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c语言高级编程实例程序代码、按章放置; 光盘中所有程序在TC2.0或者在VC6.0下调试通过-high-level programming language code examples, according to the charter items; CD WITH TC 2.0 in all the procedures or through debugging under VC6.0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 642301 Publisher : yoo

进程调度模拟程序,在VC6.0环境下编译通过,包括相应的上机实验报告文件-scheduling process simulation program, the compiler VC6.0 environment, including the corresponding experimental report on the paper machine
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30333 Publisher : 张焕人

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算符优先算法中非终结符的firstvt集和lastvt集的求解,在vc6.0环境下编译通过-operator priority algorithm end of the Central African websites firstvt sets and lastvt Solution Set, in vc6.0 compile environment
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10534 Publisher : 张焕人

词法分析程序实现,在VC6.0环境下编译通过,包括相应的上机实验报告-lexical analysis program, the compiler VC6.0 environment, including the corresponding report on the experimental plane
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 91907 Publisher : 张焕人

此程序是经典算法LZW压缩算法的实现,具有较好的压缩与解压速度,并有较好的压缩比.在vc6.0环境下编译通过-classic LZW algorithm for the compression algorithm to achieve, the better compression and decompression speed, and a better compression ratio. in vc6.0 compile environment
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4989 Publisher : tqin007

将vc.net的程序转化为vc6.0源代码 procedures will be converted into source code vc6.0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37717 Publisher :

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VC6.0从入门到精通的电子书找了很就才找的拿来分-VC6.0 proficient from the portal to find the e-book is only to find on the used -
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3304250 Publisher : 涂世昌

本文档详细介绍了在WINDOWS下用VC6.0编译ORTP的方法,还有要用到的4个头文件-this document described in detail under Windows with VC6.0 compiler ORTP way still have to use the four header file
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30097 Publisher : 黄妮丽

* VC6.0下运行通过 此程序为本人苦心所做,请您在阅读的时候,尊重本人的 劳动。可以修改,但当做的每一处矫正或改进时,请将改进 方案,及修改部分发给本人 (修改部分请注名明:修改字样) Email: QQ: 272576320 ——初稿完成:06-5-27 jink2005-running through this procedure done for my intention, in your reading, I respect the work. Can be revised, but as the correction or improvement everywhere, I should be grateful if improvement program and to amend Part I (Please note some changes were that : amend the words) Email : QQ : 272576320 -- to complete the draft : 06-5-27 jink2005
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5901 Publisher : yao

没有采用短暂分离的方法的GP方法求关联维 G-P算法计算关联维的 Matlab 程序(mex版) 文件说明: 1、GP_Algorithm_main.m - 程序主文件 2、LorenzData.dll - 产生Lorenz离散数据 3、normalize_1.m - 数据归一化 4、correlation_interal.c - 计算关联积分的源代码文件 5. correlation_interal.dll-计算关联积分的mex文件 没有采用短暂分离的方法,该软件的C语言源文件使用的是路振波提供的 关联积分算法,在此说明和表示感谢! mex文件为matlab7.0版本,使用VC6.0的c语言编译器编译。 -not adopt short-term separation of the GP method for the correlation dimension G-P method to calculate the correlation dimension of Matla b (Mex version) documents : 1. GP_Algorithm_main.m-2 main document procedures, LorenzData.dll - Lorenz have three discrete data, normalize_1.m-after all, one of the four, correlation_interal.c-calculated correlation integral source code documentation 5. corr elation_interal.dll-calculated the correlation integral Files document does not adopt short-term separation The method, the software in C language source document used by Lu Zhen-bo is the correlation integral algorithm, In this note and expressed thanks! Matlab7.0 Mex version of the document, use Visual C language compiler compiler.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6975 Publisher : 许小可

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vxworks 在线升级内核的驱动程序,api,和pc机端的用户界面升级程序(vc6.0编写)-vxworks online upgrade the kernel of the driver, api. and pc-end user interface promotion procedures (vc6.0 preparation)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 971651 Publisher : marsky

MPEG-2压缩编码的完整源代码,经过测试可以在VC6.0中完全运行-MPEG-2 coding complete source code, the test can be fully operational VC6.0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 78264 Publisher : 魏文君

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这是一个symbian手机平台自动建立工程,自动编译的批处理,包括,bldmake,abld build一系列的命令可以自动执行,自动调出epoc模拟器,sisar部署工具,在symbian s60系统使用没有问题。前提是安装了vc6.0,s60-sdk,nokia手机开发套件(可选) -This is a symbian mobile platform automatically established, the compiler automatically batch, including, bldmake, abld build a series of commands can be executed automatically, Automatic transfer epoc simulator, sisar deployment tools s60 symbian in the system is no problem. Is a prerequisite for the installation vc6.0, s60 - sdk, nokia phone Development Kit (optional)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1084 Publisher : xujun

很好的求解骑士迷宫的的代码,可以在vc6.0环境下运行的c语言代码-good for the Knights maze of code can run under vc6.0 the c language code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2023 Publisher : 王玲玲

BT的客户端源码,使用VC6.0编译通过-BT client source code, compiled through the use of VC6.0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 89347 Publisher : 王伟

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VC6.0开发环境下开发的ATA接口控制程序,用户可以在图形界面下对插入个人电脑的ATA接口的硬盘进行一系列的操作(比如Load 磁头,让磁头进行寻道),该软件支持ATA3协议的部分命令,需要进一步完善).-VC6.0 development environment developed under the ATA interface control procedures, Graphical user interface in the PC, insert the ATA interface for the hard disk of a series of operations (for example Loa d head, head for Seeking), the software support ATA3 part of the agreement orders need to be further improved).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3847 Publisher : 刘明

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CryptoAPI加密例程,有详细注释说明,在VC6.0的console下可顺利编译 -CryptoAPI encryption routines, detailed explanatory notes in the console under VC6.0 smooth translation
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3076 Publisher : 刘阳

模拟文件系统,操作系统课程设计的心血,含详细设计报告(设计要求、设计思想、数据结构设计、实体关系图、数据流图、程序流程图、结果分析等)。界面友好,模拟MS-DOS命令行方式,并提供命令列表和命令帮助。编程语言:c语言,编译工具:VC6.0。主要内容:模拟磁盘(使用内存空间)、模拟磁盘空间申请、模拟文件目录、模拟打开文件表。主要功能:建立文件、写文件、读文件、显示文件、删除文件、重命名文件、查询文件属性、关闭文件。 -simulation file system, operating system curriculum design effort, with the detailed design (design requirements, design, data structure design, entity-relationship, data flow diagrams, process flow chart analysis, etc.). Friendly interface to simulate the MS-DOS command line, and to provide an order list and orders to help. Programming Languages : c language, compiler tools : VC6.0. Major components : simulated disk (using memory space), the disk space simulation applications, directory simulation, simulation open file table. Main functions : document creation, document writing, reading documents, documents, delete files, rename files, querying document attributes, Close document.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 138819 Publisher : 邹英斌

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1772 Publisher : iggcel

DL : 1
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4655 Publisher : 卢耀华
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