如何在现有的 Internet 中引入服务质量(QoS)就成为网络服务中的一个重要 课题。-Taiyuan University of Technology with a master's degree thesis Abstract network and multimedia technology continues to develop, the current can provide real-time data, especially multimedia data transmission services distributed multimedia network network development has become an important direction. To achieve this goal, how the existing Internet introduced Quality of Service (QoS) network services as an important task.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 151552 Publisher : 西风飘雪

FireXOS的设计与实现,主要介绍FireXOS系统的任务调度程序,图形设置的实现方法与原理!-FireXOS the design and implementation of major systems introduced FireXOS task scheduling procedures, graphic settings to achieve the method and principle!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 988160 Publisher : pzy

DL : 0
添加任务拦图表,如果有任何问题,欢迎访问我们的网站或Mail到: task bar charts, if you have any questions, please visit our web site or by mail to :
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : zyp

我刚学VC,做了一个有点BT的东西,由于是在实验室做的,任务管理器不能用,很多人不知道怎么关,很郁闷~!-VC, do a bit of a BT things, as is done in the laboratory, the Task Manager can not use it, many people do not know how customs, very depressed ~!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9216 Publisher : 金升鹏

推箱子,又称搬运工,是一个十分流行的单人智力游戏。玩家的任务是在一个仓库中操纵一个搬运工人,将N个相同的箱子推到N个相同的目的地。推箱子游戏出现在计算机中最早起源于1994年台湾省李果兆开发的仓库世家,又名仓库番,箱子只可以推, 不可以拉, 而且一次只能推动一个。它的规则如此简单,但是魅力却是无穷的。但是人毕竟思考的深度和速度有限,我们是否可以利用计算机帮助我们求解呢?-magazines, also known as porters, is one of the most popular single intellectual games. The task of players in a warehouse controlled a stevedore who will be the same as the N box pushed to the same N as a destination. PSP games on the computer which originated in 1994, the Taiwan Provincial Fruit Katherine Lee development of the warehouse family, also known as Fan warehouse, the boxes can only push, not pull, but one can only promote one. Its rules so simple, but the charm is boundless. But, after all, thought the depth and speed are limited, we can use computers to help us solve?
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 44032 Publisher : 何问宇

本程序用VC编写,主要用于演示如何实现多线程多任务。-the procedures used to prepare VC, mainly for demonstrating how to achieve multi-threaded multi-task.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 156672 Publisher : 汤目

VC完整应用程序代码,多线程 多任务,还可以自己使用-VC complete application code, multi-threaded multi-task, but also for its own use
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 张洋

DL : 0
现实系统内存状况,模拟任务管理器里面的性能部分-reality system memory conditions, simulated task management and digital cameras, the performance of some of Languages
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2812928 Publisher : 莫斯韦

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在DOS系统下的多任务列队处理C语言源程序。-DOS system in the multi-task processing parade C language source code.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher :

ATL 实现定制的 IE 浏览器栏、工具栏和桌面工具栏 < IE编程 > 最近,由于工作的要求,我需要在 IE 上做一些开发工作。于是在 MSDN 上翻阅了一些资料,根据 MSDN 上的说明我用 ATL 胜利完成了“资本家老板”分配的任务。-ATL customized browser bar, toolbar and desktop toolbar lt; IE programming gt; Recently, the job requirements, I need IE to do some development work. So MSDN read some information, according to the instructions on the MSDN I use ATL victory completed a "capitalist bosses" for the task.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 115712 Publisher : 毛建孟

DL : 0
这是一个测试Timer类用法的程序.程序会随机产生10个时间, 并在时间到的时候出发Task类对象中的run方法-This is a test Timer category usage of the procedure. Procedures will be randomly generated 10 hours and the time when the starting of the Task type of object methods run
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 王小倩

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一个复杂的工程通常可以分解成一组小任务的集合,完成这些小任务意味着整个工程的完成。例如,汽车装配工程可分解为以下任务:将底盘放上装配线,装轴,将座位装在底盘上,上漆,装刹车,装门等等。任务之间具有先后关系,例如在装轴之前必须先将底板放上装配线。任务的先后顺序可用有向图表示——称为顶点活动( Activity On Vertex, AOV)网络。有向图的顶点代表任务,有向边(i, j) 表示先后关系:任务j 开始前任务i 必须完成。图1 - 4显示了六个任务的工程,边( 1 , 4)表示任务1在任务4开始前完成,同样边( 4 , 6)表示任务4在任务6开始前完成,边(1 , 4)与(4 , 6)合起来可知任务1在任务6开始前完成,即前后关系是传递的。由此可知,边(1 , 4)是多余的,因为边(1 , 3)和(3 , 4)已暗示了这种关系。-a complex project can usually be divided into a group of small tasks set to complete these tasks means that the completion of the whole project. For example, car assembly projects can be divided into the following tasks : to the chassis via the assembly line, armored axis of the seat is installed in the chassis, painting and installing the brakes, armored doors, etc.. Between tasks has, for example, installed in the shaft bottom before they must first be placed on an assembly line. The task order is available to the map-- known as the vertex (Activity On Vertex, AOV) network. A plan to the apex representative tasks, to the edge (i, j) has said : j task before i task must be completed. Figure 1- 4 6 shows the mandate of the project, while (1, 4) a mandate in the mission completed before t
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 911360 Publisher : sdg

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这是c++功能的又以体现,实现了用c++完成逻辑推理的任务,对于学习c++很有帮助,是个很不错的程序哦-This is another function of c embodiment achieved with c logical completion of the task, learning c helpful, is a very good procedure oh
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 月月

类似MSN,QQ信息窗口的源代码.来在VCKBASE.用过QQ和MSN聊天工具的人都知道,只要好友上线,就会在托盘的位置处显示一个提示窗口,可以是拉帘式的,或者是淡入淡出的形式出现;想想何不为自己的程式也加一个漂亮的提示窗口呢:)说做就做。 -source code looks like MSN/QQ message window,comes from VCKBASE.the QQ or MSN user know,if a friend becomes online,a notice message will display on task template,with this programme,you can add similary notice message to your programme.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 47104 Publisher : 粥粥

psos调用实例,包括了任务创建,队列,分区,多播等的使用-PsOS Call example, including the creation of a task, queue, zoning, such as multicast use
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 20480 Publisher : aa

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一般具有用户界面的 Windows 程序运行起来后,通常都会在任务栏里体现出来,本程序介绍了如何隐藏显示在任务栏中的对话框程序-general user interface with the Windows programs running together, usually in the mission column reflected, and the procedures of how to hide the task bar shows the dialog box procedure
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 16384 Publisher : 吴军

ARM7给菲利蒲LPC2214移植的UCOSII,软件分为标准版和高效版,其中高效版的任务切换速度会块些。支持软中断和THUMB模式-ARM7 to Philippe LPC2214 transplant UCOSII, software and Standard Edition version efficient, effective version of the task switching speed will block more. The soft suspension and support model THUMB
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : 周星施
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