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Windows 核心编程 第三版中的源代码,改编成汇编语言-core Windows programming of the third edition of the source code and reorganized into assembly language
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 131072 Publisher : 杨晖

在现在,Windows 程序非常流行,但我们要理解它的工作方式非常困难,这本“WindowsW环境下32位汇编语言程序设计”书有助于我们理解Windows的编程。-now, a very popular Windows programs, but we have to understand the way it is very difficult, this "WindowsW under 32 Assembly Language Programming" book helps us understand Windows programming.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 557056 Publisher : 王清华

很多时候感觉用搜索网站挺麻烦的,查阅MSDN的知识库后用C#写了这个windows应用程序版的google搜索引擎,主要调用了google开放出来的web service,不过搜索时速度还不是很快,但至少省去了右键[在新窗口中打开]的麻烦,以下是程序的源码. -often feel search site with a very troublesome to access the knowledge base after MSDN C# to write this application windows version of the Google search engine, Google called the opening of web service, but a search speed is not fast, but at least saved the right [in the new window opens] trouble, the following procedure is the source.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher :

原始的windows API参看大全,适合学vc初学者学习观看-original windows API see Daquan, suitable for beginners to learn science vc watch
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 150528 Publisher : autooy

Windows程序设计讲义。我们学校的上课的讲义-Windows programming notes. Our school classroom lectures
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2690048 Publisher : 罗白

华人做者袁枫写的一本很经典的关于"windows图形编程"的配套源代码-Chinese cheng, who wrote a classic on the "windows graphical programming" supporting source code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 16225280 Publisher : 张三

windows外壳扩展编程入门实例 关于Windows 外壳扩展方面的文章私心以为最好的应当算是Michael Dunn 的The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Writing Shell Extensions 我也曾想过所谓眼前有景道不 得崔颢题诗在上头既然已经有了这么好的文章我还来饶舌算什么不过转念再想文章 虽好毕竟是为Visual C++的用户看的对Delphi 的使用者来说似乎有点不公平我最初编 写Shell Extension 的时候用的也是Visual C++ 不过现在已经转而使用Delphi 觉得两者 毕竟还是有所不同因此就有了这篇文章算是将我的一些心得体会和大家分享 我最初的打算是将Michael Dunn 文章中涉及的全部内容全部转成Delphi 程序再加上我-windows Windows Michael Dunn The Complete Idiots Guide to Writing Shell Extensions What kind of tongue but want to switch majors article was, after all, is good for Visual C users the right to see the Delphi users seem to me a little unfair to the initial preparation of Shell Extension of the Visual C but also now turn to the use of Delphi or think they have, after all, we will have a different result this article I will be some experiences to share with you my initial intention was to Michael Dunn article, the full content of all to the proceedings with Delphi as I
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1221632 Publisher : 周临惠

作为Microsoft 32位平台的应用程序编程接口,Win32 API是从事Windows应用程序开发所必备的。本书首先对Win32 API函数做完整的概述;然后收录五大类函数:窗口管理、图形设备接口、系统服务、国际特性以及网络服务;在附录部分,讲解如何在Visual Basic和Delphi中对其调用。 本书是从事Windows应用程序开发的软件工程师的必备参考手册。 -32 as a Microsoft platform application programming interface, Win32 API is engaged in the development of Windows applications are essential. The book begins on the Win32 API function to do a complete overview; Then function contains five main categories : window management, graphics device interface, system services, international character and network services; In the appendix to the book, to explain how the Visual Basic and Delphi to their call. The book is engaging in Windows application development software engineers must reference manual.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 677888 Publisher : 唐壮

Windows网络编程第二版补充材料,包含原代码与书中没有的NetB方面的介绍,是清华大学出版的.NET丛书里的-Network Programming Windows version of the second supplementary materials, and include the original code book not NetB the presentation, is published by the Tsinghua University. The NET Series
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1346560 Publisher : 苹果

本书是讲述VxD和设备驱动程序的权威指南。主要分为两部分。第一部分(第2到第12章)讲述Windows执行环境和VxD。第二部分(第13到第19章)讲述基于DLL的驱动程序。本书几乎涵盖了设备驱动程序开发的各个层面,内容全面翔实,可读性较高。 -the book is about the VxD driver and equipment to the authority and guidance. Divided into two main parts. The first part (section 2 of chapter 12) about the implementation of the Windows environment and VxD. The second part (13 to 19) based on the DLL drivers. The book covers almost the device driver development at all levels, as comprehensive and informative, readable higher.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 132096 Publisher : 张小姐

本例实现了一个Windows资源管理器,该资源管理器具有浏览系统文件、目录,以及对其进行删除、移动等操作的功能。本例主要介绍了树形控件的使用,列表控件的使用,相关Windows API的使用,系统图标列表的获取,以及递归实现遍历目录等。-the cases to achieve a Windows Explorer, the resource manager with View system files, directories, and delete them, mobile operators and other functions. The cases mainly introduces the tree controls the use, list control the use of the Windows API related to the use, icon list system for the acquisition, and recursive directory traversal.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 417792 Publisher : 唐堂

Windows编程基础--窗体篇   现在Windows已经成为世界上使用最广泛的操作系统,这使得学习Windows编程变得十分重要.和学习其他 编程语言一样,我们也从一个最简单的例子开始学习Windows编程.这个例子将建立一个Windows窗体并在窗体中间显示"HELLO"字符串(见图1).      1.程序的开始和结束 和C语言中的main()函数一样,Windows程序是从WinMain()函数开始和结束的.WinMain()函数是在WINBASE.H中定义的,其原形如下:    int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd ) 其中第一个参数(HINSTANCE hInstance)是程序的实例句柄,这个实例句柄是程序的唯一标识.第二个参数(HINSTANCE hPrevInstance)是用做检查是否有多个程序实例运行,但由于Windows9X和NT(包括更高版本)是32位操作系统,所以这个参数总是NULL.第三个参数(LPSTR lpCmdLine)是一个指向字符串的指针,用来保存运行程序时的命令行参数.第四个参数(int nShowCmd)用来指
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 地方随

需要解压安装,能很好的学习windows图形学编程-need to decompress the installation, can be a good learning windows Graphics Programming
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 15207424 Publisher :

本文详细的介绍了windows环境下驱动程序的开发方法。-this detailed account of the windows environment drive the development method.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 171008 Publisher : 王飞

Windows Sockets规范定义了一套Micosoft Windows下网络编程接口,包含了人们所熟悉的Berkeley Socket风格的库函数;也包含了一组针对Windows的扩展库函数,以使程序员能充分地利用Windows消息驱动机制进行编程。-Windows Sockets specification defines a set of result list Windows network programming interface, which includes people familiar with the style of Berkeley Socket libraries; Also includes a group of Windows extension function, so that programmers can fully take advantage of the Windows message-driven mechanism for the programming.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31744 Publisher : yue

本书从简单的例子开始,逐步深入到windows平台汇编语言方方面面.汇集了作者深厚的win32汇编经验!-this book from a simple example, the gradual deepening of the windows platform assembly language aspects. The authors pooled deep win32 Series experience.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2820096 Publisher : 王宇

《Windows网络编程技术》附书源码 希望能给大家提供帮助-"Windows network programming technology," A source book will give you hope for help
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4089856 Publisher : 萨其马

介绍了Windows CE下对注册表操作的API函数的使用-introduced the Windows CE operating under the registry of the use of API function
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 25600 Publisher : 丁东

《Microsoft Windows CE User Interface Services Guide》中文版-"Microsoft Windows CE User Interface Services Guide," the Chinese version
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7512064 Publisher : 丁东

Microsoft Windows CE设备驱动程序开发指南 介绍了为基于Windows CE的设备开发设备驱动程序的过程。-Microsoft Windows CE Device Driver Development Guide for Windows CE-based devices device driver development process.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4526080 Publisher : 丁东
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