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Ibatis框架三层架构项目源码(含数据库),直接运行就能看!项目分层为DAL、Model、Web! 你可以任意修改程序-Ibatis framework of the three-tier project source code (including database), run directly will be able to look at! The project stratified DAL, Model, Web! You can modify the program any
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 437248 Publisher : dfsdwo

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首先新建一个项目 选择解决方案-空白方案 其次 添加一个项目 选择类库 取名 MOD 数据模型层 再添加一个项目 选择类库 取名 DAL 数据访问层 再添加个项目取名 选择类库 取名 BLL 业务逻辑层 最后添加一个web应用程序 然后右击DAL 选着依赖 MOD 还有 添加引用 选project 选择 MOD 右键 BLL 选择依赖MOD DAL 添加引用 MOD DAL 最后web 引用 BLL 这样我们就搭建好了环境 然后开始编码 测试的时候注意DAL/DBHelper.cs的数据库物理路径的修改并编译 默认登陆帐号/密码:51aspx/51aspx -First, create a new project to select the solutions- the blank program Secondly add an item to select the class library named the MOD data model layer to add an item to select the class library named DAL data access layer and then add a class library project named Select name BLL business logic layer added last DAL and then right-click the selected dependent the MOD also add reference selected project select MOD Right MOD DAL add a reference to the last web references MOD DAL BLL BLL choose to rely so we build a good environment and then start coding test a web application Note DAL/DBHelper.cs database physical path modify and compile the default login account/password: 51aspx/51aspx
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 73728 Publisher : sdfgwaei

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自动生成访问sqlserver数据库的VC代码(包括Model\IDAL\DAL三层) 公开源码,比MengmaCoder.exe厚道一万倍-Automatically generate code to access sqlserver database of VC (Model \ IDAL \ DAL three) Open source, than MengmaCoder.exe and kind a million times! !
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 249856 Publisher : 曹云

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淘宝下载订单,并打印快递.主程序,不完整,供参考,类似于淘宝助手功能。-taobao download
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 50176 Publisher : wuwenjie

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brief DAL Implementation for linux.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 11264 Publisher : gonkuho

brief DAL I2C port implementation for linux.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : kiemenqing

brief DAL independant message queue implementation for android (can be used under linux too).brief DAL independant message queue implementation for android (can be used under linux too).
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : tieyecou

brief DAL com port implementation for linux.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : xermuiveng

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EasyFast框架是一个快速开发框架,包含轻量级ORM模块、 非DAL层事务解决方案(更轻松的用现有方法实现事务)、 参数化查询解决方案、Web层MVC解决方案。 源码中有详细说明文档 注意: 如果有报错可能是没有引用相关dll,dll都放在web层的dll目录中。 另外sqlite可能会报只读错误,属性里改成可读写就行。 开发环境为Visual Studio 2010,数据库为SqLite,数据库文件在 Web/App_Data文件夹中附加就行。-EasyFast framework is a framework for rapid development, including the lightweight ORM module, non-DAL layer transaction solutions (easier to achieve with existing methods Affairs), parameterized queries, solutions, Web layer MVC solution. Source code Detailed documentation NOTE: If there is no reference to the relevant error may dll, dll are placed in the web tier dll directory. Also sqlite may report read errors, attribute can be read into the line. Development environment for Visual Studio 2010, database SqLite, the database file in the Web/App_Data folder, attach the line.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 25262080 Publisher : 李泽

这是一个全面的三层架构案例,用VS2010的C#语言编写,有Model层,DAL层,BLL层,UI层。-This is a case of the triple layer constructure with Model layer,DAL layer,BLL layer and UI layer, which is developed by VS2010 C# language.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 65536 Publisher : wanghuaqiu

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用于三层结构的asp.net链接oracle数据库的DAL源码-DAL of,which connet Oracle.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : zhang

CodematicDemoMVC示例源码 CodematicDemoMVC 是一个基于三层架构的MVC模式应用的完整示例项目源码,基于 3.5开发, 结构更简洁,提供更多有效的示例源码参考。 方便用户更好的理解和使用该架构进行开发,配合动软.Net代码生成器,可以使开发效率事半功倍,倍感轻松。 该项目涉及如下几项要点应用: 1) 基于标准的三层结构。 2) 表示层采用MVC模式。 3) 数据的增、删、改、查操作。 4) 列表数据显示及分页处理。 5) Linq的应用等。 ****************************************************** Lib:公用类库 BLL: 业务层 Model: 数据实体 DAL: 数据层 WebMVC: 表示层 DB_51aspx下为Sql2005数据库,附加即可 默认管理帐号/密码:51aspx/51aspx 通过对MVC的学习,我们可以看到MVC有如下特点: 1) 业务处理与显示分离:ASPX页面与CS代码彻底分离。更好的复用和维护。 2) 服务器端的表单控件不再被提倡使用,取而代之使用传统的input,或直接让Html.TextBox生成控件标签。 3) 没有了事件驱动模型。在ASP.NET MVC中,当某个按钮被点击,你不要再习惯性想到应该在相应的aspx.cs中有个Click处理方法,你应该想到的是该有某个Controller中有个Action来处理这个事件。 4) 没有了数据绑定。如果你习惯了GridView的数据绑定,在ASP.NET MVC中则需要改变思路,你自己动手解决。 5) 增加了地址重写。MVC的Routing组件让我们可以很好的进行URL路由处理。 6) 总体来看,可以理解MVC是基于Web Form的一种编程方式模型扩展,是一种表示层的编程模型方案。 作者:李天平
Update : 2013-06-20 Size : 2089753 Publisher :

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equals操作表示的两个变量是否是对同一个对象的引用,即堆中的内容是否相同。-equals operation indicates whether two variables reference the same object, which is the same as the contents of the heap.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10240 Publisher : 何小辉

* 数据库(文本) ↑ DAL(DATA Access Layer) 数据存取层 --DLL ↑ BLL(BusinessLogicalLayer)交换逻辑层 --DLL ↑ UIL(UserInterfaceLayer)用户接口层 --调用 *项目需求: Demo (演示文稿) *调试:F10 执行整个方法 F11 执行单个方法 数据的删出 1.把数据导入内存 2.在内存中删出 3.把信息保存到文件(覆盖原文件)-* Database (text) ↑ DAL (DATA Access Layer) Data Access Layer- DLL ↑ BLL (BusinessLogicalLayer) switching logic layer- DLL ↑ UIL (UserInterfaceLayer) user interface layer- called* Project Requirements: Demo (Presentation)* Debugging: F10 F11 execute the entire method to perform a single method to delete the data as 1. put data into memory 2 out of 3 in memory deleted. the information saved to a file (overwrite the original file)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9216 Publisher : 范岷山

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BLL/blueFine/DAL/Model 三层结构内部清晰源码-BLL/blueFine/DAL/Model tier structure inside a clear source
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 172032 Publisher : 范岷山

C#代码生成器,modle层、dal层以及bll层-C# code generator, modle layer, dal and bll layer layer
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 566272 Publisher : 蔡雪

In this work the interaction forces between linear Halbach arrays are analytically calculated thanks to our recent development 3D exact calculation of forces between two cuboï dal magnets with parallel and perpendicular magnetization. We essentially describe the way to separately calculate the forces between two magnets, between one magnet and a Halbach array and between two Halbach systems - In this work the interaction forces between linear Halbach arrays are analytically calculated thanks to our recent development 3D exact calculation of forces between two cuboï dal magnets with parallel and perpendicular magnetization. We essentially describe the way to separately calculate the forces between two magnets, between one magnet and a Halbach array and between two Halbach systems
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 272384 Publisher : 小兵

三层代码生成器 大家都知道 在 中大量用到三层 现在这个工具就是写三层用的-Dal BlL Ui Model Codesmith
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 70656 Publisher : conna.xia

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某牛人总结的关于连接数据库的类文件DAL,调用使用方便,避免了代码重复。-Summary of a cow on connecting to the database class file DAL, call easy to use, to avoid code duplication.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : ywz

Provider Independent Data Access Layer in VB.Net. Uses shared ProviderFactory object and supports multiple DAL instances for simultaneous database access.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 26624 Publisher : Mike S.
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