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非常经典的源码。实现了windows任务管理所有的功能。强烈推荐。-very classical source. Achieved all the windows task management function. Strongly recommended.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 231424 Publisher : zhouzhen

C++编程实例Round Robin Scheduling Task-C programming examples Round Robin Scheduling Task
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 55296 Publisher :

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一个加强版的任务管理器.利用它.你完全可以写出自己的任务处理程序.-an enhanced version of the task manager. Use of it. You can write their own procedures for handling tasks.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 37888 Publisher : 阿黄

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EVC做的例程,中间按钮弹出式菜单,可切换当前任务。类似Windows中的任务管理器。-EVC to do the routines, middle button pop-up menu to switch the current mission. Similar to Windows Task Manager.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 39936 Publisher : 外卖仔

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最佳调度问题,假设有n个任务由k个可并行工作的机器完成。完成任务i需要的时间为ti。试设计一个算法找出完成这n个任务的最佳调度,使得完成全部任务的时间最早。 -Optimal scheduling problem, assuming that n has a mission by the k-parallel machine to complete the work. I need to complete the mission time for ti. Try to design an algorithm to find n complete this task the best scheduling, making the time to complete a full first mission.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 朱亚华

Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 114688 Publisher :

This a WTL implementation of XP Button and Edit Box Controls. The XP Button is a WTL port of an XP button. The Edit Box is painted in XP style by handling the WM_NCPAINT message. It is a very simple task.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 25600 Publisher : 谢昭波

Not only incredibly useful utility for managing processes, but great tool for learning about the Task Manager
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 177152 Publisher : jun

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任务调度管理器,内置了很多的task 可扩展task-Task Scheduling Manager, built a lot of the task can be extended task
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 95232 Publisher : loujy

File: fw.c Contents: Firmware frameworks task dispatcher and device request parser File: FX2.h Contents: EZ-USB FX2 constants, macros, datatypes, globals, and library function prototypes. File: FX2regs.h Contents: EZ-USB FX2 register declarations and bit mask definitions. File: periph.c Contents: Hooks required to implement USB peripheral function. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. -File: fw.cContents: Firmware frameworks task dispatcher and device request parserFile: FX2.hContents: EZ-USB FX2 constants, macros, datatypes, globals, and libraryfunction prototypes.File: FX2regs.hContents: EZ-USB FX2 register declarations and bit mask definitions.File: periph.cContents: Hooks required to implement USB peripheral function.File: dscr.a51Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables.File: dscr.a51Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1541120 Publisher :

VRTX嵌入式多任务培训教材,是学习嵌入式实时系统的基础。-VRTX embedded multi-task training materials, is to study the basis for embedded real-time system.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 613376 Publisher : liuxiu

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一个可以修改windows xp任务拦状态的vbs-One can modify the windows xp task bar state vbs
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 000

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定时中断程序,源码的注释十分详细,具体功能如下: 1.Frame 实现能有效降低VxWorks 内存管理内部/外部碎片的机制。 2. Frame 实现为系统提供软定时器功能的机制,定时器timeout 信息以message 或其他快捷有效方式通知定时器申请者(Task)。 3. 参考实验一要求,系统中每个Task 拥有自己的Message Queue,以此方式作为系统的消息驱动基础。 4. 系统中各Task 应使用同一类型框架,即统一的Task 框架。 5. 系统内实体(Task/ISR)间传递的消息应有统一格式(消息头+消息体),可分短消息和长消息,但消息头须至少包含消息ID。系统内所有消息均有其唯一ID 标识。
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 李刚

学习多任务环境的编程,理解多任务程序中任务间通信和同步的方法; 掌握Windows环境中多线程程序设计与实现方法。模拟多任务的交互过程,每个任务用线程实现,基本要求如下: 任务1:接收从键盘键入的字符,发送给另一任务2; 任务2:接收任务1发来的字符,用事件的方式通知任务3接收; 任务3:接收任务2发来的字符,并显示; 可增加其他功能,如:以秒显示时间等; 系统能退出。-Multi-tasking environment to learn programming, to understand multi-tasking process communication and synchronization between the mission of the method master Windows environment, multi-threaded program design and implementation of methods. Simulation of multi-tasking interactive process, with each mission thread to achieve the basic requirements are as follows: one mission: to receive from the keyboard typed characters, sent to another mission 2 Missions 2: receiving one mission sent by the characters, with events notify the mission to receive 3 mission 3: 2 sent a mission to receive the characters, and displays increase other functions, such as: display the time in seconds system can quit.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 581632 Publisher : 王昊

本源码是基于repast开发的一个用于agent任务调度的源代码,对于研究agent任务调度的朋友很有用-The source is based on the development of a repast for the agent task scheduling of the source code for the study task scheduling agent useful friends
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 100352 Publisher : 易侃

通过在Windows任务管理器中对程序进程进行响应的管理操作,熟悉操作系统进程管理的概念,观察操作系统运行的动态性能,获得包含多进程的应用程序编程经验 -Through the Windows Task Manager process on the procedures to respond to the management of operations, familiar with the operating system process management concepts, to observe the operation of the operating system dynamic performance, access to contain multi-process application programming experience
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 158720 Publisher : 端木白羽

查看系统信息使用WMI。 界面跟WINDOWS的任务管理器很相似。功能比较完美。-Show system information using WMI. WINDOWS interface with the Task Manager is very similar. Functions perfectly.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 33792 Publisher :

可以和windows任务管理器相媲美的东东,实现了更多内容。-Can and windows task manager comparable Dongdong achieved more.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 45056 Publisher : dongyf

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隐藏自己的进程 连任务管理器都看不到 强大吧?-Hide its own process even Task Manager could not see a strong, right?
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31744 Publisher : 王京

嵌入式任务管理器的简单实现,能够查看系统进程和线程信息,CPU占用率等信息,杀死选择的进程,能够重启或者关闭机器-Embedded Task Manager simple to achieve, be able to view system processes and threads of information, CPU information such as occupancy rate, killing the process of choice, able to restart or shut down the machine
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1249280 Publisher : youfile
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