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ShutUp lets you automate clean-up tasks before shutdown. It can clean out selected history lists, eject CDs, delete the files in your TEMP directory, and run the programs you specify before shutting down your computer. It also lets you schedule reminders every day, one day a week, one day a month, or for a specific date any time in the future.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 178621 Publisher : 游志宇

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2664 Publisher : 江湖小虾

DL : 1
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 35887 Publisher : MAZEMIN

原理是每次开机时把e2prom里的temp[]加一 到(temp[1]>0x07)时死循环。 (在函数void Picture_Init(void)里)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3705 Publisher : wuxuemin

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1784 Publisher : xh

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 43215 Publisher :

DL : 0
1.运行GLNS目录下的Setup.exe文件,按提示信息完成安装; 2.运行“组件”目录中的两个安装文件; 3.打开“SQL Server 7/2000”的企业管理器,新建数据库“GLNS”,打开查询分析器,将“Database”目录中的GNLS.SQL数据库建表文件导入到GLNS数据库中; 4.在IIS中建立相关网站; 5.使用IE打开security/default.asp文件,输入管理员用户名和密码(系统默认用户:Admin,密码:Admin); 6.:进入“模块”管理,添加一个新的模板,模板名称可自定义,模板内容请将database下的Temp.txt内的文件内容复制到模板内容中,提交; 7.系统基本配置完成,现可以根据你的需要添加“分类”及信息。 8.添加完所有信息后,选择“代码”中的“生成全部栏目的JS”(这样就可以通过前台来调用信息); 9.如果信息比较多,需要分页时,方法请参照使用说明中的“关于辅助功能的帮助”中的“页面静态化系统”相关设置
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1431893 Publisher : macson

Atmel mcu temp H bridge exampe
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 215612 Publisher : jefferliu

1、本程式无须安装。 2、请将HELP文件与软件置于同一文件夹下。 3、请将TEMP文件夹拷贝至D盘根目录下 4、报表生成请另存 5、谢谢使用,本软件归李莉所有。-one, the programs do not need to install. Two, please HELP documents and software under the same folder. 3, I would be grateful if the TEMP folder copy to D NOTE 4 under, Report Generation Please Save 5, thank you use the software under all Li Li.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 483916 Publisher : 李高平

DL : 0
Type Classification Code [英汉计算机大词典] n.分类码 :main.m (program control)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)plotimg.m (plots划分 images)dirImg.m (computes the directional image)extract.m (extracts square portion of image抽取块方向图 - called by dirImg) slitSum.m (computes the slit缝隙、剖面 sum direction - called by dirImg)tileImg.m (tiles平铺显示 the image and computes new directions)averImg.m (smoothes the image)angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representationvector representation n.向量表示 )Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points)temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation相关、对比 Code:proj.m (program control)plotimg.m (plots images)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)normalize.m (normalizes images)corrfft.m (computes the correlation)-Type Classification Code [computer English Dictionary] n. classification codes : main.m (program control) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) plotimg.m (plots classified images) dirImg.m (computes the directional image) extract. m (extracts square image portion of the direction taken block map-called by dirImg) slitSum.m (computes the slit cracks, profile sum direction - called by dirImg) tileImg.m (smooth tiles show the image and computes new directions) averImg.m ( smooths the image) angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representationvector representation n. Vector) Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points) temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation related contrast Code : proj.m (program control) plotimg.m (plots images) discretize.m (con
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 841 Publisher : 丰逸

一个交通灯的vhdl语言实现 用 VC的  1.在指定的文件夹内查找某个文件      2.获取系统文件夹的路径, 要求显示windows system temp 当前目录的路径 C语言  跳马问题:在5*5的棋盘上,以编号为1的点出发,按日只跳马,要求不重复地跳所有位置,求出符合规则所有跳马的方案     1  6  15  10  21     14 9  20  5   16     19 2  7   22  11     8  13 24  17  4     25 18 3   12  23 -a traffic light VHDL language of a VC. The designated folders to search within a document 2. Access to the system folder path, requested that the current windows system temp directory path C language vault : 5 * 5 in the chessboard to the No. 1 starting point, the only daily vault and asked not to repeat all locations to jump to get in line with all rules of the program vault 1 6 15 10 21 14 9 20 5 16 19 2 7 22 11 8 13 24 17 4 25 18 3 12 23
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1407 Publisher : 小三

blackjack .........\blackjack.jad .........\blackjack.jpx .........\blackjack.jpx.local .........\blackjack.jpx.local~ .........\blackjack.oif .........\jad-temp .........\........\Main.jad .........\res .........\...\caidan.png .........\...\caohua.png .........\...\fangjian.png .........\...\fangkuai.png .........\...\gameover.png .........\...\heitao.png .........\...\hongxin.png .........\...\logo.png .........\...\message.png .........\...\renwu.png .........\...\welcomone.png .........\...\welcomtwo.png .........\src .........\...\com .........\...\...\dfun .........\...\...\....\blackjack .........\...\...\....\.........\ .........\...\...\....\.........\ .........\...\...\....\.........\ .........\...\...\....\.........\ .........\...\...\....\.........\ .........\...\...\....\.........\ .........\...\...\....\.........\ BlackjackServer ...............\21点服务端.exe ...............\BlackjackServer.jpx ...............\BlackjackServer.jpx.local ...............\BlackjackServer.jpx.local~ ...............\classes ...............\.......\com ...............\.......\...\cnhvc ...............\.......\...\.....\blackjackServer ...............\.......\...\.....\...............\Control.class ...............\.......\...\.....\...............\DataConn.class ...............\.......\...\.....\...............\House.class ...............\.......\...\.....\...............\HouseManage.class ...............\.......\...\.....\...............\Init.class ...............\.......\...\.....\...............\SocketConn.class ...............\.......\...\.....\...............\SocketManage.class ...............\.......\...\.....\...............\User.class ...............\.......\...\.....\...............\UserManage.class ...............\.......\...\dfun ...............\.......\...\....\blackjackServer ...............\.......\...\....\...............\Control.class ...............\.......\...\....\...............\DataConn.class ...............\.......\...\....\...............\House.class ...............\.......\...\....\...............\HouseManage.class ...............\.......\...\....\...............\Init.class ...............\.......\...\....\...............\SocketConn.class ...............\.......\...\....\...............\SocketManage.class ...............\.......\...\....\...............\User.class ...............\.......\...\....\...............\UserManage.class ...............\.......\package cache ...............\.......\.............\com.dfun.blackjackServer.dep2 ...............\doc ...............\...\BlackJack服务端设计书.doc ...............\...\com ...............\...\...\cnhvc ...............\...\...\.....\blackjackServer ...............\...\...\.....\...............\ConnManage.html ...............\...\...\.....\...............\Control.html ...............\...\客户端向服务端传递数据.vsd ...............\...\系统结构.vsd ...............\...\网络初始化.vsd ...............\src ...............\...\com ...............\...\...\dfun ...............\...\...\....\blackjackServer ...............\...\...\....\...............\ ...............\...\...\....\...............\Control.jbx ...............\...\...\....\...............\ ...............\...\...\....\...............\ ...............\...\...\....\...............\House.jbx ...............\...\...\....\...............\ ...............\...\...\....\...............\ ...............\...\...\....\...............\ ...............\...\...\....\...............\ ...............\...\...\....\...............\ ...............\...\...\....\...............\
Update : 2010-10-15 Size : 312348 Publisher :

//临时下载目录 private string tempPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\temp\\"; //未完成任务 private string fileTaskPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Task.txt"; //日志路径 private string logPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Log\\"; //下载控件 private WebClient MyWebClient = new WebClient(); //当前下载文件 private FileDown curFile = null; //启动时间 private DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; //下载完成数 private int finishFileCount = 0; //下载完成大小 private long finishFileSize = 0; //空闲时间 30秒 private int idleTime = 30;
Update : 2011-05-08 Size : 117731 Publisher :

DL : 0
一个密码小键盘的封装的动态库,绝对可用- A password small keyboard seal dynamic storehouse, absolutely may use
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 15360 Publisher : 陈永强

多线程Ftp测试网络速度,自己编写的一个小程序,要求测试机开通Ftp服务端口21,测试帐号有写权限,ftp根目录下有temp目录,Linux用的较多-multithreading Ftp test network speeds and prepare themselves in a small procedure that requires testing services Ftp opened 21 ports, a test account write access, ftp root directory under the temp directory, the more Linux
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 111616 Publisher :

1、本程式无须安装。 2、请将HELP文件与软件置于同一文件夹下。 3、请将TEMP文件夹拷贝至D盘根目录下 4、报表生成请另存 5、谢谢使用,本软件归李莉所有。-one, the programs do not need to install. Two, please HELP documents and software under the same folder. 3, I would be grateful if the TEMP folder copy to D NOTE 4 under, Report Generation Please Save 5, thank you use the software under all Li Li.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 484352 Publisher : 李高平

DL : 0
Type Classification Code [英汉计算机大词典] n.分类码 :main.m (program control)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)plotimg.m (plots划分 images)dirImg.m (computes the directional image)extract.m (extracts square portion of image抽取块方向图 - called by dirImg) slitSum.m (computes the slit缝隙、剖面 sum direction - called by dirImg)tileImg.m (tiles平铺显示 the image and computes new directions)averImg.m (smoothes the image)angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representationvector representation n.向量表示 )Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points)temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation相关、对比 Code:proj.m (program control)plotimg.m (plots images)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)normalize.m (normalizes images)corrfft.m (computes the correlation)-Type Classification Code [computer English Dictionary] n. classification codes : main.m (program control) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) plotimg.m (plots classified images) dirImg.m (computes the directional image) extract. m (extracts square image portion of the direction taken block map-called by dirImg) slitSum.m (computes the slit cracks, profile sum direction- called by dirImg) tileImg.m (smooth tiles show the image and computes new directions) averImg.m ( smooths the image) angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representationvector representation n. Vector) Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points) temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations) Correlation related contrast Code : proj.m (program control) plotimg.m (plots images) discretize.m (con
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 丰逸

一个交通灯的vhdl语言实现 用 VC的  1.在指定的文件夹内查找某个文件      2.获取系统文件夹的路径, 要求显示windows system temp 当前目录的路径 C语言  跳马问题:在5*5的棋盘上,以编号为1的点出发,按日只跳马,要求不重复地跳所有位置,求出符合规则所有跳马的方案     1  6  15  10  21     14 9  20  5   16     19 2  7   22  11     8  13 24  17  4     25 18 3   12  23 -a traffic light VHDL language of a VC. The designated folders to search within a document 2. Access to the system folder path, requested that the current windows system temp directory path C language vault : 5* 5 in the chessboard to the No. 1 starting point, the only daily vault and asked not to repeat all locations to jump to get in line with all rules of the program vault 1 6 15 10 21 14 9 20 5 16 19 2 7 22 11 8 13 24 17 4 25 18 3 12 23
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 小三

货郎担 最短路径问题 用链表储存最短路径节点-traveling salesman problem using the shortest path Listless storage nodes Shortest Path
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 邵柏波

DL : 0
这是关于DS18B20的读写程序,数据脚P2.2,晶振12MHZ 温度传感器18B20汇编程序,采用器件默认的12位转化,最大转化时间750微秒 显示温度00到99度,很准确哦~~无需校正!-DS18B20 on literacy, data P2.2 feet, 12MHZ crystal temperature sensor 18B20 assembler, using the default device into 12, the largest 750 microsecond conversion time show that the temperature from 00 to 99 degrees, very accurate ~ ~ Oh, no correction!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher :
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