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这是《Windows核心编程》所对应的程序源码,希望对有需要的朋友有所帮助-This is the "core Windows programming" by the corresponding procedures source, and I hope to have a friend in need of some help
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 127186 Publisher : 丁建军

迎面飞行的物体一个类似飞行Windows的程序可以看看的,还不错!-the face of flying objects flying a similar Windows program can look at the, quite good!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 92608 Publisher : 倪立流

如果对Windows开发有什么问题的话,请翻阅PetZold的著作吧。在《Window程序设计》(第5版)中,这位杰出的“Windows先锋奖”(Windows Pioneer Award)获得者根据最新的Windows操作系统权威技术修订了他的经典著作——再一次演示了基本的Win32程序设计的API核心内容。本书的内容包括: ** 基本内容——输入、输出和对话框 ** Unicode概述 ** 图形——绘图、文本和字体、位图和元文件 ** 内核和打印机 ** 声音和音乐 ** 动态链接库 ** 多任务和多线程 ** 多文档界面 ** Internet和 Intranet的程序设计 其中采用的大多是具有代表性的示例,这本Petzold著作为使用 Windows 95、Windows 98或 Windows NT的各级windows程序员提供了最基本的参考和指导。没有经验的开发人员也可以从中获取大量的新知识-on Windows development if any questions, please refer to the writings PetZold it. In "Window Design" (Release 5), this outstanding "Windows Pioneer Award" (Windows Pioneer Award) winner According to the latest Windows operating system technical amendments to the authority of his classics -- once again demonstrated the basic Win32 API programming core content. The book's contents include : ** basic elements -- input, output and dialog outlined ** ** Unicode graphics -- graphics, text and fonts, bitmaps and metafiles kernel and printers ** ** ** voices and music dynamic link library ** multi - Treasury and multi-threaded multi-document interface ** ** Internet and Intranet program design which is the most representative example of this Petzold book for the use of Wind
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2983119 Publisher : 刘建国

windows编程帮助文件,基于c和汇编部分。-help files, for the c and part of the compilation.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3076770 Publisher : 司马星空

用Delphi开发一个简单Windows NT Service的范例.rar-with a simple Windows NT Service model. Rar
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 221293 Publisher : 11

在Delphi中使用Windows的HTML联机说明档的例子.rar-in Delphi Windows HTML help files online examples. Rar
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 236730 Publisher : 11

图象文件格式Windows编程 张维谷著解析图像文件格式-image file format Windows programming Zhang Gu Analysis with Image File Format
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 817922 Publisher : 汪友林

电子版WINDOWS游戏编程,中文版本有后面部分翻译不是很全面.希望有谁把后面的也翻译过来制作成电子版本-electronic version of Windows programming games, the Chinese version of the back part of the translation is not very comprehensive. Who put hope behind the production has translated into electronic versions
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 208996 Publisher : 白痴

在windows程序中读取bois内容,这对我们在制作软件加密和注册机过程中很有帮助-the windows read bois process, which the right in software encryption and helpful process Fillmore
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 47135 Publisher : 林秋秋

《windows程序设计》书源码。这本书相信大家都非常之熟悉了,就不多介绍了。-"windows program design" book source. This book I believe we all are very familiar with, not many introduced.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4869960 Publisher : xx

《WINDOWS程序设计(中文版)》学习windows编程的很好的书籍,chm格式-"Windows Programming (Chinese Edition)" Learning Windows Programming good books, chm format
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2983275 Publisher : 李宏伟

DL : 0
一个用Turbo C 2.0编的WINDOWS时钟,界面精美 -超酷,值得学习和参考-a Turbo C 2.0 with the Windows series clock interface beautifully-cool, it is worth learning and reference
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 66238 Publisher : 陈明

《Windows下的C/C++高级编程》的光盘,SDK入门,是学好MFC的知识准备-"Windows C / C Advanced Programming" CD-ROM entry SDK is the study of knowledge ready MFC
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 876199 Publisher : zwl

windows多线程编程dos版本改版本在windows consel下实现-windows multithreaded programming dos version changed version of the windows under consel
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 23389 Publisher : 王刚

windows多线程编程,利用mfc的方式实现。与dos版本可互补。-windows multithreaded programming, using mfc ways. Dos version and complement each other.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13464 Publisher : 王刚

「到 Petzold 的书中找找」仍然是解决 Windows 程式开发各种疑难杂症时的灵丹妙药。在第五版的《Windows 程式开发设计指南》中,作者身违背受敬重的 Windows Pioneer Award(Windows 开路先锋奖)得主,依据最新版本 Windows 作业系统,以可靠的取材资料校定这一本经典之作一再一次深入探索了 Win32 程式设计介面的根本重心。 -"Petzold book room" is still Windows programs to solve various problems for Taiwan's development when a panacea. The fifth edition of the "Windows programs to develop design guidelines," the authors who violated respected Windows Pioneer Award (Windows pioneer Award) winner, based on the latest version of the Windows operating system, based on reliable information determined that the classics again for an in-depth exploration of Win32 programming interfaces the fundamental focus.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2983162 Publisher : 李昊

开发Windows 2000_XP下的防火墙!想搞防火墙的看看吧!里面写得真是不错!-2000_XP under Windows firewall! Wanting to look at the firewall! They write really good!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 81338 Publisher : 叶枫

Microsoft Windows使用者介面開發手冊-Microsoft Windows user interface development Manual
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2124534 Publisher :

Programming Windows程式開發設計指南-Programming Windows programs to develop design guidelines
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1567984 Publisher :

通用控件是微软产品里很重要的一部分,尤其对许多 Windows 第三方产品开发者来说,但有时候开发者想在这么多通用控件里找个合适的,并有详细资料的却并不容易,本书就经常提出的问题进行了一些讨论,希望对 Windows 程序开发有所帮助。-common control products that Microsoft is a very important part, particularly for many Windows third-party product developers, but sometimes developers to the many common controls Lane to find suitable, and detailed information is not easy, this book often on the subject of some discussion, and I hope to Windows developers some help.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1977213 Publisher : 李昊
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