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DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。DES算法以被应用于许多需要安全加密的场合。(如:UNIX的密码算法就是以DES算法为基础的)。-DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm, in 1977 the United States government's official permission, is a key 56 to 64-bit data encryption methods. DES algorithm to be applied to many needs security encryption occasions. (Eg : UNIX password algorithm is to DES algorithm-based).
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 7168 Publisher : yue

DES,MD5,ZLIB算法源代码 文件列表: Adler32.cpp ArithDLL.cpp ArithDLL.def ArithDLL.dll ArithDLL.dsp ArithDLL.dsw ArithDLL.h ArithDLL.lib ArithDLL.ncb ArithDLL.opt ArithDLL.plg Arithzxz.h Arithzxz.h.BAK Compress.cpp CRC.cpp Deflate.cpp Deflate.h Des.cpp Des.h Infblock.cpp Infblock.h Infcodes.cpp Infcodes.h Inffast.cpp Inffast.h Inffixed.h Inflate.cpp Inftrees.cpp Inftrees.h Infutil.cpp Infutil.h md5.cpp md5.h ReadMe.txt StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h String.cpp Trees.cpp Zlib.h Zutil.cpp Zutil.h-DES, MD5, ZLIB algorithm source code files list : Adler32.cpp ArithDLL.cpp ArithDLL.def Arith DLL.dll ArithDLL.dsp ArithDLL.dsw ArithDLL. h ArithDLL.lib Ari ArithDLL.ncb ArithDLL.opt thDLL.plg Arithzxz.h Arithzxz.h.BAK Compres s.cpp CRC.cpp Deflate.cpp Deflate.h Des.cpp D es.h Infblock.cpp In Infblock.h Infcodes.cpp fcodes.h Inffast.cpp In Inffast.h Inffixed.h flate.cpp Inftrees.cpp Inftrees.h Infutil.c pp Infutil.h md5.cpp StdAfx md5.h ReadMe.txt file. cpp StdAfx.h String.cpp Trees.cpp Zlib.h Zuti l.cpp Zutil.h
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 138240 Publisher : water1974

des算法简单实现。它以64位的明文和56位的密钥作为输入,通过DES加密运算产生64位密文输出。其解密过程利用同以密钥和算法将密文还原成明文。因为java语言的安全性&网络处理能力强,所以就利用了java语言编写-des simple algorithm to achieve. It's expressly 64 and 56 as the key input, through DES encryption algorithms have 64 ciphertext output. Its use decryption process with a key and cipher algorithm reduced explicitly. Java language because of the security & network processing capability, on the use of the Java language
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 7168 Publisher : leae

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DES加密算法的java实现,好像应该要用到编译器里的集成的包-DES encryption algorithm to achieve the java, it seems to be to use compiler's integrated package
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6144 Publisher : java

本人收集的一些j2me资料!! 有兴趣的可以-I collected some J2ME information! ! Interested parties can s
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 38912 Publisher : kk

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本人做的一个小代码,密码学里面要用到的,网上流传的都是运行错误的,这个绝对可以-I do a small code, which use cryptography to the spread of the Internet are operational errors, This can definitely
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 879616 Publisher : 王选

DES加密程序 速度将就。。娃嘎嘎。。。 完整可运行的程序 有兴趣的加我qq 4964898-DES encryption speed will. . Children's rattle. . . Complete operational procedures are interested in the increase, I qq 4964898
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 13312 Publisher : wjy

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这是一个完整的MD5加密算法,用VB编写.调试可用.-This is a complete MD5 algorithm, using VB. Debugging available.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4096 Publisher : James

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DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。 IDEA是International Data Encryption Algorithm 的缩写,是1990年由瑞士联邦技术学院来学嘉X.J.Lai 和Massey提出的建议标准算法称作PES( Proposed Encryption Standard) 。Lai 和Massey 在1992 年进行了改进强化了抗差分分析的能力改称为IDEA 它也是对64bit大小的数据块加密的分组加密算法密钥长度为128位它基于“相异代数群上的混合运算”设计思想算法用硬件和软件实现都很容易且比DES在实现上快的多。IDEA自问世以来,已经经历了大量的详细审查,对密码分析具有很强的抵抗能力,在多种商业产品中被使用。-DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm. in 1977 the United States government's official permission, is a key 56 to 64 data encryption methods. IDEA is the International Data Encryption Algorith m initials yes in 1990 by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Xuejia Lai X. J. Massey, and the recommendations of the standard operator France called the PES (Proposed Encryption Standard). Lai and Massey in 1992 by improving strengthened against differential analysis of the capacity it renamed IDEA is the size of the 64 bit encryption of the data block encryption algorithm key to a length of 128 based on "different algebra Groups of mixed operation "design algorithm with hardware and software and is easy to achieve than in DES soon have more. Since the inception of IDEA has go
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 18432 Publisher : zengzl

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自己编的DES加密、解密算法,可实现windows下任何文件的加密、解密,尤其适用使用公用电脑而一些私人的文件不想被别人看到的情况,可设置八个字节的密钥,也就是每一位可以从0到255,这样对方就算已知置换矩阵和S盒的情况下用穷举法破解的难度也在2的32次幂,还是相当安全的。 加密:DESencrypt.exe 解密:DESdecrypt.exe-own addendum to the DES encryption, decryption algorithms can be realized under any windows document encryption, decryption, In particular, the use of common computer application and some private documents do not want others to see, can be set up eight bytes of keys, Each one is from 0 to 255. known each other even if such replacement matrix and the S-box using exhaustive method is difficult to decipher the two 32 power, still quite safe. Encryption : DESencrypt.exe declassified : DESdecrypt.exe
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 63488 Publisher :

计算机信息的保密显得越来越重要。数据保密变换,或密码技术,是对计算机信息进行保护的最实用和最可靠的方法。现阶段计算机硬盘以及其他大容量存储介质代替了纸张成为信息存储的主要方式,随之带来的信息安全问题也日渐突出,电子文档的信息安全成为一个至关重要的问题.电子文档的安全问题发生在两个场合:动态的传输途中、静态的存储形式.对于电子文档的传输安全,可以通过数据加密技术先加密再传输、保证电子文档的合法性和完整性 要完成的工作: 1. 对网络安全的基本概念和基本原理有一个了解。 2. 对各种加密与解密的算法做深入的理解。 3. 选择合适的算法编写程序。 4. 调试程序。 这个是源代码的打包哦! -the confidentiality of computer information are becoming increasingly important. Transform data confidentiality, or password technology, the computer information for the protection of the most practical and most reliable method. This stage of computer hard disks and other large-capacity storage medium instead of paper as the main information storage, the attendant's information security issues have become increasingly prominent, electronic document information security has become a critical issue. Electronic document security problem occurred in the two occasions : Transmission dynamics of the way, the storage form of static. for electronic document transmission security, through data encryption technology first re-transmission encryption to ensure the legality of electronic documents
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1341440 Publisher : 吕文奎

论文标题:组播安全机制的研究与设计 作者:于福海 作者专业:计算机技术 导师姓名:原萍 授予学位:硕士 授予单位:东北大学 授予学位时间:20050701 论文页数:1-61 文摘语种:中文文摘 分类号:TP393.08 关键词:组播通信 安全机制 源认证 组密钥管理 摘要:本文结合课题实际特点,以组播安全为主题,对310网(全军局域网)中的组播提供安全保障进行了系统的研究。 对组播安全的基础理论与方法进行了分析与研究,抽取出了对称加密、非对称加密、单向散列函数、数字签名等安全原语,进而对组播安全系统的基础——PKI技术进行了探讨。 在对相关组播技术与协议的分析过程中,讨论了组播通信和组播协议的过程、特点和安全缺陷,并以此为根据,设计了一个组播源认证、授权和密钥管理中心,并提供了一个兼顾可扩展性、可重用性、可移植性的函数库,为组播过程中组成员身份的认证、组密钥管理、组播传输密钥的受控分发提供了方法。 与此同时,将所提出的组播安全机制解决方案与其他一些常见的安全解决方案在适应的环境、协议、特点等若干方面进行了比较,为组播安全解决方案的选取、确立作了进一步说明。另外,还讨论了有关网络监控、安全值量化等问题,推动了研究的深入开展。-thesis entitled : multicast security mechanism for the research and design of the author : The author in Fuhai professional : Computer Technology instructor name : The original Ping conferring a degree : a master's degree granting units : Northeastern University conferred degrees : 20050701 page thesis :1-61 Potpourri languages : Chinese Digest Key words : Jiangmen Keywords : Multicast Source Authentication security mechanism Group Key Management Abstract : Based on practical issues characteristics of a multicast security as the main theme, 310 network (LAN PLA) multicast to provide security for the systems. Multicast security to the basic theory and methods of analysis and research, taking a symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, One-way hash functions, digital signatures and ot
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4685824 Publisher : 成东

标准算法模块是集DES、3DES、AES、RSA、MD5、BlowFish、TEA、RC6等标准算法为一体的算法包,同时在模块中使用了Anti-Debug和程序自校验功能(涉及到软件的加壳和CRC32)、软件使用次数限制,更好的保护您的软件。在模块中作者给出了每种算法详细调用方法,使用者可以根据自己的需要来进行选择。现暂时给出在VB、VC、Delphi三种开发语言中的调用方法,其他语言的调用方法可与我们联系获得,具体可以参看例子程序;现更新DLL可能被破解者替换的漏洞,并对DLL进行了加壳,增加了CRC校验功能,For Delphi还增加了对DeDe的Anti代码,在代码中给出了在NT/2000/XP下关闭计算机的函。在本站提供了几款壳下载,需要的可以到“加壳技术”模块去下载,在校验的时候用得到,具体的方法在调用模块里面有。-standard algorithm module combines DES, 3DES, AES, RSA, MD5, BlowFish, TEA, RC6 algorithm standards for the integration of the algorithm package, At the same time the use of the module Anti-Debug and procedures since the checksum function (related to the shell and software CRC 32), software usage restrictions and better protect your software. The module is the author of the algorithm in detail each call, users can meet their own needs to choose. Is temporarily given in VB, VC, Delphi development of the three languages of the call, other languages can call methods and access to our contacts, can see examples of specific procedures; Update DLL is likely to be those who break the replacement of the loopholes, and the shell DLL, an increase of CRC function, For Delphi also added to the Anti De
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 278528 Publisher : 小强

利用Visual C++ .net2003开发的一款用于保护文件的小程序。 对文件产生MD5值同时对源文件用DES加密,并用私钥加密签名。 对加密文件解密,验证用公钥解密签名与解密文件的MD5值比较,以判断文件是否被修改。 遇到的问题:微软提供的签名函数可能有问题,无论用公钥还是私钥签名,用公钥、私钥(任一)均可解密。怪!希望在此与大家交流交流。-The use of Visual C++. Net2003 developed a document for the protection of small procedures. MD5 value of the document produced at the same time the source file using DES encryption, and signature private key encryption. Encrypted files decryption, authentication using public key to decrypt the signature and decrypt files MD5 value to determine whether a document is modified. Problems encountered: Microsoft to provide the signature function may be a problem regardless of whether it uses a public key or private key signature, using public key, private key (any one) can be decrypted. Strange! Would like to exchange with the U.S. exchanges.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 47104 Publisher : jimin

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信息安全中的S-DES的实现,固定的八位密钥和八为明文,可以加解密-Information security in the realization of S-DES, 8 fixed keys and eight for the express, can encryption and decryption
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : dk liu

DES算法及其在VC++6.0下的实现,编译时需要WinPcap开发包,您可以从下载 WinPcap Developer s pack-DES algorithm and its application in VC++ 6.0 under the realization of the need to compile WinPcap development kit, you can download from WinPcap Developer s pack
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 43008 Publisher : uuu

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密码编码学与网络安全:原理与实践(第二版)这本书是密码学的不错教材,国内第二版这本书要买48元,为大家方便就将它上传了吧。 本书内容涵盖了古典密码、DES、AES、RSA等等经典密码学加密算法的详细描述。-Password encoding learning and Network Security: Principles and Practice (Second Edition) This book is a good cryptography materials, the second edition of this book to buy 48 yuan, in order to facilitate the U.S. will upload it instead. The book covers the classical password, DES, AES, RSA, etc. Classical Cryptography encryption algorithm described in detail.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 12399616 Publisher : 涂进

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DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。虽然56位密钥的DES算法已经风光不在,而且常有用Des加密的明文被破译的报道,但是了解一下昔日美国的标准加密算法总是有益的,而且目前DES算法得到了广泛的应用,在某些场合,她仍然发挥着余热-DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm, in 1977 the U.S. government s official permission, is a 56 by 64 key to encrypt data. Although the 56 key scenery DES algorithm has not, and often with Des expressly been deciphered encrypted reports, but look past the United States standard encryption algorithm is always useful, but the current DES algorithm is widely used, to a certain some occasions, she continued to play a heat
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 966656 Publisher : 朝猛子

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偶尔想到数据加密技术,这里顺便提一下双向加密的标准DES。以前在一个宽带流媒体服务器项目中用到了DES加密,虽然使用环境相对单纯,但算法实现本身是具有普遍意义的。下述程序是很久以前在RSA公司的网站找到的,效率很高,稳定性较好,便一直在实践中使用-Occasionally think of data encryption technology, where two-way encryption standard DES. Ago in a broadband streaming media server project used the DES encryption, although the use of environment is relatively simple, but the algorithm itself is of universal significance. The following procedure is a long time ago at the RSA found the company s Web site and efficient, good stability, it has been used in practice
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 7168 Publisher : ai ai

数据加密算法(Data Encryption Algorithm,DEA)的数据加密标准(Data Encryption Standard,DES)是规范的描述,它出自 IBM 的研究工作,并在 1997 年被美国政府正式采纳。它很可能是使用最广泛的秘钥系统,特别是在保护金融数据的安全中,最初开发的 DES 是嵌入硬 件中的。通常,自动取款机(Automated Teller Machine,ATM)都使用 DES。文件是DES代码的VHDL描述 -Data encryption algorithm (Data Encryption Algorithm, DEA) of the Data Encryption Standard (Data Encryption Standard, DES) is a standardized description of it from IBM s research work and, in 1997, formally adopted by the U.S. government. It is probably the most widely used secret key system, especially in protecting the safety of financial data, the initial development of DES is embedded in hardware. Usually, automated teller machines (Automated Teller Machine, ATM) are the use of DES. Document is described in VHDL code DES
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 676864 Publisher :
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