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用vc6.0开发的,利用Winsock实现的HTTP代理。功能很简单,就只能实现HTPP会话的转发。目前只考虑了Get命令的转发和处理,默认端口5050。-vc6.0 development with the use of Winsock HTTP proxy. Very simple function, it can only achieve HTPP conversation transponders. Currently only considered Get transponders and orders, the default port 5050.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 209648 Publisher : 周雪强

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 31127 Publisher : 刘冬冬

用VC6.0制作控制面板应用程序-with VC6.0 production control panel applications
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16123 Publisher :

这是一个完全用VC6.0写的聊天系统.能够实现聊天的全部功能.-This is a completely written using VC6.0 chat system. To achieve full functionality of the chat.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 131438 Publisher : 张强

提供在vc6.0环境下的界面闪烁问题,是你的编程界面更具有亲和力,请你试试看。-provide vc6.0 environment interface Flicker, your programming interface more friendly, you try.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1429 Publisher : 杨军

DL : 3
MFC类库详解 开发VC6.0++应用程序必备资料
Update : 2010-02-28 Size : 1444975 Publisher : freeb0y

Update : 2011-03-07 Size : 6929016 Publisher : hainei

vc6.0中文运行库参考手册-Chinese vc6.0 runtime reference manual
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8844288 Publisher : 吴玉

用VC6.0实现漂亮的自定义多功能提示窗口-with VC6.0 achieve beautiful custom multifunctional prompt window
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 58368 Publisher : 崔振峰

DL : 0
VC类库参考手册-VC library reference manual
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4218880 Publisher : 彭远伦

vc6.0编程助手最新版,比6.0好用的多,而且这个crack版本没有任何问题。 用这个东西做vc6代码绝对的方便快捷-vc6.0 programming assistant latest version, 6.0 more user-friendly, but the crack version, there is no problem. Using this code vc6 things done absolutely convenient
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5315584 Publisher :

DL : 0
VC 6.0 助手,方便编程,减少很多编程工作。智能性好,适合用于VC 6.0编辑器。-Assistant VC 6.0 to facilitate the programming, reducing a lot of programming. Smart is good, suitable for use in VC 6.0 Editor.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5401600 Publisher : 温清林

DL : 0
以前找到的一本电子书,全名叫做《VC++6.0从入门到精通》。希望对大家有用-Previously found an e-book, full name is called " VC++6.0 from entry to the master." Want to be useful to everyone
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 12935168 Publisher : weni23

VC6下用cmake配置VTK图文教程——很多人在VC6.0环境下用CMAkE进行配置出错,自己在参考网上教程进行VTK配置时出现了一些小问题,决定做一个图文并茂的教程出来。-Configure VTK with cmake under VC6 Photo Tutorial- many people in the VC6.0 environment configured with CMAkE error, their online tutorials in the reference configuration for VTK there are some minor problems, decided to do an illustrated tutorial out.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 617472 Publisher : wanwei

VC6.0精简版,去掉了debugger和一些编程初学者不太用的功能,无疑是入门编程的好帮手(VC6.0 simplified edition)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 15549440 Publisher : greenday12138

VC6.0编程。数据库开发。网络通讯开发。socket编程开友。图书馆图书管理。(VC6.0 program. net communication program. database program. socket communication program. library book managing.)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 39884800 Publisher : wpz888

如,玩家需要根据9×9盘面上的已知数字,推理出所有剩余空格的数字,并满足每一行、每一列、 每一个同色九宫内的数字均含1-9,不重复。 数独的答案都是唯一的,所以,多个解也称为无解。 本图的数字据说是芬兰数学家花了3个月的时间设计出来的较难的题目。但对会使用计算机编程的你来说,恐 怕易如反掌了。 本题的要求就是输入数独题目,程序输出数独的唯一解。我们保证所有已知数据的格式都是合法的,并且题目 有唯一的解。 格式要求,输入9行,每行9个数字,0代表未知,其它数字为已知。 输出9行,每行9个数字表示数独的解。(For example, the player needs to deduce the number of all the remaining spaces based on the known numbers on the 9 * 9 disk, and satisfy each row, column, and column, The number in each of the nine colors is 1-9, not repeated. The answer to Sudoku is unique, so multiple solutions are also known as no solutions. The figures in the figure are said to be difficult subjects devised by Finland mathematicians for 3 months. But for you who can use computer programming, fear If the breeze. The question here is to enter Sudoku puzzles, and the only solution for sudoku. We guarantee that all known data formats are legal and subject There is only one solution. Format requirements, enter 9 lines, 9 digits per line, 0 represent unknown, and other numbers are known. Output 9 lines, each line of 9 numbers indicate Sudoku solution.)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : tl_real

Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31735808 Publisher : 六芒龙

很好用的GUI工具 非常实用 很不错。vc6精简版英文版(可以新建文件夹和文件不冲突)(The vc6.0 tools.sds sds dew fdse eewd dsaa eqw dda)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 17146880 Publisher : 王燕

VC6.0是兼容C、和C++的常用软件,对于刚开始学习的童鞋们是很好的软件(VC6.0 is a common software that is compatible with C and C++, and is a good software for children who have just started learning.)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31753216 Publisher : shiyuanyin
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