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Algoritmo S-Des en Java
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 28672 Publisher : eder23

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DES算法为密码体制中的对称密码体制,又被成为美国数据加密标准,是1972年美国IBM公司研制的对称密码体制加密算法。其密钥长度为56位,明文按64位进行分组,将分组后的明文组和56位的密钥按位替代或交换的方法形成密文组的加密方法。 -DES algorithm in symmetric key cryptography system, also known as the United States Data Encryption Standard, was developed in 1972, the United States, IBM' s symmetric cipher encryption algorithm. The key length is 56 bits, 64 bits are grouped according plain text, plaintext after the packet and 56-bit bit key by the formation of alternative methods or exchange the encryption cipher group.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4096 Publisher : Laura

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des是一种对称加密算法。des算法是公开的,密码由用户自己保护。-des is a symmetric encryption algorithm. des algorithm is public, the password from the user' s own protection.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4096 Publisher : yilujie

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实现S-DES对任意文件的加解密。对于加密来说,输入文件就是明文文件,对于解密来说,输入文件就是密文文件。-To achieve S-DES encryption and decryption of any file. For encryption, the input file is plain text file, for decryption, the input file is the ciphertext file.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : 小杨

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密码学中基础的DES代码,里面包含BIT TO BYTE 的转换。包括S盒的应用-DES cryptography-based code, which contains BIT TO BYTE conversion. Including the application of S boxes
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : yangliu

C语言实现——应用分组密码体制的基本原理,实现DES加解密,并分析 DES 的雪崩性质,对DES加密进行差分分析,并利用自己设计的S盒进行加密 -C language- Application of basic principles of block ciphers, DES encryption and decryption to achieve, and the nature of the avalanche DES, differential cryptanalysis of DES encryption, and use their own design S-boxes for encryption
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 883712 Publisher : 赵子番

CA authdes
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数据加密算法(Data Encryption Algorithm,DEA)的数据加密标准(Data Encryption Standard,DES)是规范的描述,它出自 IBM 的研究工作,并在 1997 年被美国政府正式采纳。它很可能是使用最广泛的秘钥系统,特别是在保护金融数据的安全中,最初开发的 DES 是嵌入硬 件中的。-Data encryption algorithm (Data Encryption Algorithm, DEA) of the Data Encryption Standard (Data Encryption Standard, DES) is the standard description, it comes from IBM' s research work, and in 1997 formally adopted by the U.S. government. It is probably the most widely used secret key systems, especially in the protection of the security of financial data, the initial development of the DES is embedded in hardware.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 8192 Publisher : 姜泽彪

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Digital Images and video encryption plays an important role in today’s multimedia world. Many encryption schemes have been proposed to provide security for digital images. Usually the symmetric key ciphering algorithms are used in encrypting digital images because it is fast and use the techniques for block and stream ciphers. Data Encryption Standard is symmetric key encryption algorithm. In spite of the successful cracking of the data encryption standard by massive brute force attacks, data encryption standard algorithm is an entrenched technology and still useful for many purposes. In this paper, we use some of the image quality encryption measuring factors to study the effect of data encryption standard algorithm in image ciphering. The results show that the data encryption standard algorithm is fast and it achieves a good encryption rate for image ciphering using different modes of operation.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 634880 Publisher : Bhanu

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Ce droit de regard sur ses propres données personnelles vise aussi bien la collecte des informations que leur utilisation. Ce droit d’être informé est essentiel car il conditionne l exercice des autres droits tels que le droit d accès ou le droit d opposition
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 212992 Publisher : brahmia djaber

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DES算法为密码体制中的对称密码体制,又被成为美国数据加密标准,是1972年美国IBM公司研制的对称密码体制加密算法-DES algorithm in symmetric key cryptography system, also known as the United States Data Encryption Standard, was developed in 1972, the United States, IBM' s symmetric cipher encryption algorithm
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : 程利伟

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DES加密算法 运用置换 轮转 S盒,传统的DES加密算法 自己经过测试 测试为abcdef-DES
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 80896 Publisher : litian

以C++语言在微机上实现了美国数据加密标准DES。可随微机软盘任意路径下的任何文件,加密,加密文件可在软、硬盘任何目录下或在网络中传送;另一方面可对软、硬盘中的任何文件进行解密,解密后的文件除在末尾多出几个空格符外与原文件完全相同,绝不影响EXE文件,COM文件或数据库文件的使用。密钥有加密者在键盘输入8个字符。-In c++ language microcomputer to U.S. data encryption standard DES. With the computer floppy disk arbitrary path of any of the files, encryption, encrypt files can be in soft, hard disk any directory or in the network transmission On the other hand, soft, hard disk to the any classify documents, the decrypted file in the end in a few more the space appears with the original documents are all the same, never affect EXE file, COM file or database files use. Key there are JiaMiZhe in keyboard input 8 characters.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 179200 Publisher : lx

加密与解密相关 DES算法的C++实现 8个s盒,16轮迭代-The algorithm of DES in C++
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 178176 Publisher : 远行

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DES基于简单的代替-置换网络,进行16轮迭代,完成了扩散和混合操作,形成密文;DES加密算法的处理细节:DES对64bit明文输入首先进行IP变换,分成左右各32位的分组,然后进行16轮迭代,最后经过逆IP置换,输出该分组加密后的结果;对于DES的每一轮迭代,又先后经过选择运算E、异或伦密钥、S盒混合、P置换等步骤; -DES composed and a good application to keep your files security .
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4643840 Publisher : 王锡爵

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DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。虽然56位密钥的DES算法已经风光不在,而且常有用Des加密的明文被破译的报道,但是了解一下昔日美国的标准加密算法总是有益的,而且目前DES算法得到了广泛的应用,在某些场合,她仍然发挥着余热.(如:UNIX的密码算法就是以DES算法为基础的)。将其修改为三重DES也能抵抗破解。下面是关于如何实现DES算法的语言性描述:-DES ( Data Encryption Standard ) algorithm, in 1977 the U.S. government s official permission , is a 56 -bit key to encrypt 64 data . 56 keys of the DES algorithm scenery is not , and often with Des encryption expressly decipher reported , but look at the old standard encryption algorithm is always useful , but the DES algorithm has been widely used in a some occasions , she still plays a waste heat . (such as : UNIX password algorithm is DES algorithm -based ) . To modify the Triple DES is also resistant to cracking . The following is a description language on how to achieve the DES algorithm :
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 48128 Publisher : yhg

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The Data Encryption Standard (DES) shall consist of the following Data Encryption Algorithm (DE S) and Triple Data Encryption Algorithm ( TDEA, as described in ANSI X9.52). These devices shall be designed in such a way that they may be used in a computer system or network to provide cryptographic protection to binary coded data. The method of implementation will depend on the application and environment. The devices shall be implemented in such a way that they may be tested and validated as accurately performing the transformations specified in the following algorithm s . -The Data Encryption Standard (DES) shall consist of the following Data Encryption Algorithm (DE S) and Triple Data Encryption Algorithm ( TDEA, as described in ANSI X9.52). These devices shall be designed in such a way that they may be used in a computer system or network to provide cryptographic protection to binary coded data. The method of implementation will depend on the application and environment. The devices shall be implemented in such a way that they may be tested and validated as accurately performing the transformations specified in the following algorithm s .
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 200704 Publisher : lyra

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这是一个我用过的数据加密函数,可以用在一卡通的数据加密,加入工程即可用,请大家放心使用-This is the one I used data encryption function, can be used in the card' s data encryption to the project can, please rest assured to use
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 21504 Publisher : 豆向东

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算法流程 1.将要处理的二进制串进行IP置换 2.将密钥进行PC1置换(64位转为56位), 3.进行16轮操作,对于第i轮操作: 1)将上一次得到的PC1密钥(级除去第一次外,其他的都经过移位处理)的结果左右部分(各28位)分别循环左移1位或2位,然后将移位后的密钥进行PC2[i]置换. 2)将处理串均等分为左右两串Li,Ri(各32位),然后将右串Ri通过E盒拓展为新的右串R (48位),R 与上一步得到的PC2[i]子密钥进行异或操作,结果通过S盒输出(48为转为32位),然后通过P盒直接置换,再与Li异或. 3)将Ri赋给作出Li,R 赋值给Ri. 4)合并处理串StrText=Li+Ri. 4.将最新的处理串进行IP_1置换,置换结果即为所求的加密串或解密串 加密解密的区别 在每轮操作中,加密使用的PC2密钥顺序为0~15,解密使用的PC2密钥顺序为15~0. -Algorithm flow A binary string to be processed is substituted for IP 2 key the PC1 replacement (64 into 56) 16 operation, the operation for the i-th round: 1) about the results of the last PC1 key (remove the first time, the others have been shifting processing) (28) rotate left one or two, and then will shift key PC2 [i] replacement. 2) is divided into the equal treatment string around two bunches of Li, Ri (32), and then expand the right string Ri E box (48-bit), the right string R R​ ​ and the previous step PC2 i] subkey XOR operation result is output via the S-box (48 to 32 conversion), and then directly through the P box replacement and XOR with Li. 3) the Ri to make Li, R is assigned to Ri. 4) merger deal with string StrText Ri = Li+. 4. Latest processing string IP_1 replacement, replacement results shall request string encryption or decryption string Encryption and decryption of difference In each round of operations, PC2 key e
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : zhusiyi

程序实现了3DES、DES加解密,PBOC的DES、3DES的MAC。 首先输入16进制的ASC码。将每个ASC转为4位二进制。然后DES运算。最后将每4位二进制结果转化为一个ASC输出。 -Program implements 3DES, DES encryption and decryption, the PBOC' s DES, 3DES the MAC. First, enter the ASC hexadecimal code. Each ASC to four binary. Then DES computing. Finally, every four binary result into an ASC output.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6144 Publisher : zxh

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用Verilog语言描述的des的s盒(des s盒 Verilog代码) -Verilog language description des s box (des s box Verilog code)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9216 Publisher : shilei
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