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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8765440 Publisher : 羽微晴

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Project Title : Employee Attendance & Leave Tracking System Technology : Java,DB4O
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31744 Publisher : hari

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Basic Recipes. Dhokla Flour Ingredients 4 cups rice 2 cups bengalgram dal (channa dal) 1 cup urad dal Method Wash and soak in plenty of water for 2-3 hours.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 126976 Publisher : naaz

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Low Fat Recipes. Tandoori Chicken 65 Ginger Chicken Chilly Chicken Pepper Chicken Szechwan Chicken Chicken Lollipop Kadhai Chicken Butter Chicken Murg Do Piaza Chicken Korma Murg Musallam Chicken Tikka Chicken Legs Mughlai Chicken Mutton Do Piaza Mutton Curry Kaleji Fry Roghan Josh Mutton Chilly Fry Dhania Keema Mutton Kofta Mutton Brain Curry Mutton Chops Mutton Tikka Keema Matar Haleem Seekh Kabab Beef Steaks Dal Gosht Shami Kabab Egg Curry Egg Vandaloo Fish Fry Fish Curry Tandoori Fish Spicy Fish Grilled Fish Chicken Biryani Hyderabadi Biryani-Low Fat Recipes. Tandoori Chicken Chicken 65 Ginger Chicken Chilly Chicken Pepper Chicken Szechwan Chicken Chicken Lollipop Kadhai Chicken Butter Chicken Murg Do Piaza Chicken Korma Murg Musallam Chicken Tikka Chicken Legs Mughlai Chicken Mutton Do Piaza Mutton Curry Kaleji Fry Roghan Josh Mutton Chilly Fry Dhania Keema Mutton Kofta Mutton Brain Curry Mutton Chops Mutton Tikka Keema Matar Haleem Seekh Kabab Beef Steaks Dal Gosht Shami Kabab Egg Curry Egg Vandaloo Fish Fry Fish Curry Tandoori Fish Spicy Fish Grilled Fish Chicken Biryani Hyderabadi Biryani
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 443392 Publisher : naaz

授课计划申报管理系统(含文档),采用多层架构开发 DAL Data Access Layer 数据连接层 BLL Buessniss Logical Layer 业务逻辑层 UI User Interface 用户交互层(表示) 说明:上面菜单栏中选项与左侧导航栏中是“一对多”的关系,对应关系如: 课程信息管理: 课程一般信息,授课计划。 教室资源管理: 资源种类,资源位置,基本信息,资源查询,资源申请。 系部信息管理: 系部信息。 教师信息管理: 基本信息,密码修改。-Lesson Plan Report Management System (including documents), using multi-tier architecture development DAL Data Access Layer Data Link Layer BLL Buessniss Logical Layer Business Logic Layer UI User Interface user interaction layer (indicated) Note: The above menu bar options and the left navigation bar is " one to many" relationship, correspondence, such as: Course Information Management: Course general information, lesson plans. Classroom resource management: resource types, resource location, basic information, resources, information, resource requests. Department of the Ministry of Information Management: Department of the Ministry of Information. Teacher Information Management: basic information, password changes.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3309568 Publisher : FSDF

OTOMATİ K KONUŞ MA TANIMA ALGORİ TMALARININ UYGULAMALARI Kö ksal Ö CAL Ankara Ü niversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Elektronik Mühendisliğ i Anabilim Dalı Danı ş man : Yrd. Doç . Dr. H. Gö khan İ LK Bu ç alı ş mada, SMM (Saklı Markov Model) tabanlı izole bir kelime tanı ma sistemi geliş tirilerek, sesin akustik parametreleri LPC (Linear Predictive Coding), LPCC (LPC Cepstrum), CEPS (Ayrı k Fourier dö nüş ümü tabanlı cepstrum) ve MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) ‘nin konuş macı dan bağ ı msı z konuş ma tanı ma sistemlerindeki performansları değ erlendirilmiş tir. Değ iş ik akustik parametrelerle birlikte değ iş ik S-OTOMATİ K KONUŞ MA TANIMA ALGORİ TMALARININ UYGULAMALARI Kö ksal Ö CAL Ankara Ü niversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Elektronik Mühendisliğ i Anabilim Dalı Danı ş man : Yrd. Doç . Dr. H. Gö khan İ LK Bu ç alı ş mada, SMM (Saklı Markov Model) tabanlı izole bir kelime tanı ma sistemi geliş tirilerek, sesin akustik parametreleri LPC (Linear Predictive Coding), LPCC (LPC Cepstrum), CEPS (Ayrı k Fourier dö nüş ümü tabanlı cepstrum) ve MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) ‘nin konuş macı dan bağ ı msı z konuş ma tanı ma sistemlerindeki performansları değ erlendirilmiş tir. Değ iş ik akustik parametrelerle birlikte değ iş ik SMM
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1241088 Publisher : strike

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MVC多层分页演示程序源码 该程序通过socan代码生成器生成底层DAL、BLL、Model、IDAL等,通过该示例对研究三层的使用很有帮助,关于详细说明请参照代码佩文 数据库操作使用SqlHelper 该程序采用VS2005+Sql2000数据库(DB_51aspx下为数据库文件,附加即可)-MVC Multi-page demo program source code of the program through the socan code generator generates the underlying DAL, BLL, Model, IDAL and so on, through the example of the use of three very useful for research on the details please refer to the code Pavin database operations to use SqlHelper The program uses VS2005+ Sql2000 database (DB_51aspx under the database files, additional required)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1168384 Publisher : lazapple

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Ibatis框架三层架构项目源码 Ibatis框架三层架构项目源码(含数据库),直接运行就能看!项目分层为DAL、Model、Web! -Ibatis framework of the three-tier project source Ibatis framework of the three-tier project source code (including database), can be read directly run! Item stratification for the DAL, Model, Web!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 435200 Publisher : george

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自动处理获取的数据,将不通的分别记如不同的表格中,并建立不存在的表格-Automatic processing of the data, will be unreasonable, such as different forms were recorded in the form and building does not exist
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : xiaonini

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Ibatis框架三层架构项目源码(含数据库),直接运行就能看!项目分层为DAL、Model、Web! 你可以任意修改程序-Ibatis structs
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 159744 Publisher : fancy

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微软的标准mvc模式代码,学术评估功能,dal bll 数据持久层 数据访问层,逻辑层,用于教育 电信 医疗卫生 流程系统等等。-Microsoft' s standard mvc model code of academic evaluation function, dal bll data persistence data access layer, logic layer, for educational telecommunications system of health care processes and so on.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1232896 Publisher : noahxu

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BS架構的小例子,內涵數據庫, BLL, DAL, UI-Small example of BS architecture, content database, BLL, DAL, UI
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 164864 Publisher : xjc

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用于生成三层模型的的model,dal,bll层,本来还让它可以生成ui层,不过最近懒了没做下去了,功能还有待完善。-Three-layer model used to generate the model, dal, bll layer, would also allow it to generate ui layer, but not lazy to do so recently, the features have to be perfect.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 992256 Publisher : 小问

C# DAL层\BLL层\Model层\DB层自动生成 绝对实用,但又一缺点就是只支持SQL2005数据库 喜欢的话就给意见。 -C# DAL layer \ BLL layer \ Model layer \ DB layer automatically generates absolutely useful, but another drawback is that only supports the SQL2005 database like it give advice.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 273408 Publisher : bnm765333

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网络硬盘的开发代码,语言为C#。 1.可以直接打开项目文件以查看源代码。 2. 若不成功的话,读者可以新建立一个项目, 把该项目文件夹下的所有内容复制到新项目中, 也可以通过添加功能把所内容添加到新项目中。 3.把DAL项目添加项目下面 4.修改数据库连接 <appSettings> <add key="ConnectionString" value="Data Source=(local) Initial Catalog=Vote User ID=sa Password=sa"/> </appSettings> 把<appSettings>中的value换成读者自己本地的SQLServer服务器属性。 5.把“数据库文件”文件夹下的数据库文件拷贝到本地SQLServer安装目录下的Data文件夹里 使用一下命令可以完成数据库的导入 EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = N Vote , @filename1 = N D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\WebDiskDB_Data.MDF , @filename2 = N D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\WebDiskDB_Log.LDF 把硬盘主目录名字换成SQLServer安装所在盘名。-Network hard disk development code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1705984 Publisher : zyy

CodeSmith自动生成存储过程、实体类以及DAL操作类代码 C#,用于WEB开发。-CodeSmith automatically generate stored procedures, DAL operating entity class and the class code to C#, for WEB development.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 21504 Publisher : kuibono

压缩感知中利用增广拉格朗日方程解最小稀疏正则化的恢复算法-DAL solves the dual problem of (1) via the augmented Lagrangian method (see Bertsekas 82). It uses the analytic expression (and its derivatives) of the following soft-thresholding operation, which can be computed for L1 and grouped L1 (and many other) sparsity inducing regularizers. If you are interested in our algorithm please find more details in our technical report or in my talk at Optimization for Machine Learning Workshop (NIPS 2009).
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 13312 Publisher : liuyaxin

Exposing DAL as Web services
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 104448 Publisher : cameleon2011

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酒店管理系统(三层开发)源码 管理员的功能: 客房类型管理(编辑房间类型、删除房间类型、增加房间类型)、客房信息管理(编辑房间信息、删除房间信息、增加房间信息)、用户预订管理(对用户的档案进行操作、用户接待进行管理)。 DB_51aspx下为Sql2005数据库,附加即可 注意:Sql数据库文件需要配置的地方很多(如web.config、DAL/SqlHelper.cs、AddRoomInfo.aspx等,其中修改cs文件需要编译才能生效),请逐一进行修改或批量替换 默认管理帐号/密码:51aspx/51aspx-Hotel Management System (three development) Source Administrator features: Room type management (editing room type, delete the room type, increase the room type), room information management (editing room information, delete the room information, and increase room information), user subscription management (to operate on the user' s files, the user reception to management). DB_51aspx under Sql2005 database, add to Note: Sql database files need to be configured in many places (such as web.config, DAL/SqlHelper.cs, AddRoomInfo.aspx etc., which modify the cs file to compile to take effect), make changes one by one or bulk to replace the default administrative account/password: 51aspx/51aspx
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2224128 Publisher : wgl

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用C#写的通用数据访问层,很方便的使用类接口来操作数据库-Written in C# using common data access layer, it is easy to manipulate the database using the class interface
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : likang
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