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DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。DES算法以被应用于许多需要安全加密的场合。(如:UNIX的密码算法就是以DES算法为基础的)。下面是关于如何实现DES算法的语言性描述,如果您要其源代码,可以到Http//Assassin.yeah.net下载,后者您有任何问题也可以写信给我(。 -DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm, in 1977 the United States government's official permission, is a key 56 to 64-bit data encryption methods. DES algorithm to be applied to many needs security encryption occasions. (Eg : UNIX password algorithm is to DES algorithm-based). Here is how to achieve the DES algorithm description language if you want to source code, they can go to Http / / download, which you have any problems can also write to me (
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5803 Publisher : yue

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DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。DES算法以被应用于许多需要安全加密的场合。(如:UNIX的密码算法就是以DES算法为基础的)。-DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm, in 1977 the United States government's official permission, is a key 56 to 64-bit data encryption methods. DES algorithm to be applied to many needs security encryption occasions. (Eg : UNIX password algorithm is to DES algorithm-based).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9997 Publisher : yue

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DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。DES算法以被应用于许多需要安全加密的场合。(如:UNIX的密码算法就是以DES算法为基础的)。-DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm, in 1977 the United States government's official permission, is a key 56 to 64-bit data encryption methods. DES algorithm to be applied to many needs security encryption occasions. (Eg : UNIX password algorithm is to DES algorithm-based).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18434 Publisher : yue

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s盒设计源程序 可以用语DES设计 -s box design source can design language DES
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 483701 Publisher : WW

DES,MD5,ZLIB算法源代码 文件列表: Adler32.cpp ArithDLL.cpp ArithDLL.def ArithDLL.dll ArithDLL.dsp ArithDLL.dsw ArithDLL.h ArithDLL.lib ArithDLL.ncb ArithDLL.opt ArithDLL.plg Arithzxz.h Arithzxz.h.BAK Compress.cpp CRC.cpp Deflate.cpp Deflate.h Des.cpp Des.h Infblock.cpp Infblock.h Infcodes.cpp Infcodes.h Inffast.cpp Inffast.h Inffixed.h Inflate.cpp Inftrees.cpp Inftrees.h Infutil.cpp Infutil.h md5.cpp md5.h ReadMe.txt StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h String.cpp Trees.cpp Zlib.h Zutil.cpp Zutil.h-DES, MD5, ZLIB algorithm source code files list : Adler32.cpp ArithDLL.cpp ArithDLL.def Arith DLL.dll ArithDLL.dsp ArithDLL.dsw ArithDLL. h ArithDLL.lib Ari ArithDLL.ncb ArithDLL.opt thDLL.plg Arithzxz.h Arithzxz.h.BAK Compres s.cpp CRC.cpp Deflate.cpp Deflate.h Des.cpp D es.h Infblock.cpp In Infblock.h Infcodes.cpp fcodes.h Inffast.cpp In Inffast.h Inffixed.h flate.cpp Inftrees.cpp Inftrees.h Infutil.c pp Infutil.h md5.cpp StdAfx md5.h ReadMe.txt file. cpp StdAfx.h String.cpp Trees.cpp Zlib.h Zuti l.cpp Zutil.h
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 138553 Publisher : water1974

将客户方的文件用DES加密后,通过Tcp连接发送到服务器,然后经过解密得到原来的文件。-customer's document encryption using DES, connecting through DEC sent to the server and then be declassified after the original document.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 70116 Publisher : 冷莫

des算法简单实现。它以64位的明文和56位的密钥作为输入,通过DES加密运算产生64位密文输出。其解密过程利用同以密钥和算法将密文还原成明文。因为java语言的安全性&网络处理能力强,所以就利用了java语言编写-des simple algorithm to achieve. It's expressly 64 and 56 as the key input, through DES encryption algorithms have 64 ciphertext output. Its use decryption process with a key and cipher algorithm reduced explicitly. Java language because of the security & network processing capability, on the use of the Java language
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6964 Publisher : leae

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IDEA是一个分组长度为64位的分组密码算法,密钥长度为128位(抗强力攻击能力比DES强),同一算法既可加密也可解密。 IDEA的“混淆”和“扩散”设计原则来自三种运算,它们易于软、硬件实现(加密速度快): -IDEA is a packet length of the 64 block cipher algorithms, key length of 128 (anti strong offensive capability than-DES), the same encryption algorithm can be declassified. IDEA's "confusion" and "proliferation" design principles from the three operators, easy software and hardware to achieve (encryption speed) :
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8375 Publisher : HCJ

a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Primitives This library includes: MD2, MD5, SHA-1, HAVAL, Tiger, RIPE-MD160, MD5-MAC, HMAC, XOR-MAC, DES, IDEA, WAKE, 3-WAY, TEA, SAFER, Blowfish, SHARK, GOST, CAST-128, Square,Diamond2, Sapphire, RC2, RC5, RC6, MARS, SEAL, Luby-Rackoff, MDC, various encryption modes (CFB, CBC, OFB, counter), DH, DH2, MQV, DSA, NR, ElGamal, LUC, LUCDIF, LUCELG, Rabin, RW, RSA, BlumGoldwasser, elliptic curve cryptosystems, BBS, DEFLATE compression,Shamir s secret sharing scheme, Rabin s information dispersal scheme.-a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Primitives This library includes: MD2, MD5, SHA-1, HAVAL, Tiger, RIPE-MD160, MD5-MAC, HMAC, XOR-MAC, DES, IDEA, WAKE, 3-WAY, TEA, SAFER, Blowfish, SHARK, GOST, CAST-128, Square,Diamond2, Sapphire, RC2, RC5, RC6, MARS, SEAL, Luby-Rackoff, MDC, various encryption modes (CFB, CBC, OFB, counter), DH, DH2, MQV, DSA, NR, ElGamal, LUC, LUCDIF, LUCELG, Rabin, RW, RSA, BlumGoldwasser, elliptic curve cryptosystems, BBS, DEFLATE compression,Shamir s secret sharing scheme, Rabin s information dispersal scheme.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 388055 Publisher : 刘永

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DES加密算法的java实现,好像应该要用到编译器里的集成的包-DES encryption algorithm to achieve the java, it seems to be to use compiler's integrated package
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6589 Publisher : java

ImageStone is a powerful C++ class library for image manipulation. it is portable and requiring only a recompiling on any platform. It includes load/save, display, histogram, undo/redo and over 100 predefined filters. It is a mature and easy-to-use image library that everyone from novices to professionals can use and enjoy. 一位高手写的,我好不容易找到的.和大家分享一下 -ImageStone C is a powerful class library fo r image manipulation. it is portable and requir ing only a recompiling on any platform. It inclu des load / save, display, histogram, and undo / redo and over 100 predefined filters. It i s a mature and easy-to-use image library that ev eryone from novices to professionals can use an d enjoy. one expert wrote, I finally found. and share with you
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1244997 Publisher : 刘广招

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加密算法 Test Driver for Crypto++, a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Primitives: - To generate an RSA key cryptest g - To encrypt and decrypt a string using RSA cryptest r - To calculate MD5, SHS, and RIPEMD-160 message digests: cryptest m file - To encrypt and decrypt a string using DES-EDE in CBC mode: cryptest t - To encrypt or decrypt a file cryptest e|d input output - To share a file into shadows: cryptest s <pieces> <pieces-needed> file (make sure file has no extension, if you re running this under DOS) - To reconstruct a file from shadows: cryptest j output file1 file2 [....] - To gzip a file: cryptest z <compression-level> input output - To gunzip a file: cryptest u input output - To run validation tests: cryptest v - To run benchmarks: cryptest b [time for each benchmark in seconds] -encryption algorithm Test Driver for Crypto. a Class C Library of spreadsheets Primitives : - To generate an RSA key cryptest g-To encrypt an d decrypt a string using RSA cryptest r-To calcu late MD5, SHS, and RIPEMD algorithms-160 message digests : cryptest m file-To encrypt and decrypt a string using DES-EDE in CBC mode : cryptest t-To encrypt or decrypt a file cryptes t e | d input output - To share a file into shadows : cryptest's
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 389062 Publisher : Nikii

BISON-C: A one-dimensional transport and burnup calculation code with consideration of actinides and fission products Auteur(s) / Author(s) CETNAR J. (1) GRONEK P. (1) Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s) (1) University of Mining and Metallurgy, Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, 30 059 Cracow, POLOGNE
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 111876 Publisher : sdf

BISON-C: A one-dimensional transport and burnup calculation code with consideration of actinides and fission products Auteur(s) / Author(s) CETNAR J. (1) GRONEK P. (1) Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s) (1) University of Mining and Metallurgy, Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, 30 059 Cracow, POLOGNE
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 111876 Publisher : sdf

DES加密程序 速度将就。。娃嘎嘎。。。 完整可运行的程序 有兴趣的加我qq 4964898-DES encryption speed will. . Children's rattle. . . Complete operational procedures are interested in the increase, I qq 4964898
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13586 Publisher : wjy

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DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。 IDEA是International Data Encryption Algorithm 的缩写,是1990年由瑞士联邦技术学院来学嘉X.J.Lai 和Massey提出的建议标准算法称作PES( Proposed Encryption Standard) 。Lai 和Massey 在1992 年进行了改进强化了抗差分分析的能力改称为IDEA 它也是对64bit大小的数据块加密的分组加密算法密钥长度为128位它基于“相异代数群上的混合运算”设计思想算法用硬件和软件实现都很容易且比DES在实现上快的多。IDEA自问世以来,已经经历了大量的详细审查,对密码分析具有很强的抵抗能力,在多种商业产品中被使用。-DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm. in 1977 the United States government's official permission, is a key 56 to 64 data encryption methods. IDEA is the International Data Encryption Algorith m initials yes in 1990 by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Xuejia Lai X. J. Massey, and the recommendations of the standard operator France called the PES (Proposed Encryption Standard). Lai and Massey in 1992 by improving strengthened against differential analysis of the capacity it renamed IDEA is the size of the 64 bit encryption of the data block encryption algorithm key to a length of 128 based on "different algebra Groups of mixed operation "design algorithm with hardware and software and is easy to achieve than in DES soon have more. Since the inception of IDEA has go
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18881 Publisher : zengzl

The UCL common multimedia library implements a number of algorithms and protocols needed by a number of our applications. It compiles standalone on a range of Unix systems (Solaris, Linux, Irix, FreeBSD, MacOSX) and on Windows 95/98/NT/XP. The following protocols/algorithms are included in the library: Base64 encoding/decoding Binary tree Random number HMAC authentication MD5 DES RTP MBus SAP SDP -common multimedia library impleme nts a number of algorithms and protocols needed by a number of our applications. It compiles sta ndalone on a range of Unix systems (Solaris, Linux, Irix, FreeBSD, MacOSX) and on Windows 95/98/NT/XP. The follow ing protocols / algorithms are included in the l ibrary : Base64 encoding / decoding n Random Binary tree umber HMAC MD5 authentication DES RTP MBus SAP S DP
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 247163 Publisher : 宫圣喜

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自己编的DES加密、解密算法,可实现windows下任何文件的加密、解密,尤其适用使用公用电脑而一些私人的文件不想被别人看到的情况,可设置八个字节的密钥,也就是每一位可以从0到255,这样对方就算已知置换矩阵和S盒的情况下用穷举法破解的难度也在2的32次幂,还是相当安全的。 加密:DESencrypt.exe 解密:DESdecrypt.exe-own addendum to the DES encryption, decryption algorithms can be realized under any windows document encryption, decryption, In particular, the use of common computer application and some private documents do not want others to see, can be set up eight bytes of keys, Each one is from 0 to 255. known each other even if such replacement matrix and the S-box using exhaustive method is difficult to decipher the two 32 power, still quite safe. Encryption : DESencrypt.exe declassified : DESdecrypt.exe
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 63454 Publisher : 古松

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Win32 Kernel Rootkits modify the behaviour of the system by Kernel Native API hooking. This technique is typically implemented by modifying the ServiceTable entries in the Service Descriptor Table (SDT). 有关钩子-Win32 Kernel Rootkits modify the behaviou r of the system by Native Kernel API hooking. Thi 's technique is typically implemented by modify ing the ServiceTable entries in the Service Des criptor Table (SDT). on the hook
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9167 Publisher : wind

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DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。虽然56位密钥的DES算法已经风光不在,而且常有用Des加密的明文被破译的报道,但是了解一下昔日美国的标准加密算法总是有益的,而且目前DES算法得到了广泛的应用-DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm. in 1977 the United States government's official permission, is a key 56 to 64 data encryption methods. Although the 56-key DES algorithm has not scenery, but often with the explicit Des encryption was cracked reports, But the United States to find out the old standard encryption algorithm is always useful, but the current DES algorithm is a widely used
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 15908 Publisher : leelii
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