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三层代码生成器 20字-Models DAL BLL twenty·
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 65536 Publisher : 许巧生

Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 20480 Publisher : haonet

DL : 0
该项目为GridView三层结构,分为DAL、BLL、Model和GridView Default.aspx展示的是数据的绑定和显示,Back.aspx为数据添加测试页面,包括C#和vb.net两个版本。 本人作为一个程序的爱好者,深感到程序学习是:入门容易,进阶难!(开始说正题 )有很多入门学者在为三层架构感到困惑,不知三层架构如何实现,现在本人详细地提供一个简单的例子来说明三层架构的实现,主要与GridView结合讲解,并实现分页。 最后,说下各层的引用关系: 1)DAL引用Model 2)BLL引用 DAL,Model 3)Model无引用 4) GridView引用 BLL,Model 结构简单清晰,非常适合学习GridView以及三层架构的朋友!- The project is a three-tier structure GridView divided into DAL, BLL, Model and GridView Default.aspx show is data binding and display, Back.aspx add test data page, including two versions of C# and I, as fans of a program, the program of deep feeling that learning is: easy entry, advanced hard! (Begin to say to the question) there are many scholars in the entry for the three-tier architecture confused, not knowing how to achieve the three-tier architecture, and now I have to provide details of a simple example to illustrate the realization of the three-tier architecture, primarily with the GridView combine to explain and implement paging . Finally, under the layers of said reference relationship: 1) DAL referenced Model 2) BLL references DAL, Model 3) Model no references 4) GridView references BLL, Model Clear and simple structure, ideal for learning the three-tier GridView and friends!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 484352 Publisher : 骆定华

Abbiamo disponibili datasheet di tutti i componenti, qualora non fosse presente nella scheda download del prodotto inviaci un messaggio dal modulo contattaci e lo pubblicheremo il prima possibile nel nostro sito. GY-85 sensor module 6DOF 9DOF IMU SENSOR (ITG3205 + the ADXL345 + HMC5883L) GY-85 Sensor Modules 9 Axis Sensor Module (ITG3205 +ADXL345 + HMC5883L) ,6DOF 9DOF IMU SENSOR Description: 1. 9 axis module (3 axis gyroscope + 3 accelerometer + 3 axis magnetic field) 2. ImmersionGold PCB process 3. Chip: ITG3205 + ADXL345 + HMC5883L 4.Power Supply :3-5v 5.Communication: IIC communication protocol (fully compatible with the 3-5v System, circuit LLC is contained ) 6.Size: 2.2cm * 1.7cm-Abbiamo disponibili datasheet di tutti i componenti, qualora non fosse presente nella scheda download del prodotto inviaci un messaggio dal modulo contattaci e lo pubblicheremo il prima possibile nel nostro sito. GY-85 sensor module 6DOF 9DOF IMU SENSOR (ITG3205 + the ADXL345 + HMC5883L) GY-85 Sensor Modules 9 Axis Sensor Module (ITG3205 +ADXL345 + HMC5883L) ,6DOF 9DOF IMU SENSOR Description: 1. 9 axis module (3 axis gyroscope + 3 accelerometer + 3 axis magnetic field) 2. ImmersionGold PCB process 3. Chip: ITG3205 + ADXL345 + HMC5883L 4.Power Supply :3-5v 5.Communication: IIC communication protocol (fully compatible with the 3-5v System, circuit LLC is contained ) 6.Size: 2.2cm * 1.7cm
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 90112 Publisher : nemo

DbSharp is a DAL Generator. It generates a StoredProcedure client class that enables you to call stored procedure easily. DbSharp also creates Table and Record classes that enables you to CRUD operation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2045952 Publisher : lee

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This file implements a DAL interface to the flash driver.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : Migrator1

C#代码生成器2.0,可以辅助程序员自动生成对应数据库中的Model以及DAL等,简单的辅助性软件,并且配有SqlHelper类文件,方便快捷。-C# code generator 2.0, can assist programmers to automatically generate the corresponding database Model and DAL so simple auxiliary software, and with a SqlHelper class files, and convenient.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 826368 Publisher : 田馥甄

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《支付平台中间商单机对帐软件》采用BLL、DAL、Model三层架构开发 包括客户管理,账务管理,管理员权限设置 数据库采用MSDE数据库引擎 默认管理员用户名:admin 默认密码:chiverzhao- Reconciliation single payment platform software middlemen With BLL, DAL, Model three-tier development Including customer management, account management, administrator permissions Database using MSDE engine The default administrator username: admin Default password: chiverzhao
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3124224 Publisher : 赵奇辉

利用MEF实现Winform窗体的插件化开发 1 通过AppConfig文件,获取指定或所有DLL文件 2 定义了一个From接口 IFrom . 所有窗体都继承自此接口 3 DAL层DLL 放在了与插件项目一起的Plugs目录下(此处感觉有些不妥,待想出更好思路进行改正)-MEF form of the use of Winform to achieve the plug-in development 1 by AppConfig file, get the specified or all DLL files 2 defines a From interface IFrom. All forms are inherited the interface 3 DLL layer DAL in the Plugs directory with the plug-in project (here feel something wrong, to think of a better way to correct)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 120832 Publisher : pete_jones

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公司研发的一款到店洗车的平台软件,里面是其中底层代码,适合新手学习。-The company developed a software platform to the car wash, which is one of the underlying code, suitable for beginners to learn.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 96256 Publisher : 木小孩

最新版本使用说明 本压缩包里面的版本为PDF.NET Ver 3.0版本,最新版本为 4.1,版本功能区别请看官网介绍: 请下载网页提供的 3.0实例程序,包括V3.0的代码配套工具(实体类生成工具,DAL生成工具,SQL-MAP配置工具),结合本源码使用。 有关PDF.NET框架的具体使用资料,请随时关注本框架官方网址和官方博客: 感谢你的使用支持! 2011.9.6 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PDF.NET 4.0 源码使用说明 =============================== 请将当前目录下面的三个目录附加到你的解决方案中,项目采用VS2008创建,不过已经设置成支持.NET 2.0了。 PWMIS.Core -框架的核心类库 PWMIS.Windows 框架的Windows窗体开发包 PWMIS.Web 框架的Web应用开发包,包含一系列Web数据控件,简化表单数据处理。 数据库工具.rar 框架新开发的支持工具,可以生成SQL-MAP文件,生成DAL代码,生成实体类,可以做一个简单的 SqlServer查询分析器使用(支持多种数据库),还在完善中。-The latest version of the instructions for use The version of the compressed package for the Ver PDF.NET version 3, the latest version of the 4.1, the difference between the version of the official website to see: Http:// Please download the web site provides 3 examples of procedures, including the V3.0 code tools (entity class generation tool, DAL generation tool, SQL-MAP configuration tool), combined with the use of this source. PDF.NET framework for the specific use of information, please always pay attention to the framework of the official website and the official blog: Http:// Thank you for your support! 2011.9.6 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PDF.NET 4 source instructions =============================== Please attach the three directory below the current directory to your solution, the project was created using VS2008, but has been set up to support the.NE
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1191936 Publisher : 季蚂蚁

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Shemma anten dlya wi-fi i tak dal-Shemma anten dlya wi-fi i tak dalee
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10240 Publisher : zaporogye

DL : 0
简单的远程数据库访问服务示例,包含一个简单的dal实现,以及该dal在Remoting、WebService、WCF下的使用示例-Simple remote access service examples, including a simple DAL implementation, as well as the DAL in Remoting, WebService, WCF under the use of examples
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 556032 Publisher : zsb

基于EF+MVC+Bootstrap构建通用后台管理系统,集成轻量级的缓存模块、日志模块、上传缩略图模块、通用配置及服务调用, 提供了OA、CRM、CMS的原型实例,适合快速构建中小型互联网及行业Web系统 Framework 业务无关的底层通用机制及功能 Model基类:提供数据传输和底层的最基本的基类及接口 DAL底层:基于EF code first,提供Repository泛型方法及写历史日志 Untility:通用函数库,基本都全了 Web:复写MVC基类,及通用MVC控件(To construct a general background management system based on EF+MVC+Bootstrap integrated lightweight cache module, log module, upload thumbnail module, general configuration and service invocation, provides examples of OA, CRM, CMS prototype, suitable for rapid construction of Web system for small and medium industries and the Internet Framework service independent underlying general purpose mechanism and function Model base class: provides the most basic base classes and interfaces for data transfer and the underlying DAL bottom layer: provides Repository generic methods and writes history logs based on EF code first Untility: the general library of functions is basically complete Web: copy the MVC base class and the generic MVC control)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 41839616 Publisher : 叶文泰

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Using mvc+mssql for development. Code is the source directory, VS2012 is required to open DB can be appended to the database directory Database connection in the Code\ShortArticle\ShortArticle\DAL\DBHelper.cs file, modify the connection string can be.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 11097088 Publisher : 物莫之伤

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生成 数据访问层DAL ,业务逻辑层BLL,实体类models(Generate data access layer DAL, business logic layer BLL, entity class models)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 105472 Publisher : 辰凡

1、简单模拟了MVC模式开发 2、实现了面向对象编程的理念 附 3、程序只提供学习和参考,未经允许不得直接发布。谢谢!!!(BLL Common DAL Model UI)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 84539392 Publisher : Liu_

C#三层框架代码生成器(三层架构分为:表现层(UI(User Interface))、业务逻辑层(BLL(Business Logic Layer))、数据访问层(DAL(Data Access Layer))再加上实体类库(Model))(c# three framework code generator)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2571264 Publisher : 雨的晴天
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